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★ VirMach ★ Fashionably Late Black Friday & Cyber Week 2020 ★ Flash Deals ★ View inside ★ $7/Yr 512M - Page 36
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★ VirMach ★ Fashionably Late Black Friday & Cyber Week 2020 ★ Flash Deals ★ View inside ★ $7/Yr 512M



  • @VirMach said:

    @vyas11 said: I am an existing customer, my order got flagged for fraud. There is always a first time.
    Oh well, money saved!!

    From the original post, there's still hope for wasting your money:

    Tip: reply to a "Resolving issue & completing your order" ticket and we may still activate your order.

    We specifically coded a system to allow anti-fraud not to get in the way, as in if it moves on to the next deal, your deal is preserved for you and can be auto-generated.

    my joy was short lived! Thanks for the update...

  • @beigu said:

    @Hakim said:
    I paid an invoice. Now the service status is canceled & invoice status is paid. Should I just wait? Or submit a ticket?

    I have the same problems as you, which makes me uncertain whether I will enjoy the service I deserve.

    You WILL enjoy. I demand it.

  • @ddhhz said:

    @elliotc said:


    Umm...will it come back or should I open a ticket?

    Try Management button on left nav. then VPS Control Panel button. Sometimes this works.

    This solution always working for me :)

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @JabJab said: For 4$ per year, off-site backup?

    If we code all of this out and make it function well, and we don't just provide backup/retrieval for free, we could probably theoretically provide it for $2 a year for something like weekly backups with a maximum of one retrieval per month, for a 50GB package.

    @Hakim said:

    @ddhhz said:

    @elliotc said:


    Umm...will it come back or should I open a ticket?

    Try Management button on left nav. then VPS Control Panel button. Sometimes this works.

    This solution always working for me :)

    Didn't even think of that but that would work assuming other fields aren't missing.

    Thanked by 2ddhhz user123
  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @VirMach said:

    @benj0x said: Big SSD, fair amount of vCPUs, no good BW limit and almost no RAM

    CoMmEnt fOr DoUbLe BaNdwIdtH

    But seriously if anyone on that specific plan happens to run out of bandwidth and they're not sending out attacks just DM me with with a link to this exact comment and your service IP and I'll double the bandwidth.

    Oh right... the RAM, good luck with that part though.

    You, Sir, made my day :D

    Thanked by 1benj0x
  • 5GB SSD... VirBot just want to watch the world burn

  • How long is the flash sale going to run?

  • @VirMach

    Thanks for your information. It was indeed my first time trying to order from you.

    First order - paid via credit card - payment gone through - but status is cancelled

    Second order - paid via paypal - payment gone through - status is pending

    For the first order - do i just only need to open a ticket with Billing? is there anything I need to do?


  • @JabJab said:

    @elliotc said: Anyone know do VirMach provide off-site backup to flash sells? I will have my own backup, just curious.

    For 4$ per year, off-site backup?


    Because I saw this. I usually have two copies of daily backup on my own, but in case shit happen, maybe I still can paid $10 for a hope.

  • ArirangArirang Member
    edited December 2020

    I tried to pay for one invoice.
    But Pay twice made. I don't know why and how the system works like that. One for the invoice. The other is automatically added to credit.
    It's okay. I will just get another one using this credit.

  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @alilet said:

    @yoursunny said:

    @cgs3238 said:
    Others are quite good, but IPv3 is a little hard to achieve

    If you want IPv3×3, grab one from

    I clicked looking glass.

    I have award winning looking glass. Check out the telephone number too.

    @VirMach said:

    @vivek_b said: Faced database Error after transaction now this

    If it's rejected, check for an auto generated ticket on our end. If you have one of those, you're pretty much guaranteed to get it if you make a meaningful reply.

    • If you are using a VPN and used anything but AliPay or Crypto, ask us in your single reply to this auto-generated ticket to switch it to AliPay or Crypto for you and activate it, or if you want 100% chance of getting it pretty much, have store credit.

    I have IPv6 via Hurricane Electric tunnel broker. The tunnel broker, by definition, is not a VPN. However, the system mistakenly flagged me as using a VPN.
    It has been resolved via ticket, but this wasn't a pleasant experience.

