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PSA: Provider Tag Fee Implementation - Page 6
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PSA: Provider Tag Fee Implementation



  • SGrafSGraf Member, Patron Provider

    @jbiloh said:
    Since the concept of the "Provider Tag" fee was officially rolled out we have made two adjustments based on community and provider feedback:

    1. A reduction for existing providers on their initial fee of 20% from $100 per six months to $80 per six months
    2. Modifying the "Host Rep" permissions to include the ability to directly market their services in the unified "Mega Deals" threads we run for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, New Year's, etc.

    In addition to the above, and in acknowledgement that LowEndTalk has a very special appreciation for micro providers who are getting their start, what does the community think about the following modification below:

    Proposed Change: "Host Rep" tag holders will be eligible to directly market their services to LowEndTalk forum users in the REQUESTS ( category.

    By making this change Host Reps would have a clear opportunity to immediately, and organically, grow their business through the userbase of LowEndTalk and it provides a pathway to moving to provider tag status and thus being able to create individual offer threads.


    I agree on the following points:

    • Meathreads: good idea. I think Reps + Providers should be allowed.
    • responding to requests: great idea ... i think this actually works in the favor of smaller providers as you don't need a "budget" and don't get locked out of participation.

    I want to add the following points:

    • I think now would be a good time to talk about the way offer threads work. Maybe we can add a rule such as: "all previous offer threads must be closed". (and give providers the ability to close their own threads. Instantly sink threads that are closed).

    About other things:

    • Pinned Offer threads: We have seen a few "pinned" offer threads before. If you want to keep this practice after the change, i suggest the following ideas: (a) Max 2 Pinned at any given time (cannot be from the same provider). (b) Max length for pinning is 1 week. Instant close+sink afterwards. (c) 1x "Commercial" - Price set via auction (ebay?). 1x for special purposes like a providers anniversary or a charity event or....
    • Pinned offer threads absurd thought that has no chance of getting implemented: if you go auction style how about 50% goes to LET, 50% gets distributed among those who did not win? :P the early auctions held for domains.

    @dustinc said:
    Great idea -- more flexibility for the providers who are unwilling to pay for advertisements. This provides balance for those who remain active within the community to learn, and perhaps catch an opportunity while they're at it along with the many other benefits in engaging with existing clients.

    I think at least in terms of perception/offer threads KermED has a point.

    @KermEd said:

    @dustinc said:
    Great idea -- more flexibility for the providers who are unwilling to pay for advertisements. This provides balance for those who remain active within the community to learn, and perhaps catch an opportunity while they're at it along with the many other benefits in engaging with existing clients.

    Your special treatment (that you pretend to be oblivious to) is a large part of the reason people are fighting against @jbiloh. If you want this to work out in your favour, the best idea is probably for you to stay quiet. #justsaying

    Let him participate in the discussion. Either he brings some improvements to the suggestions or he'll end up hurting his own cause/perception.

    Thanked by 1Erisa
  • KermEdKermEd Member
    edited March 2022

    @ChefJoe said:
    What about the monthly payment option others suggested (maybe heavily discounted for new providers)? Say $10 for a month of full marketing permissions but limited to providers in their first 4 years since tag approval? (for all I know, maybe $10/mo translating to 3 offer posts is still a bit high for providers starting out)

    I agree...

    It should have been obvious to him there are different tiers of hosts on here, that he should be making a lot more off companies (like RackNerds which I believe he invested) than new tiny small providers that are starting at a loss. He clearly needed money more than he cared about the community. That's why his proposals now are all around discounts - he will do anything to get money out of a provider today. He couldn't care less what we think or want.

    Anyone can see there are a thousand smarter ways and fairer ways to have done this... But he didn't. The invoices are already sent, and marked as overdue. An actual leader wouldn't have done this in the first place, let alone keep pretending this is a negotiation over percentages. He still doesn't even realize why some people are mad.

