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you can call him BOB.
Sponge bobs and send to me.
Bob is dead?
Very tiny operation I'd suspect and with all the neglect, and churn, nothing is left.
Yeah I don't think it's a brand anyone wants to be associated with at this point, all the neglect sort of destroyed their image. Clock is ticking too, a lot of the people they rent infra from will wipe the boxes after 7-10 days of nonpayment so it's not like you'd keep any customers either.
If it comes to it, our NL stuff is in the exact same location, on the same network, in the same building as NexusBytes. I know the node specs are very similar.
Gotta get some additional capacity online there anyway.
Seems like deadpool is imminent. Tremendous shame has been brought to the family.
Thanks for that. Is it possible for those who are on the NYC sever to extract anything this way?
Yes. And his name was Robert Paulson

another update re: domain at smallweb
so, definitely funny buggers happening at smallweb, too
Selfie Support System. Whoever wants support, go meet him in person and take a selfie.
It is sad that @Zare kindly put the servers back online until Friday, but it looks like the old Small Web shared hosting server in London is offline. I do have backups - I learned that lesson a long time ago, but it would've been nice to have one last look at the sites and make a backup before they completely went dark.
Also, this is annoying in that I had a service renew about about week before this outage. I know I can file with PayPal. But, it is just sad that they were taking payments then when they must have known things were terminal.
Come on, no need to belittle NexusBytes and/or seriesn! Many of us loved it while it lasted.
Thank you! But: will pricing be similar?
No. I'm not going to copy the same pricing and put myself in the same mess. May be able to do a discount but price and plan matching something that has fallen doesn't really make much business sense.
NB user for almost three years here. I pay month by month, and this morning I received my invoice reminder through email. I do not have access to my files since last Saturday (NB NYC server) and there seems to be no hope for people like me. But, hey, they are still commited in sending me their invoice reminders!
I previously used NexusBytes for backups, but started canceling my services with them last year when it became clear through support tickets that Jay was no longer engaged.
I have one service with them on a yearly contract that hasn't yet expired, and that is still running. So not everything with @MrRadic at ReliableSite has gone down yet.
In general, I found NexusBytes storage VPS performance was quite poor, as it seems their nodes (at least in the New Jersey location) constantly suffered from high IOWait. I assume this is due to packing too many VMs onto too few CPU cores. I've had much better luck with InterServer and HostHatch on that score.
Yall need to understand that based on the history with Jay, there are more likely answers than "scam".
Not saying that I would continue to support the brand, but, there are a number of more likely scenarios for those who know his personal situation than him just randomly disappearing and laughing to the bank.
Since you know him, do you think he'll come back with the servers on again?
Plot twist: seriesn and MannDude is the same person.
I used to like reading your comments, learned a lot, and have some in-depth technical info.
though lately it just became more of trolling only, which is a shame, now I just ignore it.
Regarding Jay, I did business with him, and what I know about him is he would never scam anyone. in any way.
Yes also @cociu didn't scam anybody he just had some life difficulties.
If you really know both guys, you wouldn't put them in comparison. not fair at all.
NB was Premium service, premium support. cociu was a lot more of cheap lifetime shit which was a clear red flag to those who look clearly and not blindly greedy.
Its all premium until it pulls an exit scam :-)
Everything has its time
I don't believe Jay was greedy or trying to scam anyone, but at the same time, for me NexusBytes was never "premium."
Jay might have tried to provide good customer service at one time. However, the storage VPS services I used were never special in terms of hardware, network, or performance. I've actually gotten better value elsewhere, and would have left NexusBytes for that reason alone.
I can't speak to other services Jay was offering. Maybe the Web hosting or non-storage VPS offerings were better.
I typically try to stay away from doing this.