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HXServers Los Angeles Outages? - Page 8
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HXServers Los Angeles Outages?



  • Bummer. I'm not mad, I only paid month by month for cheapest server. Something like $1.50 a month. I'm just bummed for hxservers dude, definitely wanted him to succeed. His servers actually had a really fast network. For the application I'm using I require alot of packets to be sent per second but low bandwidth and ipxo seems to be good for that. I ended up on atomic networks as they seem to use same provider.

  • @tsoft said:
    Spam operator from China killed Chris's new venture,very sad.

    He bought servers on September 4-5th and launched the hx website on them on September 8th. Now monthly contact has expired and he did not renew.

    hxservers lived 88 days
    lynxservers ~ 60 days

    So Chris made a progress.

    All we need next is to see some lawsuit info get posted, the delicious continuation, gotta see it go full circle.

  • Chris. You did not refund people.

    Refund money paid by crypto.

    Or will be worse than lawsuit :D

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited December 2023


    Chris, you owe to a person from ...
    You better refund him and go, with empty pockets, but clear conscience.

    Because know everything about you. Where you live, where you breathe, where you lived, in colorado and etc.

  • @tsoft said:

    Chris, you owe to a person from ...
    You better refund him and go, with empty pockets, but clear conscience.

    Because know everything about you. Where you live, where you breathe, where you lived, in colorado and etc.

    thank you for your feedback.

  • @cybertech said:

    @tsoft said:

    Chris, you owe to a person from ...
    You better refund him and go, with empty pockets, but clear conscience.

    Because know everything about you. Where you live, where you breathe, where you lived, in colorado and etc.

    thank you for your feedback.

    Your refund has been halved

  • tentortentor Member, Host Rep

    @Moopah said:

    @cybertech said:

    @tsoft said:

    Chris, you owe to a person from ...
    You better refund him and go, with empty pockets, but clear conscience.

    Because know everything about you. Where you live, where you breathe, where you lived, in colorado and etc.

    thank you for your feedback.

    Your refund has been halved

    0/2 = 0

  • @tentor said:
    0/2 = 0

    but if chris will not refund, he will be divided by zero

  • @tsoft said:

    @tentor said:
    0/2 = 0

    but if chris will not refund, he will be divided by zero

    Gosh, you're from 90sh? Can you calm down and let it go? If you wanna suit him, do it in legal way, not with this bullshit.

    Thanked by 1tentor
  • Yeah Chris is History, get a High End job and start buying vps somewhere else.

  • @CalmDown said:
    Gosh, you're from 90sh? Can you calm down and let it go? If you wanna suit him, do it in legal way, not with this bullshit.

    Serve subpoena to US? Have you tried?

  • @repuc Do you have a nice VPS for tsoft ? I hear your service is really good.

  • @WhiteRoseG said:
    @repuc Do you have a nice VPS for tsoft ? I hear your service is really good.

    I already donated mine

  • @tsoft said:

    @WhiteRoseG said:
    @repuc Do you have a nice VPS for tsoft ? I hear your service is really good.

    I already donated mine

    :* :D :D You are legend ! Hahaha

  • @CalmDown said:
    Gosh, you're from 90sh? Can you calm down and let it go? If you wanna suit him, do it in legal way, not with this bullshit.

    Are you from 2011? When Chris just scammed people and disappeared.
    This time will not work :D

    Ruining reputation (if any?) in the friend zone. + ex-empoyers. Frist step.

  • @tsoft said:

    @CalmDown said:
    Gosh, you're from 90sh? Can you calm down and let it go? If you wanna suit him, do it in legal way, not with this bullshit.

    Are you from 2011? When Chris just scammed people and disappeared.
    This time will not work :D

    Ruining reputation (if any?) in the friend zone. + ex-empoyers. Frist step.

    None of your business. Go suit him, stop bullshiting and crying. "Give refund, give refund, or we will punish you". You have info? You have proofs, do it. Currently, you're only treating (which is against lawsuits) and bullshiting here.

    Suggest you to learn about what you're eligible to do and what not, you know "human rights", dont you? If you cross the mark, you will be in fcking ass and that would be bigger than a scam.

    Once again, it's a 21st century, not 90s, where "shoot gun" was the judgement.

    P.S Strop crying like an offense, kiddo, just do things legally if you want to. Even now what you say over Ethernet you can be suited easily, make a research how many ppl was suited for some things in the UK for example.

  • @CalmDown said:
    None of your business. Go suit him, stop bullshiting and crying. "Give refund, give refund, or we will punish you". You have info? You have proofs, do it. Currently, you're only treating (which is against lawsuits) and bullshiting here.

