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  • its like pinky and the brain

  • I am not sure which paypal name they used, anyone know?
    if I even paid with paypal... mostly I do if that is option

  • Sir, please do not insult our intelligence, we all witnessed that you did not have the ability to manage and sympathize with this number of users at the very beginning of your sale during Black Friday, and despite this, you continued to sell.

  • I live in Iran, in the neighborhood of your country, and I am completely familiar with your data center's working system and the prices, inflation and the high cost of traffic. It is not possible that a server with the specifications of your servers with unlimited traffic at the price of 64 Turkish lira, which is almost 2 dollars in the US, can be sold and supplied even in the best case. Please do not insult people and site users. Of course, I also blame this site, because it is impossible for them to can't understand the purpose of a data center in the Middle East with this promotion and unbelievable prices, etc., and they only got the right to advertise themselves and did not value the users. First of all, I am sorry for myself and my compatriots that we are forced to be hostages of the mullahs, mean and dirty government and religious and Islamic dictatorship of the Islamic Republic in Iran, our dear and beautiful country. Then, for the Middle East, forgetting their identity, history, and values ​​and sticking to the black trap called Islam and the superstitions that England created when they left Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc., except for the destruction of something for these people. did not bring anything else . Isn't it time to come to our senses?! Really, only some idiots and fools can't learn from the fate of Iran and the rebellion of 1979, if they don't learn and experience the famous Islamic revolution, and give themselves to darkness, decay and misery again. You are the heir of the great Ata Turk. Are you not aware of what even that Erdogan is doing to your country?!?!! How many years has he been president?! Turkey has become the backyard of the Islamic Republic for money laundering, drug trafficking and human trafficking and sending their terrorists to Syria and... and transferring terrorists in the form of immigrants from Iran to Europe. How did you allow this cursed murderer and the leader of the 1987 massacre into your country yesterday and you are welcoming him?! Do you know that our president is literate at the level of primary school?!!! The international court in The Holland condemned him for the executions and crimes of 1987 and accused him of crimes against humanity by giving and executing the mass death sentence of several thousand innocent people. If I want to be honest, maybe among all those people, several of them are actually guilty of bombing or assassination. The reasons for the executions are finding a forbidden book, forbidden communication, belonging to the dirty and low-ranking party of the People's Mojahedin Khalq, and besides killing several thousands of innocent people. Their sin was not only Islam believers and being a Baha'i or ideologically close to the Islamic communist leftists who were more dangerous than communism itself without any fault or sin or even hurting an ant. You are the pride of NATO, Europe and Asia with a warm welcome from the head of the 1987 death commission, Ebrahim Riesi, who is wanted by the Interpol police and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, as if the Turks are going to suffer our fate, but we are just in the process of shedding our skin and self-knowledge and throwing away this barbaric religion, terror, and pleasure, and with all our might, we will either die or take our country back from the mullahs.

  • @Levi said:
    I guess the final laugh is still reserved for scammers. This scam was planned from the start. Thought, it could be prevented way earlier.

    I hope so the other's can see things as same as are . Bot not with doubt 🤔 can't see this clearly reality. Unless scam is what or who can be the scammer unless they have horn . No scam promote something's with juicy & can't afford about their responsibility even when they understand have bigi problem . Don't won't stop selling. The couldn't present theirs VPs sold in BF 2023 and they make new post and banner's and prest it in forum. Just think Wich site that wants sell a lot items and racks and servers in BF why their site even support English language and just have Turkish language support. Come on buddies. Take out this positive visionary glass from your eyes and Behave like mature and intelligent people. Lies lies lies . His accident is nothing to do with us VPs . A company sell thousands VPs and then move out to another's place ?!!??? Come on man shame on you . I think turkey culture must so grownups in past year's. But .... ⏩🕊️

