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HXServers Los Angeles Outages? - Page 4
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HXServers Los Angeles Outages?



  • @Francisco said:
    Spam pays man. It pays so much you can furnish entire datacenters in, I dunno, Buffalo even.

    Already exists - @contabo_m

    Spam datacenter in the heart of Germany. Completely ignores all German laws.

    Any idea how to recall contabo ips? :D

  • This is Autumn provider he didn't even complete months here 🤣

    Thanked by 1sasslik
  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited November 2023

    @msallak1 said:
    This is Autumn provider he didn't even complete months here 🤣

    In 2011, he started in September and closed in December, because people ddosed from ips.
    In 2023, because people spammed from ips.

    But he will return 100%, stronger, experienced, under another brand. Chris is very strong.

    Thanked by 1msallak1
  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @Francisco said:
    Spam pays man. It pays so much you can furnish entire datacenters in, I dunno, Buffalo even.

    BuySpam when?

  • For any seeking clarification.

    Abuse was dealt with swiftly actually. We handled abuse as zero tolerance except from one client in particular who had a rapport with us. Any report from IPXO on any IP and the associated service(s) was terminated immediately upon myself logging into our helpdesk each morning.

    The problem wasn’t even spam reporting to be honest. I mean sure, spam was a problem don’t get me wrong. But the killer? Bot nets. One customer ordered 200VPS at once. Upon creating all 200, they left it alone for a few days. Then randomly I wake up to 100+ abuse emails from IPXO cached in my Outlook app on my iPhone. I mention this because when even attempting to investigate, I couldn’t. IPXO already nabbed the IPs. One guy cannot be awake 24/7.

    We did originally setup our servers to block port 25 with connection tracker. However, as many of you know by now, each server housed over 100 VPS at any one time. Connection tracker would cause servers to kernel panic. Caution to the wind, we disabled this to maintain at least some level of reliability. We favored more spam related work over kernel panics every few hours.

    To be fair, yes we did overload our servers, much more than a typical provider does. Mmmhmm. But, 99% (guesstimating here…) of our orders was for 1gb ram VPS, and most nodes had 192gb of ram. The idea was to be cheap, and kinda shitty. I mean on the website it clearly stated “Budget hosting”

    We did have thousands of VPS hosted. Many of our customers had IPv6 only addresses. We only didn’t offer IPv6 in approximately the first 3 weeks of biz.

    Anyways, HX has concluded and will not be returning. Working in IT space for 20 years, I wanted a project to keep me busy, as times were slow. That project did turn into a very busy business and I was fine with that, I never wanted HX to end. Have I learned lessons? Oh you bet. Am I a bad person? Truly? Eh not for me to decide but I did have the best intentions the entire time. Sure, I made some poor decisions, mistakes, and even broken promises along the way.

    On another note, I do wish to thank LET as a whole for the criticisms, feedback, and accountability efforts shown to HX. It’s been wild seeing all the theory’s of what went on, some of them valid, most of them so wrong it made me laugh. All customers have received refunds, even for prior months where service worked as expected. I never meant to “scam” anyone, as others have called me, I never took people’s money and didn’t give it back. The truth of the matter is IPXO killed HXServers due to abuse complaints by customers of mine who broke our own terms of service. If you really believe IPXO didn’t do this, just simply ask around or google IPXO reviews.

    Anyways, LET: this will probably be my last public response to HX. I will not be returning, but just please take a moment to see it from my point of view. I tried to offer hosted VPS solutions for as cheap as possible, on newer hardware with a mostly reliable network. Provided amazing deals to this community. I really did have the best intentions. Sure, I did put all my eggs in the IPXO basket, and got burned. Anyways, if for whatever reason you wish to contact me, PM me here.

    Thanks everyone, hope you all have a fantastic holiday season this year!

  • Lmao. Told ya deadpool.

    Thanked by 1sasslik
  • @hxservers said:
    For any seeking clarification.

    Abuse was dealt with swiftly actually. We handled abuse as zero tolerance except from one client in particular who had a rapport with us. Any report from IPXO on any IP and the associated service(s) was terminated immediately upon myself logging into our helpdesk each morning.

    The problem wasn’t even spam reporting to be honest. I mean sure, spam was a problem don’t get me wrong. But the killer? Bot nets. One customer ordered 200VPS at once. Upon creating all 200, they left it alone for a few days. Then randomly I wake up to 100+ abuse emails from IPXO cached in my Outlook app on my iPhone. I mention this because when even attempting to investigate, I couldn’t. IPXO already nabbed the IPs. One guy cannot be awake 24/7.

