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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers! - Page 425
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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers!



  • imokimok Member

    I should drink more water

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @JabJab said: Thanks for update, let's hope it will go according to beta schedule and that adapter from China with express shipping will arrive on time! ;')

    We got that overnight, just a lot of other tiny miscellaneous things you wouldn't think could cause delays. After all, we're colocation virgins.

    Everything's still ready to go, but even coordinating how/when to take the parts down or if we should ship it a couple miles away, additional labeling, some last minute improvements to hardware that are optional but optimal, double checking cables, configurations, going over the migration script, and also making sure we don't fall very behind on Amsterdam.

    One thing that caused a lot of issues was multiple delays on getting our test bench/cabinet. Long delivery since it's huge, original shipment got lost and then damaged. Second one delayed, then delayed some more. Additional PDUs for switches delayed. Things we could have just launched without for a beta test but we're trying to avoid as many issues as possible because we know there will be plenty more that are unexpected. Even tiny little finishing touches like labeling every tray or redoing/waiting on additional rails for the extremely large storage node because they were damaged during shipping.

    @ben47955 said: Hard choice right now. I can take 2 of 4 class in person or all remote. Any advice ?

    I used to love online classes/the idea of it but how it ends up working out is... it doesn't, at least for me. At that point I found it easier to just learn on my own and there's usually better resources than what's provided on the online classes.

    When I actually wanted to learn, I took in-person classes. Plus it helps with socializing as well, building somewhat of a relationship with the professor (no, not that kind) can also help you out in other ways you may not be thinking about. As long as there's no health concerns, I vote in-person all the way. Online could work out, except when it doesn't (almost all the time.)

    Thanked by 2saibal randomq
  • @VirMach said:
    some last minute improvements to hardware

    RTX 3090! Liquid cooling for extreme overclocking! Neon case lights!

    Back in the 90s the small web business I was working for moved from dedis to colo. Our host told us they were getting out of the dedi biz, so we ended up replacing our server with two PCs which we flew to San Jose. I actually saw the "throwers" smash our web server tossing it into the plane!

    When we got to the hotel to inspect things the case was ruined. We ended up going to Fry's and buying another case, but the ventilation wasn't up to snuff so I used a pocket knife in the data center break room to modify the drive bay inserts to accept another case fan, which would blow over the 4 drive RAID array. So ghetto, but I think they ran the site on those servers for a decade!

    My boss took some photos of our rack, and some other big names including the Yahoo cage. Their tech was wearing a jumpsuit and a hard hat, looked like a total choad. He started shouting at us about not taking pictures, so everyone else ran to the car while I checked us out. I got to hear him ask the desk guy to "lock down the data center" and catch us (I guess he hadn't seen/didn't recognize me). High drama! :)

  • Does there are really real case scenario when seeing hardware may lead to security issues ?

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @randomq said: Neon case lights!

    Unironically, we do have some RGB for some of the beta builds. I'll get you a photo when we fire it up.

    @randomq said: We ended up going to Fry's and buying another case, but the ventilation wasn't up to snuff so I used a pocket knife in the data center break room to modify the drive bay inserts to accept another case fan, which would blow over the 4 drive RAID array. So ghetto, but I think they ran the site on those servers for a decade!

    I was tempted to do something similar with a knife and the rails last night. I guess that's what we get for trying to save space at the office with our test rack being 32" but they have theirs configured maybe 40" and our rails wouldn't reach. I could make it work if I cut it a little though but ultimately just gave up. I absolutely hate those rails that come with the ASRock chassis, I'm going to try something else first before we go to the hardware store for the proper torx screw bit to make adjustments to the cab (or I assume put in a ticket for when their full staff is there to make it for us, we did go in at like midnight on a Saturday after all.)

    Planning a visit on Monday to take down the 36 bay storage server, hoping to have everything set up by then to some degree.

    Thanked by 1randomq
  • No gutting rails!

    btw. 'to take down the 36 bay storage server' as in removing it? Why?

  • @JabJab said:
    No gutting rails!

    btw. 'to take down the 36 bay storage server' as in removing it? Why?

    Take down as in "take it down there to install it" I believe.

