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Tommorrow Finland electricity prices peaking at ~1.9€/KWh VAT 0%. - Page 11
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Tommorrow Finland electricity prices peaking at ~1.9€/KWh VAT 0%.



  • emghemgh Member

    @totally_not_banned said:


    Thanked by 1totally_not_banned
  • emghemgh Member

    btw @totally_not_banned ngl you do be a little suspicious

  • @emgh said:
    btw @totally_not_banned ngl you do be a little suspicious

    Have you been watching me irl or what???

  • jenkkijenkki Member

    @PulsedMedia said: You got to be Russian by the sounds of it.

    He just told a little inconvenient truth that doesn't fit your mindset.

    Only Russians seem to be telling the truth based on your reasoning.

  • emghemgh Member

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @emgh said:
    btw @totally_not_banned ngl you do be a little suspicious

    Have you been watching me irl or what???

    your crop top be cute

  • edited January 7

    @emgh said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @emgh said:
    btw @totally_not_banned ngl you do be a little suspicious

    Have you been watching me irl or what???

    your crop top be cute


    Thanked by 1emgh
  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker

    @Maounique said:

    @jsg said: They are decided on the battle field

    No, they are not. Like WWII was not won by the Germans who had the better weapons, but by the Industrial might of the Allies and the economy able to support that financial effort.

    Which effects ... tada ... the battlefield. Industrial might, economy, etc are major factors but wars still are won on the battlefield.

    @jsg said: and looking there I see the russian forces doing very well, and btw. their weapon systems too.

    Very well? At their huge advantage very well would have been to take Kyiv in 3 days, well in 2 weeks, not so well in a few months, badly to reach Dnipro everywhere in the first year, very badly to take Donbas and up to Odesa in 2 years, disastruously to take only the 4 annexed (so far) oblasts by now and a category of its own, the current state of affairs.

    As for the weapon systems bombing Russian villages and towns, yeah, if the current rate of conquest is going very well, then the weapon systems are performing similarly, so, very well compared to the expected Ruski Mir level.

    Premise error. You assume that this war is about a certain country; it is not, that country is just the "stage". But even if that were not the case, your premise is a risky bet; maybe the Russians (a) try to avoid civilian casualties (which is difficult in cities), and (b) simply don't have the goal of conquering nazigrad (aka "kiev").

    Enjoy this exception because that's what it is. Normally I do not discuss with fervent Russia-haters, among other factors for the reason that there will be a result and that result will be relevant, not what you (or I or anyone) think. (Plus, I simply don't care about your opinion. The opinion of someone who critically sheds a light on Russia is welcome but not that of Russia-haters).

    Have a nice sunday evening.

  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @jsg said:
    But, I have to be honest, Russia can be defeated e.g. by the german military! All they needed to do was to paint their leopards in rainbow colours and fill them with "diverse" trannies and pregnant soldiers ... and the russian soldier would laugh themselves to insanity and finally to death.

    Good thinking but i fear that won't work either as the solar powered tanks will likely run out of gas (pun very much intended!) about 50km into Russia ;)

    I see you are an optimistic German. Because in reality will not even reach Russia.
    Keep your optimism up, (not only) your country needs lots of optimism (i.a. as a replacement for working weapons and available ammo *g).

    On one hand I fully agree, but otoh this thread's topic is more or less directly linked to the war topic.

  • edited January 7

    @jsg said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @jsg said:
    But, I have to be honest, Russia can be defeated e.g. by the german military! All they needed to do was to paint their leopards in rainbow colours and fill them with "diverse" trannies and pregnant soldiers ... and the russian soldier would laugh themselves to insanity and finally to death.

    Good thinking but i fear that won't work either as the solar powered tanks will likely run out of gas (pun very much intended!) about 50km into Russia ;)

    I see you are an optimistic German. Because in reality will not even reach Russia.
    Keep your optimism up, (not only) your country needs lots of optimism (i.a. as a replacement for working weapons and available ammo *g).

    Sure, i am. When all you have is cynicism that kind of ruins your day, doesn't it? But my hopes are not so much centered around tanks but rather a change in politics. Currently that's not really on the horizon but at least there are some possibilities and i don't think there's all that much that can be really thought of as set in stone right now.

    I have a feeling the current wave of prominent thought patterns is very much past it's peak and who knows maybe it'll make space for some less masochistic agenda for once? Well, at least i certainly don't, so i'll just sit back and poke fun at the German military (i guess in some way i actually like seeing them fail - let's face it the thought of a working German military is a bit strange...) while i'm waiting ;)

    Thanked by 1jsg
  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran

    @jsg said: Which effects ... tada ... the battlefield.

