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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month - Page 39
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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month



  • xsetxset Member

    @itgods for what its worth, nooooo! This is like reverse engineering Ovh, much more interesting than pr0n.

    Thanked by 1talsit
  • nfnnfn Veteran
    edited July 2013

    I canceled one or my orders and they said 5 to 6 business days for a refund. Payed with paypal.

  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran
    edited July 2013

    They are forbidding Tor. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

          Jul '13     16.72 TiB |   17.16 TiB |   33.88 TiB |  117.00 Mbit/s
          Jun '13     16.45 TiB |   16.85 TiB |   33.30 TiB |  110.34 Mbit/s
          May '13     16.64 TiB |   17.12 TiB |   33.76 TiB |  108.28 Mbit/s
          Apr '13      6.96 TiB |    7.39 TiB |   14.34 TiB |   47.54 Mbit/s

    (that's just one server of 3)

  • By right, ovh must process refund automatically.

    "By right", OVH must give you a full refund within 30 days of the date of the cancellation under EU law.

    Thanked by 1ska
  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran
    edited July 2013

    how did you do over 100Mbit/s?

    That's both directions, e.g. Jul is average 58.5+58.5Mbit in+out.

  • rds100rds100 Member

    @rm_ is there a way to detect Tor middle nodes by flow analysis or DPI? Or maybe they just see too much traffic and decide it must be something bad.

  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran

    @rds100 the full list of all nodes (except bridges) is public
    they can simply go through all OVH IPs they see and kick out people one by one.
    Well after looking more into this, the new agreement only applies either if you accept it voluntarily in the manager, or on the next renewal of a server (and for that server). So I have some more months, I think. :)

  • DomainBopDomainBop Member
    edited July 2013

    @rm_ said:
    They are forbidding Tor. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

    >       Jul '13     16.72 TiB |   17.16 TiB |   33.88 TiB |  117.00 Mbit/s
    >       Jun '13     16.45 TiB |   16.85 TiB |   33.30 TiB |  110.34 Mbit/s
    >       May '13     16.64 TiB |   17.12 TiB |   33.76 TiB |  108.28 Mbit/s
    >       Apr '13      6.96 TiB |    7.39 TiB |   14.34 TiB |   47.54 Mbit/s

    (that's just one server of 3)

    Also forbidden are all IRC services (see section 7.4)

  • rds100rds100 Member

    @rm_ yes, but i assume nobody would be running a Tor exit on a cheap dedi without special prior arrangements. So by "Tor" people usually mean tor middle nodes (bridges)?

  • xsetxset Member

    @nfn Why did you cancel? How many orders did you have?

  • skaska Member

    @rds100 said:
    rm_ is there a way to detect Tor middle nodes by flow analysis or DPI? Or maybe they just see too much traffic and decide it must be something bad.

    Use obfsproxy.

  • xsetxset Member

    Just emailed OVH for clarification regarding >3 KS servers.. if i need to cancel.

  • My order just disappeared right after they sent me a payment confirmation LOL

  • rds100rds100 Member

    If they forbid everything IRC related why do they need the VAC system in the first place? ;-) Are game servers allowed?

  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran
    edited July 2013

    yes, but i assume nobody would be running a Tor exit on a cheap dedi without special prior arrangements. So by "Tor" people usually mean tor middle nodes (bridges)?

    As I understood their new TOS, they are forbidding all kinds of nodes, without limiting to exit nodes only. Of course it's nothing new that providers do not distinguish these types and just ban all of it.

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    Gameserver are not forbidden anyway.

  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran
    edited July 2013

    P.S.: and in theory you can ask for permission to run both IRC and Tor, buuuuuuuut I dunno about the chances of success of that, especially regarding the latter. Anyways, we should wait for the English version of the new TOS.

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    Its not allowed to Run tor on these boxes.

  • xsetxset Member

    So they dont allow (private) VPN either?

  • Under the canceled invoice, they have included the following text.

    Pas d'escompte.
    Tout incident de paiement est passible de pénalités de retard calculées sur la base de trois fois le taux d’intérêt légal en vigueur en France, avec un montant d’indemnité forfaitaire minimum de 40 euros 
  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    They only say: VPN/Proxy/TOR is not allowed until you ask for. But when they say Tor Relay is not allowed to relay secure traffic that could be end worse.... but im sure that you can use tunnel over SSH.

  • nfnnfn Veteran

    @xset said:
    nfn Why did you cancel? How many orders did you have?

    My fist order was made using ovh.IE and since I'm from Portugal and there is a ovh.PT I asked if I should let the order be completed or reorder at ovh.PT.

    The said I should order at ovh.PT since it's my country and they will refund in 5/6 business days.

    I just ordered one server.

  • They sent me a message confirming this payment.


  • xsetxset Member

    @peppr Force majeure? No discount? Is this for dispute/chargeback protection?

  • skaska Member

    @Rallias said:
    They sent me a message confirming this payment.

    Ofc, because they will refund you. How could they refund you if they don't confirm the payment?

  • rds100rds100 Member

    @Jack what domain, it says cancelled.

  • RalliasRallias Member
    edited July 2013

    @Jack said:
    The domain is still * if you are nearly setup it would have

    I know, I'm just saying they just confirmed it's payment.

    @ska said:
    Ofc, because they will refund you. How could they refund you if they don't confirm the payment?

    Yeah well, no response in 2 1/2 hours and they get to use paypal's interface for the support ticket.

  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran

    Just wondering... Has anyone tried using just a IPv6 address at Cloudflare then enabling cloudflare and does it still serve content via IPv4

    What on earth does this have to do with this thread?

    Thanked by 1ska
This discussion has been closed.