    We did originally setup our servers to block port 25 with connection tracker. However, as many of you know by now, each server housed over 100 VPS at any one time. Connection tracker would cause servers to kernel panic. Caution to the wind, we disabled this to maintain at least some level of reliability. We favored more spam related work over kernel panics every few hours.

    To be fair, yes we did overload our servers, much more than a typical provider does. Mmmhmm. But, 99% (guesstimating here…) of our orders was for 1gb ram VPS, and most nodes had 192gb of ram. The idea was to be cheap, and kinda shitty. I mean on the website it clearly stated “Budget hosting”

    We did have thousands of VPS hosted. Many of our customers had IPv6 only addresses. We only didn’t offer IPv6 in approximately the first 3 weeks of biz.

    Anyways, HX has concluded and will not be returning. Working in IT space for 20 years, I wanted a project to keep me busy, as times were slow. That project did turn into a very busy business and I was fine with that, I never wanted HX to end. Have I learned lessons? Oh you bet. Am I a bad person? Truly? Eh not for me to decide but I did have the best intentions the entire time. Sure, I made some poor decisions, mistakes, and even broken promises along the way.

    On another note, I do wish to thank LET as a whole for the criticisms, feedback, and accountability efforts shown to HX. It’s been wild seeing all the theory’s of what went on, some of them valid, most of them so wrong it made me laugh. All customers have received refunds, even for prior months where service worked as expected. I never meant to “scam” anyone, as others have called me, I never took people’s money and didn’t give it back. The truth of the matter is IPXO killed HXServers due to abuse complaints by customers of mine who broke our own terms of service. If you really believe IPXO didn’t do this, just simply ask around or google IPXO reviews.

    Anyways, LET: this will probably be my last public response to HX. I will not be returning, but just please take a moment to see it from my point of view. I tried to offer hosted VPS solutions for as cheap as possible, on newer hardware with a mostly reliable network. Provided amazing deals to this community. I really did have the best intentions. Sure, I did put all my eggs in the IPXO basket, and got burned. Anyways, if for whatever reason you wish to contact me, PM me here.

    Thanks everyone, hope you all have a fantastic holiday season this year!

    thank you for your feedback.

    Thanked by 1hxservers
  • @cybertech said:

    @hxservers said:
    For any seeking clarification.

    Abuse was dealt with swiftly actually. We handled abuse as zero tolerance except from one client in particular who had a rapport with us. Any report from IPXO on any IP and the associated service(s) was terminated immediately upon myself logging into our helpdesk each morning.

    The problem wasn’t even spam reporting to be honest. I mean sure, spam was a problem don’t get me wrong. But the killer? Bot nets. One customer ordered 200VPS at once. Upon creating all 200, they left it alone for a few days. Then randomly I wake up to 100+ abuse emails from IPXO cached in my Outlook app on my iPhone. I mention this because when even attempting to investigate, I couldn’t. IPXO already nabbed the IPs. One guy cannot be awake 24/7.

    We did originally setup our servers to block port 25 with connection tracker. However, as many of you know by now, each server housed over 100 VPS at any one time. Connection tracker would cause servers to kernel panic. Caution to the wind, we disabled this to maintain at least some level of reliability. We favored more spam related work over kernel panics every few hours.

    To be fair, yes we did overload our servers, much more than a typical provider does. Mmmhmm. But, 99% (guesstimating here…) of our orders was for 1gb ram VPS, and most nodes had 192gb of ram. The idea was to be cheap, and kinda shitty. I mean on the website it clearly stated “Budget hosting”

    We did have thousands of VPS hosted. Many of our customers had IPv6 only addresses. We only didn’t offer IPv6 in approximately the first 3 weeks of biz.

    Anyways, HX has concluded and will not be returning. Working in IT space for 20 years, I wanted a project to keep me busy, as times were slow. That project did turn into a very busy business and I was fine with that, I never wanted HX to end. Have I learned lessons? Oh you bet. Am I a bad person? Truly? Eh not for me to decide but I did have the best intentions the entire time. Sure, I made some poor decisions, mistakes, and even broken promises along the way.

    On another note, I do wish to thank LET as a whole for the criticisms, feedback, and accountability efforts shown to HX. It’s been wild seeing all the theory’s of what went on, some of them valid, most of them so wrong it made me laugh. All customers have received refunds, even for prior months where service worked as expected. I never meant to “scam” anyone, as others have called me, I never took people’s money and didn’t give it back. The truth of the matter is IPXO killed HXServers due to abuse complaints by customers of mine who broke our own terms of service. If you really believe IPXO didn’t do this, just simply ask around or google IPXO reviews.