  • RecDRecD Member

    Do anyone have changed the DC of your VPSes after filling the form? Share your feeling please..
    (I am sorry if someone has posted and i missed it..)

  • @RecD said:
    Do anyone have changed the DC of your VPSes after filling the form? Share your feeling please..
    (I am sorry if someone has posted and i missed it..)

    From my understand, nothing is live for these new DC yet.

    Thanked by 1RecD
  • @ben47955 said:
    Does there are really real case scenario when seeing hardware may lead to security issues ?

    From the model of server or router or IP console you could look up default settings and passwords, or infer the existence of an open port or management network. You might even see labels with subnets or hostnames, which you could use to probe, or guess other hostnames and subnets to probe. Heck you might even see a post-it some tech left on a console with a username and password.

    You could also gather enough information to socially engineer someone by demonstrating knowledge of their equipment or layout.

  • @randomq said:

    @ben47955 said:
    Does there are really real case scenario when seeing hardware may lead to security issues ?

    From the model of server or router or IP console you could look up default settings and passwords, or infer the existence of an open port or management network. You might even see labels with subnets or hostnames, which you could use to probe, or guess other hostnames and subnets to probe. Heck you might even see a post-it some tech left on a console with a username and password.

    You could also gather enough information to socially engineer someone by demonstrating knowledge of their equipment or layout.

    Maybe I can agree on the last point, but for the first point, I think a picture should not be there first concern.

  • My OVH vps is offline :|
    Need refugee offer.

    3$ per month, 2GB RAM, 20GB SDD, 16 IPs :D

  • We are Ryzen.

  • Where's @FAT32? We're gonna roll over to zero and he's not even around!

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    I thought I clicked submit on this, I guess not...

    @ben47955 said:

    @RecD said:
    Do anyone have changed the DC of your VPSes after filling the form? Share your feeling please..
    (I am sorry if someone has posted and i missed it..)

    From my understand, nothing is live for these new DC yet.

    Posts need adjustment at the DC, I'm waiting for a response on the setup. We couldn't get the rails to work, otherwise everything is in the cabinet for the alpha test.

    UPDATE March 13th -- above was supposed to be posted around March 9th. Screws on the rail will need to be changed out, and Psychz has been busy so we were waiting for an update on hands for initial setup as we weren't able to make it down there again this week. Still waiting on IPv4 announcements, setting up networking, and getting hardware packed for Amsterdam and NYC Metro.

    @randomq said:

    @JabJab said:
    No gutting rails!

    btw. 'to take down the 36 bay storage server' as in removing it? Why?

    Take down as in "take it down there to install it" I believe.

    Yep, we might end up just shipping some for convenience but I don't trust any shipping company with that thing.

    By the way, and I'll quote @saibal here in case no one else wants to provide an input:

    @saibal said:

    @VirMach said: shipment of 200~ E3s finally came in

    Kaby Lake?

    Would anyone be interested in dedicated servers with Ryzen 3600 or 3700X, if we can get something going at a higher price? With 32-64GB RAM, 2x 500-1TB NVMe's for something around $70 to $90 a month? This is what we wanted to do with E3's. We might end up killing off some E3 space/stop selling it and only do half the amount as E3's and the rest as these if there's any interest.

    Or how about 3900X/5800X (or 5900X stock-permitting) with 2TB NVMe and 128GB RAM for $120 per month?

    Annndd... in case anyone else is still around, would anyone want 500GB RAID 10 NVMe storage plans? If you are name your price.

  • donlidonli Member

    @JabJab said:
    My OVH vps is offline :|
    Need refugee offer.

    I would call what you need a "fire sale".

  • @VirMach said:
    around $70 to $90 a month?
    $120 per month?

    Sir, this is an Arby's. Well, LET anyway. :)

    Thanked by 2FrankZ MasonR
  • The worst ever hosting provider ever ticket catious about the service providing to the customer....the website got more then 24hr offline giving 503 error from thier own pathetic lightserver and they won't even give a sh*t on that..!! #Shame

  • @sean456 said:
    The worst ever hosting provider ever ticket catious about the service providing to the customer....the website got more then 24hr offline giving 503 error from thier own pathetic lightserver and they won't even give a sh*t on that..!! #Shame

    So you think coming complaining in a thread that don't show up on the from page where only people waiting for their doubled something are checking gonna get you anywhere ?

