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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month - Page 57
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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month



  • wroxwrox Member

    @xset My KS-16G order page was just updated with:
    "Votre bon de commande a été payé le 26/07/2013 a 20:53:43 - Votre commande est en cours de réalisation."


  • @wrox said:
    xset My KS-16G order page was just updated with:
    "Votre bon de commande a été payé le 26/07/2013 a 20:53:43 - Votre commande est en cours de réalisation."


    Mine has said that for 6 days now :/

  • is KS-16G must paid quarterly too or can be monthly?

  • The former.

  • wroxwrox Member

    @dewaforex said:
    is KS-16G must paid quarterly too or can be monthly?

  • @BenND my friend.. they count working days. :)

  • Ben1002Ben1002 Member
    edited August 2013


    Maybe the lazy fucks should work at the weekend and sort out their back log then ^_^

    And the guy said to me 1-10 days, never specified working days. So come 10 days I am going to chargeback. Don't even want it that bad.

  • xsetxset Member

    @bennd they delivered servers last weekend. Yesterday estimate (when someone called OVH) for KS2Gs is 9.8, next Friday.

    They simply cant do the building (with what parts? they're setting up celerons,n2800s,n2500s) + testing + racking so quickly.

    I seriously doubt they have installed 5000 servers this week.

    New orders are still showing "pending manual verification".. Apparently the anti-reseller script didn't cancel any orders yet. Maybe it just listed the orders for manual cancellation by the support.

  • xsetxset Member

    @bennd if its over 7 days and you can cancel by just emailing them and they will be refund.

  • @xset said:
    bennd if its over 7 days and you can cancel by just emailing them and they will be refund.

    You can cancel whenever you want.

  • Can we purchase this within the US with PayPal?

  • tuxtux Member

    @Jeffrey said:
    Can we purchase this within the US with PayPal?

    No, this offer is for EU only.

  • I see, because a few days ago I can choose monthly at 2G.

  • wychwych Member

    @itgods said:
    You can cancel whenever you want.

    If you do not have root access then you can cancel at any time up till then, how long for it to be credited is debatable...

  • math equation of the day:

    cost of a KS 2:

    2.99 euros monthly for server

    • (monetary value of 10 hours spent frantically posting on LET about status, checking OVH's tweets every 2 minutes, calling OVH, opening tickets....let's say 200 euros is the time value, or about 16 euros monthly if you keep it for a year).

    Total cost 19 euros monthly (and much more if you keep it for less than a year)


    disclaimer: I never troll, really I never do.

    Thanked by 2wrox chrisp
  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran

    So come 10 days I am going to chargeback.

    If you can actually get the server (i.e. live in the EU), theeeen I dunno, in my opinion instead of thinking to cancel you should really go dance in the rain and shout from the rooftops about how awesome of a deal you're getting, who cares if it's now or in 10 or 15 days. It's not like they are going to scam you and run away with your money. And billing doesn't start until the actual server delivery. So what is there to worry about? Just relax and do something else.

    monetary value of 10 hours spent frantically posting on LET

    Don't attach monetary value to everything;
    Or just stop posting on LET now, and don't post ever again.
    Think how much money you will save in "time spent"!

  • smansman Member

    @xset said:
    wych it doesnt allow root / to be on lvm, sux

    root or boot? Not being able to have boot partition on LVM is a linux kernel limitation I believe. Probably because it needs to boot up before it mounts LVM. If root partition includes boot partition that would be the same thing.

  • How do you cancel when they don't respond to any email, phone call, etc. Pure scam...

  • xsetxset Member

    @itgods According to the agreement which you accept when ordering/paying, you can cancel after 7 days of payment of non-delivery. If you're outside EU, then yes, you can cancel & refund, but not otherwise.

  • xsetxset Member

    @morningiris I have called my regional office 3-4 times this week, and they answer. They also respond to emails. But imagine if everyone who ordered ks2g calls them every week, they might be a bit busy.

  • xsetxset Member
    edited August 2013

    Oles tweeted:
    Validations KS underway with the new algo "anti-abuse-reseller

    There were around 10000 orders pending validation
    After running script: around 8557

    Doesn't sound too effective :)

    They still have to manually check 8557 orders:)

    My 4th KS2G order is still pending validation, so the script hasn't cancelled anything.

  • xsetxset Member
    edited August 2013


    Root and boot can be on LVM on grub2 (it has modules for lvm+raid). I have several servers running ubuntu 13.04 installed using their ISO and it works fine.

    But I couldn't get debootstrap+grub2 to boot from LVM, even though I had same configs
    and versions as the servers running root/boot on lvm. And as there is no KVM, I cant know what's the problem. I should test this on a server with KVM.... I'll think about it, but for
    now I just reinstalled having root on md1.

    OVH's partition manager doesn't allow root to be on LVM.

  • @xset said:
    Oles tweeted:
    Validations KS underway with the new algo "anti-abuse-reseller

    There were around 10000 orders pending validation
    After running script: around 8557

    Doesn't sound too effective :)

    They still have to manually check 8557 orders:)

    My 4th KS2G order is still pending validation, so the script hasn't cancelled anything.

    and I'm one of the 8557 that the script missed :(

  • Anyone receive their mSP yet?

  • xsetxset Member

    @drjinglesmd not me.. order placed on 27th.. but some have received msp.

  • xsetxset Member

    @villageidiot how many did you order?

  • Gen Z, the whine generation.

    "BUT I PAID A DOLLAR!!11!!1!"

    Thanked by 1ska
  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran

    Hm, so even though the rush has supposedly subsided, before the script they were still getting new orders at the rate higher than they were able to process the already in-progress ones (judging from the rising value on the graph).

  • @DrJinglesMD said:
    Anyone receive their mSP yet?

    I ordered one too last saturday, payment is verified and all but no server yet.

This discussion has been closed.