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How can we improve LowEndTalk?
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How can we improve LowEndTalk?

mpkossenmpkossen Member
edited August 2015 in General

We'd like to hear from you how we can improve LowEndTalk! Please reply with your suggestions to this thread. Keep in mind:

  • Non-constructive suggestions don't get us anywhere
  • Things need to be achievable and realistic

After a bunch of suggestions have been made I'm going to collect them and come up with some sort of prioritized list. How exactly I'll pick the number one thing I'm going to focus on I haven't figured out yet, but that's of secondary importance at this point. We first need suggestions, from you, our visitors, in order to get started!!

So, what can we do to make LowEndTalk more valuable to you? What can we make you do to visit it every day or every other day? What content would you like to see there?

Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond here :-)



  • Ban limited sales
    Ban limited requests
    Ban WHMCS license sales (excluding ones in VPS/Dedi offers)
    Ban WHMCS license requests

  • Ban any offers from companies that haven't existed more than 6 months (ie: you need to exist for 7 months before you can post).

  • cassacassa Member

    @KwiceroLTD said:
    Ban any offers from companies that haven't existed more than 6 months (ie: you need to exist for 7 months before you can post).

    So if every forum would do this, companies will have to start 6 months before they can start marketing?

    Thanked by 1MikePT
  • MikePTMikePT Veteran
    edited April 2015


    I honestly think you're doing pretty well. What I really hate, though, are the offers being posted all the time in the topics where the OP seeks for help, and those offers contribute nothing towards the community. There are many companies here who only care to post their offers. I think that companies should be able to post their offer threads or even to the people who are looking for opinions about companies/services, but they should also care to contribute to the community and try to help more than simply spamming their offers.

    I've been flagging (although not many) those who I think that are really unnecessary. Post offers but at least write original replies, not simply copy pasting the damn offers. It gets really annoying.

  • cociucociu Member
    edited April 2015

    agree with @KwiceroLTD and Ban all users who dont have a Company to protect your end users visit, to avoid scam, bad services, "disapears hosting" (for exemple i see many cild who rent a dedi for 1 month , post the offers , got the money and go to buy candy on a stick and ignore all his customers ). the best example (and is not banned for the moment , he cheating many people selling yearly plans and now is disapeared. The last login was in 4 april but no explication give to his customers) . 10 of this and LET got a bad reputation to allow this kind of users.

  • Remove this useless (because not working) Link.

  • FrecyboyFrecyboy Member
    edited April 2015

    Remove this useless (because not working) Link.

    Edit: I am almost sure I posted this in the now disappeared thread.....

  • MikePTMikePT Veteran
    edited April 2015

    @cociu said:
    agree with KwiceroLTD and Ban all users who dont have a Company to protect your end users visit, to avoid scam, bad services, "disapears hosting" (for exemple i see many cild who rent a dedi for 1 month , post the offers , got the money and go to buy candy on a stick and ignore all his customers ). the best example (and is not banned for the moment , he cheating many people selling yearly plans and now is disapeared. The last login was in 4 april but no explication give to his customers) . 10 of this and LET got a bad reputation to allow this kind of users.

    I don't agree with your comment, cociu. LET is a forum where we can all participate and promote our business. Not only we have VPS offers, but as shared/reseller/hosted piwiki and observium and other services. LET allows the companies to promote their services and it allows the companies to grow. We've had some bad experiences, for sure, although we shouldn't limit the offers to be posted because there are companies who simply don't do customer care.

    As @cassa wrote, how can companies start their marketing if all forums stop them from doing so?

    In my example, I've been providing Shared/Reseller hosting since 2008 to local companies/clients, but I'm now launching my KVM offers here in LET to promote my business and grow with LET/other forums. We should give opportunities for the companies to grow. We've not only seen bad companies here, but good companies as well who do it right and started in LET/LEB.

  • rokokrokok Member

    Maybe provider reputation point feature next to username?

    Thanked by 1MikePT
  • @rokok said:
    Maybe provider reputation point feature next to username?

    I don't think Vanilla has a plugin for that...

