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GreenValueHost hacked, data stolen - Page 8
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GreenValueHost hacked, data stolen



  • HC_RoHC_Ro Member

    I asked Jon of the 500K they are going to do in sales what percentage is cost. He said he had no clue.

    (pffff) If I anyone running a 500k/yr business does not know the numbers I don't believe it.

    He also told me his cost per GB, the profit range was so low. He was considering Selling the low cost VM clients. (remember he did this with shared hosting)

    Oh the story goes on but I have a meeting.

  • I think we should keep in mind that it's public knowledge @Jack was previously running a HackForums host...

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    We should also keep in mind that Jon is apparently an unstable pathological liar, so I wouldn't put much stead in his figures unless you've verified them independently.

  • @Mark_R said:

    Fair enough. Just posting what I did find, wanted Jack to explain what was up with it. Seemed a bit odd to see. There is no solid proof he did it, I agree. I talked with him on Skype and he seemed genuinely surprised at what is there. We even poked Nick to see if the time on the node was drifting which would have potentially botched the timestamps which wasn't the case, worth a try at least.

    Granted if I was inclined to fake documents, which I'm not, there would have been more substance to it wouldn't you think?

    Frankly I wanted to help Jon because I felt bad for him, I saw the thread talking about his whmcs being down so I messaged Jon to see if he needed anything. That's actually how I helped out the first time, something was amiss and I wanted to help solve it. I would do that for any host here, I've lent a helping hand to a few people lurking the forums in times of need.

    Thanked by 1zionvps
  • @VPN said:
    Obviously GVH weren't left in very good hands if he has had to jump back in.

    He didn't left the company. He resigned as Director of Operations.

  • LeeLee Veteran

    @gsrdgrdghd said:
    I think we should keep in mind that it's public knowledge Jack was previously running a HackForums host...

    Not defending anyone on that however you can connect so many providers past and present to hackforums.

    Thanked by 1linuxthefish
  • StevenNStevenN Member, Host Rep

    @gsrdgrdghd said:
    I think we should keep in mind that it's public knowledge Jack was previously running a HackForums host...

    When jack acquired dotvps he stopped the advertising on HF straight away.

  • gsrdgrdghdgsrdgrdghd Member
    edited June 2014

    W1V_Lee said: Not defending anyone on that however you can connect so many providers past and present to hackforums.

    I agree, but personally I wouldn't deal with a host that had previous dealings with HackForums [see e.g. here]. There are enough providers that haven't had any evidence linking them to HackForums

    Thanked by 1Lee
  • Jack said: You do know I took over this account right? That wasn't me posting.

    I know (and i think i commented about this a few years ago) but regardless i still consider anyone with even the slightest connection to HackForums suspicious.

  • ChuckChuck Member

    Good job GreenValueHost.

  • NewAroundHereNewAroundHere Member
    edited June 2014


  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @NewAroundHere said:
    So much intrigue to earn $15 yr or less per client. Its a seriously insane soap opera. I'm sure all of you will be arguing over the next company too. Seems to never end.

    I think you might have come to the wrong forum.

  • VPNVPN Member

    @luissousa said:

    And as no mention was made to his 'new' position the natural assumption is that he is no longer with them.

  • @VPN said:
    And as no mention was made to his 'new' position the natural assumption is that he is no longer with them.

    I see your point, but keep my statement. Your quoting is badly formated tough.

  • VPNVPN Member

    @luissousa said:

    Statement is pure speculation unless backed up by proof.

    I'll keep it in mind but knowing GVH, I wouldn't put it past them if this wasn't some sick revenge from Jon having been muscled out of his own business for incompetence.

    In regards to my 'poorly' formatted quote, apologies it was done on my phone. I didn't realise 'LowEndBoss' could tell me off for it :)

  • raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

    VPN said: You mean Jon who resigned 2 days ago?

    Yeah, the sames "sales manager" who is now restoring their web site & WHMCS.

