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cociu - - NETSILVANIA | Move your services!



  • anyone else see jsg's and default's posts and immediately keep scrolling cuz one is tired of the childish screeching...

    and fyi if all hosts like fran where more willing to call out bullshit when they see it this community would be a much better place.

    Considering removing ones services without communication or resolve is considered criminal in most parts of the world... So when dirt deserves too be flung why should anyone be left out including another provider...

  • @JabJab said:

    @jugganuts said: nope both my locations are down for hdd storage burch and Oradea, so unless his UPS magically covered two datacenters he is a bullshit liar...

    Uhhh that is kinda new. You really sure both those services were in different locations? When was last time you checked those? iirc there was some 'moving' of services and you could have ended in one location and that would (just a little) explain shit :D

    If my servers where moved to the same datacenter it was without notice or warning i purchased two separate locations for higher availability...

    So imo its worse then he is letting on by far...

  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @jugganuts said: anyone else see jsg's and default's posts and immediately keep scrolling cuz one is tired of the childish screeching...

    No. In fact, I don't see them. You should try BetterLET for a better LET experience!

    Thanked by 1skorous
  • @brueggus said:

    @jugganuts said: anyone else see jsg's and default's posts and immediately keep scrolling cuz one is tired of the childish screeching...

    No. In fact, I don't see them. You should try BetterLET for a better LET experience!

    heck yea. thanks boo

  • @SirFoxy said:

    @jsg said:

    Francisco, from what I know you are a good provider and you have earned my respect by standing up for free speech. And that is the path you should continue IMO - instead of demanding LET to become a more tightly controlled place.

    Exactly. I know him for being free speech but he's trying to censor LET, and most importantly for me having served a bid talking about "fuck me in the ass prison" shit's mad corny, serve your role.

    Specifically don't be a fat white Canadian talking about the United States penitentiary.

    Someone's a little touchy about their tushy. I would argue someone still saying "mad corny" in 2021 failed to see the irony.

  • @jsg said:

    @serverian said:
    @Francisco simply says that there might be naive customers/new comers who would get affected by it and he warns them. Not you.

    You cannot blame naive customers or new comers as there is no disclaimer on HS's offer posts. Should there be one saying "You might get downtimes lasting weeks. Be aware", then it'd be all just.

    There aren't warning labels on black mambas either.

    But I get your (and @Francisco's) point, but again: If someone doesn't make the effort to get any information on a provider then, duh, ugly things can happen. And NOTHING will change this law of nature.

    That sounds contradictory seeing how you're against Fran from providing useful information that would be useful to future potential customers.

    Generally, when people talk about disrespect and shit, it's emotional BS "feelings" and not rational thinking. Most of the arguments stems from rationalizing their HS purchase decision in the first place despite many reasons not to. For me, my time, convenience and labour isn't worth the few bucks savings putting up with Mickey Mouse providers. Obviously, you guys do. Talking about backup servers on unreliable servers and services? Then they're incompetent and nobody should be listening to those people, ever.

  • defaultdefault Veteran

  • deankdeank Member, Troll

    This is like beating a dead horse to a next level.

    The horse is long gone, and ... ?

  • defaultdefault Veteran

    @deank said:
    This is like beating a dead horse to a next level.

    The horse is long gone, and ... ?

    And what? You think the horse knew the end was nigh because of Chia? Children still want to ride their pony. It's hard to let go in such grief.

  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker

    @TimboJones said:
    For me, my time, convenience and labour isn't worth the few bucks savings putting up with Mickey Mouse providers. Obviously, you guys do. Talking about backup servers on unreliable servers and services? Then they're incompetent and nobody should be listening to those people, ever.

    My storage box NEVER was "the backup server". It was one of multiple backup servers. My backup mechanism still works fine, thank you.
    The other use case I mentioned as an example was "one of 5+ NS slaves" in which 1 (or in fact even 3) slaves failing, even for some weeks, would create no harm either.

    Plus, even now 7 out of 9 systems at HS to which I have access work fine, so a reasonable description is not "HS VPS are sh_tty" but rather "disk centric HS systems (e.g. storage) are not reliable".
    That does not, however, change the fact that @cociu's way of - actually not - communicating with his customers is absolutely unacceptable.

    Finally, one may complain or even attack his customers as stupid or whatnot, but that doesn't change the fact that HS does offer an attractive product-price ratio. Plus, there's not only 1st world countries where paying $5 or $50 more is an option. Many people just need to stay within a tight budget and the difference between $3/mo and $7/mo can be the difference between having or not having a VPS.

  • jokjokjokjok Member

    Day 13 since my server is down. Still no response to my ticket.

