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NexusBytes' off the radar. Backup/retrieve your data!
Appreciate it is the weekend but a server down for more than 36 hours should be flagged to the communiity. Nexusbytes status page shows 100% uptime for all servers and for previous month - somehow I don't beleive this.
Response to ticket was fast (I waited 24 hours before raising)
We're working on it, and we're committed to fixing it as soon as possible.
But no updates - Nexusbytes is not the company it used to be - dissapointed.
see here:
start reading with page 1
I have 2 VPSes with them, 1 in NL and 1 in SG, which have been up for way over a year and I've never needed to engage support.
But just a few days ago, I noticed there were issues with Virtualizor - so I reached out to support.
They replied about 15 minutes later saying they're working on it, and then 2 hours later they reached out saying the issue was resolved.
As usual, resolution time will vary between issues but based on my recent engagement with them, at least I know their Support's alive.
there was the 1st reboot of my London ryzen vps from their side for the last 15 months yesterday.
unfortunately without warning or explanation by nb
I don't want to say anything i am using them for last 1.5 years without any issues but who knows what's brewing for future. I might shift my services from them to greencloud or buyvm depends on budget and location.
No issues here. I had an issue about a month back and got it resolved within an hour. Probably resolution depends on issue.
I did renew about 6 months ago because the service was good and has been till now. Shortly after, Nexusbytes went 'quiet' on here and the thread about Jay started. So was a bit concerned. Obviously when something is 'stable' support becomes less of a problem and resources get redeployed in other areas. The problem is how flexible/agile you are.
Updating of a staus page when these sorts of things happen should be a priority.
I appeciate weekend work is harder but if a ticket can be responded to promptly then a status page should be updated.
Somes VPS in LA are down for 4 days.
Well the status page shows
LA and London as 100% uptime over 90 days !!!!
So I think I can say point proven.
What statuses are those?
What's being monitored?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Link copied from the cpanel.
They point a camera to the world map.
If London is on the map, it's up.
If London gets bombed by Hitler and ceases to exist, it's down.
Well my point is, you shouldn't be relying on the heartbeat status.
For all you know, it could just be a ping/network monitor.
Which means, even when your VPS is down, or along with some others, but if the network is up, it'll still be 🟩.
Like I said, resolution time will vary between issues.
Yours could be an isolated issue, or just something that's impacting a handful of users, rather than something site wide.
Agreed - although at the top of the page it says
I totally accept that I don't know the status of the physical server hence posting something on here is (I beleive) the best way to find out if others are effected.
However I would also say having a 'heartbeat' and no notices is not really providing any benefit to users.
FWIW: my NB UK VPS (non-storage, just a normal one) is up and OK.
That is why I never understood monitoring 'locations' as whole. 90% of things could be down, edge router could be pinging - WE UP, 100%, green, we amazing bois - this is nothing more than PR stunt.
They might (or should) have something else internally that's monitoring all the VMs.
One way you can find out if it's just you or not, is to try pinging your neighbors.
If they're unreachable, it could mean a few things, like, no one's there (unassigned), firewall (blocking ICMP req) etc.
If it's pinging, well, at least you know you've got neighbors, you know they're online, but you won't be able to tell if they're experiencing the same issue or not
Shared hosting server: has been down for more than a day now and network status shows 100% uptime: You can't even connect to DirectAdmin:
Wonder what is going on.
Thank you - good tip.
I would suggest that your neigbours, while on the same subnet may not be on the same physical server (unlikely but possible). Also a lot depends upon neighbours security as they may not respond to pings.
But again I would say that if the provider provides a status page it should be relivant to the user and not just to show that their network is up.
How's the status of the network not relevant to the user(s)?
I agree that this specific status page does not help most of the time but not all providers provide an in-depth status report of their infrastructure by the way.
Some do, to the extent of showing the availability status of all their panels, hypervisors, APIs, Mail Servers, DNS etc., but this is just a heartbeat monitor, and nothing more.
Perhaps @Jord could shed some light on this, and maybe your issue.
Thanks to this thread I just realized I havent been receiving any emails for over 24 hours now...
But the email clients do not show any error in connection to for IMAP
@jord, any help?
Hey all, thanks for the tag @DP
This isn't a post that I wanted to write, however it has become abundantly clear to me both via this thread and my communication (or lack thereof) with Jay that this isn't an issue that I can solve on my own.
I joined NexusBytes when Jay began to experience personal issues some time ago, things for the most part were going well, tickets were being responded to and services were remaining stable. I did not gain access to core systems, only the ticket system for which I could reply to tickets.
I just found out that some of the UK servers with Zare had not been paid, and this is why they are currently offline. I am unaware of the specifics of this, both directly with Zare and any other potentially affected providers as I was never given the right access to manage them. I've tried everything to get in contact with Jay, to get him to pay for the servers, but unfortunately, that has failed.
I'm beyond sorry and regretful that this has happened, the situation overall was difficult to navigate and I did not want to push for access to things that Jay was not comfortable with sharing. In hind sight, this was a mistake.
I would recommend taking any backups you can, while your servers are online. For any other affected customers whose services may already be offline, I will continue to try and contact Jay to see if we can get these back online.
Once again, I do apologise, but only having access to one system, is preventing me from being able to resolve this matter.
If I can help in anyway please let me know, I will try my best.
^ Okey, this one need a new topic, sticky, on top - just like we had one for cociu.
Honestly, it's time to abandon ship mate. We love panda, but NexusBytes is beyond rescue. Also not sure if this was just me (and I might have missed smth), but I only realized now that you had only limited access to NB, that is to say the ticket system. Not that I had any service with NB left, but I assume some people stayed behind because they assumed you were actually running the ship/in control now with Jay just watching from the sidelines or doing whatever. I think it's crucial that you perhaps communicate this more clearly so remaining customers don't cling to some sense of " @Jord will be running the ship" if clearly your access (for reasons) is limited. (basically what @JabJab said; best to make a topic+sticky).
It's been more than generous of you to take this on, but something is telling me Jay is not looking or trying to come back at this point.
I have no updates either - not sure what’s going on.
Last I heard from him was back in July last year
Since nothing new announced i though it goes well, but it might be not.
@Jord Do you still get paid?
Oof. I wish Jay the best. Not going to divulge personal stuff here but he has gone through a lot in the past couple of years in terms of health and life events.
This is often a high stress and low reward industry and hopefully this is a one off thing that won't be repeated. He doesn't seem like someone who'd intentionally let something like that slip so hopefully Jord can reach him and get better access to manage the day to day.
I'm not surprised at all that you end up burnt by the man whom you tried to help; in fact I expected it - BUT: What you did is very much appreciated! And I'm quite confident that many here at LET share this appreciation.
Thanks also for your honesty.
Agreed. Although for the sake of fairness I must say that AFAIK my NB VPS (as of about an hour ago) are OK and working.
@jbiloh, @admins
It seems that the status of NexusBytes has reached a state that necessitates a warning users.
I'd say maybe not just quite yet. It's just one storage node, right? Could be that he's back home or traveling and let a renewal slip. Not that it's a good sign, but not really evident of a potential deadpool.
If more things go offline, or that node isn't back up come, say, Monday, then perhaps a disclaimer may be warranted.
Just a note if it comes to it and people need to take backups I will restore all servers and allow a timeframe for people to do so.
I’m hoping to hear from Nexus Bytes soon and resolve things.
NexusBytes showed signs of deadpool since last year, fools are those who still trusted their service. Back up ASAP and look for another provider.