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Tommorrow Finland electricity prices peaking at ~1.9€/KWh VAT 0%. - Page 5
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Tommorrow Finland electricity prices peaking at ~1.9€/KWh VAT 0%.



  • jenkkijenkki Member

    @stefeman said: Most of them were thieves and criminals

    You just don't know that during Stalin's time before and after the war there was a huge amount of crime. With weapons from the front. Most of the prisoners were criminals. Murderers, rapists, etc. Which liberal propaganda now passes off as victims of political repression. In reality, they weren't.
    In reality, there were very few politicians. Many people don't know that they were paid as laborers in the camps where they were imprisoned. The same as when they were free for the same work.

  • stefemanstefeman Member
    edited January 5

    @jenkki said:

    @stefeman said: Most of them were thieves and criminals

    You just don't know that during Stalin's time before and after the war there was a huge amount of crime. With weapons from the front. Most of the prisoners were criminals. Murderers, rapists, etc. Which liberal propaganda now passes off as victims of political repression. In reality, they weren't.
    In reality, there were very few politicians. Many people don't know that they were paid as laborers in the camps where they were imprisoned. The same as when they were free for the same work.

    Well, I'm sure the guards were paid at least xD But you are right. It was not death camp like the ones which Germany had. A lot of people did walk out there and the work was just very heavy on body.

  • jenkkijenkki Member

    @stefeman said: Well, I'm sure the guards were paid at least xD

    The story of Stalin's millions of victims was greatly exaggerated by ideologues in the late 80s.
    Liberal propaganda successfully uses it for its own purposes. Now many archival documents are open. Many prisoners worked in the camps for wages as hired laborers.

  • stefemanstefeman Member
    edited January 5

    @emgh said:

    @jenkki said:

    @emgh said: emgh

    You must have learned a lot. :smiley:

    Actual russian propaganda lol:

    I actually like Hamas more.. They don't even hide the fact they have bases under hospitals and shoot rockets from the schools or their goals about trying to destroy Israel and trying to exterminate all jews from this planet.

    Truely a honest bunch.

    Though of course this is the exact same thing which Russia is trying to do in Ukraine, but somehow they figured out a moral justification to stand on the high ground to do it all lol.

    Obviously both of these are wrong in so many ways, but that's irrelevant for fanatics.

    Thanked by 2emgh PulsedMedia
  • edited January 5

    Cool thread you have there guys.

    I'm just dropping by to say that @jenkki has kind of a point. Basic necessities being cheap is a good thing. Luxury can always be cut back when needed. Basic stuff can't. Admittedly i might be kind of biased due having spent (actually pretty good) times living on next to nothing and buying 5kg of potatoes (which you will then carry for 5km) for 1.79€ (crazy price when i think about it today) is way more useful than any kind of fancy electronics or car then.

  • emghemgh Member

    @stefeman said: Though of course this is the exact same thing which Russia is trying to do in Ukraine, but somehow they figured out a moral justification to stand on the high ground to do it all lol.

    Yep, watch the vatniks do a 360 explaining how bombing and invading a country serves the purpose of protecting their children.

  • @totally_not_banned said:
    Cool thread you have there guys.

    I'm just dropping by to say that @jenkki has kind of a point. Basic necessities being cheap is a good thing. Luxury can always be cut back when needed. Basic stuff can't. I might be kind of biased due having spent (actually pretty good) times living on next to nothing and buying 5kg of potatoes (which you will then carry for 5km) for 1.79€ (crazy price when i think about it today) is way more useful than any kind of fancy electronics or cars then.

    You are kinda correct in here, and I have to agree to some extend.

    Thankfully I don't need to migrate just yet, since I can still afford the same potatoes here lol.

  • emghemgh Member

    @totally_not_banned said:
    Cool thread you have there guys.

    I'm just dropping by to say that @jenkki has kind of a point. Basic necessities being cheap is a good thing. Luxury can always be cut back when needed. Basic stuff can't. I might be kind of biased due having spent (actually pretty good) times living on next to nothing and buying 5kg of potatoes (which you will then carry for 5km) for 1.79€ (crazy price when i think about it today) is way more useful than any kind of fancy electronics or car then.

    I think the conflict is based on @jenkki thinking that that's how people live generally in the west, meanwhile, the majority have too much money.

