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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month - Page 55
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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month



  • xsetxset Member

    anyone else got ks2g or ks16g today?

  • Ordered mine 10AM last Friday, hope I get it tomorrow.

  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    Hope? You wish hahaha

  • xsetxset Member

    Theyre delivering those boxes that didnt have thousands of orders

  • @xset said:
    Theyre delivering those boxes that didnt have thousands of orders

    Seems like we're all getting strung along... still no word on the ks2g's :/

  • wychwych Member

    @xset said:
    anyone else got ks2g or ks16g today?

    My 16G just came through. E3-12** CPU but only showing 900gb HD?

  • @wych said:

    Most likely because it was auto provisioned at Raid 1

  • xsetxset Member

    @wych fdisk -l ...

  • wychwych Member

    @DrJinglesMD said:

    Was thinking that, I'll have a play around with it tomorrow.

  • smansman Member

    Do these guys provide KVMIP on demand? I don't want to pay extra for it but most places will hook up kvmip for initial install and troubleshooting at no extra charge.

  • xsetxset Member

    @sman havent heard of that being possible

  • smansman Member

    @xset said:
    sman havent heard of that being possible

    So you cannot partition the drives how you want or set up the raid how you want or install the OS how you want?

  • wychwych Member

    @sman said:
    So you cannot partition the drives how you want or set up the raid how you want or install the OS how you want?

    RAID is software RAID anyway on KS... Why would you run a server on RAID0 anyway (the increase in data loss not an issue?)

    You can install OS via their panel I believe...

  • @sman said:
    So you cannot partition the drives how you want or set up the raid how you want or install the OS how you want?

    You can change the raid to raid 0 if you want via rescue mode or something. Ask their support. I've done it before so I know you can. Just remember if you're using raid 0 to setup a backup for your data elsewhere

  • smansman Member
    edited August 2013

    I have very specific ways I want things partitioned and how I set up raid1 and how I install the OS etc. Ways that are not easily explainable to a tech so really the only practical way to do it is to do it myself and the only way to do that is with kvmip. I don't like to order servers like I am ordering fast food. I'll take a server with a side of IP's please. That's not gonna cut it.

    What if you want to use it for KVM virtualization? Do you just specify that and they set up network interface as bridged for you? KVM also pretty much needs partitioning done a certain way if you want it done right. Do they do all that for you and manage to get it right?

  • xsetxset Member

    @sman @wych you can setup custom partitioning via their installer in the manager
    but it isnt perfect but it works.. for example their partitioning doesnt support root or boot on lvm or swap on lvm on ubuntu 13.04 although ubuntu 13.04 grub2+ installer supports these when installed from iso, you cant install from iso at ovh

  • @sman at least for Debian you can debootstrap, haven't tried other distros

  • @xset said:
    ravenchad not uk, but Eu yes


  • tuxtux Member

    @MiguelQ said:
    sman at least for Debian you can debootstrap, haven't tried other distros

    This is also possible with Ubuntu.

  • xsetxset Member

    Oles tweet:
    in 2H, we will launch the new check script "anti-abuse-reseller" on standby KS orders.

    So except new orders to be processed too soon

  • "anti-abuse-reseller" ? I wonder what this is. Maybe cancelling those who got more than 3 of a kind?

  • xsetxset Member

    @rds100 yes, but its only for "standby", I think its for those whose orders haven't been manually checked/payment is in manual verification mode, or then its all orders that haven't been installed yet.

    I dont think they will touch those that who ordered >3 KS on the first day

    Let's see how wise the script is..

    I've been waiting for this for days :)

  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran

    Well, I dont have any news. It only says I authorised a payment in paypal, nothing else. I ordered at the fr site.

    I dont expect any server for 10 days at least, but I think there should be some activity, like payment taken, verified or anything. I hope that script will make some change.

  • @Maounique same here, payment authorization given, they haven't captured the payment yet.

  • xsetxset Member

    @maounique @rds100 you can expect something soon as soon as they run the anti-abuse-reseller script in about 1 h

  • xsetxset Member

    while waiting im reinstalling ubuntu 13.04 through netboot rescue-pro, debootstrapping

    but I created only one big partition for md1 which is then used for lvm
    i put all volumes, swap, boot, root on lvm as well

  • Still nothing, Paypal says the payment is pending.

  • xsetxset Member

    I'd really like an KVM over IP for Kimsufi servers. Don't know why the system is not booting. I setup boot/root lvm over raid1. This works fine on ubuntu 13.04 custom installation, but I dont know why debootstrapping method doesn't work. I'd like to see the console, but its impossible.

  • Still haven't gotten an answer from them. Ordered when it went live, payment has been processed, my account has been verified. Staff can't seem to find my order and I have yet to receive a refund or server.

  • xsetxset Member

    @rivacom Did you get the order page / order id?

    Maybe its a good time to take a backup of open orders in case ovh screws this up

This discussion has been closed.