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★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ $8.88/YR- 384MB ★★ $21.85/YR- 2.5GB ★ Instant ★ Japan Pre-order ★ & More
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My previous VPS was not clear with the promise of @VirMach to move to Ryzen, now ordering the latest Ryzen package is not clear (pending). confusing
Someone says that the ip range of Japan is 94.74.185.X. Is that true?
This is all that is known for now.
Is the server network in Tokyo, Japan friendly to Chinese customers
No one knows, i am afraid not.
@VirMach thanks for all the awesome deals!
Thankfully there's no Ryzen VirBot this time around, otherwise I'd be broke. Still haven't even logged in to the ~7 machines I bought last time
Seattle is still pending.
Here we go again. MJJs spreading rumors without doing due diligence.
That IP belongs to TOKAI communication, a minor regional ISP in Japan.
(by minor I mean real minor. They're still putting cheap leaflet to people's mailbox thinking it's a good marketing?)
Pushed back, couldn't get a hold of the right people at UPS yesterday. Had to call them like 6 times and wait and get transferred for several hours and our account manager won't pick up, full voicemail box. Trying again today.
Atlanta only went out yesterday because the driver knew what he's doing and helped out.
When I was processing these I thought that some of the requests were bad ideas but I did it anyway, unfortunately we don't have time to go back and forth on these right now, and just process whatever you requested.
Nope, not true.
I'm going through and attempting to activate some of these now that are stuck.
About half of our IP addresses will be 149.57.xx.xx excluding a few locations below. Amsterdam will be all 149.57.xx.xx
Tokyo, San Jose, Atlanta, NYC Metro, Denver, have different subnets for the most part than the one above, with Tokyo sharing 0 subnets. Tokyo will have 6 different distinct "ranges." That's all I'm going to say though because I don't want to see 500 tickets asking for specific IP addresses, or cancellations, or requests to buy expired deals if people find out it's a good one one is bad and so on.
Everything I've said above can easily change without notice, don't rely on that information to make a decision.
Hopefully vps in Tokyo can be deployed soon.
Eh. UPS service is even worse than I expected.
Even Sagawa, the worst (or should I say least favorite? cuz it's not that bad from my personal experience) major carrier in JP feels like god compared to UPS and USPS
Hope Tokyo has good connectivity to EU assuming connectivity to US west coast and most part of APAC won't be as bad.
Bad connectivity to China for what it's worth will be even better for me, cuz yall know, less noisy MJJ neighbors
MJJ announce the responsibility for this matter!
I didn't expect you to launch a new plan in Tokyo, can you help me cancel my previous pre-order and let me go for the new plan? Thank you!
Ticket: #272691
Japan/Amsterdam unfortunately delayed, the UPS freight guy didn't show up for the scheduled pickup, our account manager didn't pick up the phone, and the billing department is still struggling to do their job as well (and closes at 5PM eastern US time for some reason, they thought that'd be a good idea.)
Something like 2 different people contacted me independently today saying similar things, via phone, email, to call the department that's closed, another two or three people involved told me to wait to hear back, blah blah. I think UPS makes sure you have to go through like a minimum of 6 people, 3 transfers, and 2 hours hold time to complete a freight shipment. It's actually funny how many people have to get involved to make a single credit card payment because for freight they don't process it online even though they book it online. /rant
(edit) Oh and for some reason the earliest pickup time for freight in my area is 11:30AM and the latest time is 1:30PM... they make sure to leave the smallest window ever so if anything goes wrong you have to just roll over to the next day. /rant2
Fuck UPS.
All my homies hate UPS.
please follow up my order! long waiting day after day and status is still pending, I sent a private message to you here, no reply and no certainty. what service is this??? @VirMach
Lol do you know what pre-order means
just ask for refund then.
sabar, namanya jg preorder
ask for refund, if dont want to wait
Alright guys I'm going to try to be as concise as possible to explain to you guys how UPS actually operates because at this point I feel like an insane person if I'm the only one that knows this stuff. It just feels like a surreal shell company created to boost employment rates.
