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Tommorrow Finland electricity prices peaking at ~1.9€/KWh VAT 0%. - Page 7
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Tommorrow Finland electricity prices peaking at ~1.9€/KWh VAT 0%.



  • kaitkait Member

    @stefeman said: Source? Mine shows that the prices are released in 1 hour and 30 mins.

    Seems like the Baltic/Finland problem is indeed spreading to Sweden and norway

  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker
    edited January 5

    I'm amazed how well propaganda works although Europe is thought - or more precisely, considers itself - to have enlightened citizens.

    Just one example: oh, them evil Russians! Fact: "we" that is, our politsters started a brutal sanction war against Russia; end no, there is no discussion because they openly said so. "We" that is, our politsters wanted to blockade any and all energy and hydrocarbon imports from evil Russia - and now we accuse evil Russia of not delivering cheap energy. Tell me about logic ...

    "(Also kind of evil) Germany closed their nuclear plants". That's right on one hand but BS on the other because Germany never was a nuclear power country of significance. France e.g. had way more nuclear plants.

    But even that is kind of not the point. The point is that "our" european politsters, in particular the "green" variant, has willy nilly created the energy nightmare. Because, you know, "nuclear energy is bad!" and "green energy is good!". There's just a little problem: energy grids need reliability but unfortunately there's no sunlight at night and wind isn't exactly reliable as well.

    So: You close nuclear plants (instead of building new ones), you dump tens and tens of billions over multiple decades into fusion energy (which still doesn't exist), you shit wind plants all over the country and shit solar panels over the roofs and then you start an economic war with THE ONE giant supplier of cheap energy and hydrocarbons and you get ... what's described in the OP.

    Oh, and btw: welcome to nato, Finland! You managed to turn peaceful and fruitful relations into a marker on your country, a marker by the strongest military power in the world.

    And remember the mantra: in a democracy (which is good, even kind of holy!) politsters implement the will of the people. So it seems that the majority of European wanted unreliable and very expensive energy.

  • Green Moronity at play. Nuclear Power is clean, safe, reliable and low cost. Can't have that.

    I'm not sure. With competing energy in the free market it will always result in achieving results with the least money spent thus not being able to follow safety protocols. Watchdog entities are toothless once lobbyist become funded enough.

  • kaitkait Member

    @lowenduser1 said: I'm not sure. With competing energy in the free market it will always result in achieving results with the least money spent thus not being able to follow safety protocols. Watchdog entities are toothless once lobbyist become funded enough.

    We are not living under a free market :)

  • PulsedMediaPulsedMedia Member, Patron Provider

    @stefeman said: Its the same for them too. They are seeing us as idiots since we can stand the constant woke shit that is not present in Russia. You have to smile here and preach about inclusion and peace and understanding when kids are being raped at streets by random immigrants. If you talk about this issue or the gang/roadman issue, you are instantly branded as racist/nazi/whatever else.

    Woke mind virus is rot to society. Complete and utter rot.
    Makes you sick thinking how much damage woke, socialists and green morons are doing to our society.

    And this BS is pushed by all of the MSM.
    It's very easy to brainwash the masses into BS like this, all you need to do is repeat and whoa, look at that, now there's pink elephants flying in the skies! Oh you can't see them? You just missed them, don't you believe in the science?!?

    Speaking of dragging science through the mud ... People have started thinking in masses science is a religion and faith based system ... This is bad. Really Really Bad.

    @stefeman said: Its annoying since everyone here knows full well that you can't say a thing anymore without being crucified by the politically correct common opinion

    Yes you can say, and if you do not say something against it, you are part of the problem. Don't let them win by simply conforming. If you conform to it, you are causing it.

    Can you imagine how many of the "wokesters" are simply conforming because they were told to conform? Don't be a sheep, voice your opinions and act on what you think is right. Don't be evil just because people tell you to be evil.

