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[MXroute] Black Friday 2023 - Email hosting that spammers crave (but can't have) - Page 16
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[MXroute] Black Friday 2023 - Email hosting that spammers crave (but can't have)



  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    @depricated said:

    @jar said: Can’t think of a reason. Similar network, hardware, and activity.

    No idea either. Sometimes clicking on a folder (Roundcube, nothing fancy) seems to do nothing and I just see a "Loading" spinner in the lower right corner for several seconds. Most times it's fine, but still seems a bit slower.

    One other strange issue that I got resolved: DKIM verification was failing until I disabled/re-enabled DKIM in DirectAdmin to generate a new key pair and updated DNS records with the new public key. Had to do that for each domain.

    Roger that. I won’t say there’s a server issue but I will say I’ll hunt for one.

    Thanked by 1depricated
  • @jar said: Highlight of my week: Customer lies to me about their password security, swears the account isn’t compromised. I’m looking right there at their password in plain text (as part of the email subject) because the threat actor successfully used their SMTP credentials. Yet, they would still lie.

    Amazing, truly amazing.

    They're not lying, they're sharing their reality. >D

    Speaking of credentials, I noticed the servers now allow max 64 characters, while before 128 was allowed. Not a big deal, but wonder why the limit.

    Thanked by 1jar
  • @jar said:
    Highlight of my week: Customer lies to me about their password security, swears the account isn’t compromised. I’m looking right there at their password in plain text (as part of the email subject) because the threat actor successfully used their SMTP credentials. Yet, they would still lie.

    Amazing, truly amazing.

    How'd you deal with that situation?

    Thanked by 1jar
  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    @josephf said:

    @jar said:
    Highlight of my week: Customer lies to me about their password security, swears the account isn’t compromised. I’m looking right there at their password in plain text (as part of the email subject) because the threat actor successfully used their SMTP credentials. Yet, they would still lie.

    Amazing, truly amazing.

    How'd you deal with that situation?

    Suspended the account and gave a detailed technical response of how I knew their reply was a lie (their wording wasn’t about misunderstanding, more like attempted coverup to their bosses), and asked them to explain to me how I’m supposed to trust them with access to my platform moving forward. Radio silence for a day now.

  • edited November 2023

    @jar said:
    I’m looking right there at their password in plain text (as part of the email subject) because the threat actor successfully used their SMTP credentials. Yet, they would still lie.

    Did it occur to you that the password might identify as being changed and your client is simply being respectful while you're not?

    Thanked by 1didtav
  • I think I'll be renewing my BF 2020 $5 plan for the rest of my days :D

  • Order #803083642

    Just pulled the trigger and migirating from iCloud to MXRoute. So far so good!

  • Just bought one. See you in 2026 :)

  • What would be yabs equivalent for mail server?

  • @LTniger said:
    What would be yabs equivalent for mail server?

    Send an email to MS outlook.

  • @LTniger said:
    What would be yabs equivalent for mail server?

    Send an email to china?

  • new comment -> up discussion -> get bonus on my order 😭😭😆

    Thanked by 1jar
  • could mxroute implement in whm for cpanel users if having 100+ cpanel accounts? or it is not for that purpose and dont have that option?

    Thanked by 1jar
  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    @Dilstar said:
    could mxroute implement in whm for cpanel users if having 100+ cpanel accounts? or it is not for that purpose and dont have that option?

    You can, and a lot of people do, but I’d want to tell you what goes wrong with that setup sometimes.

    1. We don’t like cron job spam or floods of junk CSF emails headed for Gmail or an invalid root@ account. If I didn't make a point of combating this, every customer would be in Gmail spam folder because every IP would send 90% or more only LFD notification spam. I expect customers who relay their whole systems to try to prevent this and not just leave it entirely on me to filter. I’ll get annoyed if the bulk of one server’s job is to filter out notifications that someone from China failed SSH login on your box (that’s like 2500 times a minute on every server with port 22 open).

    2. If one email account on your server is compromised, you’ll need to take action pretty quickly because blocking their sender address isn’t a guaranteed hit, if they figure out they can spoof the sender address to send spam from that account on your server, I’ll just have to suspend the whole SMTP login you use for relaying until you can resolve it. I’m much less able to handle abuse when it’s occurring through your server, and it’s worse when it’s alongside legitimate traffic from your server.

  • Good deal indeed.

    Thanked by 1jar
  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited December 2023

    @LTniger said:
    What would be yabs equivalent for mail server?

    Here is an internal bench of all hosters / providers in the world, will share with you partially :D

    Mxroute sends better than sendgrid. Top sender overall. Also, has no known spammers use it as promised.

    Added to report known send-mail providers + some known spam networks.
    Removed top 2 top, because dot not want to advertise them, but you may guess who is missing.

    reputation - average rep across mail providers, higher - better placement in inboxes (if negative, mailboxes do not like these mails on average).
    ips_bench - number of ips benched (used to send mail)
    spammers - number of IPs from benched currently used by known spammers.