You select a region and begin using their website. If your package is up to 150 LB, you can receive a quote. This is just called "quote." Otherwise, they say that it exceeds limits, instead of telling you to use freight. You dig through their website, and find the freight page under your account details by clicking "calculate time & cost" instead of quote. This will present you with a "quote type" where you can select freight. Except you cannot submit this because you do not have an "account number." Except under that, there's a tab that says "Freight" where now for "quote type" you can pick LTL, Air, Truckload, or Ocean. Except you need an account number. You click "add an existing Air freight account" except this takes you to a page where it shows your payment methods, which are saved here. Under "Add payment method" you can click "Add New Account" or "Add Existing Account" where you add a UPS payment account. Wait, but you're already logged into your account? Oh, they must mean another account. Here, you are asked to enter your information again, even though you are logged in. Except your company name cannot be "Virtual Machine Solutions LLC" because that exceeds the max length. So on about the 5th page, you are asked for the same information again, and asked to enter your card information to reduce fraudulent activity (you won't be billed) except you already have one on file. Doesn't matter, you have to re-enter it. Except you get an error "Sorry, we're unable to process this request." Now, you click "View & Pay Bills" which takes you to the UPS billing center, a different website than the payment account website. Here, you are asked for your account number. Except you don't have a UPS account number, so you go to sign up for one. "Wait," you say to yourself. "I need an account to enter the billing area? But I already have a card attached in the other other billing area." You google to "sign up" for a UPS account. There's a page called "Sign Up" so you click it, and it redirects to their home page after loading a webpage that says "Sign Up" in the header. Then you look up "account number" and get to an FAQ page. This tells you to click "Customer Service" and then click "Get Started with UPS" and then click "Open a Payment Account." But wait, you already tried doing that. Alright, so you just want a quote, you're not even trying to make a payment, let's focus back on that. You search to get a UPS freight quote, and it takes you to this page and Alright, the last page seems to work, you can pick the country and palette. You enter the dimensions, and it comes up with a quote for "UPS Worldwide Express Freight" for $7,131. That's the only quote. Luckily, your friend VirMach tells you that this is just one freight service they offer that they happen to show on this specific shipment page only. First though, you want to try the other link you found. Oh, dropdown for shipment type doesn't work. Your friend VirMach links you to this page instead Oh, how weird, it's like a fourth or fifth shipment page that looks completely different. You select Air Freight, and since you're logged in some information can be populated. This looks like the real deal. You enter all the details, and this provides you a quote for "UPS Air Freight Premium Direct" for $6,560 and then two others for $1,045 and $964. After filling out every single piece of information, right above the next button, the last thing says "We're sorry, but you must have a payment account in order to process this shipment. You can add an existing account now or open a new one." Your friend VirMach tells you he was just messing with you, and he has another link for you. "Surely not another form that claims to be the same thing?" Ah, it's another form that claims to be the same thing. Wow, this website now looks as if it was created after the year 1999, so far it's much better. It's asking for a lot more details, but you fill it out and it comes back with a quote, this one is $835 instead of $1045 for the same thing, and there's no "premium" option for $6,560 because it's as if no one sane would use that option. You request a booking, and fill out the forms. You even pick the pickup time. Wait a minute, they never asked you for a payment? That's weird. They never show up, nothing happens, so you go to your friend VirMach for wisdom. "Oh yeah, you're supposed to contact them now. I know they didn't tell you to do that, but yeah. If you're lucky someone maybe calls you." So you call someone, after being transferred a bunch of times, you eventually speak with the right person. He asks if you want to pay via credit card. "Oh that'd be great" you say, and you let him know how you already have a credit card on file on the account you signed in to log into this "UPS Forwarding Hub" to get your booking. "Sorry, you need to pay over the phone." He adds that the wait time is over 30 minutes, do you still want to pay over the phone? Oh, I'll just pay via my card on the site then? No, sorry, the only way to pay is over the phone. So why'd you ask if I wanted to wait? He transfers you to the billing person, and there's a 50 minute hold. You wait, and you finally make the payment. The person gives you a confirmation number for the payment. Lucky for you, they do not hang up, and instead realize that you don't know what you're doing, and tell you that you have to now speak with the first person to confirm the payment. You speak with this person, and confirm the payment with the code you received. They schedule the pickup, and let you know that if you want to avoid calling in every single time to make a payment, you should sign up for an account. You sign up for an account, go back, and it turns out the account you got is just a UPS account, not a UPS freight account. You sign up for a UPS account somehow, you had it a while ago it turns out, and realize you're sending this internationally so you need a Global freight account. You sign up for a global freight account on the website, and they tell you it'll take a few days. They set up your account, but no one gives you the account number, or tells you that it's set up. To hear that, you need to call someone, to** get an account manager**, who can tell you the information. No one tells you to do this, you just have to do it. You get your global freight account, go back to the first person, and they tell you that you should speak with the billing people. You call the billing people, and they tell you that you should speak with the account