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Oh no! BuyVM down?! - Page 8
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Oh no! BuyVM down?!



  • BK_BK_ Member

    22:08 <Aldryic[m]> Okay, everyone say it with me
    22:08 <Aldryic[m]> "goddammitfran"
    22:09 Aldryic[m]: what got franned?
    22:09 <Aldryic[m]> Nah, we got the new brocade up now.
    22:09 <Aldryic[m]> tl;dr - it didn't want to cooperate
    22:09 <Aldryic[m]> we just gotta re-enable and set the new rules in the brocade
    22:10 <Aldryic[m]> stupid thing reset itself and lost the original settings we put
    22:10 <Aldryic[m]> hence the extended downtime >_<
    22:10 <Aldryic[m]> was only supposed to be like 10 seconds max
    22:10 <Aldryic[m]> but then... well yeah, Fran happened XD

    For anyone that wasn't in IRC.

  • I can ping my VPS but the hosted site cant be accessed.

  • @BK_, can you PM me the IRC link?

  • All servers up!

  • ... and down again :(

  • BK_BK_ Member

    @pubcrawler said: can you PM me the IRC link?

    Done :)

  • Looks like the buyvmstatus is showing the red spreading down cancer now...

    Wait, I know what this is.

    This is a drinking game. You see red out on BuyVM and you have to take a swig.

  • @BK_ said: Done :)

    PM me too boss

  • BK_BK_ Member

    @jcaleb said: PM me too boss

    Der you go.

  • down again :(

  • thanks @BK_

  • BK_BK_ Member

    @jcaleb said: thanks @BK_

    Not a problem.

  • @pubcrawler said: Wait, I know what this is.

    This is a drinking game. You see red out on BuyVM and you have to take a swig.


  • Yep, mine is down again. The prefix is not in the BGP table at all.
    I think the whole "lets move to LV" thing was a little too emotional decision. They should probably have stayed with with EGI in SJC and just open LV as a third location, then offer everyone who is unhappy with the network performanca at the SJC location to be moved to LV.

  • 1: 0.071ms
    2: 0.310ms asymm 3
    3: 0.481ms reached

    That's my route inside fiberhub to a BuyVM server.

    Right now,

    1: 0.084ms
    2: no reply
    3: no reply
    4: no reply

    Long a$$ day for the BuyVM crew.

  • @rds100 said: Yep, mine is down again. The prefix is not in the BGP table at all.

    I think the whole "lets move to LV" thing was a little too emotional decision. They should probably have stayed with with EGI in SJC and just open LV as a third location, then offer everyone who is unhappy with the network performanca at the SJC location to be moved to LV.

    "emotional decision" dude, they tried to work with them for..months..with nothing being accomplished.

  • lbftlbft Member
    edited January 2013

    @KnightSwarm_Phillip said: We colo in FH and experienced no downtime whatsoever.

    Both my Versaweb dedi and my AlienVPS Las Vegas VPS had downtime with the power thing, so it wasn't "just" BuyVM.

  • @rds100, I agree that the move has been impactful. But still hasn't been much time for such a move.

    San Jose was completely rubbish for throughput. It was laughable and my introduction to BuyVM (which left me feeling stupid). Once I confirmed the problem and they were honest about it, we were all good. No idea how the customers in San Jose tolerated that network for so long of a problem.

    Fiberhub I am willing to say, will work out fine. This time next month, folks should be happier than ever and this will be fading memory.

  • Down again :(.

  • Are BuyVM's machines melted down the whole DC? LOL

  • Both my Versaweb dedi and my AlienVPS Las Vegas VPS had downtime with the power thing, so it wasn't "just" BuyVM.

    Single homed power obviously with those outages. Versaweb = Fiberhub so that's a tad of a jab to ones own eye.

    AlienVPS is notorious for ignoring outages and having people offline routinely. They wouldn't splurge for A-B power ever.

    BuyVM getting snagged by power... well, lets hope they only had the A leg of power in place and they've since wired or will be the B leg for redundancy.

  • @rds100 said: I think the whole "lets move to LV" thing was a little too emotional decision. They should probably have stayed with with EGI in SJC and just open LV as a third location, then offer everyone who is unhappy with the network performanca at the SJC location to be moved to LV.

