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Feedback & Suggestions - Page 22
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Feedback & Suggestions



  • mpkossen said: Blame the theme author ;-)

    Rude! How was I supposed to know it would eventually be 2014?

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    Be nice to MrObvious!!

    Thanked by 2concerto49 Mark_R
  • Good news everybody!

    • Unthanking is now possible
    • The post size limit has been increased to 20,000 characters
    • Thanking should now be available on the mobile theme as well
    • The normal quoting plugin should now work in all sitations

    Vanilla is going to be updated soon. Just a minor update with some bug fixes. If anything is wrong, let us know.

    Big thanks to @SysAdmin for taking care of this.

  • Any way to see signatures in mobile version?

  • @Brad said:
    Any way to see signatures in mobile version?

    Don't. The mobile version is for the content and not for taking up the small space with unrelevant information.

  • @Brad said:
    Any way to see signatures in mobile version?

    I'd prefer not to see the signatures at the mobile version same as the reason above. However, if your intent is to find a way to see signatures in 'mobile', then press the full site and 'enjoy' the feast :)

    @mpkossen, it seems like I need to write a plugin for it so that the changes won't disappear when you update(modifying the core should be possible but not futureproof) so pockets seems to be a more safe proof solution for now :)

  • btw, one thing: Disable the change of username. It allows me to easily identify someone, and not wondering what is his old username again, over and over. It helps to curb some scam, or annoying people.

  • Helpdesk is back online as well, by the way. A big thanks to @wycpierre for notifying us of an SQL Injection issue with it.

  • @wcypierre said:
    btw, one thing: Disable the change of username. It allows me to easily identify someone, and not wondering what is his old username again, over and over. It helps to curb some scam, or annoying people.

    Think it's not allowed to change your username yourself.

  • marcmmarcm Member
    edited February 2014
  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    Great work Maarten!

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    I just broke the quote plugin (the whole message plugin). Sorry Maarten :(

  • I'm glad that the Thank function works in mobile mode now. No issues on my windows phone.

  • @jbiloh said:
    I just broke the quote plugin (the whole message plugin). Sorry Maarten :(

    Everything seems to be working here. Except for some missing avatars.

    What's broken for you?

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @mpkossen said:
    What's broken for you?

    When I just quoted you just now it only grabbed your second sentence for example.

  • @jbiloh said:
    When I just quoted you just now it only grabbed your second sentence for example.

    Hmm, weird. I'll go test some more this week and fix any bug I'll find.

  • mikhomikho Member, Host Rep

    @jbiloh said:
    When I just quoted you just now it only grabbed your second sentence for example.

    I guess it has something to do with how line breaks are handled. Sometimes I get the text I write inside the quote instead of outside.

    I then need to edit and add double line breaks. When posted, there is only one.
    Doesn't happen everytime so it is hard to pinpoint.

  • Could we add a rule that forbids stating a first month only price (without denoting it as such) in an Offer subject line...there's been a few lately...most recent:

  • craigb said: Could we add a rule that forbids stating a first month only price...

    You mean to try and stop provider trying to mislead potential customers in their desperate race to the bottom? I'd say let them. I have been long enough around here to see that when the community doesn't like something, it reacts.

    @jbiloh I doubt Vanilla will ever evolve into more than it is now, at least the version that they're giving away. This community is growing, and why not, I think that growth should be encouraged. I have grown quite fond of the InvisionPower software, and I think that it would make an excellent platform for LowEndTalk, and it could possibly even integrate with LowEndBox. With IPBoard Nexus eCommerce could be added where community members would be able to buy and sell scripts, web designs, their services and much more, as well as buy advertising and so on. While I like the simplicity of Vanilla, I believe that expanding and offering more services, both free and paid, would be a good idea in the long run. LET could become a hub for hosting related stuff.

  • XenForo > IPB, once you understand the inner workings of XenForo anyway.

  • MrObvious said: XenForo > IPB, once you understand the inner workings of XenForo anyway.

    I like Xenforo as well. IPB 4.0 will be a full blown CMS and it's just around the corner.

