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Incero & SpeedyKVM throws the ban hammer at ALL LET members. - Page 13
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Incero & SpeedyKVM throws the ban hammer at ALL LET members.



  • It was all them evil russians! They hacked speedykvm and inserted the TOS change. Evil russians!

    Source: some drunk brit ex-spy with some financial aid from the clintons

  • Awmusic12635 said: Many providers ban customers from specific countries due to extreme abuse

    Yeah, and providers are free to do that. It means though that it would be unreasonable for a host from that country, who services a community from that country, to keep doing business with the provider that banned that country, even if they did get through as a special exception.

  • Kris said: I wonder how you'd feel @jarland if a provider decided to ban DigitalOcean's IP prefixes because of the spam coming out of your ASN?

    Probably good, DO has told me to block 'em if I'm annoyed with spam from their droplets.

  • AlyssaDAlyssaD Member
    edited February 2018

    @Kris said:
    I guess it comes down to LET members being lumped in with HackForums members and therefore being blocked.

    I wonder how you'd feel @jarland if a provider decided to ban DigitalOcean's IP prefixes because of the spam coming out of your ASN?

    I guess it would be like a website posting:


    Now clearly Ecatel and Novogara are known to be a rogue ISP offering pretty shady deals. It would suck to see Digital Ocean name checked next to that, knowing clearly those 26 listings under your network are an outlier of the customers at DO and you guys honestly seem to do your best to keep a clean network.

    So under that example it would kind of would suck being lumped under that, perhaps that makes sense?

    That's how it feels to be a LET member being banned some from random Texas provider, who just rents a cage... and think he's holier than thou. I would never use Incero due to my own experience of Gordon being a little shit and not cleaning up his IPs when I worked at another ISP on the West Coast, and never had any experience other than the hilarious failure Wable.

    Regardless, I'll actively encourage others to avoid the slap-dash operation over little bullshit lines like this in the ToS so he can have an arbitrary reason to kick out customers he doesn't like.

    Us being on par with HF members? That argument falls apart as LET members can still use Incero servers all the live long day, as long as they don't 'bug' Incero directly and get a VPS or server from a reseller? It seems them Texas boys don't feel like catering to the diverse global community of LET if you catch my drift.

    It's pretty obvious the reason why. Otherwise there would be something in the TOS against hosting members of LET on reseller servers. They just don't want the tickets and I'm sure like to deal with 'their kind'

    TL;DR - Gordon's a twat.

    I use LET and I don't consider myself a HF like person. I am also white and I don't consider myself to be a racist asshole. I am also from California and I don't think of myself as a hippie. Just because you are lumped into a group doesn't mean you are exactly like that group.

    Alas; This is why asn-blocklist was created. If you want to ban all of digital ocean and Incero be my guest.


    Digital Ocean:

    (Below are Empty)

    Someone doesn't understand that this was said to prove a point, and not shill a link.

  • As a straight white male who was working today - What'd I miss?

    Oh. That company known for changing their plans two weeks before rebill doesn't want me.

    Guys, please


    The right to refuse service is just that. I'll be fine without giving Gordon my money, and I'm sure he'll survive without me, too.

  • P.S. Selling my Grandfathered account on HackForums for 0.00000000000000000001NTC (Nekki Tentacle Coin)

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • @WSS said:
    As a straight white male who was working today - What'd I miss?

    Oh. That company known for changing their plans two weeks before rebill doesn't want me.

    Guys, please


    The right to refuse service is just that. I'll be fine without giving Gordon my money, and I'm sure he'll survive without me, too.

    It’s fucking weird that we’re the ones not getting all hyped by this, right?

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • AlyssaD said: Alas; This is why asn-blocklist was created. If you want to ban all of digital ocean and Incero be my guest.

    Clearly someone here didn't read my thread, or the explanation / example I gave. I said what's Gordon's doing with LET members and HF is wrong, putting them next to eachother

    I never said anything of the sort, or that I wanted to block IPs, I said it would be ridiculous to lump a reputable provider like DO next to a name like Novogara / Ecatel...

    Seems you're just trigger happy to throw your site in there.

  • @HackedServer said:

    Awmusic12635 said: Why does it require a response?

    That is a really good point. My only response is that Incero (and brands) have a history of scammy and sketchy behavior that has effected LET members many times. In my opinion they should have been banned back then but weren't due to undying administrative favoritism.

    I'm glad to see some repercussions towards them for once, and they should not be allowed to benefit from LET. Hosts that are grandfathered really don't seem to care, so LET making them care feels good.