    Thanked by 1mehargags
  • rokokrokok Member

    @TH_George said:

    Develop! there will never be improvement if you just sitting and wait

    Thanked by 1inthecloudblog
  • DavidxDavidx Member
    edited April 2015

    TinyTunnel_Tom said: Ban limited sales

    Why? This is LET- a place where you find good deals. It wouldn't make sense to ban sales.

    On improving LET/LEB.. I think it'd be cool to have a place dedicated to tutorials that are user submitted. I get there are occasional tutorials on LEB, but having a place dedicated for it would be awesomesauce. I would want someone that has time running it though so it's not stale.

    I've really enjoyed the moderation from Nikki and Lee as well and I hope to see more mods like them.

  • SpeedBusSpeedBus Member, Host Rep
    Thanked by 1MikePT
  • @cassa said:
    So if every forum would do this, companies will have to start 6 months before they can start marketing?

    They asked for LET improvements, not every forum.
    Furthermore, it would be a good fix for this site, see: pump and dump scams, summer hosts, etc. it would rid a lot of those.

  • BruceBruce Member

    up the price for advertising - get more variety in advertisers

    really, I'm tired of that "I'm not a cow" add. WTF is that!

    showcase new providers (with peer review) - reward the good ones, discourage the dumb ones

    have different member levels, so you can discriminate "sponsors", and "trusted providers", from the ones who just learnt how to download WHMCS

    Thanked by 1MikePT
  • BruceBruce Member

    provider-only forum? with a min age limit :)

    what about a elance/fiverr-style forum for "looking for work / offering work"

  • MunMun Member
    edited April 2015

    There isn't much you can do here, its just a cest pit here anyways, hell we welcomed back that < fantastic person > whom stole our money and created so much drama on this forum, and still does.

    Thanked by 2Snape Lm85H4gFkh3wk3
  • MeanServersMeanServers Member, Host Rep

    LET is pretty perfect as-is, it's a forum with a lot more freedom compared to others on the web (not mentioning names). The mods are fair and quite entertaining while most of the community is extremely helpful when it comes to almost anything under the technology sphere of information. I think LET has fostered a great atmosphere with a lot of regulars and is genuinely fun place to talk about hosting.

    The only suggestion I would have is a different color scheme, that green is atrocious.

  • PwnerPwner Member

    Flagging for mobile.

  • How about a new theme ? This light green is getting a bit boring... and of course SSL :D

    Thanked by 1Cipriano
  • @varwww said:
    How about a new theme ?

    Would be nice! i suggest this theme

    Thanked by 1MikePT
  • Don't implement censorship, except where obviously fraudulent or rude. Borderline cases seem to be dealt with in the comments. In fact, I kind of like the slightly rough atmosphere here.

    As for colors, I like the green. Whatever you do, don't go to that nauseatingly common baby blue "it's a boy!" look.

  • @TinyTunnel_Tom said:
    Ban limited sales
    Ban limited requests
    Ban WHMCS license sales (excluding ones in VPS/Dedi offers)
    Ban WHMCS license requests

    Why Any personal issue or they provide bad service?

  • ProfforgProfforg Member
    edited April 2015

    Would repeat it once again. As in cest pit was ignored.

    Make signature to show one time per user per topic (first message only or last message only).

    In many topics people just flood to spam their signature. That looks stupid and if you said it to them, they reply "i am just help" or "i am just reply to another reply" e.t.c.

  • TH_George said: I don't think Vanilla has a plugin for that...

    No, when LET was hosted directly with Vanilla we had such a plugin where we could rate other user's friendliness, helpfullness, etc

  • @linuxthefish said:
    SSL for security :)

    Once we've fixed the advertizing we'll look into making that happen :-)

    @Mark_R said:

    I'll see if we can make this optional to those who prefer it.

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    sirmbhe said: Why Any personal issue or they provide bad service?

    What he means is ban either people outsourcing deals or requesting an outsourced Dedi, not actually ban offers themselves.

  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran

    1) fix editing of posts
    2) fix this shit:
    and that is how you can improve LowEndTalk.

  • +1 for reputation system.

This discussion has been closed.