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That would sound more like providers just advertising their regular products instead of posting special offers.
I don't think users here are really interested in seeing a constant stream of ads for regular products, but are interested in those special deals they wouldn't otherwise get. At some point users will just leave...
The most effective sales are ones which are unique to LEB/LET. Agreed.
A few years ago, sure.
I don't think this has really been an issue the last two years though when it comes to ColoCrossing providers having a large presence on LEB/LET.
Even if you take one of the most popular providers on LET right now, RackNerd, even they have a bunch, maybe even a majority, of their infrastructure with other providers and not ColoCrossing.
@jbiloh which providers are now actually explicitly ColoCrossing providers?
A middle ground between LET ‘being for everyone’ or not? There is no middle ground, sorry.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got no issue with you doing this - it’s your site, if you think this is the best way to make money, hey, I’m sure you’re a far more adept business man than I.
Just don’t pretend this is something that it’s not. You’ve chosen throw up a paywall to keep restrict the activities for a specific group of providers because you figure the financial benefits outweigh whatever benefits this marginalised group bring. It’s business, anyone reasonable should understand that.
Sounds legit. I'm personally disgusted by strong presence of Russian trolls here.
But many will still find LET as more or less valuable resource and paid advertising should definitely make sense for some providers.
You can verify in my history of created messages, that you are wrong.
Why, what are you doing to top the previous ones?
You probably misunderstood my message. The point was if the offers posted by providers would still be just "special offers" if they were posting much more frequently - as you haven't posted more frequently, there is nothing that can be verified from your history.
I can't think of any providers here who utilize ColoCrossing exclusively. Maybe there is one here and there? Most providers have some diversity among their vendor partners.
Since I purchased LEB/LET in January 2020 even ColoCrossing's own brands (ChicagoVPS, HudsonValleyHost) have not been featured.
It'll be the most heavily trafficked along with the most internal investment (financial and time allocated to prepare, etc). Mega Threads on LET, etc. Will be a good one. Hoping to have your participation as well in whatever way you see fit .
All of them?
LET is owned by the parent company of ColonCrossing.
No, every single thing you've done, including 'adjusting this amazing offer, here's a coupon code' is a mistake. You are trying to profit off everyone else's services. That was your mistake.
LET is for everyone * as long as they pay.
Fixed for you, I can't edit and delete other people's posts like you do.
It is most likely to be the worst Black Friday to date. You invented paywalls that will get one thread of resellers and a post by RackNerd for BF. You've intentionally created a gate to block providers from posting without paying you - and there are pages of posts of providers saying they won't. It is clearly impossible for it to be the Best BF.
The real interesting thing is the risk you are running that LET will be fractures to the point of being unrecoverable while pretending you are creating the best world ever. You aren't looking at this logically. Greed does that to people - some more than others.
Oh well, however things turn out and whatever the outcome is, I just hope everyone makes it, one way or another
No, that's not correct.
I sold ColoCrossing in 2018, including LEB and LET.
In January 2020 I bought LEB and LET back and have been the owner ever since.
More on this here:
You really have a hate boner for Virmach don't you? :P Dustin is effectively exclusive to CC on here. He has some China friendly DC's, but he (almost) never posts offers/deals from there on here.
Past that I can't think of any providers that have more than 1 - 2 CC locations mixed in with the rest (thinking SmartHost).
You must deal with the thread bumping though. Not just selectively, completely. If I let my tag laps (and I'm likely to), but my old threads are bumpable, I can just keep resurrecting those old threads and still be selling. Virmach has threads from 2018 still bumping and carrying new offers too. Dustin is the same.
Hell, someone bumped my Miami thread not too long ago wanting to ask a question. I'm not the only one, it happens to lots of providers. It's just that Virmach & RN are the most obvious about it.
Sorry, but your invoice and public information about Coloncrossing appears to disagree.
My view for what it is worth.
The implementation of this is a complete shit show.
No permission but fuck it, just take email addresses, put them in a billing system and send invoices for a service nobody asked for and then immediately follow up with reminders. Fucking class, only @jbiloh would do it and then try and BS his way out with noise.
At least it is clear now that LET/LEB is just a for-profit business, we knew it was but this confirms it.