    You'd think a "sales manager" would be busy focusing on, well, sales, and leave this kind of technical operations work to, say, the new Interim Operations Manager.

    Of course, in this case, they're all just pretend names Jon made up. But it does make you wonder...does Sales Manager Jon email Interim Operations Directory Jaroslav every hour?

    Sales Manager Jon: "How's the server restore coming?"

    (logs into different email account)

    Interim Operations Director Jaroslav: "Hi Jon, it's taking a while."

    (logs into a different email account)

    Sales Manager Jon: "We're losing money here, buddy! Speed it up!"

    (logs into different email account)

    Interim Operations Director Jaroslav: "Look, your pressure isn't helping. You don't have to be a dick."

    (logs into different email account)

    Sales Manager Jon: "You're the moron who let this happen!"

    (logs into different email account)

    Tyler/Alan: "Guys, let's just focus on the problem."

  • luissousaluissousa Member
    edited June 2014

    @VPN said:
    Statement is pure speculation unless backed up by proof.


    I'll keep it in mind but knowing GVH, I wouldn't put it past them if this wasn't some sick revenge from Jon having been muscled out of his own business for incompetence.


    In regards to my 'poorly' formatted quote, apologies it was done on my phone. I didn't brealise 'LowEndBoss' could tell me off for it :)

    @VPN, I told he left as Director of Operations and not from the company because I was told so by him. There was also no sense on putting him out. He almost founded the company..

    Anyway, I didn't put you off, no. I just warned you, as your statement says I said "And as no mention was made to his 'new' position the natural assumption is that he is no longer with them.", and I am sorry but I didn't. You can still edit it though..

  • luissousaluissousa Member
    edited June 2014

    @raindog308 said:
    sales manager

    @VPN Jonny had moved from Director of Operations to Sales Manager. That's it.

    @raindog308 said:

    Well.. Logically, you can't sell when your systems are down. That's probably why Jonny would be expected to help rescuing the system..

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

    luissousa said: I told he left as Director of Operations and not from the company because I was told so by him. There was also no sense on putting him out. He almost founded the company..

    Um, "Jaroslav" and "Jon" are the same person so the "move" was all in Jon's head.

  • luissousaluissousa Member
    edited June 2014

    @raindog308 said:
    Um, "Jaroslav" and "Jon" are the same person so the "move" was all in Jon's head.

    Not really. "Jaroslav" was indeed another person, if you check that old thread and mpkossen's hidden statements. "Jaroslav" is not his real name tough. He was another guy whose name I don't remember.

  • raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

    luissousa said: He was another guy whose name I don't remember.

    Was it Tyjon Alanoslav by chance?

  • @raindog308 said:
    Was it Tyjon Alanoslav by chance?

    No, I just confirmed and Jaroslav is actually named Tyler.
    Also, if you take a look at the IP Addresses (they are residential), you will see Jonny and Tyler are far away from each other..

    Thanked by 1support123
  • I can confirm that @luissousa is right.His name is Tyler and running another hosting company as well

    Thanked by 2luissousa netomx
  • cassacassa Member

    Website back up with working ssl

  • tr1ckytr1cky Member

    So why is my VPS with them down?

    Thanked by 1LV_Matt
  • cassacassa Member

    @tr1cky said:
    So why is my VPS with them down?

    2 possible reasons:

    1) Upgrading OpenVZ for vulnerable fix

    2) Doing random stuff

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • @tr1cky said:
    So why is my VPS with them down?

    @cassa said:
    2) Doing random stuff

    I've just got some official information that they are currently updating their nodes to fix an OpenVZ exploit.

  • tr1ckytr1cky Member

    @cassa said:
    2) Doing random stuff

    Hm... RamNode downtime for openvz fix was 5 seconds, prometeus downtime also 5 seconds, why do they take more than an hour?

    Thanked by 1linuxthefish
  • AnthonySmithAnthonySmith Member, Patron Provider

    @ftpit said:
    I can confirm that luissousa is right.His name is Tyler and running another hosting company as well


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