    But narcissists and sociopaths don't think that way. His only goal right now is to manipulate a yes out of all of us and get cash as fast as he can. He will never take actual accountability (he will never be able to understand what he would been be taking it for). Just as he ignores 95% of what has been posted in here.

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @SGraf thank you for the articulate suggestions and opinion.

    I am definitely listening.

  • SGrafSGraf Member, Patron Provider

    @jbiloh said:
    @SGraf thank you for the articulate suggestions and opinion.

    I am definitely listening.

    I also think the shared hosting cap is too low - but i cant put a better price cap on it. For the reseller options i'd suggest around 3x whatever the regular shared hosting is capped at.

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @SGraf said: I also think the shared hosting cap is too low - but i cant put a better price cap on it. For the reseller options i'd suggest around 3x whatever the regular shared hosting is capped at.

    I am hearing that the reseller hosting cap is too low.

    So you're saying that $21/month~ is the right amount?

  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran
    edited March 2022

    @KermEd said:

    @jar said:

    I only work for MXroute 💜

    DO ran me off.

    Well, then pardon my french, fuck DO :D. You there as about the only saving grace for me.

    What I was trying to say (and not saying well) is that I also appreciate you are an individual with different experiences and a different opinion. But I don't think your account is spoofed by @jbiloh

    I also found a loophole for legalized consumption of delta 9 which dramatically increases one's chill and decreases the number of battles considered to be worth fighting. It helps. I like to know my weaknesses and try to compensate accordingly.

  • TGTTGT Member

    I think if you're going to charge a fee then the lowendtalk margins should be high. Let the providers post more expensive offers etc etc.

    Thanked by 21gservers tjn
  • @TGT said:
    I think if you're going to charge a fee then the lowendtalk margins should be high. Let the providers post more expensive offers etc etc.

    The fee he's charging is 20x higher than what hosts are allowed to post. It's a joke at this point afaic.

  • SGrafSGraf Member, Patron Provider
    edited March 2022

    @jbiloh said:

    @SGraf said: I also think the shared hosting cap is too low - but i cant put a better price cap on it. For the reseller options i'd suggest around 3x whatever the regular shared hosting is capped at.

    I am hearing that the reseller hosting cap is too low.

    So you're saying that $21/month~ is the right amount?

    I'm saying that would be a guess. "Reseller" is a product i don't offer at the moment. Therefore my market insight is limited. Doing a bit of market research on the topic, the 21/month (aka 3x the cap for normal shared hosting) puts you somewhere in the entry to medium plan terrain. You also have to keep in mind the current pricing of popular hosting panel software.

    This value/rule just sets the upper limit. What providers do within the limit really is their own thing/responsibility...

  • @TGT said:
    I think if you're going to charge a fee then the lowendtalk margins should be high. Let the providers post more expensive offers etc etc.

    But who is interested in more expensive offers? Why not move to another site where providers post cheaper offers instead of paying a fee for posting offers?

    Thanked by 1KermEd
  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @yoursunny said:

    @Nekki said:
    What’s this? Unexpectedly juicy drama on a Saturday evening. Bully I say, Bully!

    Well, you have the opportunity to earn $500.

    I don't understand.

  • ErisaErisa Member
    edited March 2022

    @Nekki said:

    @yoursunny said:

    @Nekki said:
    What’s this? Unexpectedly juicy drama on a Saturday evening. Bully I say, Bully!

    Well, you have the opportunity to earn $500.

    I don't understand.

    This line:
    "live LowEndBox TV episode hosted by Nekki addon: $500"

    Thanked by 2yoursunny taizi
  • NekkiNekki Veteran
    edited March 2022

    @Erisa said: This line:
    "live LowEndBox TV episode hosted by Nekki addon: $500"

    Shit yeah, I'll do that for $500 a pop. With that sort of cash rolling in, I won't even need to kill the hookers anymore. I will have so much more free time in the evening.

  • ShakibShakib Member, Patron Provider

    $100 Year would have been more agreeable for me. I pay Discord, NamePros something similar.

