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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month - Page 50
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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month



  • xsetxset Member

    @isy44h112 you paid before they switched all orders to be manually processed
    However your order is still manual processing mode, they wont move it forward until they get servers.

  • xsetxset Member
    edited July 2013

    @nvll your order should show as in progress in the unfinished order page, can you check? you also placed order before they switched payment verification to manual mode
    The order will still be verified during setup time

  • nagugnagug Member
    edited July 2013

    Finally I have got my refund. :) Received full refund in paypal. Now i need to wait for it to reflect in my card.

  • @W1V_Lee said:
    Still a looooooot cheaper than you will find somewhere else without the VAT, that's what I tell myself :)

    True, and some of the best LEB plans are in Europe (most generous in resources)

  • xsetxset Member

    Doesnt seem very complicated, but is it stable?

  • nvllnvll Member

    @xset it shows that my order is in progress and that I paid my order on 25/07/2013 21:53:42

  • xsetxset Member

    @nvll yes you have a good place in the queue

  • xsetxset Member
    edited July 2013

    @nvll if Ovh can keep their promises you'll get the server by latest next weekend

  • OVH is starting to irritate me, fine that you are taking longer to provide all the people a server but atleast give the people that ordered on thursday their server before people that ordered afterwards....

  • @taronyu said:
    OVH is starting to irritate me, fine that you are taking longer to provide all the people a server but atleast give the people that ordered on thursday their server before people that ordered afterwards....

    Have you emailed and told them this?

  • @INIZ said:
    Have you emailed and told them this?

    Created a ticket but after 5 days I closed it and called them. They don't know anything, he agreed with me that I should receive my server soon(tm) but couldn't guarantee it.

  • xsetxset Member

    at least they have put all new orders on hold until existing automatically verified orders are fullfilled/processed. still waiting that automatic cancellation for those who had more than 3 orders

  • I haven't been canceled and when I asked them about it, they said there was no record of me paying. I had to send them my paypal transaction id and order number... Not having a good feeling about even getting my money back.

  • skaska Member
    edited July 2013
  • rds100rds100 Member

    Hmm, we are waiting for Hetzner to open a DC in France then :)

  • xsetxset Member

    @rivacom did you get the payment confirmation email?

  • skaska Member
    edited July 2013

    @rds100 said:
    Hmm, we are waiting for Hetzner to open a DC in France then :)

    I doubt that. Hetzner is targeting at the "bigger" clients and resellers I guess. That's also why the current offer isn't targeting Hetzner directly. OVH is targeting digicube and

  • blueblue Member
    edited July 2013

    There's a bunch of us that ordered on Thursday using, and still didn't get our server.

    People ordered days later got theirs before us, which, tbh, pisses me off. It should be in order, not random.

  • xsetxset Member

    @blue same here

  • trexostrexos Member

    same here with

  • xsetxset Member

    someone said they had once to wait a month before got his server from ovh

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    I don't mind so much the waiting, but because of the delay I've had to renew my £9+VAT mKS for another month. Would have been nice to at least get one of the servers considering I ordered within the first couple of hours.

  • Just saying, "OVH just sent you a refund" - 4 hours ago

  • tr1ckytr1cky Member

    @Nekki said:
    I don't mind so much the waiting, but because of the delay I've had to renew my £9+VAT mKS for another month. Would have been nice to at least get one of the servers considering I ordered within the first couple of hours.

    You can also renew servers for only some days.

  • @Nekki said:
    I don't mind so much the waiting, but because of the delay I've had to renew my £9+VAT mKS for another month. Would have been nice to at least get one of the servers considering I ordered within the first couple of hours.

    The waiting isn't the problem, the problem is that they don't obey the line of order.

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @tr1cky said:
    You can also renew servers for only some days.

    I'm pretty sure the minimum term is 1 month for an mKS.

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    Yeah you can renew them for 1 Month.

  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran
    edited July 2013

    because of the delay I've had to renew my £9+VAT mKS for another month.

    If you're sure you're getting the new one, why not drop in a random LEB (don't you have some idling) to act as a replacement for a couple of days. Or even without searching too hard, why not DigitalOcean, they hand out free money these days, even $5 would last you exactly for a month, and you can turn on/off the droplet and be billed with a down to minutes' precision.

  • xsetxset Member

    @rm_ Do bills for offline droplets, you need to delete droplet to avoid billing

This discussion has been closed.