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cociu - - NETSILVANIA | Move your services! - Page 51
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cociu - - NETSILVANIA | Move your services!



  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @serv_ee said: Seriously hope @Francisco will go trough with this. That's absurd already.

    I will :) I'm perfectly fine slugging it out, I'll take my lumps for my fuck ups over the years. There's many fuckups on my part to slap me with.

    Calling anyone a CP defender/advocate is just a very stupid move to make. Best off just cutting me a cheque right now, it'll be cheaper than the lawyer fees when we're done.


  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran

    @Francisco said: It just so happens we always pick countries to host where "Free Speech" is the law of the land.

    Okay, where is Francisco and what have you done to him? And where is aldryic for that matter?

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @Maounique said: Okay, where is Francisco and what have you done to him? And where is aldryic for that matter?

    Why isn't there a wave icon? :(


  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker

    @Francisco said:

    @jsg said: AFAIC clearly no, I'm not playing devil's advocate.

    Not sure what mob justice there's going on in this thread?

    [he] digs his own grave, the IP's being the latest bucket of dirt.

    Thanks for answering your own question and providing an example.
    In fact, NO, the IP range is NOT "the latest bucket of dirt.". You and some others just try to make it look like that by wildly speculating and assuming the worst.

    By all means. Point out where he's not able to communicate because we're all holding, firey, but mostly peaceful, pitchforks.

    Nice try. But I didn't say that he can't communicate.

  • I saw notifications. I got excited.

    Y’all got way too much free time.

    Good night.

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @jsg said: In fact, NO, the IP range is NOT "the latest bucket of dirt.". You and some others just try to make it look like that by wildly speculating and assuming the worst.

    What's speculation about it? He's selling the block. It's right on This isn't a meme or speculation.


  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker

    @Francisco said:

    @jsg said: In fact, NO, the IP range is NOT "the latest bucket of dirt.". You and some others just try to make it look like that by wildly speculating and assuming the worst.

    What's speculation about it? He's selling the block. It's right on This isn't a meme or speculation.

    The speculation and dark painting is in connecting that with @cocius current - and likely unrelated - problem.
    Plus, there is no dirt per se in selling an IP range. It may be a dirty move - or not.

  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran

    I think the speculation is about his intentions. You are clearly implying he planned a runner and if he didn't, then at least is doing it now.

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @jsg said: The speculation and dark painting is in connecting that with @cocius current - and likely unrelated - problem.

    Plus, there is no dirt per se in selling an IP range. It may be a dirty move - or not.

    Users were active on the block. Likely users that were also on regular (not storage) plans.

    No one has been alerted of the sale or the renumber that's coming up.

    This isn't a hardware failure where it's out of his control. This is him reaching out to (or someone that works with them) and listed the block for sale. He knows what he's doing, he knows there's clients on that block.

    The only positive you can grasp for here is "well maybe it frees up some cash so he can try to fix things". That's it. Thing is, $30k isn't going to get him 300 drives if they're toast.


  • BlaZeBlaZe Member, Host Rep

    @jsg said:

    So, I'm supposed to pay for providing a service to our community?

    See, the way things work, you know it in your heart that the provider has messed up, lying & kind of masquerading the truth, instead of fixing things he is venturing out to "try something new".

    Also, you, coming out & posting that a test VPS was offered for "testing" things out, is just applying salt on the burn. It is not helping.

    I really do not know what kind of rapport you have with him, which is fine, we all have inclinations towards a provider/person/thing, etc. nothing wrong with that. But I expected you to be far more sensible & mature in interacting with a mob holding the torch.

    A wise man once said, when the ship is sinking coz the captain fucked up, you only think about saving the people on board, not grabbing a megaphone & announcing that "The captain is trying out a new ship & will sail soon, do join!"

    Don't try to angry the mob, you'll get torched along. You are definitely better than this.

