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  • Fleas can jump 200 times its height.
    The flea is claimed to be the best jumper in the world due to their size and the lengths they can jump. The height a flea jumps equivalents to a human being jumping to the top of the empire state building from the ground.

  • There are pink lakes in Australia.
    On the western coast of Australia, a pink lake called Lake Hillier can be found. It gets its color from the algae present in the area which mixes with the lake’s salt content to create a pink color.

    Despite the vibrant pink color, it is safe to swim in this lake.

  • The Russians arrived 12 days late to the 1908 Olympics.
    This was mainly due to the fact that they were following the wrong calendar. After this incident, the catholic nations mandated the use of the Gregorian Calendar.

  • The average person eats a total of 8 pounds of grapes annually.
    The best selling grape in the US is the Thompson seedless. A grapevine can grow over 50 feet long and has around 40 clusters of grapes.

  • Our bum crack is medically referred to as the intergluteal cleft.
    The crena is another formal term used for the cleavage of the buttocks. We have butt cracks mainly due to the preliminary muscles that sit inside the evolved pelvic bones.

  • The inventor of the Pringles can was buried in a Pringles can.
    Fredric Baur was so proud of his ingenious invention that he wanted to take it to the grave. His burial Pringles can was bought on the way to the funeral.

    Baur’s family contemplated for a long time on which can flavor they wanted to use.

  • The smallest surviving baby weighed 8.5 oz.
    This baby is known as Saybie and was born in a hospital in San Diego. Normally, babies are born between 7-8 lbs.

  • isn't 5 messages within 60 the automatic timeout rate?

  • A snail can grow new eyes.
    Certain species of snails can completely regenerate their eyes after amputation. This process is done through the mid-eyestalk.

  • The manager of Elvis Presley was also selling hate merchandise for Elvis.
    For nearly two decades, Tom Parker was the manager of The King. It was sometime in the 1950s that Parker signed a merchandising deal to turn Elvis into a brand name which also included ‘I hate Elvis’ badges.

  • HIV originated from a chimp’s stomach.
    The chimp in question had eaten two other monkeys that had two different viruses. These viruses then combined and formed a hybrid virus.

  • The ancient Greeks chewed gum like mastic.
    Mastic is a substance that comes from the bark of a tree. This bark was believed to be how the Greeks maintained oral health.

  • The largest single meteorite found on Earth is the Hoba Meteor.
    This meteorite measures at 9ft by 9ft by 3ft. The Hoba meteor is short for Hoba West and lies on a farm of the same name.

  • @chitree 5 messages all at 8:35am and then another 5 at 8:51am.... perhaps someone is using a script to post??

  • 5 more at the exact same time again 😉

  • but as always

    aint no party like a racknerd party 🎉

  • Plastic bags are better for the environment rather than paper bags.
    Despite the common belief that recycled paper is better than plastic, it is not always the case. According to research, a paper bag produces 70% more pollution compared to plastic.

    It also uses 4 times the energy to produce and break down.

  • Most known asteroids in our solar system are located between Jupiter and Mars.
    Research has found that the main meteor belt resides and orbits between the two planets. This main asteroid belt is found to be more than two and a half times as far as the Earth is from the sun.

  • The colors in fireworks depends on the different salts used and mixed with different metals.
    Lithium salts produce red fireworks. Iron produces yellow or gold colors. Magnesium forms white.

  • Vegetable has no scientific definition.
    By this logic, it is acceptable to call a tomato a vegetable as well. Research cannot find any reason why vegetables are called as such nor why we continue to refer to it as such.

  • Soap is used for cleaning because its molecules trap dirt in the center of its compound when in water.
    Soap cleans by acting as a surfactant and emulsifier. It can surround oil, making it easier to rinse it away with water.

  • wonder when he'll pause the script and actually reply to me lol

  • @MrEd said:
    I see @chitree has joined the most active members here :) I'm going to get out of the top10, but oh well, thanks for the link in your signature ;)

    Are you going to get in time to the top of the list? :)

    We shall see, only time will tell. Thank you again for your website showing the post stats.

  • You need to exceed temperatures of 1000 degrees Celcius to burn a diamond.
    Diamonds don’t evaporate at high temperatures since they are under atmospheric temperatures. But they can oxidize.

  • The fastest man in the world is not physically perfect.
    Usain Bolt suffers from scoliosis. However, he states that as long as he continues to keep his core and back strong, it does not bother him much.

  • Several people residing in Iceland believe in elves
    A survey conducted at the University of Iceland found that 62% of residents believe in elves. This is mainly due to the country’s elf history which dates back to the Viking era.

  • Sunglasses were not originally designed to protect your eyes from the sun.
    The original idea behind this was so that Chinese judges could hide their facial expressions in court. Today, they mainly serve as protective eyewear and as well as a fashionable accessory.

  • @MrEd said:
    I see @chitree has joined the most active members here :) I'm going to get out of the top10, but oh well, thanks for the link in your signature ;)

    Are you going to get in time to the top of the list? :)

    of course he will. with his 5 posts in one minute, posted every 5 minutes. even if he only does it for part of a day every day, he'll likely rack up >1000 posts by end of contest

  • cheer up!

  • oooh we should make predictions!!

    top 6 winners will include: frank, chitree, codelock, TrK, rattlecattle, and ???

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