    PS for mailgun... mailgun uses amazon and rackspace, in this exact report did not separate them. Rackspace you can consider as mailgun

    Thanked by 2jar nibble
  • @tsoft said:
    like stats?
    Here is an internal bench of all hosters / providers in the world, I will share with you partially :D

    Mxroute sends better than sendgrid. Top sender overall. Also, has no known spammers use it as promised.

    Added to report known send-mail providers + some known spam networks.
    Removed top 2 top, because dot not want to advertise them, but you may guess who is missing.

    reputation - aggregate rep across mail providers, higher - better placement in inboxes (if negative, mailboxes do not like these mails on average).
    ips_bench - number of ips benched
    spammers - number of IPs from benched currently used by known spammers.

    PS for mailgun... mailgun uses amazon and rackspace, in this exact report did not separate them. Rackspace you can consider as mailgun

    Who decided what numbers each provider is assigned above?

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited December 2023

    @josephf said:
    Who decided what numbers each provider is assigned above?

    Internal bench, as mentioned

    reputation - average rep across mail providers

    reputation = sum(reputation of all ips benched) / number of ips benched

    ips benched - only ips that send emails (excluding idle / unused for sending mail, for example, excluding these used to receive mail - no need them to bench, only send)

    Mxroute has 1536 ips, 344 are used for sending mail. Maybe they use more, I do not know, then score will go up down if detected more / less :D

    Thanked by 1dev077
  • fanfan Veteran

    So is the GOAT for spammers?

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited December 2023

    @fan said:
    So is the GOAT for spammers?

    No one can beat them. 100k ips used by spammers.
    But DO is also high.
    Now idea how this possible, since they blocked 25 port last year for new accounts.
    The only guess, there is an aftermarket of old DO "drop" accounts, where you can use 25 port.

    DO have 2,853,376 IPs, at least 123k are still used for mail. Pretty high. Maybe even more, 123k were detected so far.

    This is reality, what to do:

    Thanked by 1fan
  • fanfan Veteran

    @tsoft said: DO is also high

    Because of free credits I guess.

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited December 2023

    @fan said:
    Because of free credits I guess.

    25 is blocked for all new accounts in DO since last year.
    There is a market of old DO accounts, in telegram they sell at scale. + linode looks like the same, on old accs is open.

    In summary, MX route one of the best options for business emails. No idea how they beat sendgrid ("gold standard") in quality, sending on behalf of someone else is tricky, sendgrid has a huge team.

    For transactional, mxr does not provide it ( would be good, but ok), so better use like ses. They are low quality, but cheap.

    The first one I removed from list is top quality sender, will not advertise them for a reason :D , but they are much more expensive than SES and KYC is radical. For anything that looks like spam may kick you. That's my they score 55. But price is high, so no reason to mention them.

  • Up. Keyword density:

    #mxroute, #bestemailhost, #emailhosting, #suprememailruler, #nospam

  • Are the top two, with names redacted, Google and Microsoft?

  • @josephf said:
    Are the top two, with names redacted, Google and Microsoft?

    No, just senders like sendgrid, mailgun, sparkpost. But with radical KYC.

    Gmail and M$, are negative, but they are whitelisted in their own mailboxes B) Gmail is hoster of several spam operators, but they do not use gmail directly, but spam using other Google products that are connected to gmail :D

  • @tsoft said:

    @josephf said:
    Are the top two, with names redacted, Google and Microsoft?

    No, just senders like sendgrid, mailgun, sparkpost. But with radical KYC.

    Gmail and M$, are negative, but they are whitelisted in their own mailboxes B) Gmail is hoster of several spam operators, but they do not use gmail directly, but spam using other Google products that are connected to gmail :D

    What other Google products that are connected to Gmail do they use?

  • @josephf said:
    What other Google products that are connected to Gmail do they use?

    Will be offtop for this thread :D and generally, let's not discuss it.

    But I recently contacted jar and he may block this kind of spam. He already made preventive blocks, but maybe will block universally.

  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    @tsoft said:

    @josephf said:
    What other Google products that are connected to Gmail do they use?

    Will be offtop for this thread :D and generally, let's not discuss it.

    But I recently contacted jar and he may block this kind of spam. He already made preventive blocks, but maybe will block universally.

    It's not a secret:

    Thanked by 1tentor
  • @jar said:

    @tsoft said:

    @josephf said:
    What other Google products that are connected to Gmail do they use?

    Will be offtop for this thread :D and generally, let's not discuss it.

    But I recently contacted jar and he may block this kind of spam. He already made preventive blocks, but maybe will block universally.

    It's not a secret:

    And no industry-wide solution despite the passage of so much time?

    The comments there seem to be saying it isn't originating from Google's systems but rather from a domain using Google's name.

  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran
    edited December 2023

    @josephf said:

    @jar said:

    @tsoft said:

    @josephf said:
    What other Google products that are connected to Gmail do they use?

    Will be offtop for this thread :D and generally, let's not discuss it.

    But I recently contacted jar and he may block this kind of spam. He already made preventive blocks, but maybe will block universally.

    It's not a secret:

    And no industry-wide solution despite the passage of so much time?

    The comments there seem to be saying it isn't originating from Google's systems but rather from a domain using Google's name.

    That comment on there was misinformed

    Can't block Google, can't block Google groups, can't filter content that rapidly changes

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