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Feedback & Suggestions - Page 20
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Feedback & Suggestions



  • @mpkossen said:
    E-mails are working again (just got a load of them myself).

    Thanks to SysAdmin for fixing this :-)

    Whoo Hoo!!

  • confirmed, got a bunch as well

  • A like button or a thanks button like has
    I have seen a few tutorials I loved, and the button would have been convenient
    Also is quantifiable :)

  • mikhomikho Member, Host Rep

    @serverwholesale said:
    A like button or a thanks button like has
    I have seen a few tutorials I loved, and the button would have been convenient
    Also is quantifiable :)

    It is available except when browsing, using the mobile version.

  • 2008-2013 © LowEndBox. Powered by Vanilla. All date/time in UTC.

    It's 2014.

    ' . date('Y') . '
  • I think The Cluster is slightly desynched again.

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @rds100 said:
    I think The Cluster is slightly desynched again.

    What are you seeing?

  • @jbiloh was seeing threads showing that there are new posts, when there were not new posts. Maybe one of the cluster members was a few seconds behind or something.

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    We just reviewed all 8 nodes and fixed one small bug but things should be fine and should have been fine. There was an issue with the db a week or so ago that could have caused a sync issue though.

  • As a new member joining this forum, I would like to suggest 1 thing. Thread titles should NOT be altered by any admins here unless the original poster requests it. Admins abusing their power by "sinkings" threads or altering it in any form without the consent of OP should be NOT allowed.

    Example: If people post complaints in regards to ColoCrossing or related affiliates of CC, as long as OP stands by the forum rules, no admin should be allowed to alter it or sinking or abuse it by any means to save their reputation with CC.

    That is it. Thank you for considering my suggestion.

  • As a old member of this forum, I would like to suggest one thing. Every new member should read TERM OF SERVICE before mark it "agree" and join to forum.

    Terms of Service

    You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this community to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you.

    We at this community also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you. We log all internet protocol addresses accessing this web site.

    Please note that advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are inappropriate on this community.

    We reserve the right to remove any content for any reason or no reason at all. We reserve the right to terminate any membership for any reason or no reason at all.

    You must be at least 13 years of age to use this service.

    Too many people demand rights, but very few accept responsibilities.

    Thanked by 1skagerrak
  • love4cars4234 said: I would like to suggest

    You are here -> Feedback & Suggestions - Page 13

    Thank you for entering wrong room old member

    love4cars4234 said: Thank you for considering my suggestion.

    You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche 1/13

  • You must be at least 13 years of age to use this service.

    Why is this broken oh so many times....

  • Heinz said: pyramid schemes

    No more posting about bitcoins :P

    love4cars4234 said: As a new member joining this forum, I would like to suggest 1 thing. Thread titles should NOT be altered by any admins here unless the original poster requests it. Admins abusing their power by "sinkings" threads or altering it in any form without the consent of OP should be NOT allowed.

    Calm down. I know you are a little pissed of about your thread and all, but all is fine. Like I said before, I'm used to changing thread titles once things have been resolved. I was just a little too fast with yours, for which I would like to apologize. Like I also said in there: I'm going to leave it as is.

    Thanked by 1vRozenSch00n
  • mpkossen said: for which I would like to apologize

    ^This is the hardest part of being an admin. Thanks @mpkossen

  • @mpkossen
    Lots of cloudflare error right now...

    This page ( is currently offline. However, because the site uses CloudFlare's Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keep checking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version. Always Online™ is powered by CloudFlare | Hide this Alert

  • @hwdsl2 said:
    Lots of cloudflare error right now...

    This page ( is currently offline. However, because the site uses CloudFlare's Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keep checking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version. Always Online™ is powered by CloudFlare | Hide this Alert

    May want to tag @SysAdmin and @jbiloh as I'm on vacation right now.

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    There was a burp a few days ago. If you have any further issues let us know.

  • I've sent Alex a request to add a line to the Vanilla config file that will allow people to unthank a post they have thanked. So, keep your eyes open for an 'Unthank' link soon ;-)

  • mikhomikho Member, Host Rep

    Mobile version?

  • @MikHo said:
    Mobile version?

    That's something I still have to look at.

  • Mark_RMark_R Member
    edited February 2014

    @mpkossen said:
    That's something I still have to look at.

    wouldn't that be a higher priority? the mobile version.

    why would you thank someone in the first place if you didn't mean it? lol if it happend accidently then that person should just deal with it and remember for next time that he shouldn't be too close to the thank button with his cursor.

  • Mark_R said: wouldn't that be a higher priority? the mobile version.

    Yes. But more work as I need to find out why it's not displayed on mobile in the first place. Enabling unthanking is pretty trivial (and it was very easy to find how to do it).

    why would you thank someone in the first place if you didn't mean it? lol if it happend accidently then that person should just deal with it and remember for next time that he shouldn't be too close to the thank button with his cursor.

    You can click something by mistake. We're all human beings.

    In addition to that, you can thank someone for something they wrote. The person you thanked can then change the post and you may not like to thank him any longer. It's a valid use case to unthank someone.

    Thanked by 1Mark_R
  • Not particularly sure if this has been mentioned before, but wouldn't it be better to use Google search as the default search instead of Vanilla's search? I'm kinda fed up with it most of the times and ended up using Google instead.

    Or...... probably there's something that I've missed out?

  • @wcypierre said:
    Not particularly sure if this has been mentioned before, but wouldn't it be better to use Google search as the default search instead of Vanilla's search? I'm kinda fed up with it most of the times and ended up using Google instead.

    Or...... probably there's something that I've missed out?

    Use google like this <search term>.

  • @skagerrak said:
    Use google like this <search term>.

    yeah, I know. That's what I'm using as well right now. But what I'm talking about is to replace the default search bar to use that instead of the default search, which is pretty bad imo(or probably there's some features that I have yet to venture as of now).

  • @mpkossen said:
    In addition to that, you can thank someone for something they wrote. The person you thanked can then change the post and you may not like to thank him any longer. It's a valid use case to unthank someone.

    That is a good point yes but posts are only editable for 1 hour after it got posted right?

    i still think that the whole "Thank" button will lose its entire value when you add a "Unthank" option.

  • I've found the reason the Thanks link doesn't show on mobile. I've fixed it locally. I need to test if with my phone, but I'm pretty confident it'll work. I'll request an update of the plugin once I've tested it.

  • Mark_R said: i still think that the whole "Thank" button will lose its entire value when you add a "Unthank" option.

    I personally don't think so and unthank has been requested quite a few times, so it's gonna be there anyways :P

    Maybe somebody will write up a new plugin like we had at VanillaForums what allows liking, disliking, etc. It could happen; it's all open source.

This discussion has been closed.