  • edited January 26

    @artanriseup said:
    I live in Iran, in the neighborhood of your country, and I am completely familiar with your data center's working system and the prices, inflation and the high cost of traffic. It is not possible that a server with the specifications of your servers with unlimited traffic at the price of 64 Turkish lira, which is almost 2 dollars in the US, can be sold and supplied even in the best case. Please do not insult people and site users. Of course, I also blame this site, because it is impossible for them to can't understand the purpose of a data center in the Middle East with this promotion and unbelievable prices, etc., and they only got the right to advertise themselves and did not value the users. First of all, I am sorry for myself and my compatriots that we are forced to be hostages of the mullahs, mean and dirty government and religious and Islamic dictatorship of the Islamic Republic in Iran, our dear and beautiful country. Then, for the Middle East, forgetting their identity, history, and values ​​and sticking to the black trap called Islam and the superstitions that England created when they left Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc., except for the destruction of something for these people. did not bring anything else . Isn't it time to come to our senses?! Really, only some idiots and fools can't learn from the fate of Iran and the rebellion of 1979, if they don't learn and experience the famous Islamic revolution, and give themselves to darkness, decay and misery again. You are the heir of the great Ata Turk. Are you not aware of what even that Erdogan is doing to your country?!?!! How many years has he been president?! Turkey has become the backyard of the Islamic Republic for money laundering, drug trafficking and human trafficking and sending their terrorists to Syria and... and transferring terrorists in the form of immigrants from Iran to Europe. How did you allow this cursed murderer and the leader of the 1987 massacre into your country yesterday and you are welcoming him?! Do you know that our president is literate at the level of primary school?!!! The international court in The Holland condemned him for the executions and crimes of 1987 and accused him of crimes against humanity by giving and executing the mass death sentence of several thousand innocent people. If I want to be honest, maybe among all those people, several of them are actually guilty of bombing or assassination. The reasons for the executions are finding a forbidden book, forbidden communication, belonging to the dirty and low-ranking party of the People's Mojahedin Khalq, and besides killing several thousands of innocent people. Their sin was not only Islam believers and being a Baha'i or ideologically close to the Islamic communist leftists who were more dangerous than communism itself without any fault or sin or even hurting an ant. You are the pride of NATO, Europe and Asia with a warm welcome from the head of the 1987 death commission, Ebrahim Riesi, who is wanted by the Interpol police and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, as if the Turks are going to suffer our fate, but we are just in the process of shedding our skin and self-knowledge and throwing away this barbaric religion, terror, and pleasure, and with all our might, we will either die or take our country back from the mullahs.

    Fascinating. Can you explain that a little bit more?

    Thanked by 3Ght xvps shaikhmanal
  • 0xbkt0xbkt Member
    edited January 29

    Well, well, well. Looks like another score from the Repuc guy.

    In a nutshell, OP says having paid for the hardware they figured they weren't the only buyer with the Repuc guy scamming a few before them for the same listing by not actually shipping anything.

    Thanked by 1remy
  • remyremy Member

    @0xbkt said:
    Well, well, well. Looks like another score from the Repuc guy.

    In a nutshell, OP says having paid for the hardware they figured they weren't the only buyer with the Repuc guy scamming a few before them for the same listing by not actually shipping anything.

    It's hard to understand everything in detail without understanding Turkish.
    But what I do understand is that he has continued to rip people off.
    Not really surprised, I just hope there will be consequences for him.
    The amounts seem larger, so he'll probably end up getting caught.

  • @alexvolk said:

    @Mumbly said:

    @alexvolk said: Are you good now?

    No, of course not. You still doxing random people from the internet without knowing relationships or potential involvement with the business of other people and that just sucks.

    She isn't a random person from the internet as simple as that.

    You're just arguing here trying to protect scammers, well done!

    Emirhan Akpınar is another scammer:



    I don't understand the relevance of this photo and repuc? My only connection with him is that I used to work for the same company. I don't want my photo to be used without permission and I don't want my profiles to be stalked. I can answer you if you ask any questions. But I would like to point out that I have nothing to do with him.

  • @EmirhaaN said:

    @alexvolk said:

    @Mumbly said:

    @alexvolk said: Are you good now?

