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We want to reduce the spam in the offers category - share your ideas!
To All Providers. If you ask for 'me too' type posts and auto spammy worthy posts guess what? You wont have to give the audience a gift or something to win! We will! A warning. To you and to any members that do so. This practice has gone on for long enough. I've had enough and so have the rest of us!
So say we all! Or some wild, good enough speech like that.
Does this apply to
Simply comment your order # if you're interested in FREE double bandwidth.
Does it sound spammy to you?
Extremely, yes
Can existing threads still be spammed?
Or should they be closed immediately?
Expect the unexpected.
You shall point and I will close.
Thank you?
Can you spell out clearly: is "comment order number" allowed?
Yes or no.
Might need to specify exactly what > @yoursunny said:
Adding to this, what about these style ones:
I assume this one does count as spam and will not be allowed
For what? I created a thread about a famous internet person who got freed from prison. What the hell did I do? It's actually big news and relevant.
But okay. Notice received.
Yes or no.
Received acknowledged.
I don't get it
Users could just PM the host with their order number, so I'd consider it spam personally.
Perhaps If you try again you will? Our gifts come at different times.
What about this one above? ^
I agree, but that requires more staff agreement or a Presidential decision
I'll believe it when I see the update to the forum rules or an actual admin chiming in, though I do fully support a stop of the pointless thread bumps for offers.
But I have a feeling no official rule will be made.
Spammy posts bad, posting order number good.
Rules unclear, "gifts", whole announcement post written like a joke.
MannDude "on notice" for interesting and semi-revelant topic that was created before rules were in place.
WTF please?
@DP and/or another staff member will probably answer that
Agreed. Posting of order numbers absolutely does not contribute to any conversation. It's purely a tactic to drive sales, and admittedly a pretty good one. But it's not what forums were intended to do.
Do we need to do a questionable hand wave to get @jbiloh's input on that?
Good luck with that, we waiting for like a year for those rules.
Last year topic:
With a thread with 29K comments in, I'll struggle to believe anyone telling me there's useful content in there and that it's not just full of spam.
I understand that as a member of the staff I irk you. But for now, I am a member of the staff, just for now, so do NOT patronize me with your holier than thou attitude. I have chimed in. Your own post has NOTHING to do with this. You are upset that I closed a thread. PM me then or ask me to open it If you believe It is ok.
Thank you.
It's not even about sales, it's about measurable forum metrics.
The actual owner of the site wants to keep the numbers looking big, and better than previous months / years. Allowing dumb comments like order numbers, mega thread spam, etc contribute to bigger numbers / more 'user activity'. It looks good on charts and bar graphs.
I doubt Biloh will actually put a stop to it, as then there will be a noticeable dip in activity when viewing the metrics down the road. If he ever wants to sell this place, it'll hurt it's value.
So with that said, "pointless bump".
And when you're selling ad spaces.
I have no qualms with you or staff. I just meant I'll believe a (long term) change to the policy when I see it written by Biloh or something.
No offense meant, please don't take what I'm not trying to give.