    I do get your point that you're trying to imply that all this isn't a scam & that the provider is trying to return back to normal - but the traits are sadly showing otherwise (sale of IPs, all 400 drives getting burnt due to UPS, etc.).

    Providers fuck up from time to time. This community is very good and rewarding & people do give a second chance. @cociu could've saved his reputation if he would have just come forward & explained the truth (which the mob wants).

    You are a smart person, don't get burned in the fire that you did not start.

  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran

    @Francisco said: $30k isn't going to get him 300 drives if they're toast.

    In my attempt to decipher his English I think he did not mean the drives are dead, just that the data is lost.
    There is quite a large margin of error there, but I have seen Romanians struggling with English before.

  • BlaZeBlaZe Member, Host Rep

    @Maounique said:
    In my attempt to decipher his English I think he did not mean the drives are dead, just that the data is lost.
    There is quite a large margin of error there, but I have seen Romanians struggling with English before.

  • So, this thread has been really crazy. 🤣

    I have a storage box on the 45.14 section. I tried traceroute then I submitted tickets weeks ago now, and I had to trawl through a mud-slinging contest to find an update by this guy.

    As one of his customers, it's disgraceful to not get a damn update. Still, I paid up a year in advance and I'm hopeful that maybe I can salvage some of my backup data stored on there. If not, I'll deal.

    I will say that this reminds me a lot of my issues with budgetnode. They were fantastic for 4 years, then they fucked up. Cociu was so-so for 6 months - at least for me. I always found the connection slow and unstable, but that also happens when you use rclone on a single core destination...

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @Maounique said: In my attempt to decipher his English I think he did not mean the drives are dead, just that the data is lost.

    There is quite a large margin of error there, but I have seen Romanians struggling with English before.

    I fully get engrish.

    If the data is destroyed then he should say such. Offer to rebuild the VM's.

    Many people use him as a distant backup server, torrents, etc, right? By now those backups are long since invalid and will be wiped anyway by rotation, and the torrenting people can just download again.

    He should have a post that's very simple.

    • This is what happened (even very short point form so the translation doesn't get mucked)
    • What is being done to get people online ("we will remake your VPS in the next 1 week")
    • Compensation if any ("1 month account credit for outage, automatically applied")
    • How the issue will be prevented from happening again ("We will order a new fireproof netapp/ups by the end of the year")

    The mob isn't demanding money or blood. They just want some feedback on what's going on. He'd likely save himself a TON of chargebacks too if he did that.


  • I think he watches this thread. Hey 👋 @cociu

  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran
    edited June 2021

    @Francisco said: If the data is destroyed then he should say such.

    Yeah, like you can teach cociu to communicate...
    He won't do that, deal with it.
    As I have said, he is not perfect, does not pretend to be or offer a perfect product, they both (cociu and product) have tons of flaws, but he he one of us, an enthusiast that took things to the level many of the people here dream of but do not dare/tried and failed much sooner than him.
    I love him for trying and struggling for so long, even as he failed so far to realize his dream. He will probably continue to try and I can only hope for the best, for him and his customers.

    EDIT: If I had the time I would have offered to do his PR for free. Sadly, not possible.

    Thanked by 1pbx
  • @jsg said: AFAIC clearly no, I'm not playing devil's advocate. I simply dislike mob "justice"

    Paying customers demanding statement = mob justice?

    slandering, judging based on wild speculations and rumours as well a providers bashing each other.

    He can very well avoid this if he want. cociu is purposely allowing all this to happen by choosing not to clear anything.

  • BlaZeBlaZe Member, Host Rep

    @Maounique said:
    ... but he he one of us, an enthusiast that took things to the level many of the people here dream of but do not dare/tried and failed much sooner than him.

    Please elaborate. I need to know this.

  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker
    edited June 2021

    @BlaZe said:
    See, the way things work, you know it in your heart that the provider has messed up, lying & kind of masquerading the truth, instead of fixing things he is venturing out to "try something new".