    Do you think it's easy for us to keep our PRO Freedom of Speech, NO Censorship, Privacy truly matters stance? .... well actually, yes it is lol, as we have positioned ourselves in such a manner; But there's been a lot of tradeoffs to get to this position and constant work to remain such.

    @stefeman said: Note that despite all these, I'd still easily choose west any time over a lawless place like Russia no matter how cheap the electricity is.

    I would say depending where in the west. If you had to pick between the worst woke cities and Russia's bigger cities ... I'd probably pick Moscow / St. Petersburg for my mental health.

    Imagine living in San Francisco. You'd sleep on the streets, surrounded by the worst Woke and SJWs, sleeping amongst junkies, and thieves. There is no rule of law in San Franshitco -- They legalized theft under 1000$. It's a complete utter dystopia.

    A lot of western cities are in really bad shape right now.

    @stefeman said: No place is perfect, Finland is certainly not.

    Yes, our govt is so corrupted that there's no corruption at all.

    Far from perfect, a tax hellhole, socialism flourishing and now even a communist party.

    But right now i'd still say there's no other place i'd prefer than southern Finland to live at. On average things are really good still, you just can't earn too much etc. Everything starts and ends with thoughts of taxation.

    Never mind as business owner; Accounting cartel is insane. Accounting prices have skyrocketed 10x in the past 6-8 years, and they continue to increase year on year on like 20-25% rate. We literally pay more for accounting than transaction fees @ paypal, and the Paypal transaction fees are insane because we are registered in Finland and almost every transaction is "abroad" combined with the low average transaction sum.

    We could hire multiple part time employees even at Finnish tax rates on just what accounting costs.

    (oops got a bit offtopic)


  • 16,7 cents per kWh tomorrow.

    Its back to almost normal.

  • jenkkijenkki Member

    @bench said: I just found a photo of a typical jenkki vatnik sitting in front of the TV and listening to propaganda about the power of Russia in a shabby apartment with cheap subsidized electricity before the next "election" of the tsar

    At least you know what you're saying?

    Another khokhol mixing politics into his own shit? One still has to ask who is the victim of the propaganda from the iron.

  • @jsg said:
    I'm amazed how well propaganda works although Europe is thought - or more precisely, considers itself - to have enlightened citizens.

    Just one example: oh, them evil Russians! Fact: "we" that is, our politsters started a brutal sanction war against Russia; end no, there is no discussion because they openly said so. "We" that is, our politsters wanted to blockade any and all energy and hydrocarbon imports from evil Russia - and now we accuse evil Russia of not delivering cheap energy. Tell me about logic ...

    "(Also kind of evil) Germany closed their nuclear plants". That's right on one hand but BS on the other because Germany never was a nuclear power country of significance. France e.g. had way more nuclear plants.

    But even that is kind of not the point. The point is that "our" european politsters, in particular the "green" variant, has willy nilly created the energy nightmare. Because, you know, "nuclear energy is bad!" and "green energy is good!". There's just a little problem: energy grids need reliability but unfortunately there's no sunlight at night and wind isn't exactly reliable as well.

    So: You close nuclear plants (instead of building new ones), you dump tens and tens of billions over multiple decades into fusion energy (which still doesn't exist), you shit wind plants all over the country and shit solar panels over the roofs and then you start an economic war with THE ONE giant supplier of cheap energy and hydrocarbons and you get ... what's described in the OP.

    Oh, and btw: welcome to nato, Finland! You managed to turn peaceful and fruitful relations into a marker on your country, a marker by the strongest military power in the world.

    And remember the mantra: in a democracy (which is good, even kind of holy!) politsters implement the will of the people. So it seems that the majority of European wanted unreliable and very expensive energy.

    I thought I was the only one that understand this, thank you for explaining the propaganda EU Green crazy politicians

    Thanked by 1jsg
  • I hope the people will do something with this, stop giving them money

  • jenkkijenkki Member


  • And its not a smart move to join NATO if your heavily depend on your other noughbor

  • host_chost_c Member, Patron Provider
    edited January 5

    @PulsedMedia said: Green Moronity at play. Nuclear Power is clean, safe, reliable and low cost. Can't have that.