I had a look earlier at the first two pages, that is 100 threads. If you strip out the offers, requests for services, complaints/questions about providers you have 13 left. So just 13% not related to services. What does that tell you? LET is simply a marketplace first and foremost.
Those still harping on about community and low-end discussions, give it a rest. Accept that is it a marketplace and that is not going to change.
On the positive side, @Not_Oles was asked about his remuneration on LES, he provided the figures with @jbiloh's permission. Fair play to Jon, he pays a decent amount for the expected return.
Putting up a complete paywall seems like a mistake, in my view. It would seem to me that you could have charged more for additional benefits.
Standard provider tag can post one offer every x weeks/months, not allowed to advertise in their signature.
If you pay the benefits could include:
Just some off the top of my head. Yeah, sounds a bit like WHT but a better option than saying everyone must pay regardless.
My point? So much you could have offered and there is bound to be a number of providers that will pay more than $200 pa for these options. Some providers on WHT are paying $1000 for a Corporate badge. And they are advertising here.
But then I see a lot of expected chatter elsewhere, Paying $200 but AlphaRacks still gets unsunk threads and other priorities that other paying providers won't. I am sure Dustin is paying significantly more for the privileges he gets but still a shitty way to treat other providers and now expect them to pay for lesser privileges.
You are sending a lot of providers away to other forums and threads good or bad that generate content and traffic from those offers will be lost to them.
Seems to have been badly thought out, very poorly executed and by the looks of it will require a significant amount of manual oversight.
So you’ve no idea then. I didn’t think so, but thought I’d ask.
Given these changes, I would expect suitable financial compensation for any participation.
Anyone else wonder whether OVH or Hetzner paid their invoices or pissed themselves laughing?
@ninzo59 @Hetzner_OL
I wondered this but I kept the thought to myself. I guess we will see in the future what their opinion is.
‘You know that wild forum where it’s chaos half the time’
‘They just sent us an invoice for $100, and if we don’t pay it, we can’t post any of our promotions there’
‘Seriously, here’s the invoice’
‘You’ve done a good job with that, looks real’
‘No, this is serious it’s real’
‘The forum full of posters that once posted gifs of Emma Watson for 72 consecutive hours wants $100 or we can’t post our promotions?’
‘Yeah, fuck them, I’ll just get Nekki to post the promotions, he’ll do it for a free KS-1’.
@Hetzner_OL hasn't really had offer threads per se -- more like info-threads about the latest at Hetzner.
@ninzo59 has had real offer threads.
I'm not 100% certain about this, but my impression is that both @ninzo59 and @Hetzner_OL show up here in their spare time -- that it's not part of their job descriptions to post offer threads on LET. If this is the case, then I tend to doubt that they'll pay their invoices. (But I may be mistaken about this.)
Well Hetzner definitely doesn't benefit from offers here and doesn't really give them either, there's just the Hetzner chitchat thread that I hope stays if that account transitions to Host Rep.
OVH though... they probably gain at least a non-significant amount of KS/SYS sales from here, so perhaps it would be possible to point the company to the benefits gained and persuade them to cough up the money for the provider tag. There are "offer" threads made for the KS/SYS releases, they're just not exclusive offers (Which is fine and normal).
I'm not an expert in either company though, just passive speculation.
Can I just take provider offers I see elsewhere and post them myself?
Yeah, we'll see, but if @ninzo59 was posting more "for fun" than "for work", then I'm not sure that he'll feel so compelled to pay the invoice (or to try to get OVH to pay it).
If OVH even reads the invoice and takes the concept of this forum even remotely seriously - they could replace LET overnight. They have the capacity to pay hosts for running deals, instead of begging them to pay overdue invoices.
I'm literally dead reading it.
Participants sometimes link to offers that they find. As long as it's done discreetly, it probably wouldn't raise a red flag.
I thought he was joking when he said @jbiloh was introducing a provider tag fee, for $200/year no less... Look, I cannot deny that you've probably made at least some effort to improve LET, but good heavens, from what I read, was the execution botched and have you pissed off a good deal of people.
I enjoyed my time here around 2014 to maybe 2019. Haven't really had much interest since, though, so maybe it's time for me to go elsewhere. Good luck, Jon. Signing off for the last time, maybe I'll be back in the distant future.
What about indiscreetly? Just thinking I could undercut JB and offer a $50 yearly fee paid in services.