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★ VirMach ★ Fashionably Late Black Friday & Cyber Week 2020 ★ Flash Deals ★ View inside ★ $7/Yr 512M - Page 35
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★ VirMach ★ Fashionably Late Black Friday & Cyber Week 2020 ★ Flash Deals ★ View inside ★ $7/Yr 512M



  • 2020-12-06 23:45:45
    Price $13.5 / year
    WINDOWS WINDOWS ✘Not Available
    RAM 1024MB RAM
    HDD 20GB SSD (RAID 10)
    Cost Valuation $23.4、Discount43%、Good Deal!
    Cost Release From:VirBot

  • @VirMach said:

    @injy said:
    how about:
    KVM – double
    RAM 2G RAM
    CPU 2 vCORE
    HDD 2GB SSD (RAID 10)
    LOCATION Los Angeles, CA

    I'd just have a bunch of tickets complaining at that point.

    but this is what i need 😆, only if you can give me a double HDD😁

  • @VirMach
    Titchy VPS provisioned quickly.
    Yay! VNC within the Client Area is working now too. Well done allround, I'd say. :)

    Thanked by 1chocolateshirt
  • benj0xbenj0x Member
    edited December 2020

    Now they're trolling us:

    $12/yr - BUFFALO, NY / 2 vCPU / 640M RAM / 50G SSD / 250G BW / 1 IPs

    Big SSD, fair amount of vCPUs, no good BW limit and almost no RAM

    Thanked by 1dTQzBen8
  • @yoursunny said:

    @cgs3238 said:

    @sanvit said:

    @notarobo said:

    how about:
    KVM – 3333
    RAM 33333MB
    CPU 33 vCORE @ 3.3 ghz
    HDD 333.3GB SSD (RAID 10)

    Others are quite good, but IPv3 is a little hard to achieve

    If you want IPv3×3, grab one from

    I clicked looking glass.

  • @benj0x said:
    Now they're trolling us:

    $12/yr - BUFFALO, NY / 2 vCPU / 640M RAM / 50G SSD / 250G BW / 1 IPs

    Big SSD, fair amount of vCPUs, no good BW limit and almost no RAM

    If there's more RAM(768M or 1G), more BW I would probably buy it. Big disk with tiny BW isn't useful.

    $12/yr - BUFFALO, NY / 1 vCPU / 768M RAM / 50G SSD / 1000G BW / 1 IPs

  • Any new jersy deal with more 4gb?

  • "Install Later -- Please wait 1-2 hours"

    Does it mean that you will be able to choose OS when it is live? Or need to mention the desired OS version to be installed via ticket?


  • @swat4 said:
    "Install Later -- Please wait 1-2 hours"

    Does it mean that you will be able to choose OS when it is live? Or need to mention the desired OS version to be installed via ticket?


    You can just re-install it to your desired OS when you got the VPS Control Panel Info ( SolusVM )

  • @DianTama said:

    You can just re-install it to your desired OS when you got the VPS Control Panel Info ( SolusVM )

    Thanks :) guess it would take um...... quite a while :#

    Thanked by 1DianTama
  • I am an existing customer, my order got flagged for fraud. There is always a first time.
    Oh well, money saved!!

  • codydobycodydoby Member
    edited December 2020

    @jacky06046 said:
    2020-12-06 23:45:45
    Price $13.5 / year
    WINDOWS WINDOWS ✘Not Available
    RAM 1024MB RAM
    HDD 20GB SSD (RAID 10)
    Cost Valuation $23.4、Discount43%、Good Deal!
    Cost Release From:VirBot

    1280MB RAM
    2 vCORE
    20GB SSD (RAID 10)


  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider
    edited December 2020

    @AlwaysSkint said:
    Off topic (sorry): Is there a specific reason for not allowing rDNS to be set (in SolusVM) by the end luser? Not that I've any problems, as Tickets were acted upon quickly, but it must put a burden on Support.

    It was difficult to organize it all with ColoCrossing and it would not have been possible with all subnets, which would cluster it further.

    In addition, this would greatly increase abuse.