    This whole "climate crisis", "green movement" is all kinds of idiocracy (excellent movie btw!). It's BS pretty much.

    Pretty much this is our idea on the subject too.

    Why on earth did all of them shit their pants and for what?

    1 Chernobyl disaster - well, that was due to the way Russians treated Danger with Cheap stuff, and that was over 3 decades ago.

    1 Fukushima - That was due to 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, and it was pretty well contained actually.

    Respect for those that lost their life in these accidents, trying to do their job.

    I really do not get it. The major powers conducted so many Nuclear Tests in the atmosphere, land and under water during and before the cold war that these few incidents look like a joke, if we are talking about pollution how about those? nobody says shit about that.

    Like a spill of chemicals from a paint factory, lead acid factory, petrol processing or any other "chemical" substance manufacturer is safer, and those were in the number of hundreds, who knows how much of them we do not know to this day.

    Sure GO GREEN, burn who knows what in Power Facilities, and enslave the people with loans to the banks for using Photovoltaic systems, electric cars, and whatever unsustainable green energy ideas and experiments on the common citizen.

    I really do not think that electricity is the problem of the citizen of any country or the problem of small businesses. If that is the case, let's not pay taxes, as we are getting shit in return, a sorry, not shit, just even more $ out the window for what should/and was almost free/dir cheap 10 years ago.

    Welcome to the future, sit back, relax, all will be.... green and something :)

    I will wait for Tony Stark and he's ARK reactor, maybe that will help us all out. :p

  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker

    @host_c said:
    This whole "climate crisis", "green movement" is all kinds of idiocracy (excellent movie btw!). It's BS pretty much.

    Sorry, but idiocracy was a movie. Nowadays it's a documentary.

  • host_chost_c Member, Patron Provider
    edited January 5

    @jsg said: And remember the mantra: in a democracy (which is good, even kind of holy!) politsters implement the will of the people. So it seems that the majority of European wanted unreliable and very expensive energy.

    True, and all this expensiveness, not just electricity, turns you in a "slave", as you try to work your way throu life, and slowly start not to pay attention as you are focused on living out the next day, that you are not more, then a number on a spreadsheet for someone.

    I am not saying life was fair 20 years back, it never was, it might not be and sure it isn't right now.

    It seems to me, that after the end of WW2, European countries met the Banking System of modern age, exchanging one master for another one, only this one does not beat the shit out of you, just takes whatever you have, slowly, you have your so called "freedom", free to pay as much as possible for day to day things. Nice :D

    Thanked by 1jsg
  • kaitkait Member

    @host_c said:

    @jsg said: And remember the mantra: in a democracy (which is good, even kind of holy!) politsters implement the will of the people. So it seems that the majority of European wanted unreliable and very expensive energy.

    True, and all this expensiveness, not just electricity, turns you in a "slave", as you try to work your way throu life, and slowly start not to pay attention as you are focused on living out the next day, that you are not more, then a number on a spreadsheet for someone.

    I am not saying life was fair 20 years back, it never was, it might not be and sure it isn't right now.

    It seems to me, that after the end of WW2, European countries met the Banking System of modern age, exchanging one master for another one, only this one does not beat the shit out of you, just takes whatever you have, slowly, you have your so called "freedom", free to pay as much as possible for day to day things. Nice :D

    I would argue that we don't live in a true democracy and don't have a true free market. I would even argue that we never had anything close to it in the current modern age and that we are slowly drifting further away from what we had.