    No, of course not. You still doxing random people from the internet without knowing relationships or potential involvement with the business of other people and that just sucks.

    She isn't a random person from the internet as simple as that.

    You're just arguing here trying to protect scammers, well done!

    Emirhan Akpınar is another scammer:



    I don't understand the relevance of this photo and repuc? My only connection with him is that I used to work for the same company. I don't want my photo to be used without permission and I don't want my profiles to be stalked. I can answer you if you ask any questions. But I would like to point out that I have nothing to do with him.

    can you explain more?

  • @cybertech said:

    @EmirhaaN said:

    @alexvolk said:

    @Mumbly said:

    @alexvolk said: Are you good now?

    No, of course not. You still doxing random people from the internet without knowing relationships or potential involvement with the business of other people and that just sucks.

    She isn't a random person from the internet as simple as that.

    You're just arguing here trying to protect scammers, well done!

    Emirhan Akpınar is another scammer:



    I don't understand the relevance of this photo and repuc? My only connection with him is that I used to work for the same company. I don't want my photo to be used without permission and I don't want my profiles to be stalked. I can answer you if you ask any questions. But I would like to point out that I have nothing to do with him.

    can you explain more?

    What do you want me to explain? I worked with him for about 3 months on the same company and after a while he decided to leave and start his own company. When this happened, it was my exam time at university. Since I was extremely busy, I decided to leave the company and cut my ties with them. The last time I went to the office was almost two months ago.

  • @EmirhaaN said:

    @cybertech said:

    @EmirhaaN said:

    @alexvolk said:

    @Mumbly said:

    @alexvolk said: Are you good now?

    No, of course not. You still doxing random people from the internet without knowing relationships or potential involvement with the business of other people and that just sucks.

    She isn't a random person from the internet as simple as that.

    You're just arguing here trying to protect scammers, well done!

    Emirhan Akpınar is another scammer:



    I don't understand the relevance of this photo and repuc? My only connection with him is that I used to work for the same company. I don't want my photo to be used without permission and I don't want my profiles to be stalked. I can answer you if you ask any questions. But I would like to point out that I have nothing to do with him.

    can you explain more?

    What do you want me to explain? I worked with him for about 3 months on the same company and after a while he decided to leave and start his own company. When this happened, it was my exam time at university. Since I was extremely busy, I decided to leave the company and cut my ties with them. The last time I went to the office was almost two months ago.

    can you explain more? everybody claims to cut ties with everybody.

  • The only thing we had in common with him was that we both worked at Awm Bilişim. In 2022, i met him and organized a trip to a colleague at that time. Afterwards, we did not speak to him for a while, but he came back to the company. In 2023, we worked together for 3 months and he decided to open his own company. Although he asked for help in the process of creating his company, I stated that I was not available and I did not help.

  • I am 19 years old and I have strong ties with my family. We had a place for our office and he would come and go from time to time. I didn't stay in our office because I was close to my family and I didn't go there because it was far from my home. That's where the severing of ties comes from. I worked as a remote for a long time and I didn't know about him and I didn't know about this forum. When Awm Informatics joined the forum I just signed up and left. I didn't even read the posts on the forum. Any let admin can check this. Once or twice my ip address may be the same because I use the office internet, but mostly you can see that I log in from different locations.

  • A friend informed me that the photo was shared. I wanted to check and saw it. I don't think it is right to share my photo in this way. In the normal process, my Instagram and other social media accounts are open to everyone. However, I could not make sense of the bad messages and comments that have been coming in recently. As I mentioned, I was not available much because I was studying at university. I hope everyone can see that my only connection with this person is working in the same company.

  • Can any moderator please remove my photo?

  • xvpsxvps Member
    edited January 30

    @EmirhaaN said:
    Can any moderator please remove my photo?

    Clueless curling kid.

    Too helpless to press the flag button or create a support ticket.

  • @dahartigan said: You use that word way too much. Are you trying to upset the delicate sensibility of certain types of people?