    Can you send me a one year invoice please?

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @Shakib said: $100 Year would have been more agreeable for me. I pay Discord, NamePros something similar.

    Can you send me a one year invoice please?

    Can I interest you in the Nekki TV package, Sir? Great value at $500.

  • yabsyabs Member
    edited March 2022

    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    Thanked by 1Erisa
  • DPDP Administrator, The Domain Guy
    edited March 2022

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    We are there, and so are you.

    Thanked by 3yabs Erisa bulbasaur
  • NekkiNekki Veteran
    edited March 2022

    @yabs said: Why not just moving to LowEndSpirit and you don't need to pay any tags?

    Because it's really boring and nothing really happens, so no-one visits and seems the offer threads.

    Thanked by 2yabs FrankZ
  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    Looking forward to some more feedback on this:

    Since the concept of the "Provider Tag" fee was officially rolled out we have made two adjustments based on community and provider feedback:

    1. A reduction for existing providers on their initial fee of 20% from $100 per six months to $80 per six months
    2. Modifying the "Host Rep" permissions to include the ability to directly market their services in the unified "Mega Deals" threads we run for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, New Year's, etc.

    In addition to the above, and in acknowledgement that LowEndTalk has a very special appreciation for micro providers who are getting their start, what does the community think about the following modification below:

    Proposed Change: "Host Rep" tag holders will be eligible to directly market their services to LowEndTalk forum users in the REQUESTS ( category.

    By making this change Host Reps would have a clear opportunity to immediately, and organically, grow their business through the userbase of LowEndTalk and it provides a pathway to moving to provider tag status and thus being able to create individual offer threads.

    If there is consensus for this modification to the Host Rep tag I will make it official shortly.

    Thanked by 1Not_Oles
  • plumbergplumberg Veteran, Megathread Squad

    @jbiloh said:
    Looking forward to some more feedback on this:

    Since the concept of the "Provider Tag" fee was officially rolled out we have made two adjustments based on community and provider feedback:

    1. A reduction for existing providers on their initial fee of 20% from $100 per six months to $80 per six months
    2. Modifying the "Host Rep" permissions to include the ability to directly market their services in the unified "Mega Deals" threads we run for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, New Year's, etc.

    In addition to the above, and in acknowledgement that LowEndTalk has a very special appreciation for micro providers who are getting their start, what does the community think about the following modification below:

    Proposed Change: "Host Rep" tag holders will be eligible to directly market their services to LowEndTalk forum users in the REQUESTS ( category.

    By making this change Host Reps would have a clear opportunity to immediately, and organically, grow their business through the userbase of LowEndTalk and it provides a pathway to moving to provider tag status and thus being able to create individual offer threads.

    If there is consensus for this modification to the Host Rep tag I will make it official shortly.

    So we are still going ahead with your "planned" tweaks - and not put it on HOLD and reverse the invoices? So much for "considering the feedback" B)

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @jbiloh said: Proposed Change: "Host Rep" tag holders will be eligible to directly market their services to LowEndTalk forum users in the REQUESTS ( category.

    By making this change Host Reps would have a clear opportunity to immediately, and organically, grow their business through the userbase of LowEndTalk and it provides a pathway to moving to provider tag status and thus being able to create individual offer threads.

    Bad idea. The only 'good' thing about the 'pay-to-offer' idea is it potentially weeds out a lot of the little scammy cunts. This just leaves the door open for them.

  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    @DP said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    We are there, and so are you.

    @Nekki said:

    @yabs said: Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    Because it's really boring and nothing really happens, so no-one visits and seems the offer threads.

    There are grammar errors in these three comments.
    Someone edited these comments at :50 hurriedly and didn't ensure correct grammar.

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @yoursunny said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    @DP said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    We are there, and so are you.

    @Nekki said:

    @yabs said: Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    Because it's really boring and nothing really happens, so no-one visits and seems the offer threads.