    Anyways, LET: this will probably be my last public response to HX. I will not be returning, but just please take a moment to see it from my point of view. I tried to offer hosted VPS solutions for as cheap as possible, on newer hardware with a mostly reliable network. Provided amazing deals to this community. I really did have the best intentions. Sure, I did put all my eggs in the IPXO basket, and got burned. Anyways, if for whatever reason you wish to contact me, PM me here.

    Thanks everyone, hope you all have a fantastic holiday season this year!

    thank you for your feedback.

    Lmao good one

    Thanked by 1Advin
  • MannDudeMannDude Host Rep, Veteran
    edited November 2023

    As far as I'm concerned, if everyone was actually refunded than this stands to be nothing more than good documentation for inspiring providers who think their "good intentions" of providing "cheap hosting" is a good idea and for customers who think an unknown brand new provider is worth using for anything important.

    Dirt cheap hosting attracts the absolute worst clients and levels of abuse, which is something new providers need to be aware of. A host only open for a few months with super cheap plans is literally what these type of abusers look for, you're going to be eager to accept their suspiciously large order. An order for 200 VPSes probably felt pretty good when you saw it come through and the payment clear, right?

  • Chris, then refund unused funds to my friends, I sent you invoice. They will kill me for recommending you :D

    Thanked by 1yoursunny
  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited November 2023


  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited November 2023

    Chris, where did he order 200 vps, here ?

    Show pls exact netblock where it was ordered, to check the traffic.

    You anyway do not own it anymore.

    I do not see signs that this netblock was used in botnets... maybe another block?

  • @tsoft said:
    Chris, where did he order 200 vps, here ?

    Show pls exact netblock where it was ordered, to check the traffic.

    You anyway do not own it anymore.

    I do not see signs that this netblock was used in botnets... maybe another block?

    There was 3 /24’s. That order was split between all 3.

  • @hxservers said:
    There was 3 /24’s. That order was split between all 3.

    Show all, pls.

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited November 2023

    FYI, being listed in spamhaus is a violation of their TOS. IPXO may not be suitable for mail services (like mailgun / sendgrid).

    Spam: the sending of any email message where the recipient has not granted verifiable, explicit, and still-revocable consent or permission for the message to be sent, including without limitation (a) an email message where (i) the personal identity and context of the recipient are irrelevant inasmuch as the email message may be equally applicable to a number of other potential recipients and (ii) the sender of the email does not have verifiable, explicit, and still-revocable consent or permission for the email message to be sent to the recipient; or (b) any email message which would be considered to be spam by Spamhaus; or (c) any email message which would, mutatis mutandis, be treated as being in breach of any of the provisions of the United States’ Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003, on the assumption that that Act is applied to the sender of the email message. Also referred to as Spamming;

    Spamhaus: The Spamhaus Project Ltd.;
    Unacceptable Use: distributing (i) Spam; or (ii) Bulk Email;

  • @hxservers said:
    For any seeking clarification.

    Regarding the situation, Chris, stop complaining and let's get back.

    Sometimes things happen, and it looks like you've been in force majeure circumstances.

    you just haven't been in hosting for a decade and have forgotten how it's done. It is ok - we learn from our mistakes. So let's see some new offers from you.

    your friends describe you as a wonderful person, and I trust them.

  • @hxservers said:

    @tsoft said:
    Chris, where did he order 200 vps, here ?

    Show pls exact netblock where it was ordered, to check the traffic.

    You anyway do not own it anymore.

    I do not see signs that this netblock was used in botnets... maybe another block?

    There was 3 /24’s. That order was split between all 3.

    Sell HX to @Advin ?

  • thanethane Member
    edited November 2023

    Dang, $400k invested in hardware, and couldn't spare a dime to buy IPs 😭

    At least there's finally a truthful end to the saga. Although I wonder how much of this "final admission" is actually real. Can never tell with this guy, always another layer of lies to cover for other lies.

    This ongoing drama has been a fun read though, starting with the Texas debacle all the way to the doxxing, and now this last note. Premo hosting drama content.

    IDK how people are so loosely goosey with client data though. Does he not worry about getting sued into oblivion? Unimaginable behavior.

    Thanked by 1sasslik
  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited November 2023

    @hxservers said:
    There was 3 /24’s. That order was split between all 3.

    Ahh, if it was split between these 3... then it is indeed this guy from China,. Because, the third netblock is clean. Except spamhaus, abusix and others listed IPs for spam.