  • @sean456 I am sorry to hear about your experiences. What can we do to make it right?

    Thanked by 1sean456
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider
    edited March 2021

    @sean456 said:
    The worst ever hosting provider ever ticket catious about the service providing to the customer....the website got more then 24hr offline giving 503 error from thier own pathetic lightserver and they won't even give a sh*t on that..!! #Shame

    Hi, I assume you're the single ticket reporting this, asking who's responsible for a drop in SEO ranking due to your site not functioning?

    You received a reply to your old ticket, then replied back and made a new ticket a few weeks later. Let me know if you prefer receiving a refund for your $2.60 per year shared hosting package, but if you are interested in continuing the service instead, consider not trying to host 5+ Wordpress websites on our 128MB shared hosting package just because we don't put a hard limit on it. Then, consider responding to the original ticket instead of making one 2 weeks later and being in a rush, and describing it well rather than vaguely saying you removed plugins many times. You do not mention how many websites are being hosted, which ones are facing the errors, what plugins you're running, or when the problem occurred. You also did not provide any login information for your Wordpress websites, and now you're just resorting to lying here on the first thread you probably found about us on Google.

    Everything you're saying is wrong. It's not offline just because it's giving 503 errors, that usually means its overloaded. If it was offline, how would it load the Wordpress 503 error for you? Magic? As for it being more than 24 hours, when you posted, it was 7 hours after you created your ticket and at least 2 of your websites are facing no issues, which is a miracle since your idea of removing plugins is briefly disabling them and the re-enabling them and being shocked when the issue re-occurs. Just one of these half a dozen websites has something like 12 plugins. (edit) Oh and as for not cautioning you/providing you a notification, I suppose that's true, we do not manage everyone's website with individual monitoring services, and do not keep track of everyone's setup at the $3 per year price point but if you are interested let us know, we can hire a team to fully manage your critical websites so you do not lose SEO due to your incompetence, starting at $518,400 per year. Alternatively, consider ordering a package with more than 128MB RAM if you want to run 6~ Wordpress sites with I assume 72~ plugins.

    But anyway, that response is only if you happen to be the only guy complaining about this in the ticket I'm looking at so maybe it's not you.

  • @VirMach I am sorry to hear about your experiences [with this customer]. What can we do to make it right?

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @randomq said:
    @VirMach I am sorry to hear about your experiences [with this customer]. What can we do to make it right?

    Make more tickets, we're running out.

    2 Records Found, Showing 1 to 2
  • Ticket open about a webhosting being down that I don't own.

  • JabJabJabJab Member
    edited March 2021

    Hey, I own some webhosting package! I can open some 513/503 errors tickets if you want - I mean just specify what http code you are interested it, it will be:

    header("HTTP/1.0 Code VirMach"); 

    also I can demand the refund, 0$ per year if you want.
    We are here totally for you, just ask :wink:

    // EDIT: Stupid Cloudflare not allowing open/close of php tag

  • @ben47955 said:
    Ticket open about a webhosting being down that I don't own.

    Shameless people would deserve to collect only tickets....not customer faith.


  • @ben47955 said:

    @sean456 said:
    The worst ever hosting provider ever ticket catious about the service providing to the customer....the website got more then 24hr offline giving 503 error from thier own pathetic lightserver and they won't even give a sh*t on that..!! #Shame

    So you think coming complaining in a thread that don't show up on the from page where only people waiting for their doubled something are checking gonna get you anywhere ?

    Tell me if you have any way from which a non responsive service provider would sudden start speak up with you ??

  • @sean456 said:

    @ben47955 said:

    @sean456 said:
    The worst ever hosting provider ever ticket catious about the service providing to the customer....the website got more then 24hr offline giving 503 error from thier own pathetic lightserver and they won't even give a sh*t on that..!! #Shame

    So you think coming complaining in a thread that don't show up on the from page where only people waiting for their doubled something are checking gonna get you anywhere ?

    Tell me if you have any way from which a non responsive service provider would sudden start speak up with you ??

    The love letter isn't enough for you ? I'm jealous because I never got one.

    Thanked by 2ZA_capetown FrankZ
  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran

    Thanked by 1randomq
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