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★ VirMach ★ Fashionably Late Black Friday & Cyber Week 2020 ★ Flash Deals ★ View inside ★ $7/Yr 512M - Page 37
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★ VirMach ★ Fashionably Late Black Friday & Cyber Week 2020 ★ Flash Deals ★ View inside ★ $7/Yr 512M



  • @Chronic said: Ubuntu is a proper server distro. What decade are you from?

    The minimalist one.

  • @AlwaysSkint said: The minimalist one.

    Your server runs what you install on it. You can have it as minimal or as bloated as you wish. Or did you forget how to use apt?

  • @Chronic said:

    @dTQzBen8 said: Just too pricy for me.

    I mean, if you have a usecase for it that requires those particular specs then it's not like you will find many which are cheaper. But if you don't need all those specs, it would indeed be a waste of money to buy it just for idling. Not that it's going to stop most of the LET community, it's their favourite pastime.

    You're right. But there's resource limits for these machines, if you really utilizing the box, it may leads suspension.

  • I wonder if the LET idling stereotype is true... Maybe some provider could break it down:

    % idling
    % serving low traffic websites/VPN
    % maxing out their VPS
    % banned for abuse

    Thanked by 1Chronic
  • @Chronic said:

    @dTQzBen8 said: and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Big fat VMs are fun, why wouldn't it sell? Silly.

    One of my favourite VPSes (from VirMach Black Friday 2018) has 10GB RAM and 120GB SSD. I run so much stuff on it - it has a Jenkins build server, Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring some of my apps, and a bunch of other things running. If there's something I want to try out, I just throw it into an LXD container on that VPS.

    Thanked by 1Chronic
  • @Daniel15 said:

    @Chronic said:

    @dTQzBen8 said: and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Big fat VMs are fun, why wouldn't it sell? Silly.

    One of my favourite VPSes (from VirMach Black Friday 2018) has 10GB RAM and 120GB SSD. I run so much stuff on it - it has a Jenkins build server, Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring some of my apps, and a bunch of other things running. If there's something I want to try out, I just throw it into an LXD container on that VPS.

    How do you manage your LXD? I've been using Docker, but looking to try something new.

  • @Daniel15 said:

    @Chronic said:

    @dTQzBen8 said: and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Big fat VMs are fun, why wouldn't it sell? Silly.

    One of my favourite VPSes (from VirMach Black Friday 2018) has 10GB RAM and 120GB SSD. I run so much stuff on it - it has a Jenkins build server, Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring some of my apps, and a bunch of other things running. If there's something I want to try out, I just throw it into an LXD container on that VPS.

    How does it cost?

  • Looks @Virmach loving number 8 now.

  • Daniel15Daniel15 Veteran
    edited December 2020

    @randomq said:

    @Daniel15 said:

    @Chronic said:

    @dTQzBen8 said: and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Big fat VMs are fun, why wouldn't it sell? Silly.

    One of my favourite VPSes (from VirMach Black Friday 2018) has 10GB RAM and 120GB SSD. I run so much stuff on it - it has a Jenkins build server, Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring some of my apps, and a bunch of other things running. If there's something I want to try out, I just throw it into an LXD container on that VPS.

    How do you manage your LXD? I've been using Docker, but looking to try something new.

    Just using the command line, but sometimes I use LXDUI didn't used to support IPv6 (I use a HE IPv6 tunnel as VirMach don't have native IPv6, and give each container its own IPv6) but they may have implemented it now.

    @dTQzBen8 said:

    @Daniel15 said:

    @Chronic said:

    @dTQzBen8 said: and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Big fat VMs are fun, why wouldn't it sell? Silly.

    One of my favourite VPSes (from VirMach Black Friday 2018) has 10GB RAM and 120GB SSD. I run so much stuff on it - it has a Jenkins build server, Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring some of my apps, and a bunch of other things running. If there's something I want to try out, I just throw it into an LXD container on that VPS.

    How does it cost?

    $75 per year. There's been better deals (there was a ridiculously good one last year with 8 GB RAM and 80 GB SSD for $8/year) but I'm still happy with the price. It's has 10 gigabit network too.

    I used to have one that was $39/year for 8 GB RAM and 60 GB SSD but I gave it away to someone as I didn't need it any more.

    Thanked by 2dTQzBen8 randomq
  • woah...AMSTERDAM

    Thanked by 1Chronic
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @randomq said:
    I wonder if the LET idling stereotype is true... Maybe some provider could break it down:

    % idling
    % serving low traffic websites/VPN
    % maxing out their VPS
    % banned for abuse

    It varies by region, and it's important to try to balance everything out based on timezones. If Los Angeles gets a lot of nighttime (US) usage from China then the perfect way to balance that out is with remote desktop users during business hours in Los Angeles (8AM to 4PM.)

    Usually, it's rare for someone to constantly max out usage unless something's wrong (malware, buggy code.)

    As for idlers, there's always a good amount but a lot of those idlers turn into problems. Imagine someone who does not really use a service, they'll usually not secure the VPS, and set a simple password they'll remember which is usually prone to attacks. In addition, with KVM at least, a lot of resources are used up anyway so it's not like there's huge benefits from idlers. And contrary to popular belief, idlers don't just constantly renew everything out of self-hate, nor do most of them forget to cancel. This means that over time, the "average" customer becomes someone who uses their service here normally and that definitely does not mean they use all their resources. Most customers like purchasing an amount they're usually comfortable with, or more than they need. Once in a while, some will grow or start out with the wrong package and will not want to grow, which can create abusive situations.