manager. You speak with the account manager, and they tell you to speak with the billing people, they'll include someone in the email chain. In email chains, they tell you to call. In calls, they tell you to email. While this is happening, person #5-ish and #6-ish contact you via phone and via email, to tell you that you need to make a payment, and tell you to call someone, but you already spoke with people so you ignore them instead of going on another loop of calls, but right before you ignore them they let you know that you can pay by card, the department is just closed because it's past 2PM. You keep getting called, one of them says they never got your payment for the shipment you already paid, and they'll transfer you to the billing people. Except the billing department closes at 2PM so they'll contact you later after they contact the billing department to re-confirm the payment that you made days ago, the shipment already arrived. You finally get a hold of the right person for the account number, get your account number. You receive a letter through the mail. It's an invoice, for the first payment you already made, with no instructions on how to pay. You realize your account number doesn't do anything, so you speak with them a little bit more, and they let you know that you need to have a billing account number. To get the billing account number, you need to fill out a credit application. You fill out the credit application, you don't need to use the online form that's broken. It gets sent to the credit department but you need to make a payment in the meantime, how can you pay? Well, now that you have an account number, you are not allowed to pay via credit card for the new shipment. Well, unless you just pretend like you don't have one. Otherwise, you have to pay by ACH or check. So you have a checkbook, they tell you to call the check people, which is a different phone number than the credit card people, to schedule a UPS driver show up so you can provide him the check. Wait, so you can't just have the UPS driver take the check when he picks it up? "You can, but you have to first call these people. They're closed at 2PM by the way, and I can't schedule this until you do that." You do not make a payment, and the UPS guy comes to pick it up anyway. Wait, but I thought you had to pay first? You can't mail the check. So you ask about ACH, and they say, well, actually, to pay via ACH, you need to get the credit approval, and then you can fill out the ACH form for approval. Other times, you make a payment, and they do not schedule it manually in time for someone to actually show up.
The payment is made, the guy shows up, you're asked for a piece of paper you weren't given and no one spoke about. The driver is used to this and he knows what he's doing so he just gets some other information from you instead and is able to process it (he yells at the 60 other roles UPS created for no reason, on speaker phone, for not being able to do their job properly.) You get contacted by 2 different people telling you that it wasn't paid. Meanwhile, UPS sends you 30-40 emails telling you your package has been picked up because all their systems are broken.
TLDR: I already knew and did all that, even if you don't read the above, it's a representation of the crazy process you have to go through, and I'm a proud owner of like 6 different UPS account numbers and 8 different logistics contacts, but they still didn't pick it up, don't pick up the phone, don't communicate, etc.
TLDR2: UPS is using humans in many different roles to achieve a job a computer should, after the computer does, except just to print it out and ping a human, so they can print it out and ping you, so you can print it out and ping someone else, just so UPS can cosplay as a shipping company in the 1950's so they can avoid using the same card processor they use for regular shipments.
Please make an LET thread and copy over your DM to me in it, so I can look at your ticket, and I'll reply back to you in this thread, and ask for your phone number so I can call you and ask for your email so I can provide an update on your pending order.
Alternatively, please read the initial post if it's regarding this sale, for all the answers to your questions (hint, I already looked through your ticket and DM so I know that all your inquiries are related to you ordering Los Angeles and it being "pending" for over a day now without a personal update from me.)
NYC Update
These are for the most part ready but there's going to be a backlog. I may still do this before the international shipments if UPS drags things out. We already have a broker in Tokyo but not for Amsterdam so we wanted to use their broker services, except they seem to want a lot of information and no one wants to actually process it.
Just waiting for them to at least try to pick it up tomorrow, we'll see.
Los Angeles Update
I have a bunch of old servers that were supposed to go here but it's already been so long that the builds are outdated, I'm swapping some parts out and just reviewing everything again. Some of what was supposed to go to LA ended up going elsewhere for now, so I'll create more servers and we can send these out in smaller batches to LA instead of one giant batch. (edit) To clarify, these are already marked "handling" but some are "handling" now while others are rolled back a little. It won't affect the ultimate ETA, we don't need all of them there at once.
San Jose update
I was told earlier today I'd get the final information I require to set these up.
Seattle update
All orders activated here new servers set up. New new servers still pending racking.
All others
Still pending racking, no update.
Had a similar experience trying to ship a single server, took like 4 months for it to go from London to Amsterdam... UPS is indeed a shell company
OMG 4 months
why not DHL?
I've only ever had the misfortune of using their domestic freight shipping, and it was just as bad as all of this. Never again.
I understand about pre-orders, but in LA purchases there is no information as a pre-order (but there is information available) , if it is a pre-order, after my order is finished, they will definitely explain when the order will be completed by them. it's clear they have explained above, at least there is an explanation from them.
I understand about pre-orders, but in LA purchases there is no information as a pre-order (but there is information available), that's what they explained above, there are other problems.