    @suricloud said: @VirMach Please make good windows kvm deal.

    We're unsure about Windows licensing at the time so we're trying to avoid that as much as possible.

    Those might have to wait until we roll out our own Ryzen servers.

    @AlwaysSkint said: VNC within the Client Area is working now too.

    I lost most my remaining hairs over that.

    @benj0x said: Big SSD, fair amount of vCPUs, no good BW limit and almost no RAM

    CoMmEnt fOr DoUbLe BaNdwIdtH

    But seriously if anyone on that specific plan happens to run out of bandwidth and they're not sending out attacks just DM me with with a link to this exact comment and your service IP and I'll double the bandwidth.

    I feel like people usually overestimate how much bandwidth they require, it's perhaps the most oversold thing ever. We just like to keep it low so everyone can theoretically use all of it and have a decent network. It's hard enough as it is with the blend ColoCrossing provides us. Maybe we'll go crazy with it once we have unmetered with a decent provider on our colocation offers.

    Oh right... the RAM, good luck with that part though.

    @swat4 said: Does it mean that you will be able to choose OS when it is live? Or need to mention the desired OS version to be installed via ticket?

    It means if we installed all these as they came in, SolusVM would crash because they still haven't built in any meaningful stagger feature over the last 8 years. I'm sure Solus.IO has it though at 10x the price.

    @vivek_b said: Faced database Error after transaction now this

    If it's rejected, check for an auto generated ticket on our end. If you have one of those, you're pretty much guaranteed to get it if you make a meaningful reply.

    • If you are using a VPN and used anything but AliPay or Crypto, ask us in your single reply to this auto-generated ticket to switch it to AliPay or Crypto for you and activate it, or if you want 100% chance of getting it pretty much, have store credit.
    • If you actually didn't pass fraud check for any of the other reasons, explain yourself.
    • If you are ABSOLUTELY SURE it's none of the above, let us know it's none of the above.

    @vairav said: I was able to get through till about the payment step and then it returned me back to the Cart page. Does it mean that my order did not get through @VirMach ?

    If you didn't get an invoice generated, means you definitely didn't get it.

    @zethrus said: So our purchased services are pretty much useless until this issue is fixed...? I can't even reinstall the OS.

    Depends. Probably if you also don't have the SolusVM login.

    Definitely don't make a ticket for vserverid issues, and if you did please do close it if we do fix it. We will be fixing all of these independent from tickets. Please spread this message, it will help us a lot. We have hundreds and hundreds of tickets regarding these specials and the majority of them are regarding vserverid or being in a pending state when we're aware. This makes it more difficult to help those who have actual issues like payments not registering and such.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider
    edited December 2020

    @vyas11 said: I am an existing customer, my order got flagged for fraud. There is always a first time.
    Oh well, money saved!!

    From the original post, there's still hope for wasting your money:

    Tip: reply to a "Resolving issue & completing your order" ticket and we may still activate your order.

    We specifically coded a system to allow anti-fraud not to get in the way, as in if it moves on to the next deal, your deal is preserved for you and can be auto-generated.

    Thanked by 3vyas11 raynor user123
  • @VirMach said:

    It means if we installed all these as they came in, SolusVM would crash because they still haven't built in any meaningful stagger feature over the last 8 years. I'm sure Solus.IO has it though at 10x the price.

    Thanks for the information. Would it be helpful if the customer chips in a ticket mentioning the desired OS to be installed before the service provision so it can potentially save efforts for both parties?

  • What kind of CPUs are there with these offers?

    I must say, im with virmach for more than 2 years now and I really have to compliment them on stability. Aside from a planned downtime due to switch from openvz to kvm I didn't notice any downtime.

  • No, do not open any tickets about install OS - you will be able to do it later from SolusVM to w/e thing you want. Close all the tickets about installing OS.

  • @JabJab said:
    No, do not open any tickets about install OS - you will be able to do it later from SolusVM to w/e thing you want. Close all the tickets about installing OS.

    I have not created one. Just asking out of curiosity. :D

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @drizbo said: What kind of CPUs are there with these offers?