    If possible share in PM all netblocks, to understand how to combat spammers :D

    In any case, don't leave, Chris :D you are a good person, continue what you're doing. Well, bad things happen, what to do, only getting stronger.

    Or really sell to @advin

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited November 2023

    From what I've checked, these 200 were used in spam, not in botnet.

    No complaints on IPs for port scans or anything related. Not blocked in cloudflare. Only listed for spam in spamhaus, abusix, etc.

    This one is still listed (but will be deleted today)

    If you expand, you will see the same spam, that @jar showed in the logs.

    Technical information
    The most recent connection was on: November 26 2023, 00:00:00 UTC (+/- 5 minutes). The observed HELO value(s) were: 2023-11-26 00:00:00 2023-11-24 20:40:00 2023-11-23 22:20:00 2023-11-23 17:05:00 2023-11-22 20:55:00
  • most importantly will all affected customers be refunded?!

    Thanked by 1yoursunny
  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited November 2023

    @hxservers said:
    One customer ordered 200VPS at once. Upon creating all 200, they left it alone for a few days. Then randomly I wake up to 100+ abuse email

    Ok, I got it.

    So the customer just lied that he left servers for a few days and they were hacked :D and magical "botnet" sent all spam.

    And Chris believed him, said okay, instead of kicking him out right away (because he paid good money as @jar guessed before).

    And put all the other users of this netblock at risk and the owner of IPs.

    Maybe this one confused: is making connections with technical values and unusual sending behavior that indicate a problem: usually malware. In some cases this may also be caused by server misconfiguration.

    Chris, no, it is not a malware :D It is a "professional" spammer. Spamhaus even states somewhere, do not trust a single word they say.

    Thanked by 1jar
  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran
    edited November 2023

    @tsoft said:

    @hxservers said:
    One customer ordered 200VPS at once. Upon creating all 200, they left it alone for a few days. Then randomly I wake up to 100+ abuse email

    Ok, I got it.

    So the customer just lied that he left servers for a few days and they were hacked :D and magical "botnet" sent all spam.

    And Chris believed him, said okay, instead of kicking him out right away (because he paid good money as @jar guessed before).

    And put all the other users of this netblock at risk and the owner of IPs.

    Maybe this one confused: is making connections with technical values and unusual sending behavior that indicate a problem: usually malware. In some cases this may also be caused by server misconfiguration.

    Chris, no, it is not a malware :D It is a "professional" spammer. Spamhaus even states somewhere, do not trust a single word they say.

    Yup. He was brought down by a professional spam operation. It wasn’t the lesser of two problems.

    Maybe it doesn’t matter too much now, but there’s a lesson here for someone somewhere.

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited November 2023

    Chris, I may recall my statement about good person :D
    Need to consider now ^

  • So he was constantly receiving abuse reports from them.

    But he still believed the person who ordered 200 VPSs, claiming that all these 200 VPSs were hacked, even though they were on different blocks! It's clear that this is a lie.

    And to believe such a client, you must be either very foolish or in dire need of the money. In both cases, you're putting other users in this block at risk.

  • Also note, Chris hosted his mail server at the same net block, so it may not be Connection tracker would cause servers to kernel panic.

    Just wanted to save a few cents on sendgrid / mailgun / outlook / namecheap.

  • edited November 2023

    @tsoft said:

    Also note, Chris hosted his mail server at the same net block, so it may not be Connection tracker would cause servers to kernel panic.

    Just wanted to save a few cents on sendgrid / mailgun / outlook / namecheap.

    It might just me being stupid but why would you need to track connections to disallow sending mail anyways? Simply drop outgoing SYNs with destination port 25 - case closed. I don't see how this would be awfully taxing.

    Thanked by 2tentor jar
  • Another mistake, host own mail (ok, for a reason, you need to host it locally) on the same netblock as your uncontrolled customers.

    Chris complained a month ago, that users did not receive notifications. M$ for 1 noisy IP, may block the entire range.... and neighbours will suffer, they will bounce, including Chris own mail.

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited November 2023

    Working in IT space for 20 years --> I mean sure, spam was a problem don’t get me wrong. But the killer? Bot nets.


    Also, 20 years in IT
    Since 10 he is in IT.

    The employer should be arrested for exploiting underage labor.

    Thanked by 1sasslik
  • @tsoft said:
    M$ for 1 noisy IP, may block the entire range....

    Afaik that's what MS does if you are lucky. From what i hear they might also simply drop you because your IP didn't have a minimum mail traffic yet they deemed legitimate and thus they don't know you.

This discussion has been closed.