  • Had a nice argument while the mods were a sleep. Thanks guys, was a good thread, but we all know its gonna get locked when Arkas or DP wakes up xD

  • jenkkijenkki Member

    @totally_not_banned said: Luxury can always be cut back when needed. Basic stuff can't.

    That's exactly what I wanted to say, which caused mass panic and hates for several pages from the locals and their yellow-blue guests.

    And where they are, politics is one step away. :smiley:

  • edited January 5

    @stefeman said:

    @totally_not_banned said:
    Cool thread you have there guys.

    I'm just dropping by to say that @jenkki has kind of a point. Basic necessities being cheap is a good thing. Luxury can always be cut back when needed. Basic stuff can't. I might be kind of biased due having spent (actually pretty good) times living on next to nothing and buying 5kg of potatoes (which you will then carry for 5km) for 1.79€ (crazy price when i think about it today) is way more useful than any kind of fancy electronics or cars then.

    You are kinda correct in here, and I have to agree to some extend.

    Thankfully I don't need to migrate just yet, since I can still afford the same potatoes here lol.

    Well, those times are long gone. I very much doubt it would be possible to semi-comfortably survive on ~50€/m (well really ~100€ but i spent a lot of it on luxury items like internet access, tabaco and some rum) in a middle European country these days.

  • emghemgh Member
    edited January 5

    Frankly, is this even relevant? Who cares where it's cheaper to survive

    Personally, I'd like to have a better standard then that

    I'd ask myself: Where is it most probable to live a good life, own your home, afford what you need and want, and with some extra to have a good pension and to be able to travel abroad every now and then, to explore the world etc

  • jenkkijenkki Member

    What can be said. Our congratulations to the Finnish citizens with their prices per kilowatt. Keep it up and consider yourselves super rich.

    We'll stay in our poverty.

  • emghemgh Member

    @jenkki said:
    What can be said. Our congratulations to the Finnish citizens with their prices per kilowatt. Keep it up and consider yourselves super rich.

    We'll stay in our poverty.

    Yes, you're poor. You're most definitely poor.

  • jenkkijenkki Member
    edited January 5

    @emgh said: Yes, you're poor. You're most definitely poor.

    I want moar poor 0,01 or less

  • emghemgh Member

    @jenkki said:

    @emgh said: Yes, you're poor. You're most definitely poor.

    I want moar poor 0,01 or less

    See you in Amsterdam

  • emghemgh Member

    btw my electricity bill is like 30 bucks a month, I'm sure that'll make up for the salary here being almost 10x a russian salary

    so poor

  • jenkkijenkki Member

    @emgh said: btw my electricity bill is like 30 bucks a month

    I pay $2,5 per month without saving. Who are more poor?

  • emghemgh Member

    @jenkki said:

    @emgh said: btw my electricity bill is like 30 bucks a month

    I pay $2,5 per month without saving. Who are more poor?

    To compare that we'll have to look at net worth. What's yours?

    I'm 110 % confident you're poor.

  • jenkkijenkki Member
    edited January 5

    @emgh said: I'm 110 % confident you're poor.

    Sounds funny.

    If my bill is $2 and your bill is $30 for the same item, which one of us got the better bill?

    (Better mean less) -?

    I suspect your math has been a little off for a long time.

  • edited January 5

    @emgh said:
    Frankly, is this even relevant? Who cares where it's cheaper to survive

    Well, i kind of do. Not that i'd have the time for some crazy shit like this anymore but i remember those times very fondly. What might sound like poverty can actually be pretty great when taken from the right angle and having the option is a pro in my book, even if it's unlikely i'd make that choice again. In a less extreme version this can still be applied to simply free up more time due to needing to bring in less money.

    Personally, I'd like to have a better standard then that

    Standards... what's a standard. Sure, i like my central heating these days but depending on the circumstances having enough wood for at least 6h of fire per day can be pretty much as good if not better, even if that means dealing with 2°C room temperature for most of the day ;)

    I'd ask myself: Where is it most probable to live a good life, own your home, afford what you need and want, and with some extra to have a good pension and to be able to travel abroad every now and then, to explore the world etc

    The answer very much depends on the person and their circumstances, i guess. For a sizeable amount of people these kind of expectations would be unattainable (or at least very hard) though, i fear.