    Too early to call it IMHO. Not really worried about network, they can figure those out. Power issues are disheartening though. That's where a budget facility (no matter how well intentioned) like Fiberhub can't ever hope to compare to a Coresite/Equinix/Telx etc.

    Ex: Coresite had issues with power/cooling on one of their floors (that was full, ie no new customers possible) in 55 South market a couple years ago - they ripped everything out and put in millions of $$ in new gear.

  • @MrObvious @pubcrawler yes there were some long time unsolved network problems in SJC, but for some users (like me) it didn't matter at all - it was working well enough for my use.
    And those that need higher throughput could be moved to the new location.

  • @rds100 but they didnt have filtered ip in ny :|

  • pubcrawlerpubcrawler Banned
    edited January 2013

    Right @rds100, I moved from SJC to Buffalo because of the throughputt putt putt.

    Buffalo doesn't offer the DDoS service though. So for some other folks not really an option.

    Vegas should be better throughput and better connectivity. Improved / lowered latency supposedly as well.

    That's where a budget facility (no matter how well intentioned) like Fiberhub can't ever hope to compare to a Coresite/Equinix/Telx etc.

    Who is competing with those three companies? Ever priced a full rack with 1Gbps from them? It's quite expensive.

    Ever wonder why you don't see lowend priced offers within Coresite, Equinix, Telx? Because you couldn't afford to run a business at a loss.

    I don't see any reason why Fiberhub or any other facility can't compete and beat those facilities in all ways. The transit is rather commodity, the same. Power needs conditioned, batteries and generators need to be in place and there their needs to be proper cooling. It is universal.

    Complexity doesn't step in until you fill the space, draw too much power per rack or have too much BTU output. All three problems should be cost ramp up justified.

    Instead of doing the Coresite overstuffed rebuild, folks should be doing the 2x expansion in a new facility. Equinix in the DC area is an example of that expansion. Coresite did it's teardown and rebuild due to the lack of real estate and insane premiums on space.

    Then again, many providers find engineering more efficient solutions with lower heat and power per unit themselves is more economical than random hot plates shoved in random racks creating hot spots here and there and over there. Thus the prominence of cloud providers and reduction/slowing of "public" colo facilities.

  • still dead? omg Rating will gonna be bad for sure.

  • I am sure @Francisco can offer the DDoS protection anywhere, including in NY if they want to. It would be a matter of announcing another /24 from the awknet box and then tunneling the good traffic back to where it should go. The problem would be that the traffic would go to LA and from there back to NY in this case, so extra latency would be added.

  • Look at the bright side folks:

    1. We know it is the Brocade router.
    2. We know Francisco is hands on and on location.
    3. This should be the last major piece of mucking around

    Things will be back to normal before morning here in the US.

  • @rds100, I suppose they could do the DDoS that way. Latency would be horrific though. Doubt many folks would be interested or if so as some last resort or failover thing. Way too many hops and points of potential issues along that total continental fieldtrip too.

  • @pubcrawler - you don't price a rack with 1gbps "from" coresite - you buy your rack and power, and bring in your own network. This isn't cost effective for 1 rack, granted - unless you talk them into a free xcon. But once you have 3-4, you can get your budget gig from or whoever directly, pay the xcons and your overall cost is relatively low.

    It won't be $400/cab but it's not $2000 either (Unless you're in Equinix or Telx.) I doubt this would seriously have been an issue for the buyvm bottom line given their density.

    My real point is that when it comes to problem solving, a company with hundreds of millions+ behind them is not only going to make sure the infrastructure is right from the start but can do what's needed to maintain it, and respond in ways to issues that a smaller player can't.

    There are advantages to both from a service, but when it comes to infrastructure at scale cash matters.

    @pubcrawler said: The transit is rather commodity, the same.

    In general terms sure, but in reality not. Primary pops/super pops aren't everywhere. Being able to connect directly to where a carrier brings in their fiber to distribute and have options to connect to local exchanges give you much more flexibility. I get that isn't a LEB type of concern, since transit is /rather/ commodity, but it's a distinction none the less.

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