    True, but that does not mean the war is won in the battlefield. Just that there is more or less land occupied, more or less destruction and death, depending on how much capability the Imperial system has to churn soldiers and gear for them. The war is lost long ago for the Empire, with all the propaganda wins, with cutting the aid for the Ukrainians, with more conscription, more war footing the economy, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and whatnot, the war can be prolonged, but the end result is not in doubt, if the war would continue, then the Empire would collapse.

    @jsg said: that country is just the "stage"

    That is true, of course, I am following the Official Propaganda Channels and I don't deny that the intentions are, indeed, going much further west than Ukraine, but there is one thing to want and quite another to be able to. The Empire will not get Ukraine, it will be stopped there, so the next steps are only wishful thinking.

  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker
    edited January 8


    If I wanted to discuss with nonsense believing and wet-dreaming Russia-haters I could do that in your disgusting Russia-hater and Nazi-lover thread.

    Follow your own advice and keep your BS there!

    And btw, contrary to your yapping insinuations Russia has no intention whatsoever to attack any other countries. No need anyway, most of the western countries are quite good at weakening and destructing themselves, no russian help needed.

  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran
    edited January 8

    @jsg said: And btw, contrary to your yapping insinuations Russia has no intention whatsoever to attack any other countries.

    That is absolutely true, in fact, Russia never had any intention in invading Ukraine either, Larvov repeatedly said so:

    Even now, Russia didn't invade anyone, it is just repelling the Nazi invaders from the Russian soil.

    There are also maps out there with the planned conquests and there are repeated threats on Russian Official Propaganda Channels against many countries. Besides, Ukraine is not the only country Russia occupies and invaded either, Putler is always saying this is the last invasion and then we stop, the same Hitler said as well. Give me Czechoslovakia, Austria, Poland and I stop. After the invasion in Poland nobody believed him anymore, the same way as nobody believes Putler now. The Empire is stopped in Ukraine.

    @jsg said: No need anyway, most of the western countries are quite good at weakening and destructing themselves, no russian help needed.

    Right, Lenin, Stalin had the same "vision", the "rotten capitalistic pig" will implode and then we only have to move in. We will see if this time it would work, democracy would crumble, the far right will rise once again and we will have a war in Europe as the Imperials are dreaming.

    My money is on democracy and free economy as always.

    @jsg said: If I wanted to discuss with nonsense believing and wet-dreaming Russia-haters I could do that in your disgusting Russia-hater and Nazi-lover thread.

    better pollute other threads with Russian propaganda, ey? You thought I won't be debunking it in here? If the mods tolerate your propaganda, then they would tolerate the debunking also.

  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker


    /ignore ukro-nazi fans like you.

  • remyremy Member
    edited January 8

    @jsg said:

    /ignore ukro-nazi fans like you.

    Well, I'm half astonished that this guy spits out all that Russian propaganda.
    Same vocabulary, same meaningless justifications.
    Justifying an invasion because of course the others are evil Nazis.
    It's not even up for debate.

    But hey, this guy's a contradiction in terms.
    Who knows what he really thinks.
    He'll always say the opposite of the masses.

    And now wait for his answer: "Proof? Link? "

  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran

    @remy said: Well, I'm half astonished that this guy spits out all that Russian propaganda.

    He is Russian, so what you'd expect?

  • @PulsedMedia said:

    Now, let's just not get any ideas getting Karelia back please. No war ok, tnx.

    Who would even want it back at this time and day? It's been in disrepair for 80 years with zero improvements into the infra since WW2. Not to mention the amount of uneducated and poor Russian people we would have to take with the land.

    It would be a bad deal even if they paid for us to take it. Waging war over such piece of useless land would be even more idiotic.

  • remyremy Member
    edited January 9

    @Maounique said:

    @remy said: Well, I'm half astonished that this guy spits out all that Russian propaganda.

    He is Russian, so what you'd expect?

    Self-reliant and critically thinking human being.

  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran
    edited January 9

    @stefeman said: Waging war over such piece of useless land would be even more idiotic.

    Arguably, if the Empire folds, then it won't be able to wage any kind of war, at least for a while. That is how Finland became independent in the first place, after the Empire disintegrated in the first world war.
    Romania has a similar issue with Moldova and Moldova has a similar issue with "Transnistria". Everything the Empire touches, it withers and, if it doesn't get poorer, at least doesn't evolve either.

    @remy said: Self-reliant and critically thinking human being.

    Of course, the Russians are self-reliant on the home-grown propaganda and criticizing the free world and the democracy, the only part missing is the thinking, but that is not needed, the Czar has enough brains for the whole nation.

  • Any deals going on right now? always late to grab a deal :(

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