    @zethrus said: So our purchased services are pretty much useless until this issue is fixed...? I can't even reinstall the OS.

    Depends. Probably if you also don't have the SolusVM login.

    I have SolusVM login from 2017 but the new server (activated yesterday) was created in a separate SolusVM account. Thus, my existing SolusVM login cannot access the new service. I still have to click through WHMCS.
    Every other provider would place all active servers ordered in the same billing account into the same SolusVM account.

  • Virbot just went beast mode in Buffalo

    Thanked by 1AlwaysSkint
  • @randomq said: Virbot just went beast mode in Buffalo

    Apart from IP :'(

  • @randomq said:
    Virbot just went beast mode in Buffalo

    and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

  • @dTQzBen8 said:

    @randomq said:
    Virbot just went beast mode in Buffalo

    and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Maybe game servers?

    Thanked by 1dTQzBen8
  • @dTQzBen8 said: and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Did you get option to "generate username randomly" while signing up on LET?

    Thanked by 1dTQzBen8
  • @samm said:

    @dTQzBen8 said: and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Did you get option to "generate username randomly" while signing up on LET?

    That's her VPS password...

  • It would be great if Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Minimal added to the OS list. Upgrading from 16.04 Minimal to 20.04, disk usage became around 3GB. Tried the 20.04 iso mount too, forgot the password & auto password reset from solusvm panel didn't work & now getting kernel panic error while trying to install from live iso. Probably because of low RAM.

    Thanked by 1randomq
  • @dTQzBen8 said: and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Big fat VMs are fun, why wouldn't it sell? Silly.

    Thanked by 1dTQzBen8
  • @Hakim said: It would be great if Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Minimal added to the OS list.

    Try a proper server distro instead, not a desktop one shoehorned into server duties ala Windoze. :p

  • @VirMach please check Invoice #1131386 (PortlyPesky-VM)

  • @AlwaysSkint said: Try a proper server distro

    Ubuntu is a proper server distro. What decade are you from?

  • @randomq said:

    @dTQzBen8 said:

    @randomq said:
    Virbot just went beast mode in Buffalo

    and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Maybe game servers?

    Still holding my $24 Buffalo.

    @samm said:

    @dTQzBen8 said: and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Did you get option to "generate username randomly" while signing up on LET?

    You are the first one recognizing it's random. Congrats! But hey, there's a "Ben" word.

    @randomq said:

    @samm said:

    @dTQzBen8 said: and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Did you get option to "generate username randomly" while signing up on LET?

    That's her VPS password...

    How did you find that!? XD

  • @Chronic said:

    @dTQzBen8 said: and it sells quickly, I don't get the reason.

    Big fat VMs are fun, why wouldn't it sell? Silly.

    Just too pricy for me.

  • @dTQzBen8 said: hey, there's a "Ben" word

    Hey- I got your username and password. :D

    Thanked by 1dTQzBen8
  • ChronicChronic Member
    edited December 2020

    @dTQzBen8 said: Just too pricy for me.

    I mean, if you have a usecase for it that requires those particular specs then it's not like you will find many which are cheaper. But if you don't need all those specs, it would indeed be a waste of money to buy it just for idling. Not that it's going to stop most of the LET community, it's their favourite pastime.

    Thanked by 1dTQzBen8
  • dTQzBen8dTQzBen8 Member
    edited December 2020

    @samm said:

    @dTQzBen8 said: hey, there's a "Ben" word

    Hey- I got your username and password. :D

    A trick I often use is swap the username and auto-generated password. So I always remember my password. :wink:

  • @isunbejo said:

    @VirMach please check Invoice #1131386 (PortlyPesky-VM)

    Try Management button on left nav. then VPS Control Panel button. Sometimes this works.

    Thanked by 1isunbejo
  • Repeat of last year's amazing deal when? ;)

    13.25 GB RAM
    110 GB disk
    2.93 TB bandwidth
    $38.70 USD

  • isunbejoisunbejo Member
    edited December 2020

    @ddhhz said:

    @isunbejo said:

    @VirMach please check Invoice #1131386 (PortlyPesky-VM)

    Try Management button on left nav. then VPS Control Panel button. Sometimes this works.

    not works!

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