    Thanked by 1host_c
  • Eh lots of 'they bad' with digested words of politics. what I can observe from history is that we trial and error, inspired by flaws of the current meme. between memes at the end of the cycle things get messy and there's a happy peak moment somewhere right in the middle. at some point we become bored of the concept and want the next meme

  • host_chost_c Member, Patron Provider

    Yap, but hey, GO Green! whatever that means :D

    PS: Still waiting for that ARK Reactor, where the hell is Tony Stark.......

  • kaitkait Member

    @lowenduser1 said: Eh lots of 'they bad' with digested words of politics. what I can observe from history is that we trial and error, inspired by flaws of the current meme.

    Totally, we are now going downwards hard to destroy everything we currently build so that another nation can take over what we are currently destroying. The era of the west is done for.

  • @kait said:

    @lowenduser1 said: Eh lots of 'they bad' with digested words of politics. what I can observe from history is that we trial and error, inspired by flaws of the current meme.

    Totally, we are now going downwards hard to destroy everything we currently build so that another nation can take over what we are currently destroying. The era of the west is done for.

    It all sounds evil once you remember that moment playing with toys as a kid and apply destruction to rebuild it better. can't change nature

    Thanked by 1kait
  • PulsedMediaPulsedMedia Member, Patron Provider

    @stefeman said: Low end products are indeed cheaper, but we will both pay exact same price for high end products. It must suck realizing that even a street cleaner in poverty stricken Finland is making more money than some specialist would.

    The minimum you can pay anyone is around 10-12€ per hour. Total cost for the company minimum like +50%.

    No one wants to work for less because you get more for social benefits.
    It makes no sense to work for very little effective pay.

    @stefeman said: For reference and transparency, I make 3003€/m doing IT job.

    After taxes that's about 2450€ or less directly on my hand.

    Company is paying about 4300-4500€ per month for that too.
    Also you pay VAT 24% on almost everything, probably not apartment tho, so let's say on 50% only bring your net purchasing power to 2187.50€

    Pretty much 50% effective tax rate. Finland is so much fun!

    @stefeman said: Finland chose this knowing the outcome full well when we decided to cut our dependency into Russian energy and support Ukraine.

    The choices were made much much prior; It just added salt to the wound.

    Closing the peat industry completely? Yeah that was bad. They just shutdown coal plants too, closed backup power generation etc.

    Olkiluoto 3 was forced to be way too large due to approval process, so it has been curtailed by a lot. I think the original plan was 2GW? Then it was dropped down to 1.8GW due to being too large, and now to 1.6GW because it's still too much -- and i think there was even discussions to curtail it even further?

    All of this green moronity has caused these issues.

    The effect of the war and russia was around 1GW i think. Sizeable chunk certainly, which has effect because peaks are peaks; But it's not the majority of issue, just a piece of the total issue.

    What ultimately matters is the long term average electricity price, that has doubled in the past couple of years.

    @stefeman said: but I can never buy and afford to keep the cheapest used car from 20 years ago, or have the latest computer parts or mobile phone, or TV or basically anything relatively expensive like traveling.

    ~5-7 year old cars tend to be cheapest overall. You can get a decent car for about ~200€ monthly payment. Having a really old car is very expensive.

    But yea you live in Helsinki, so parking etc. means it's unobtainium regardless. Just how "they" like it.

    @stefeman said: No country is perfect. If I made anything less, I'd be crying for communist revolution with these prices here right now.

    To be even poorer, with even higher taxes, for having even less choice :D

    @jenkki said: They keep trying to convince me that paying 0.06 per kilowatt in Russia is a sign of poverty and paying 1.95 in Finland is a sign of wealth. That is, many times more is better than many times less. Apparently you have some absurd mathematics next to the propaganda that everything is bad in the neighboring country.

    The difference is, that electricity is still available to almost everyone despite and while they suffer, almost everyone can afford it.

    Besides, the month average is actually 0.098€/KWh, so not too far off from your prices. Finnish winter is brutal as usual.

    @davide said:

    @Mumbly said:

    There's are those two things called quality of life index by country and life expectancy by country.