    Personally, i would be pretty content if i manage to keep what i have now (not exactly something that can be taken for granted in today's political/economical climate) and won't have to spend the end of my life in some chicken farm style housing visiting food charities to get by. Everything beyond that is a bonus.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • jenkkijenkki Member
    edited January 5

    @totally_not_banned said: f that means dealing with 2°C room temperature for most of the day

    We have -32°C outside for now. How we can heat the apartments with 2 bucks per kilowatt it will be real disaster. 2K will be not enough.

  • emghemgh Member

    @jenkki said: I suspect your math has been a little off for a long time.

    Bruh, you're just following your typical vatnik approach every single time. I asked for your net worth, and got a bunch of negative iq stuff back. Respond to my question or just admit that you're a poor vatnik (nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend like you're not)

    @totally_not_banned said: Personally, i would be pretty content if i manage to keep what i have now (not exactly something that can be taken for granted in today's political/economical climate) and won't have to spend the end of my life in some chicken farm style housing visiting food charities to get by. Everything beyond that is a bonus.

    I feel like you're selling yourself short, especially if you know servers and/or code

  • jenkkijenkki Member

    @emgh said: Respond to my question

    Which question? May I lost something since lot of your colleagues attack me the same time.

  • emghemgh Member

    @jenkki said:

    @emgh said: Respond to my question

    Which question? May I lost something since lot of your colleagues attack me the same time.

    Cry me a river

    I asked for your net worth, since you're saying europeans are poor and russians rich, you should have no issue confirming your net worth

  • @emgh said:

    @totally_not_banned said: Personally, i would be pretty content if i manage to keep what i have now (not exactly something that can be taken for granted in today's political/economical climate) and won't have to spend the end of my life in some chicken farm style housing visiting food charities to get by. Everything beyond that is a bonus.

    I feel like you're selling yourself short, especially if you know servers and/or code

    Well, maybe. I've been mostly busy with other things for about 5 years now but i guess from here on things might get more monetarily lucrative again, who knows? Still, i'll probably always be a bit vary of the future as there really isn't much security these days. So many things that can happen more or less out of nowhere and the government sure won't care about you or your silly little problems. Quite the contrary, chances are they'll make things happen out of nowhere and tell you to man up about it.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • jenkkijenkki Member

    @emgh said: I asked for your net worth, since you're saying europeans are poor and russians rich, you should have no issue confirming your net worth

    I answered you that I'd rather get my 500 bucks paying 0.06 for electricity than get your 2000 bucks paying 2 bucks for the same thing. And I'm not likely to change that. I wouldn't want to live in your country. I don't see the practicality of it.

    It's not the amount of income that matters, it's how much you give to your uncle per month.

  • emghemgh Member

    @jenkki said:

    @emgh said: I asked for your net worth, since you're saying europeans are poor and russians rich, you should have no issue confirming your net worth

    I answered you that I'd rather get my 500 bucks paying 0.06 for electricity than get your 2000 bucks paying 2 bucks for the same thing. And I'm not likely to change that. I wouldn't want to live in your country. I don't see the practicality of it.

    It's not the amount of income that matters, it's how much you give to your uncle per month.

    I already told you, people here don't make 2k, they make 10x your salary. They make 5000.

    If you'd rather make 500 compared to 5000, with electricity still being a very small portion of your income, with A LOT more to spend on nice stuff and save for the future, well, then you prefer to be poor and that's your choice

  • jenkkijenkki Member

    @emgh said: I already told you, people here don't make 2k, they make 10x your salary. They make 5000.

    How much do you pay for schooling and medicine? Thousands? Gasoline. Public transportation. Etc

    How much do you pay total for your apartment per month? Our prices are much much lower for everything.

    If you suddenly lose your job?

    What's easier, paying 800 in rent or 25?

  • emghemgh Member
    edited January 5

    @jenkki said: How much do you pay for schooling and medicine?

    Nearly free (included in taxes, rather)

    @jenkki said: Gasoline

    I don't drive. I find walking and public transportation much cheaper. If trains/flying dosen't work, I rent a car.

    @jenkki said: How much do you pay total for your apartment per month?

    I own it.

    @jenkki said: If you suddenly lose your job?

    I have enough to sustain myself for a while in savings.

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