    I didn't challenge that. In fact I said it multiple times myself.

    Also, you, coming out & posting that a test VPS was offered for "testing" things out, is just applying salt on the burn. It is not helping.

    Depends on ones perspective I guess. For me it meant something like "While we mere mortals can't get through to @cociu, let alone get a response, not all hope is lost. There actually is a chance to ask him something and get a response although unfortunately only for a few whom cociu knows (and likes?) well"
    I also was pleased about and wanted to convey that he didn't flee the country or burned down the DC or whatnot. Nope, they are there and they work to get everything up and running again (as far as possible).
    Another point I found interesting (and pleasant) is that cociu is not trying to scam us. He simply cancelled the (erroneously created) invoice and, without me asking, provided a free test VPS again, which suggests that he actually sees a future (why else would he want me benchmark his VPS?).

    I really do not know what kind of rapport you have with him

    Next to none, highly likely less rapport than most customers.

    But I expected you to be far more sensible & mature in interacting with a mob holding the torch.

    Then you expected wrongly. I only have 1 reaction pattern to mobs: Fighting them.

    Don't try to angry the mob, you'll get torched along. You are definitely better than this.

    Thanks but it's not the first time I confront a mob. Don't worry they wont torch me.

    I do get your point that you're trying to imply that all this isn't a scam & that the provider is trying to return back to normal - but the traits are sadly showing otherwise (sale of IPs, all 400 drives getting burnt due to UPS, etc.).

    Behaving like a lying a__hole and trying to repair things is not mutually exclusive.
    In fact @Francisco is proof. One can be a good provider yet (sometimes) behave like a bloody a__hole.

    Providers fuck up from time to time. This community is very good and rewarding & people do give a second chance. @cociu could've saved his reputation if he would have just come forward & explained the truth (which the mob wants).

    ... or even just provide some relevant and credible information. As for the mob, sorry, I do not care what they want. At all. I only care for what halfway civilized humans want.

    You are a smart person, don't get burned in the fire that you did not start.

    How kind of you, thank you. But don't worry.

  • Interesting how Francisco sells himself as someone who has a "no censorship" policy, allowing ANYTHING scummy to be hosted and he'll ignore the legal threats claiming "law of the land" and "free speech" etc.

    Yet, here's the same "man" trying to use "legal threats" to "censor" me for "slandering" him, in context, within a thread about another provider in which Francisco comes along and starts "slandering" another host and making all manner of wild claims.. I'd say that's hypocrisy at it's finest lol - but I could be wrong, as I have been before..

    But hey, I said what I said, and it's been said, and I'm not changing a word. It's hardly a secret anyway, just google fran's name and various company names he's been part of and you'll find the sources of where I formed my opinion.

    Anyway, this thread is about cociu's drive involucration, not about how incredibly scummy fran is, so please forgive me for the derailment. Trolololol :)

    Thanked by 3_MS_ default pbx
  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @jsg said: a__hole.

    Agreed 100%. I have no problem being an ass if needed.

    I've done it since the very early years on WHT all the way till now. I've had no problems calling out hosts, and I have no problem when they do the same to me.


    Thanked by 2maverickp iKeyZ
  • jsgjsg Member, Resident Benchmarker
    edited June 2021

    @Maounique said:
    Yeah, like you can teach cociu to communicate...
    He won't do that, deal with it.

    It's very unfortunate but I fully agree.
    (That said I can also agree with @Francisco's last comment to which you responded (not the "a__hole" one))

    EDIT: If I had the time I would have offered to do his PR for free. Sadly, not possible.

    In fact that's independant of your time. Even if you had the time you couldn't do it because you highly likely wouldn't get the necessary information out of him. Very sad story.

  • @dahartigan said: Interesting how Francisco sells himself as someone who has a "no censorship" policy, allowing ANYTHING scummy to be hosted and he'll ignore the legal threats claiming "law of the land" and "free speech" etc.