    There are grammar errors in these three comments.
    Someone edited these comments at :50 hurriedly and didn't ensure correct grammar.

    References to LowEndSpirit were removed.

  • @Nekki said:

    @yoursunny said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    @DP said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    We are there, and so are you.

    @Nekki said:

    @yabs said: Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    Because it's really boring and nothing really happens, so no-one visits and seems the offer threads.

    There are grammar errors in these three comments.
    Someone edited these comments at :50 hurriedly and didn't ensure correct grammar.

    References to LowEndSpirit were removed.

    Is mentioning such a site violating any rule?

  • ErisaErisa Member

    @Nekki said:

    @yoursunny said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    @DP said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    We are there, and so are you.

    @Nekki said:

    @yabs said: Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    Because it's really boring and nothing really happens, so no-one visits and seems the offer threads.

    There are grammar errors in these three comments.
    Someone edited these comments at :50 hurriedly and didn't ensure correct grammar.

    References to LowEndSpirit were removed.

    Whenever this has happened, it always reminds me of this thread somehow. More fuel for the people who reckon this place will become WHT, I suppose.

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @cmeerw said:

    @Nekki said:

    @yoursunny said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    @DP said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    We are there, and so are you.

    @Nekki said:

    @yabs said: Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    Because it's really boring and nothing really happens, so no-one visits and seems the offer threads.

    There are grammar errors in these three comments.
    Someone edited these comments at :50 hurriedly and didn't ensure correct grammar.

    References to LowEndSpirit were removed.

    Is mentioning such a site violating any rule?

    No written rule, but I’m sure you can understand why JB wouldn’t be happy with folks mentioning free alternatives in this thread.

  • @Nekki said:

    @cmeerw said:

    @Nekki said:

    @yoursunny said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    @DP said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    We are there, and so are you.

    @Nekki said:

    @yabs said: Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    Because it's really boring and nothing really happens, so no-one visits and seems the offer threads.

    There are grammar errors in these three comments.
    Someone edited these comments at :50 hurriedly and didn't ensure correct grammar.

    References to LowEndSpirit were removed.

    Is mentioning such a site violating any rule?

    No written rule, but I’m sure you can understand why JB wouldn’t be happy with folks mentioning free alternatives in this thread.

    Sure, but if JB wants to regain some trust, he will either need to be open about it by clearly describing it in the rules or not censoring posts.

    Thanked by 1yoursunny
  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran
    edited March 2022

    @Erisa said: Whenever this has happened, it always reminds me of this thread somehow. More fuel for the people who reckon this place will become WHT, I suppose.

    Not the same thing.

    When I visited WHT to discuss in the thread I was very careful to be courteous to WHT and not post links. I only answered the questions directed to me.

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @Nekki said: Bad idea. The only 'good' thing about the 'pay-to-offer' idea is it potentially weeds out a lot of the little scammy cunts. This just leaves the door open for them.

    So you do not support the idea of host reps (who have gone through the application process and been approved) to be able to sell services in request threads?

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @cmeerw said:

    @Nekki said:

    @cmeerw said:

    @Nekki said:

    @yoursunny said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    @DP said:

    @yabs said:
    Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    We are there, and so are you.

    @Nekki said:

    @yabs said: Why not just moving to and you don't need to pay any tags?

    Because it's really boring and nothing really happens, so no-one visits and seems the offer threads.

    There are grammar errors in these three comments.
    Someone edited these comments at :50 hurriedly and didn't ensure correct grammar.

    References to LowEndSpirit were removed.

    Is mentioning such a site violating any rule?

    No written rule, but I’m sure you can understand why JB wouldn’t be happy with folks mentioning free alternatives in this thread.

    Sure, but if JB wants to regain some trust, he will either need to be open about it by clearly describing it in the rules or not censoring posts.

    I think that ship sailed long ago, in most cases. Folks who don’t trust him aren’t likely to start doing so now, whatever happens.

This discussion has been closed.