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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers! - Page 424
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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers!



  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @saibal said:

    @VirMach said: shipment of 200~ E3s finally came in

    Kaby Lake?

    E3-1270v2's mostly. With these since there's a set budget we have to just buy whatever happens to have a good uniform set. The most we could have realistically done is v5's but unfortunately no good chassis/motherboard combos in bulk available. And then if we went v6's we might as well have gone Ryzen 3700X or something similar, because it would have been the same price (but obviously now these cost 5x more.)

    We might still do that for the next set but there would have to be a surcharge on these, they'd most likely be 2x E5 replacements.

    @ben47955 said:

    @VirMach said: Yes, go ahead.

    stress-ng --vm-bytes $(awk '/MemFree/{printf "%d\n", $2 * 0.9;}' < /proc/meminfo)k --vm-keep -m 1
    Will need to think of something for windows.

    Otherwise, crypto or Folding@home project are nice.

    Of course, this is only if abuse is requested.

    We'd want more "natural" usage so it represents a real-world scenario. So while we'll most likely encourage extreme usage, it wouldn't be helpful if it's just a stress test or if everyone's just stressing it.

    Thin more lie running multiple quantity of clients for whatever, video processing, gameservers, emulating some video games that don't require GPU, running some interesting/fun scripts, very strict Fail2Ban rules, excessive backups, re-installing an OS every hour, using a large swap file to run a memory-intensive task, rebooting a lot and leaving it in kernel panic, and so on.

    Thanked by 1saibal
  • @VirMach said: We'd want more "natural" usage so it represents a real-world scenario. So while we'll most likely encourage extreme usage, it wouldn't be helpful if it's just a stress test or if everyone's just stressing it.

    Thin more lie running multiple quantity of clients for whatever, video processing, gameservers, emulating some video games that don't require GPU, running some interesting/fun scripts, very strict Fail2Ban rules, excessive backups, re-installing an OS every hour, using a large swap file to run a memory-intensive task, rebooting a lot and leaving it in kernel panic, and so on.

    This challenge gonna be more epic than I though.

  • @VirMach said:
    We'd want more "natural" usage

    Ok I will try to idle harder.

    Thanked by 1saibal
  • @VirMach said:
    We'd want more "natural" usage

    Can I be the rouge user that abuses the server and have the gall to open a hate thread when my request for refund isn't acted upon within 5 minutes on a Saturday?

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • Sunday has more impact.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • Ok, noted!

  • Ticket #42069, I am unable to login as debianuser on any VPS. I am losing millions of Monero.

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited February 2021

  • @FrankZ said:


    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • @FrankZ said:

    Are you feeling empty ?

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • randomqrandomq Member
    edited February 2021

    I just want to say, you guys are some hoopy froods, and when it comes time for waffles I will ensure they are accompanied by chicken.

    Then FrankZ will no longer be empty.

    ETA: we are from all over the world; where will we meet up for waffles?

    Thanked by 2saibal FrankZ
  • @randomq said: ETA: we are from all over the world; where will we meet up for waffles?

    Meet ? Covid included ?

  • After the vaccines!


  • Yay!

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited February 2021

    @ben47955 said:
    Are you feeling empty ?

    Yea, I've been feeling a bit flat lately.
    I think it's the lack of exercise and not getting much done this last year.

    @randomq said: where will we meet up for waffles?

    On a waffle bus?

    Best if it is some place that we can all get visas to visit without too much trouble :sunglasses:

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @randomq said: Ticket #42069, I am unable to login as debianuser on any VPS. I am losing millions of Monero.

    Hi, I had to do some disk decryption at first but once I got in, it appears you were infected with some malware called "monero-wallet-cli" so I removed it. You also had a lot of log files, such as "mnemonic_seed" that I pruned to clear some space. I believe the hacker may have left a few traces of their identity, they had some photo images of their ID named "kraken_verification1.jpg" and "kraken_verification2.jpg" which we reported to FraudLabs for everyone's protection.

    Ryzen Update -- I feel pretty bad for the alpha testers not actually getting anything sooner so for everyone that signed up, I will provide more empty promises, at least a year of free service. This is alpha testers, beta testers please don't get it confused. (Alpha testers are all the people who initially signed up for beta test via... I think... a post in this thread.)

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited February 2021

  • @VirMach said: I will provide more empty promises

    Hell yeah, I am all in for that!

    at least a year of free service.

    Double that or even triple, we still waiting on that /s

    This is alpha testers, beta testers please don't get it confused. (Alpha testers are all the people who initially signed up for beta test via... I think... a post in this thread.)

    We were supposed to PM you, you have a list, somewhere. At least that is what your replay said :D

    Thanks for update, let's hope it will go according to beta schedule and that adapter from China with express shipping will arrive on time! ;')

  • JabJabJabJab Member
    edited February 2021

    @FrankZ said: On a waffle bus?

    The fuck is waffle bus. Who in sane mind would create something like that.


    So, I googled. Found the Facebook, first two posts:

    You Americans have strange waffles I must say.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • Our blue waffles are the best in the world!

  • Hard choice right now. I can take 2 of 4 class in person or all remote. Any advice ?

  • What are the subjects? How is the grading scheme? If you need class participation as a part of your grades, remote is difficult. Yes, some profs are still doing that and everyone is screaming for attention rather than learning anything.

    Remote learning is tough but nothing is more important than your health. If you can get away with remote, go for it. If you need in person discussions, maybe form some smaller groups with trusted friends who follow all health and safety guidelines. Hopefully, your profs have extra remote office hours to go over issues and doubts.

    Whatever you do, don't skip classes :)

    Thanked by 1ben47955
  • ben47955ben47955 Member
    edited February 2021

    @saibal said:
    What are the subjects? How is the grading scheme? If you need class participation as a part of your grades, remote is difficult. Yes, some profs are still doing that and everyone is screaming for attention rather than learning anything.

    Remote learning is tough but nothing is more important than your health. If you can get away with remote, go for it. If you need in person discussions, maybe form some smaller groups with trusted friends who follow all health and safety guidelines. Hopefully, your profs have extra remote office hours to go over issues and doubts.

    Whatever you do, don't skip classes :)

    Math and physic for in person, two other are software engineering related and will be remote no matter what. No participation really required.

    The point is, it's way more hard to keep focus on not doing something else when class is remote.

    Health isn't too much a concern as pandemic is somewhat under control here, but I will need to wear a mask for all the the time I'm physically inside the university which is one of the reason I hesitate.

  • @ben47955 said: The point is, it's way more hard to keep focus on not doing something else when class is remote.

    Yes, that's another very good point. Formal classes render a degree of discipline that can never be matched online.

    Software engineering and coding can be done totally online. Math and Physics probably too depending on how comfortable you are. But some concepts require group study and you might be better off discussing those with your friends that you didn't totally grasp from the prof.

    Can you do a combination? Maybe attend in person once/twice a week and stagger who is coming on which days. Your friends can schedule something. That way you keep class sizes low and still allow for some degree of in person classroom experience. Your prof might not like the idea though.

    Thanked by 1ben47955
  • @saibal said: Can you do a combination? Maybe attend in person once/twice a week and stagger who is coming on which days.

    Not really. There a remote group and a in person group. After I made a choice, it's final.

    But thanks for your input. I'm more on the in person side now.

  • @ben47955 said: Not really. There a remote group and a in person group. After I made a choice, it's final.

    Yeah, I thought so. It would be an administrative nightmare for the prof if he/she let you do that. Just be safe and good luck for the exams.

    Thanked by 1ben47955
  • imokimok Member


  • @imok said: March.

    270 days to go!

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