    But you're right, a response will hardly even reach them. I'll just have to vote with my dollars, and not support services that will fund Gordon's insanity.

    And what about Colocrossing, the parent of this blasted forum. Did you forget GVH, ChicagoVPS, and other shit houses smacked under the wing of our great overload Buy-low?

  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    Kris said: I wonder how you'd feel @jarland if a provider decided to ban DigitalOcean's IP prefixes

    I mean if we're being honest, I'm not even sure it would register a change in my poop schedule.

    Thanked by 1Kris
  • angstromangstrom Moderator
    edited February 2018

    @Lee said: If I was making the decision.

    Incero is gone, but all threads remain as a reference.

    No remaining Incero staff allowed to comment in Incero related threads.
    No new providers offering services out of Incero.

    Existing providers remain as is. If you are an existing provider who opens up in Incero after x date then you cannot post offers in that location.

    Emotions aside, the thing is that this would introduce a kind of anti-Incero police state on LET. We all suffer, while Gordon doesn't suffer at all. Since I don't think that LET can make Gordon suffer anyway, I don't see the point of an anti-Incero police state on LET, which would just make us suffer.

    Thanked by 2jar AnthonySmith
  • @Nekki said:
    It’s fucking weird that we’re the ones not getting all hyped by this, right?

    That's an odd point to make, but, yeah. I'm on LET because I appreciate the community; if someone doesn't want to be a part of ours, fine?

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • jarland said: I mean if we're being honest, I'm not even sure it would register a change in my poop schedule.

    Well crap. My analogy has failed and Alyssa thinks I want to block DO (I have a VM there!)

    I was saying it's asinine to lump LET people, who perhaps some have a language barrier issue, or trouble understanding that items renew automatically vs. HackForums where it's skiddie-daycare.

    Thanked by 2jar WSS
  • @Kris We both know that was done intentionally to smear the community. Fine. Fuck 'em. They can shill over on WHT?

    Thanked by 1Kris
  • @WSS
    How much can I sell NTC for?
    IF it's for 1 million monkey bucks, I'm in.

  • AlyssaDAlyssaD Member
    edited February 2018

    @Kris said:

    AlyssaD said: Alas; This is why asn-blocklist was created. If you want to ban all of digital ocean and Incero be my guest.

    Clearly someone here didn't read my thread, or the explanation / example I gave. I said what's Gordon's doing with LET members and HF is wrong, putting them next to eachother

    I never said anything of the sort, or that I wanted to block IPs, I said it would be ridiculous to lump a reputable provider like DO next to a name like Novogara / Ecatel...

    Seems you're just trigger happy to throw your site in there.

    No you don't get it. If you are using that blocklist YOU ARE lumping people/services/server into a group. Dozens of providers, hundreds of websites, hundreds of services. The fact is, your actions are creating the lumping effect. I am here on LET, and I don't consider myself a HF like person. I never even thought I was lumped among them. However, if you want to be biased and take it personally that you are on the same line of a TOS as HF, then so be my guest. You are just like that blocklist, and like the half a dozen or so providers garnering a benefit from removing competition on this forum.

  • @hammer No sales of NekkiCoin. Much like most of us with our idlers, we just keep them there and do nothing, because they're too worthwhile to sell!

  • AnthonySmithAnthonySmith Member, Patron Provider


  • ClouviderClouvider Member, Patron Provider

    I don't wanna get sucked into this lengthy discussion, but what strikes me after reading 7 pages, so far, is that @Jarland, you being an admin here literally what, a week or so ago, seems to be surprisingly ignoring of singling out LET and putting it on the same level as hack forums. It just doesn't feel right.

    My two cents.

  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran
    edited February 2018

    @Clouvider said:
    I don't wanna get sucked into this lengthy discussion, but what strikes me after reading 7 pages, so far, is that @Jarland, you being an admin here literally what, a week or so ago, seems to be surprisingly ignoring of singling out LET and putting it on the same level as hack forums. It just doesn't feel right.

    My two cents.

    Where did you see that I'm ignoring? I specifically said I had my thoughts around it, but that I discuss my concerns with my vendors privately because my customers come first.

  • mkshmksh Member
    edited February 2018

    @angstrom said:
    Since I don't think that LET can make Gordon suffer anyway

    Are you sure about that? I've been now resisting the urge to answer @tuqu's (totally legit internet mapper turned multinational private filehoster) latest requests with SpeedyKVM and Incero for a whole 5 minutes. Not sure i can hold back much longer.

