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GoodLeaf Hosting Scam Attempt?
Hello everyone,
I wanted to share my recent experience with GoodLeaf Hosting to potentially save others from a similar frustration. I believe this is a scam.
On 2/8, I signed up for the Ryzen VDS service offered by GoodLeaf Hosting, which was a good fit for my Pal World server needs. However, within 48 hours of receiving the server, my account was unexpectedly deleted without any prior warning or explanation.
I immediately reached out to their support team, explaining the situation and requesting a refund or my server back. The support was responsive, and by 2/12, my account was reinstated, which I initially took as a positive sign of good customer service, but all my server data was wiped and I had to start over.
Fast forward to today, 2/28 I was surprised by a charge attempt for $550 and my server again turned off, with Invoice #2618. This charge attempt was made without any prior notification, which caught me completely off guard.
Invoice #2618
Amount Due: $550.00 USD
Due Date: Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
Invoice Items
620TB bandwidth overage fee $550.00 USD
Sub Total: $550.00 USD
Credit: $0.00 USD
Total: $550.00 USD
This bandwidth overage fee does not make sense as I do not have any high bandwidth game on the server. Besides, it is advertised as unlimited traffic so it especially does not make sense.
Support agent Nathan Brockman made a ticket today UNX-152902, is now holding my $25 server hostage for $550.
My account is now once again deleted after I made a Trustpilot review so I guess my data is now gone forever anyway. All within one month I have now had my data deleted two times by Nathan Brockman / GoodLeaf Hosting.
Edit: Since I've posted this the support emailed me and is accusing me of running a botnet
Chargeback if possible
CC , Bank nd Paypal support it
Hi your account was only deleted on 02/08 then re instated, today your account was suspended, the vps was suspended as you said this was for palworld and it was using 2gbps 24/7 after reaching out before you stated that you mustve been hacked. The $550 fee was waived as a courtesey the traffic is not advertised as unlimited its advertised as unmetered fair use.
620TB of bw? How is that even possible?
proof of crazy bandwidth usage
10gb port and it didnt auto suspend after 1tb when it was first suspended he said that it was hacked possibly and that isnt his normal bandwidth usage, now he is trying to claim that it is infact his normal bandwidth usage and why arent we giving him 24/7 unmetered 10gb for him to blast
the $550 invoice was automatically invoiced by our system and was swiftly removed after 5 minutes of it being sent out
You did not waive anything and you are still arguing with me on the ticket I never received ANY warning the bandwidth was exceeded or anything you just suspended my server an hour ago and now suddenly the bandwidth is 63490% and the bill is waived?
You are a liar plain and simple and you got caught.
The ticket is now deleted to cover up the evidence.
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what are you talking about the invoice was waived like 30 minutes ago?!
It was closed and deleted since it was automated ticket that shouldnt have been sent out.....
you never responded to the ticket you responded to the email here is the full email convo
I think there's something wrong with the bandwidth usage #s.. you can't transfer that much data on a single 1Gbps line in a week, even with it maxing out at 1.2Gbps.
Edit: FUP considered, the port was being blasted.
so you really are saying you did not make this ticket one minute after the "automatic invoice"?
[Ticket ID: UNX-152902] bandwidth overage
please pay the bandwidth overage fee to reinstate your service thanks
Nathan Brockman
GoodLeaf Hosting & Development LLC
proof the invoice was swiftly canceled after it automatically being made
No I didnt the system did and assigned it to me
it was set to 10gbps in virtualizor by mistake instead of following the network speed restriction since the service had to be unsuspended and re made completly after the first round of the port blast which he blamed on a hack
basically dude blasted the port and is mad that we suspended the service
Suspended also dosent mean deleted all the data is still there
suspended means quite litreally suspended not terminated
FUP only cover 150TB bandwidth so OP still overcap like 500TB
It very strange that even he blasted full 2Gbps port , it would take him entire month for fully 600TB
he never got charged $550
Nobody ever told me that I had this level of bandwidth usage and I don't even understand how it's possible, not one communication until I got a $550 charge attempt today and suspended and Nathan Brockman emailing one minute after and now suddenly the whole ticket was deleted and I have to believe it's all automatic.
10gb port
ok now your just lying you never got a $550 charge attempt because we dont even have your payment info on file in our system since your account was originally deleted then re made, so no card info is even on file
its crazy to believe we have something that auto opens tickets for us for high resource usage?
show of the bandwidth utilized
to get this correct your mad that because you maxxed out a 10gb port that was fair use in return your service got suspended?
not to mention your fraud record score of 70 after just checking.....
"please pay the bandwidth overage fee to reinstate your service thanks
Nathan Brockman
GoodLeaf Hosting & Development LLC"
First thing mentioned from you in a month
Show me where you said it was waived you only came up with this story once I made a post here