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All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
We have six vps with them, the latest being a promo that came online 2 months later than they had quoted. -Of note, the billing period did not begin until the moment said unit had booted online. .
Sit back, relax, you will get what you paid for and it will be great. Experience with them helps. But, of course, if you need your server right this very instant, do what you will.
You just have to be patient. This lag time is 100% standard drill for HH, and we have learned to accept the annoyance as an expected variable.
Thanks - emailed Able, let's see if he enables my server
I'm still waiting for two servers from HostHatch. No updates yet. I hope Able gets better soon, but this ongoing silence is concerning.
Your chicken needs time to hatch, please be patient.
You will be notified as soon as your chicken is ready.
Yes I am worried about the health issues. I hope it's going better.
I paid $80 for Stockholm deal month ago, still waiting too. If it wasn't for other people repeating stating it's a good provider (and one user spamming half the thread how premium it is) I would already think I got scammed good.
It sad to see lack of communication or updates from the host when I can get reply or solve issues with $7/y deals much faster where I actually don't expect quick support. You have to wonder how these threads affect their reputation when it could be easily avoided by couple sentences in their deal thread or simply one email to waiting customers.
Well judging from the fact that people are still entertaining their nonsense after getting cucked for over a month, probably not much
There are member here who justifies the action stating that since you bought cheap vps, it's your fault to expect premium service. They shift the blame towards buyers so the reputation remains intact. These members will divert the focus from incompetency of HH to make the customer guilty.
Apologies for the delay - we are still working through the last of the pending VMs and they should be delivered by Monday.
Please note that you can ask for a refund any time after the initial 10 working days ETA, as someone commented that they regret making this purchase due to the delayed setup time.
Wow. Finally, HH has made a statement about all these things. Thanks very much.
After more than one month waiting, I feel exhausted about it.
I just want my money back and thanks very much HH give me that chance.
I'll open a new ticket to ask for refund.
Then the nightmare should go to an end.
It'll be helpful if you could mention (in future) that one may ask for refund if 10 days are passed in the offer thread.
I'm glad to see this message. Thanks. Waiting for my LAX storage for a long time.
Y all deserved it, not reading comment before ordering, they are PO not instant delivery.
No we deserved an update after they didn’t meet the timeline or a reasonable timeline after…
Report back if you get your refund.
If waiting longer than expected is a nightmare, you have a good life.
"First world problems".
Who the hell waits a month for stupid vps? Specially from well-known scammer @hosthatch
These kind of cheerleading and blaming the buyers is what enabled HH to abuse the system. $200 - $300 is a significant amount to ignore that easily especially someone from a poor country.
Are you affiliated to HH in any sort of way?
This morning I got full refund. Thanks to HH.
Maybe $190 is not a big deal for you, but it is for me.
I think everyone like well-arranged life, and no one like the uncertainty in his/her life.
But thanks to HH, I got the money back. So the nightmare can be over.
IF I know that at first, then I wouldn't buy it any more. But now I know that.
He is not, but I truly wonder who pays you to write the 50 or so comments of hatred that you have written against us in just the past couple of weeks. If only someone took some time to compile all of those comments in a single file, I'd be happy to pay them for their time.
You seem to know a lot about us, for someone who has never been a customer of ours (and fingers crossed, never will be).
That's an allegation which you should prove that I have received $$ to write my opinion here. Otherwise
this will be beginning of a very unhealthy trend that will be started in LET where anyone will accuse others of receiving money to write about their own opinions whenever that opinion is something that they don't like
This is a serious allegation and as a community member also, you should give enough evidence to establish it.
how much
How can you even provide your opinion, when you are in no case to? You're no customer. You're just full of yourself.
What people are forgetting here is that providers can choose their customers - if you don't want to wait, a refund has been offered.
Communication may not of been the greatest here, and I also doubt they didn't plan for it to take this long. Seems things are getting clarity now.
I had one more server provisioned today, and one left to go. Progress is being made.
I've already addressed this issue in different threads.
In order to judge whether a practice is unfair, unethical and taking advantage of another party, you don't need to buy it. Because the terms and conditions are enough to point towards that.
If you are happy, then be it. Let others, who have a different opinion than yours, also have their saying.
Then leave your opinion in the other thread, and walk away instead of derailing any chance you get.
Do you forget that providers can choose their customers? It's what T&C are meant for, and setting expectations.
Can you state how my posts are derailing the thread?
You are one of the senior most posters in this forum so certainly I'll value your judgement way more than others. Can you give an instance of derailing for example in this thread which in future, I might avoid since I will be aware after pointing it out?