    I don't live in the states. But free speech doesn't mean that you can be a d*ck. You're free to express your ideologies but not at the cost of another person.

    Thanked by 1Pixels
  • @dahartigan said:
    Interesting how Francisco sells himself as someone who has a "no censorship" policy, allowing ANYTHING scummy to be hosted and he'll ignore the legal threats claiming "law of the land" and "free speech" etc.

    Yet, here's the same "man" trying to use "legal threats" to "censor" me for "slandering" him, in context, within a thread about another provider in which Francisco comes along and starts "slandering" another host and making all manner of wild claims.. I'd say that's hypocrisy at it's finest lol - but I could be wrong, as I have been before..

    But hey, I said what I said, and it's been said, and I'm not changing a word. It's hardly a secret anyway, just google fran's name and various company names he's been part of and you'll find the sources of where I formed my opinion.

    Anyway, this thread is about cociu's drive involucration, not about how incredibly scummy fran is, so please forgive me for the derailment. Trolololol :)

    Aaah backpedaling already.

    You said straight out he supports and defends CP.

    Ah well. Guess you'll learn the hard way then.

    Thanked by 2kkrajk iKeyZ
  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @dahartigan said: Interesting how Francisco sells himself as someone who has a "no censorship" policy, allowing ANYTHING scummy to be hosted and he'll ignore the legal threats claiming "law of the land" and "free speech" etc.

    Free speech != free from repercussion of saying stupid shit.

    Anyway, it's your problem in about a week anyway.


  • @Francisco said:

    @dahartigan said: Interesting how Francisco sells himself as someone who has a "no censorship" policy, allowing ANYTHING scummy to be hosted and he'll ignore the legal threats claiming "law of the land" and "free speech" etc.

    Free speech != free from repercussion of saying stupid shit.

    Anyway, it's your problem in about a week anyway.


    Indeed it will be, I'm sure.

  • @dahartigan said: llowing ANYTHING scummy to be hosted and he'll ignore the legal threats claiming "law of the land" and "free speech"

    The key word is "law of the land" and "free speech", and your accusation that BuyVM allows CP doesn't match with your statement because the US doesn't allow CP to be hosted.

    Now, if by "scummy" you mean far-right content, I can understand, but that speech isn't illegal and far-right content also isn't CP.

    Thanked by 1pbx
  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran

    @Francisco said:

    @serv_ee said: Seriously hope @Francisco will go trough with this. That's absurd already.

    I will :) I'm perfectly fine slugging it out, I'll take my lumps for my fuck ups over the years. There's many fuckups on my part to slap me with.

    Calling anyone a CP defender/advocate is just a very stupid move to make. Best off just cutting me a cheque right now, it'll be cheaper than the lawyer fees when we're done.


    1. I really don't think that you can show any actual damages because any reasonable person here would not believe this.
    2. Since this is a written statement it is libel. In a libel case the plaintiff needs to prove that the statement is false. Based on what was said I don't think that you can "prove" that the statement was false since you do not control what is put on servers or services you sell to someone else.

    I've been following and loving this thread. It's one hell of a free speech shit show. Keep up the good work :)

    Note: My VPS at HS is still up and working fine (for now).

  • @FrankZ said: Based on what was said I don't think that you can "prove" that the statement was false since you do not control what is put on servers or services you sell to someone else.

    Not a lawyer, but his statement was about actively offering services for CP and promoting their services as such, is false and the case does have some merit there. (Notice the slight nuance between not knowing that a crime is happening behind your back, vs. actively offering services to commit a crime.)

    Of course, it's for Fran's lawyer to decide, and the courts, should they decide to take it there.

    Thanked by 2dahartigan kkrajk
  • @FrankZ said: Note: My VPS at HS is still up and working fine (for now).

    As is mine the whole time, which makes me believe he's not a scammer and deadpooled, yet people around me are insisting he is - it's confusing!

    Thanked by 1pbx
This discussion has been closed.