    Then, there are those who really need a dedicated server but specifically go with the VPS model to take advantage. These are the people that know they need exactly a certain amount of resources and will get slightly lower specifications than their requirements in chunks to save money, or with a large VPS expecting fully dedicated resources. This does not usually work out unless the package is advertised as something like "virtual dedicated." In my opinion at this point though the user is better off going dedicated.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider
    edited December 2020

    @samm said: woah...AMSTERDAM

    This one might actually ... yep.

    load average: 178.10
    Thanked by 1Chronic
  • One question, and i mean absolutely no offence and i believe china will understsnd. Which location generally has less china users? Or which location generally has a lot of them?

  • benj0xbenj0x Member
    edited December 2020

    The ColoCrossing network in Amsterdam is complete garbage. I did cancel my 2GB KVM deals from BF 2018 (?) cause I was waaay to frustrated to renew them.

    When these KVMs still were in Frankfurt it was somewhat okayish, but now it ended up in real hate.

    And apparently I cancelled them. Ouch.

    (Aside from that: they were great idlers!)

  • @VirMach said:

    @samm said: woah...AMSTERDAM

    This one might actually ... yep.

    load average: 178.10

    Ended? emmm

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @benj0x said: When these KVMs still were in Frankfurt it was somewhat okayish, but now it ended up in real hate.

    Serverhub was better when it worked. The problem is for multiple years now routing just randomly breaks.

    @benj0x said: The ColoCrossing network in Amsterdam is complete garbage.

    They went with Equinix, and Deluxe, the company above ColoCrossing, actually has servers there that AFAIK uses their network blend. After some delays, they decided to separate us from that and come up with our cabinet and Telia + GTT. ColoCrossing also promised us Frankfurt and then bailed, after stuffing a lot of Buffalo down our throat as part of the deal. They were supposed to do Phoenix for a year now until we finally threw in the towel there as well. As in, we ordered Phoenix around November 1st, 2019.

  • Daniel15Daniel15 Veteran
    edited December 2020

    @Daniel15 said: Just using the command line, but sometimes I use LXDUI didn't used to support IPv6 (I use a HE IPv6 tunnel as VirMach don't have native IPv6, and give each container its own IPv6) but they may have implemented it now.

    @randomq alternatively, Proxmox works fine on the larger VirMach VPSes if you want something fancier, but only for LXC containers (nested virt is not enabled, so KVM won't work). Proxmox was a bit heavy for my liking so I decided to just manage everything via the command line instead. In general, LXC or LXD will work on any host that uses KVM, since it's just containers that share the same kernel.

    Thanked by 1randomq
  • MxlMxl Member
    edited December 2020

    ticket #641132 - can not reset password, no reset email send to my inbox except email-Payment Receipt and email-Order #475009 Approved

  • @forces said:
    One question, and i mean absolutely no offence and i believe china will understsnd. Which location generally has less china users? Or which location generally has a lot of them?

    From geolocation, SanJose and Seattle may have them favored, Buffalo may be the opposite one.

  • is the late black Friday sale finished?

    Thanked by 1AlwaysSkint
  • AlwaysSkintAlwaysSkint Member
    edited December 2020

    @evafza said:
    is the late black Friday sale finished?

    Why? Or can't you be assed looking? >:)

    VIRTUALIZATION {{virt}} –
    RAM {{ram}}MB RAM

    Perhaps the exhausted server is taking a breather...

  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @VirMach said:

    Usually, it's rare for someone to constantly max out usage unless something's wrong (malware, buggy code.)

    You mean... like... people running WHMCS?

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @brueggus said:

    @VirMach said:

    Usually, it's rare for someone to constantly max out usage unless something's wrong (malware, buggy code.)

    You mean... like... people running WHMCS?

    I was considering running our webserver on 600x SSD256's but then they tried forcing me into an annual commitment.

  • @AlwaysSkint said:

    @evafza said:
    is the late black Friday sale finished?

    Why? Or can't you be assed looking? >:)

    VIRTUALIZATION {{virt}} –
    RAM {{ram}}MB RAM

    lol.........This is exactly what I found

  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @VirMach said:

    @brueggus said:

    @VirMach said:

    Usually, it's rare for someone to constantly max out usage unless something's wrong (malware, buggy code.)

    You mean... like... people running WHMCS?

    I was considering running our webserver on 600x SSD256's but then they tried forcing me into an annual commitment.


    Get a slice.

    Thanked by 2VirMach Daniel15
  • deals have stopped?

  • AlwaysSkintAlwaysSkint Member
    edited December 2020

    @Mister said:
    deals have stopped?

    @evafza called it first.
    Virmach got tired of complaints and the same old Tickets: "where's my VM?"
    .. he says, just as a re-run of AMS happens. :-/

  • @VirMach said: I was considering running our webserver on 600x SSD256's ...

    (Since there's no quantity selection in the cart page), I wonder how long it would take to "buy" those 600 VMs using your pre-index-build billing server!?! :lol:

    Those damn providers, and their annual commitments! I would have much rather preferred to pay 39.6 cents/month for my $4.75/yr service from you!? :lol:

    Thanked by 1AlwaysSkint
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    The site broke, it's back on the same deal it broke on.

    Thanked by 3nemes dTQzBen8 Mister
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