    Man I love how you roll lmao.

    Reading through this thread is like watching a high school drama. Oh I love this forum.

  • @xvps said:

    @EmirhaaN said:
    Can any moderator please remove my photo?

    Clueless curling kid.

    Too helpless to press the flag button or create a support ticket.

    As I mentioned, I don't know how to use the forum and I apologize if I made any mistakes. I don't know how to prove that I'm not lying. You can ask any question. I promise to be honest.

  • xvpsxvps Member

    @EmirhaaN said:

    @xvps said:

    @EmirhaaN said:
    Can any moderator please remove my photo?

    Clueless curling kid.

    Too helpless to press the flag button or create a support ticket.

    As I mentioned, I don't know how to use the forum and I apologize if I made any mistakes. I don't know how to prove that I'm not lying. You can ask any question. I promise to be honest.

    What is your LET password?

  • You're using my photo here without permission. You're calling me a fraud. I want to talk seriously, please don't misunderstand me.

  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited January 30

    @EmirhaaN said: As I mentioned, I don't know how to use the forum and I apologize if I made any mistakes.

    Click on the FLAG button above the individual post you want to report and explain in the window that opens with a few words that you want to removal your personal images from the forum.
    From what I saw moderator already removed them from the original post, but they stayed in the quoted posts. Flag (report) also those posts including yours (with an image) above.

    And yes it sucks to be doxed just because you were hired to do some job or something. Try not to argue too much with people on the forum who will try to drag you into this mess.

    Thanked by 1totally_not_banned
  • LeviLevi Member

    @EmirhaaN said:
    You're using my photo here without permission. You're calling me a fraud. I want to talk seriously, please don't misunderstand me.

    Does your photo was/is publicly accessible?

    Thanked by 1yoursunny
  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited January 30

    @Levi said:

    @EmirhaaN said:
    You're using my photo here without permission. You're calling me a fraud. I want to talk seriously, please don't misunderstand me.

    Does your photo was/is publicly accessible?

    So what if it was on a personal facebook profile or something. He's not a public person. Don't be an asshole.

  • My social media account was of course open to everyone. But it is unethical for them to edit and use a photo of me in this way. Also, you cannot use a public photo wherever you want.

  • EmirhaaNEmirhaaN Member
    edited January 30

    @Mumbly said:

    @EmirhaaN said: As I mentioned, I don't know how to use the forum and I apologize if I made any mistakes.

    Click on the FLAG button above the individual post you want to report and explain in the window that opens with a few words that you want to removal your personal images from the forum.
    From what I saw moderator already removed them from the original post, but they stayed in the quoted posts. Flag (report) also those posts including yours (with an image) above.

    And yes it sucks to be doxed just because you were hired to do some job or something. Try not to argue too much with people on the forum who will try to drag you into this mess.

    Thank you for your response. I made a notification from the Flag button, thank you again.
    I will not write more articles on the forum. If an authorized person writes, I will reply to them. If there is a situation related to me on the subject, please contact me at pm

  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited January 30

    Double post.

  • Please do not harass my social media accounts, do not write to my family members. This sucks.

  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited January 30

    @EmirhaaN said:
    My social media account was of course open to everyone. But it is unethical for them to edit and use a photo of me in this way. Also, you cannot use a public photo wherever you want.

    Technically they can, but yes, it's not a nice thing to do.
    Like said, try not to argue too much with people on the forum who will try to drag you into this mess. The more you say, the more they will use against you. Out of amusement.
    That's how things work here.

    And remove the mail address above. It's just a forum. No need for that. If anyone really needs you for some reason will send you a private message and you will get a mail notification.

  • LeviLevi Member

    @EmirhaaN said:
    Please do not harass my social media accounts, do not write to my family members. This sucks.

    Do not self-victimise. No one cares about you to bother to write to your family or friends.

    Is this turk thing to self-victimise and in that way earn sympathy?

    Thanked by 1yoursunny
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