  • @marcm said:

    Invision Power Board has always had a much smaller target on "performance" from my personal experience. A lot of "tweaking" and general "scrap everything" nonsense must be done to a base IP.Board installation to have it handle the kind of traffic LowEndTalk has, let alone any other large community.

    XenForo comes out of the box with many performance improvements and options, including core support for many caching options (such as object and string caches) as well as module support for external caches such as Varnish/Squib setups.

    I would suggest looking at XenForo, but IP.Board is also good for what it is. IP.Board has far too many features (it's "Bloatware" at this point) which is known to be a huge issue for software that should only be good at what it's meant to be.

    XenForo's core focuses on very few features, and does them right from the beginning; and then leaves you with a very extensive and well-documented API to expand on the core anywhere you feel you need to. There is a large modding and extension base for XenForo (much larger than I have seen with IP.Board, considering IP.Board has a lot of "value added" ""features"" in the "core".)

  • @HardCloud - All your points are valid, however I doubt that XenForo is appropriate for what I've suggested. It lacks proper eCommerce support and many other features, plus I doubt that this community will embrace XenForo. Replacing Vanilla with it won't really bring any huge benefits.

    On the other hand ColoCrossing has the proper hardware to support IPBoard. The requirements are at times greatly exaggerated. I am sure that the staff would welcome the additional tools that IPBoard brings to the table. The extra unneeded stuff can be disabled. Plus, version 4 will turn IPBoard into a full blown CMS, with the Forum being just another module.

    Imagine being able to buy and sell stuff on LET like on eBay, having software controlled auctions, proper integration with LowEndBox and many more other features. Now think how long it would take to implement all of that with XenForo.

    The idea is to use the right tool for the job. If I'd be crazy I would suggest Drupal, and while it would work, you'd have to be either a borderline cheapskate or a huge masochist to attempt to convert LET/LEB to Drupal.

    Thanked by 1Grimmy2
  • @craigb said:
    Could we add a rule that forbids stating a first month only price (without denoting it as such) in an Offer subject line...there's been a few lately...most recent:

    As long as the normal price is $7 or less and it's stated in the title that it's the first month only, it's fine. Anything else means trouble. I've changed the title of the thread you mentioned and warned the OP.

    marcm said: I doubt Vanilla will ever evolve into more than it is now, at least the version that they're giving away.

    It's open source (even the version we're running, plugins included), so, basically it's all up to us.

    I've proposed switching to other software in the past, but there were quite some people that preferred staying with Vanilla. It's what makes LET unique over other forums.

    Thanked by 1craigb
  • mpkossen said: It's what makes LET unique over other forums.

    It's true, however if the current format can be preserved and the design can slightly evolved to adapt to the new platform, it could be a win-win for everyone. Plus it would add a new revenue stream for the forum as well by adding a marketplace for hosting related items.

  • qpsqps Member, Host Rep

    Posting in Vanilla is pretty annoying at times. If it were possible to swap over to better forum software, I think this would be ideal.

    Thanked by 2marcm Grimmy2
  • marcmmarcm Member

    qps said: Posting in Vanilla is pretty annoying at times. If it were possible to swap over to better forum software, I think this would be ideal.

    I agree completely.

  • IP.Board is the best paid solution for this kind of forum. I have been an IP.Board modifications developer for one year and it's really easy to modify. It also has a huge list of awesome modifications which could be useful.

    However, I think using IP.Board or even XenForo would make LET lose its essence. What makes this nice is it's simplicity, the quickness of use and the posts appearing in the front page.
    Yes, you could reproduce it with IP.Board, but you can also modify Vanilla.

    Keep in mind IP.Board is also "open source" - you have access to the full source in everything except IP.Nexus if I'm not wrong.

    Thanked by 1Grimmy2
  • I like how it is now. LET should just keep its current forum system and edit it whenever necessary.

    Thanked by 1luissousa
  • @Mark_R said:
    I like how it is now. LET should just keep its current forum system and edit it whenever necessary.

    Indeed. Maybe get rid of Markdown in comments and replace it with adequate BBCode or simple HTML. Markdown was not made for forum comments but for (long) text-markup.

    Thanked by 2mpkossen Zen
This discussion has been closed.