  • Kiwi83Kiwi83 Member

    that jsg guy: 7 out of 9 systems at HS to which I have access work fine, so a reasonable description is not "HS VPS are sh_tty" but rather "disk centric HS systems (e.g. storage) are not reliable".

    I bet 50 cents if you have10 servers with them and they all happen to be on those non-affected nodes, you will be yelling out loud this whole thread is merely a conspiracy against cociu.

    Writing pharagraphs after pharagraphs repeating your bs for days doesn't make 1 sister become 2. You have to ask cociu to send you more.

  • Now i can't log into my panel. what happned....

  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker

    @Kiwi83 said:

    that jsg guy: 7 out of 9 systems at HS to which I have access work fine, so a reasonable description is not "HS VPS are sh_tty" but rather "disk centric HS systems (e.g. storage) are not reliable".

    I bet 50 cents if you have10 servers with them and they all happen to be on those non-affected nodes, you will be yelling out loud this whole thread is merely a conspiracy against cociu.

    Writing pharagraphs after pharagraphs repeating your bs for days doesn't make 1 sister become 2. You have to ask cociu to send you more.

    • Well, those 7 out of 9 servers working is a fact. I understand that you and some others prefer to "discuss" based on liking or disliking someone, on rumors, and on how you happen to feel but I prefer facts. Kindly accept that.
    • Sorry, but "make 1 sister become 2" seems to be important in your peer group but for me it's meaningless.
    • I'm not defending @cociu, I'm merely not accepting your and your pals baseless mud slinging.
    • Let me help you understand with a really simple example: "No, neither Trump nor Biden should be shot dead" != "I like Trump or Biden".
    • You obviously fail to grasp it but I'll repeat it anyway: ad hominems are not an acceptable replacement for arguments (nor for a working brain). This thread is not about you and your pals liking or not liking me; it is about a part of HS being down and about cociu's disgusting attitude wrt communication.
    Thanked by 2default AlwaysSkint
  • JabJabJabJab Member

    @matthew11 said: Now i can't log into my panel. what happned....

    Works here.

  • JorboxJorbox Member

    14 days of downtime, that’s hilarious 😆

  • raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

    Any attempt to do anything with my VM in the panel results in:


  • I was able to check Control Panel on website, but now that shows me a CF error as well...

  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker

    FWIW: I just logged into the panel ( without problems. Trying to open a console (noVNC) fails though (timeout error).

  • LeviLevi Member
    edited May 2021

    So,the rot taking over not only storage servers?

    Thanked by 1miu
  • hope the plotting finishes soon

  • M66BM66B Veteran

    @LTniger said:
    So,the rot taking over not only storage servers?

    The "data center" is a cowshed, so some shite is probably obstructing the signal here and there. This also explains the erratic service in the past. Cows are heavy, so you need special cables.

  • BlaZeBlaZe Member, Host Rep

    @William said:

    @BlaZe said: Been trying to get one myself (via the legal way) in India but it seems I am not an important citizen, VIP, influential figure, nor someone threatening me, etc.

    For India forget it what i heard - no chance except in this cases or as hunter.

    Our laws allow self defense as reason. Over 21 any citizen or EU-citizen resident (NOT 3rd country nationals like Bosnia/Serbia/UK/US etc.) can get a Category B license for semi automatic rifles and handguns.

    Carry is illegal.

    Yeah. I'm gonna try one more time & then give up on my "dream" to own a firearm.

    @raindog308 said:

    @BlaZe said: Been trying to get one myself (via the legal way) in India but it seems I am not an important citizen, VIP, influential figure, nor someone threatening me, etc.

    I'm coming to kill you. can cite that on your form.

    • printing this comment & will show it to PoPo *
  • @jsg said:

    @stevewatson301 said:

    @jsg said: Another point is that HE is about actually routed ranges and it's not uncommon for providers to quietly hold not yet used reserves.

    So, having run out of arguments, are you saying that cociu is using IP ranges not routed on the internet to service their customers? :D

    First, forget about your framing ("running out of arguments").

    No, I'm saying that that list doesn't show, let alone prove, how many IPs a provider holds nor how many customers he has.

    @fragpic said:
    This might explain why @jsg is so keen to defend HS. If I had 8 free VPS from a provider, I would damn well back them up in situations like this since I wouldn't have much to lose other than my free service.

    Uhm, if saying "he behaved like an a__hole" means "he's defending him!" to you then you should see a psychiatrist.

    What really bothers you is that I'm not joining the herd in blindly accusing and condemning @cociu and barking aggressively at him.