    Thanked by 2Aidan Lee
  • @Clouvider said:
    I don't wanna get sucked into this lengthy discussion, but what strikes me after reading 7 pages, so far, is that @Jarland, you being an admin here literally what, a week or so ago, seems to be surprisingly ignoring of singling out LET and putting it on the same level as hack forums. It just doesn't feel right.

    My two cents.

    The last time we had an Incenrobe shitstorm, he refused to act when there was a call for blood, too. He closed the thread, when they all but came forward, admitting that rebill rates were never the same as initial prices, even though they were marketed as non-promotional prices.

    He's taken his side, and I respect him for not flip-flopping on his choice, even though I don't know if I'd have the balls to do the same after so much negative feedback.

    That said, I still don't really care, and I respect jarland as a person and a former moderator, because I feel he generally did what he felt was correct, with an occasional spatter of personal emotion in the mix.

    Thanked by 3Clouvider jar MCHPhil
  • LeeLee Veteran
    edited February 2018

    angstrom said: Emotions aside, the thing is that this would introduce a kind of anti-Incero police state on LET. We all suffer, while Gordon doesn't suffer at all. Since I don't think that LET can make Gordon suffer anyway, I don't see the point of an anti-Incero police state on LET, which would just make us suffer

    Well ok then so you need to stop all Incero offers from all providers, The message is, absolutely no airtime on this site whilst you list LET in your ToS.

    No member suffers at all, the providers are still there, you can still get to any offers they have, I guess you cannot stop other members posting about their offers. Well, you could. They are not being banished to the dark web out of sight.

  • MikePTMikePT Moderator, Patron Provider, Veteran

    AnthonySmith said: Sure he has a reputation but I assume he is not going to go out of his way to damage his own business and customers for the sake of simply saying "ok do that"

    You're causing damage for the businesses that use their network. Incero aren't causing anything here, other than saying that new signups from LET are no longer welcome, and THIS is exactly the reason they want to AVOID orders from here.
    A simple ToS change, because they got fed up with threads flaming them here, and now we see you demanding them to remove that from their ToS like you were in a position to demand anything from a company.

    Now, I heard you don't accept orders from China, right? Can I demand you to allow orders from China? You're against a full country. Why is that? Because most orders are fraud. What about orders that come from LET? Maybe they've done their accounting and checked that actually it's not worth therefore bumped their prices and stated in their ToS that people from LET are no longer welcome. That'll save them from further threads, I can clearly understand why. Over reaction, all the time.
    I've lost money with them, and explained what happened here, still, 2 days ago, I got a company I work for to buy a backup server from Incero. We were able to backup 1 TB in 24h (LiquidWeb's peering, meh), I'm damn happy with the service. I mentioned in the ticket that it was me taking care of the server / doing the deal, Gordon didn't do anything to the server, even though I did attack them a couple times, being pissed off at Gordon. Now, you guys, don't forget: Whenever someone mentions "Incero" here, what's the usual response?

    • "Oh, you wanna be wabled"
    • "Oh, fuck Gordon"

    Stuff like that. Now it seems everyone is crying because they actually do NOT want our business?.... This doesn't make much sense. I thought many would be relieved.

  • RhysRhys Member, Host Rep

    Could I order a side of kissassing from @MikePT in the yellow flavour?

  • @MikePT

    No. That asshole also put all of us into one barrel with a black hat hacker forum.

    I'd laugh my ass off if some hackers DDOSed speedykvm into oblivion.

    Thanked by 1hostdare
  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    @Rhys said:
    Could I order a side of kissassing from @MikePT in the yellow flavour?

    I'm sorry but that's out of stock. I've purchased it all.

    Thanked by 1Rhys
  • @jarland said:

    @Rhys said:
    Could I order a side of kissassing from @MikePT in the yellow flavour?

    I'm sorry but that's out of stock. I've purchased it all.

    Pretty sure that came as a package deal.

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • LeeLee Veteran

    MikePT said: Now it seems everyone is crying because they actually do NOT want our business?

    @bsdguy, give @MikePT the fluffy rabbit.

    Thanked by 4Aidan Nekki FrankZ iKeyZ
  • AlyssaD said: No you don't get it. If you are using that blocklist YOU ARE lumping people/services/server into a group. Dozens of providers, hundreds of websites, hundreds of services.

    Can you read? I made it very clear in the last thread:

    Stop pushing your stupid website, I didn't want to use it. It's cool you can look up ASNs!

    I DO NOT want to block ASNs, I made a specific example of how it's wrong to lump one reputation down with another's name, and you didn't get it. Now you're doubling down, I'm not using your shit list, nor do I want to.

    Thanked by 2risharde bugrakoc
This discussion has been closed.