    Mumbly, friendly speaking, if you believe in this staff you are an imbecille. And I mean it friendly. Now I know I have your attention, so focus :)

    The indexes aren't per se propaganda, their selective publicization or suppression in the media can be propaganda. The constituents of such indexes are arbitrarily picked among attributes congenial or contrarian to the western canons and are arbitrarily weighted for the purpose of producing an output that fits an expectation. The weights are "fine tuned" in fact, some might be "17% to freedom of the press" or "8.5% to satisfaction toward the government". There is no science behind any of this, the attributes and the numbers are picked at leisure. The purpose of an index is to formally express an opinion, and that's fine, but it becomes propaganda once it is picked by the media and is falsely called an objective truth or science.


    There's funny thing about our BBC counterpart YLE. They (atleast used to) publish annual media trustworthiness chart, which media is the most trustworthy in Finland. YLE wins this by a huge gap every single year. On fineprint you can find that YLE commissioned the study, from a subsidiary of YLE :D :D :D

    It's more close to a propaganda chart, which is the strongest propaganda outlet.

    Ofc they make also legit, non-propaganda pieces, and even counter arguments so the masses wouldn't realize it's propaganda. Just rinse a few % of legit stuff in there or counter arguments, 1 article out of 100 or so.

    @stefeman said: These two gentlemen were rewarded recently by Kremlin for "Defending the truth" when they came up with a theory that a famous place where people executed by Stalin's purges were buried would be actually a Finnish concentration camp.

    And here we got also to the fact that West and East both run just as much propaganda and manipulation on the population. Like 2 sides of a coin.

    Propaganda is just as prevalent, it's just hid better in west, most of the time. More effective, it's more believable. Then again, having not lived in Russia or China; I cannot say anything how believable it is for their populations -- they might have exactly the same opinion. Again due to propaganda, we in west like to point these out happening in Russia and China, but never our own. Same probably happens there.

    Hell, we even have our resident CCP Agent here on LET, who has been bitten so much by Chinese propaganda that he is extremely adamant on pushing IPv6 everywhere, so people could be arrested for wrong opinions easier, instead of masses. I'm not sure if he even realized himself the root of his religious zealotry.

    Populations and civilizations at the end are way more similar than people generally think.

    Thanked by 1lowenduser1
  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker

    @host_c said:

    @jsg said: And remember the mantra: in a democracy (which is good, even kind of holy!) politsters implement the will of the people. So it seems that the majority of European wanted unreliable and very expensive energy.

    True, and all this expensiveness, not just electricity, turns you in a "slave", as you try to work your way throu life, and slowly start not to pay attention as you are focused on living out the next day, that you are not more, then a number on a spreadsheet for someone.

    I am not saying life was fair 20 years back, it never was, it might not be and sure it isn't right now.

    It seems to me, that after the end of WW2, European countries met the Banking System of modern age, exchanging one master for another one, only this one does not beat the shit out of you, just takes whatever you have, slowly, you have your so called "freedom", free to pay as much as possible for day to day things. Nice :D

    Add planned obsolescence and "shareholder value", an euphemism for "limitless profit greed" as the only driver in most, in particular large, companies.

    I remember a time when artisans and companies strived to create the bloody best product possible, at least in relation to its cost. Nowadays companies often build and sell the worst ~ cheapest products that can possibly be sold and the "smart citizens" even like and celebrate that.

    I'll end with a scene from the idiocracy documentary.

    Joe: For the last time, I'm pretty sure what's killing the crops is this Brawndo stuff.
    Secretary of State: But Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes.
    Attorney General: So wait a minute. What you're saying is that you want us to put water on the crops.
    Joe: Yes.
    Attorney General: Water. Like out the toilet?
    Joe: Well, I mean, it doesn't have to be out of the toilet, but, yeah, that's the idea.
    Secretary of State: But Brawndo's got what plants crave.
    Attorney General: It's got electrolytes.