    Suggest you to learn about what you're eligible to do and what not, you know "human rights", dont you? If you cross the mark, you will be in fcking ass and that would be bigger than a scam.

    Once again, it's a 21st century, not 90s, where "shoot gun" was the judgement.

    P.S Strop crying like an offense, kiddo, just do things legally if you want to. Even now what you say over Ethernet you can be suited easily, make a research how many ppl was suited for some things in the UK for example.

    I asked before, have tried to serve to US?

    Btw, no idea in which shit place you lived in 90s, we solved everything peacefully :D
    Did someone rape you behind the school? So you still have such a trauma :D

    It is not my money. I recommended to friends and they lost money. So Chris refund them and go with reputation.

  • @tsoft said:

    @CalmDown said:
    None of your business. Go suit him, stop bullshiting and crying. "Give refund, give refund, or we will punish you". You have info? You have proofs, do it. Currently, you're only treating (which is against lawsuits) and bullshiting here.

    Suggest you to learn about what you're eligible to do and what not, you know "human rights", dont you? If you cross the mark, you will be in fcking ass and that would be bigger than a scam.

    Once again, it's a 21st century, not 90s, where "shoot gun" was the judgement.

    P.S Strop crying like an offense, kiddo, just do things legally if you want to. Even now what you say over Ethernet you can be suited easily, make a research how many ppl was suited for some things in the UK for example.

    I asked before, have tried to serve to US?

    Btw, no idea in which shit place you lived in 90s, we solved everything peacefully :D
    Did someone rape you behind the school? So you still have such a trauma :D

    It is not my money. I recommended to friends and they lost money. So Chris refund them and go with reputation.

    Get your shit out of here, kiddo. You seems do not understand basis. Your friend, then let HIM fcking deal with it. You his layer or what? At least be a man a respect others.

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited December 2023

    @CalmDown said:
    Get your shit out of here, kiddo. You seems do not understand basis. Your friend, then let HIM fcking deal with it. You his layer or what? At least be a man a respect others.

    The question is still open.
    Where did you live in 90th?
    Were you raped behind the school? :D
    Tell, anonymously, it is ok. I am tolerant, but in some places didn’t greet such people, such culture, what to do :D

  • @tsoft said: Chris just scammed people and disappeared

    He didn't disappear. He's still here checking the forum :D

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited December 2023

    @malignify said:
    He didn't disappear. He's still here checking the forum :D

    Yes, it is true.

    Chris, you won't be happy with this money. Just refund people and go. Easy.


  • cybertechcybertech Member
    edited December 2023

    @tsoft said:

    @malignify said:
    He didn't disappear. He's still here checking the forum :D

    Yes, it is true.

    Chris, you won't be happy with this money. Just refund people and go. Easy.


    the fact you are still here harrassing him to refund shows that it is just that easy to pay $200, scam, blame on IPXO and exit.

    im here learning such modus operandi and maybe one day i might just launch one or a couple for easy quick bucks.

  • I need to buy a new sports car. You fools, give me the money quickly

    No worries if account or chicken deleted

    Stupid people buy without thinking

  • @cybertech said:
    the fact you are still here harrassing him to refund shows that it is just that easy to pay $200, scam, blame on IPXO and exit.

    im here learning such modus operandi and maybe one day i might just launch one or a couple for easy quick bucks.

    People foolishly topped up their balance with crypto. No possibility to charge back.

    And such scammer worked for US defence, US gov?

  • Thanked by 1tsoft
  • @malignify said:
    He didn't disappear. He's still here checking the forum :D

  • His profile does show he logged in today. Of course he logs in everyday hoping that people stop talking about it, stop passing around his address and other info, etc... He's a scammer for sure, but the good news is he's a dumb scammer - everyone knows who/where he is. He shouldn't ever be allowed to work in any tech field again, in any capacity.

    Thanked by 1tsoft
  • @thane said:

    Good idea :/

    @CalmDown said:
    Once again, it's a 21st century, not 90s, where "shoot gun" was the judgement.

    Chris, listen to an experienced person ^. He/she didn't pay off debts in the 90s. His/her body still remembers that time.

  • @tsoft Are you able to close the topic already and stop tagging me? Or it's too hard for you. Nothing to do? Donate some money to sick children's, at least you will do something good for now.

    Thanked by 1jsg
  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited December 2023

    @CalmDown said:
    @tsoft Are you able to close the topic already and stop tagging me? Or it's too hard for you. Nothing to do? Donate some money to sick children's, at least you will do something good for now.

    But you are a sick child. Provide your bank account.

    Everything I get from Chris, will donate to you.

This discussion has been closed.