    Varies, but most of them will be E5-2660v2. Most of the Buffalo ones will be E5-2670v2 or E5-2690v2 unless they have low disk included.

    @drizbo said: I must say, im with virmach for more than 2 years now and I really have to compliment them on stability. Aside from a planned downtime due to switch from openvz to kvm I didn't notice any downtime.

    To be fair, we do have downtimes and some do take long to resolve if it's out of our hands. This should improve as we move toward colocation.

    @swat4 said: Thanks for the information. Would it be helpful if the customer chips in a ticket mentioning the desired OS to be installed before the service provision so it can potentially save efforts for both parties?

    @JabJab said: No, do not open any tickets about install OS - you will be able to do it later from SolusVM to w/e thing you want. Close all the tickets about installing OS.

    As JabJab mentioned, OS installs as well as many other things are self-serve. That's how we can make these pricepoints work, especially for these deals.

  • Anyone know do VirMach provide off-site backup to flash sells? I will have my own backup, just curious.

  • I paid an invoice. Now the service status is canceled & invoice status is paid. Should I just wait? Or submit a ticket?

  • @VirMach said:

    @benj0x said: Big SSD, fair amount of vCPUs, no good BW limit and almost no RAM

    CoMmEnt fOr DoUbLe BaNdwIdtH

    But seriously if anyone on that specific plan happens to run out of bandwidth and they're not sending out attacks just DM me with with a link to this exact comment and your service IP and I'll double the bandwidth.

    I feel like people usually overestimate how much bandwidth they require, it's perhaps the most oversold thing ever. We just like to keep it low so everyone can theoretically use all of it and have a decent network. It's hard enough as it is with the blend ColoCrossing provides us. Maybe we'll go crazy with it once we have unmetered with a decent provider on our colocation offers.

    Oh right... the RAM, good luck with that part though.

    Now I am regretting didn't get that one. :(

  • @elliotc said: Anyone know do VirMach provide off-site backup to flash sells? I will have my own backup, just curious.

    For 4$ per year, off-site backup?

    Thanked by 1AlwaysSkint
  • imagea9f848b864cf032a.png

    Umm...will it come back or should I open a ticket?

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @elliotc said:
    Anyone know do VirMach provide off-site backup to flash sells? I will have my own backup, just curious.

    We do disaster recovery backups only, per week. They do fail sometimes. They're not perfect. And they're not free to restore until we automate it some.

    Please note, flash deals/specials usually do not always come with this option depending on availability, although we're trying to work them in as we recently overhauled backups. Later on as we move toward our own hardware, we have an idea of doing multiple layers of backups, NVMe --> SATA SSD for quicker/more often backups and perhaps multiple slots per VM and then a weekly SATA SSD --> HDD on another server for disaster recovery.

    We've had one single situation where 60~ VMs lost their data because of a complete mess of a series of events including the datacenter making mistakes every step of the way and just overall being extremely unlucky and we would really like to avoid that as it's not fun for anyone involved.

    Although I will absolutely stress this, it's good you will have your own backups as you mentioned, as should everyone else.

    Thanked by 1brueggus
  • @elliotc said:


    Umm...will it come back or should I open a ticket?

    Try Management button on left nav. then VPS Control Panel button. Sometimes this works.

    Thanked by 1toumi111
  • @Hakim said:
    I paid an invoice. Now the service status is canceled & invoice status is paid. Should I just wait? Or submit a ticket?

    I have the same problems as you, which makes me uncertain whether I will enjoy the service I deserve.

  • @elliotc said: Umm...will it come back or should I open a ticket?

    It will come back when they fix it.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @Hakim said: I paid an invoice. Now the service status is canceled & invoice status is paid. Should I just wait? Or submit a ticket?

    Wait a few hours, then make a ticket if the system doesn't correct itself. When making a ticket, include the invoice ID, the service name or ID, and the transaction ID if you have it for smoothest resolution.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @elliotc said: Umm...will it come back or should I open a ticket?

    This will auto-fix.

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