  • @PulsedMedia said: Hell, we even have our resident CCP Agent here on LET, who has been bitten so much by Chinese propaganda that he is extremely adamant on pushing IPv6 everywhere, so people could be arrested for wrong opinions easier, instead of masses. I'm not sure if he even realized himself the root of his religious zealotry.

    The case of IP != person still could be true. It's an improved means of communicating between devices after all. Tbh it sounds like escapism from going with the flow. It just raises the demand on IPv4. IPv6 is for the regular plebs so there's some duality in what you're saying. The real issue if some government can do better tracking: everyone's regular x86 is full of NDA, at that level tracking is already covered lol. Your free to not deploy IPv6 but c'mon

  • emghemgh Member

    @jsg said: Oh, and btw: welcome to nato, Finland! You managed to turn peaceful and fruitful relations into a marker on your country, a marker by the strongest military power in the world.

    Russia proved what it's ready to do to countries not in NATO

    So Finland joined NATO

    And the only reason why vatniks are mad is because they know that Russia don't conduct "special military exercises" in NATO countries

    Thanked by 1DanSummer
  • emghemgh Member

    It's actually incredible how Russia managed to make Finland and Sweden join NATO, two countries that just wouldn't budge on pressure to join before

    Nobody has made as much as Putin to ensure a long-term unified west

    Vatniks trying to explain how this is a win for Russia is entertaining, but most importantly, it shows that being able to think on your own isn't very common amongst the vatniks

    Thanked by 1DanSummer
  • kaitkait Member

    @emgh said: Nobody has made as much as Putin to ensure a long-term unified west

    I doubt we will have a long-term unified west, but its a W which we need to cherish.

    Thanked by 2emgh host_c
  • emghemgh Member
    edited January 5

    @kait said:

    @emgh said: Nobody has made as much as Putin to ensure a long-term unified west

    I doubt we will have a long-term unified west, but its a W which we need to cherish.

    Fair, and not the whole west likely

    Let’s just say he’s done more then most western politicians

  • kaitkait Member

    @emgh said: Fair, and not the whole west likely

    Not the whole, but we could make something amazing with a smaller portion of the "west".

    @emgh said: Let’s just say he’s done more then most western politicians

    Western politicians can't do shit, Putin did more good to us than our own politicians.

    Thanked by 2emgh jsg
  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker
    edited January 5

    @emgh said:

    @jsg said: Oh, and btw: welcome to nato, Finland! You managed to turn peaceful and fruitful relations into a marker on your country, a marker by the strongest military power in the world.

    Russia proved what it's ready to do to countries not in NATO

    No, Russia proved (a) what it's ready to do to save a formertimes friendly neighbour - and the native Russians ending up there - from fucking Nazis, instigated, armed, controlled, and financed by the oh so wonderful west, and (b) how worthless nato actually is.

    So Finland joined NATO

    ... and painted a big fat target marker on itself.
    And no, nato won't save it if push comes to shove, nato will (ab)use Finland against Russia, just as it did with others.

    And the only reason why vatniks are mad is because they know that Russia don't conduct "special military exercises" in NATO countries

    (a) I'm neither a vatnik nor mad. If anything I'm a bit sad for the people in Finland.
    (b) And with which weapons is the - now demasked - nato going to save Finland?
    (c) right now, if anything, the people in Finland suffer - see OP.
    (d) you are, of course, allowed to hope and wet dream of Russia being afraid of impotent nato.

    And now let me suggest to return to the topic. There already exists a thread for Russia-haters. Also let's keep in mind that neither the war nor the question who will go down in shame, Russia or nato, is decided here.

  • emghemgh Member
    edited January 5

    Lmao @ ”russia hater” & attacked to save

    Go invade deez nuts next

  • risharderisharde Patron Provider, Veteran

    Wow, well I won't be visiting the EU soon, can just imagine how much it would cost to rent a airbnb or equivalent with that kind of pricing.

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