    I'm an engineer and that's how I approach things. I want to know, to understand. "7 out of 9 nodes I have access to are working" was simply stating facts.

    As you seem to not have got it - no surprise there: I have 1 ("one", 1 more than 0 and 1 less than 2) HS VPS. And a good friend and colleague of mine (and fan of cociu almost from the beginning) has a lot, 8 of which he gave me access to.

    Sorry for spoiling your pig pit fun with facts.

    @lentro said:
    ... Anyone who saw one of cociu’s offers would have been crazy not to factor in a deadpool event into their risk assessment ...

    Yes. Maybe not a deadpool event but occasional failures, some of them multiple days or even a week or two.

    @William said:
    BGP data is public by design. HE has the same data as my router.

    Thanks, I know, but not everyone runs a real router plus offers a nice interface.

    @MikePT said:
    That's what I was told by Marius! :)

    I know and I didn't mean to attack you in any way. You merely forwarded what cociu told you.

    @thedp said:
    Well yeah, we know he's not a techie but if he's been traveling back and forth to the DC like he said he did, I'm pretty sure he has techie guys on site with him to tell him what's up as they're looking into it.

    Plus I'm 100% certain cociu had a spare minute during the first 2 days and could - and damn should - have put a short FYI here.

    It’s crazy to me that you’re being so combative in this thread, and the only concession you’re willing to make is that: well, um, like, maybe he should have, um, told his clients, um, that all their services are down and all their data is likely lost…

    You’re arguing over these tiny, minute details about the root cause while ignoring the fact that almost all client services are down and the owner of the company is MIA.

    Just give it a rest, goddamn.

    Thanked by 3lentro iKeyZ TimboJones
  • @default said:

    @yokowasis said:

    Actually all @Francisco said is A BIG TOLD YOU SO.

    Bashing a provider is also called disrespect towards other businesses. The fact that he is right or wrong is pointless. A legal and registered business should be respected.

    It is like president of country A stating publicly how should president of country B handle their own economy, and if something fails it's all justified and accepted because... "I told you so". You get the point.

    @default said:

    @yokowasis said:

    Actually all @Francisco said is A BIG TOLD YOU SO.

    Bashing a provider is also called disrespect towards other businesses. The fact that he is right or wrong is pointless. A legal and registered business should be respected.

    It is like president of country A stating publicly how should president of country B handle their own economy, and if something fails it's all justified and accepted because... "I told you so". You get the point.

    I… wat? Did you have a stroke when you were writing this? That analogy is 100% one of the worst I’ve ever seen, and should absolutely become a LET copy pasta.

    A legal and registered business should be respected.

    Just had to include this a second time because seriously WAT?!

    Thanked by 2iKeyZ maverickp
  • nonissuenonissue Member
    edited May 2021

    @Harambe said:
    The amount of disrespect being shown to OGs like Fran & serverian, who have seen everything under the sun and been right for a decade, is astounding.

    At the end of the day though, this is LET and holy fuck what a popcorn thread so far. Keep it up boys.

    @Lee said:
    Lol at all the LET warriors.


    Is @default some kind of renegade AI project let loose on this forum to torment us? It can’t be a real person.

    Their comments remind me of Microsoft Tay

    Thanked by 1TimboJones
  • @jsg said:
    FWIW: I just logged into the panel ( without problems. Trying to open a console (noVNC) fails though (timeout error).

    same here. can't log into VPS via VNC

  • tronyxtronyx Member

    My VPS with them started working yesterday after 10 days of downtime. I thought that was end but I got a little surprise.

  • Is @default some kind of renegade AI project let loose on this forum to torment us? It can’t be a real person.

    Their comments remind me of Microsoft Tay

    he is a drama inspector of LET, are you not entertained ?

  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker
    edited May 2021

    @nonissue said:
    It’s crazy to me that you’re being so combative in this thread, and the only concession you’re willing to make is that: well, um, like, maybe he should have, um, told his clients, um, that all their services are down and all their data is likely lost…


    You’re arguing over these tiny, minute details about the root cause while ignoring the fact that almost all client services are down and the owner of the company is MIA.

    Double BS!

    • 7 out of 9 working != "almost all client services are down"
    • I'm not ignoring the fact that @cociu is "MIA". In fact I clearly stated that multiple times.

    Sorry but I'm not responsible for your obvious lack of reading comprehension. Hell, I criticized cociu's absense and worthless ETA statements even in bold.

    @tronyx said:
    My VPS with them started working yesterday after 10 days of downtime. I thought that was end but I got a little surprise.

    I'm glad that you seem to be lucky. The 2 storage systems I have access to still are dead, meee

This discussion has been closed.