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Can paypal be supported in the future?
No, we are just fine having only current payment methods.
Xeon E5 v3 or v4 may be old but this here is LET and there still are many E5 v3 or 4 offers here.
Can you prove that? And btw, even if it were true, so what? A working disk is a working disk, no matter whether far away or close to MTBF (which btw. is a statistical value, not a "disk will be dead in X hours" prognosis).
Any reasonable qualification perhaps?
Any concrete, tangible evidence? Plus, his support response time is quite good and the quality is hands down practical.
What a pile of BS!
Can you show me offers from "upper-end of LET providers" that provide 8vCores (any Xeon E5 v2+), 16 GB RAM DDR4 ECC, and almost half a TB of Raid'ed SSD for less than €10/mo?
I have no dog in this race but it pisses me off how @FlorinMarian's threads get ransacked again and again.
Look, it's simple: you like him/his company/his deals, you buy and maybe ask a few questions front-up - or you don't like him/his company/his deals, and you don't buy.
I myself am not a customer of Florin Marian anymore because I found other more attractive (for me) offers here, but while I was his customer I had no complaints.
@raindog308 @DP @FAT32 @Arkas and other admins/mods:
I strongly suggest to think about amending the rules and to prohibit ransacking providers threads with willy nilly accusations, ad hominems etc.
This whole thread has been turned into a disgrace and brings up the question whether this really is what LET was/is meant to be.
Hey, @jsg!
The only accusation that remains is of "one-man show", which is true at this moment because Radu and Teodor - the other 2 founders of ended up having totally different life stories.
Teodor, from the first months of the project, focused more on Tennis than on the faculty and so he ended up having to repeat the 2nd year of studies and in the end to give up the computer science faculty, being currently a good tennis coach but without any affinity for computer science.
Radu, for his part, focused a lot on his job as a C++ developer, so much so that he ended up repeating the third year of studies because he had not passed almost half of the subjects studied and for he could not make more than logos and translations.
Currently, I do not feel their lack on the technical side, even if I had the budget, I would not hire anyone to work for, with the exception of sales. From this point of view, I know that I am not doing enough things, but it does not directly affect the clients, but the company's profit:)
Thanks for the response which confirms my impression of you: frank, straight, and honest.
And while I have no doubt that you are capable to largely carry the thing alone I suggest that you look for some capable employee anyway (can be part-time).
So, you agree, the CPUs are really old.
I don't have time to find the post now, but he told us that he bought 50 odd SSDs for some bargain price, some were DOA, the rest were close to 90% used according to SMART.
1150 Mbps shared between 300 claimed customers, but adverts worded to suggest every customer has all that bandwidth available with unlimited allowance (now changed).
He said so.
OK, maybe not upper-end, but in there at mid-range LET providers, who are using brand new CPUs, SSDs, etc.
No, but he also claims the real price of this should be €30 per month. At that price, yes, there are other providers who offer better value. Maybe not in that specific combo, but my point wasn't about this exact deal, it's about his claimed standard pricing.
I was specifically explaining why some people don't consider his services worth the money.
Doesn't this mean that you agree there are better deals elsewhere?
They are not "willy nilly" accusations. Any claim I've made about his hardware, network or prices, is all from things Florian himself has said. If I had more time, I'd link to the posts, but I've got a train to catch.
@ralf with all due respect but if the SSDs have over 50K hours of operation (fortunately +- a few thousand hours between them) and the consumed lifetime of only 20% should they be replaced just because someone likes the idea of new?
On this principle, people today change their phones just because a newer model appeared, not necessarily because the old one didn't do its job or because the new one was much superior.
In the specific case of, which only supports SATA SSDs, do you think there would have been any improvement if I had replaced these SSDs with new ones? Definitely not, in my opinion.
Then, let's not forget that we use RAID10 + Daily Backup for all VPSs in the SSD range.
Then, I don't think that the worst accusations belong to you, but to others in this thread:)
As are the CPUs of many, many offers from many other providers.
And again: nothing wrong with an E5 v3 or v4, particularly in the low end market segment. And btw, I - like many, many others - have quite a few of those older systems which (not idling) actually still have plenty reserves while doing their job fine.
First, it seems you got it the wrong way around, they had left 80% or 90% MTBF live. But anyway, "still alive" is still alive.
And anyway, are you really expecting super-cheap LET offers to run on brand spanking new hardware? Think again.
Maybe, but still his support response time is quite good and the quality is hands down practical.
You mean providers who say they are using brand new hardware.
Say I have 99 old nodes and now purchased a brand new one; now I can rightfully say that I'm using brand new hardware. Or, going further, all my LET nodes are old but I purchased a brand new administration computer and can now say that I'm using brand new equipment. Marketing lies 101.
More seriously: There basically are 2 types, (a) the large more or less cheap provider who really buys new nodes to cut down tech support costs and can afford that route, and (b) the (usually larger) provider who basically run two operations, a high quality high(er) priced one and a LE one into which they shift nodes once they reach a certain age.
Pretty much all other providers at LET buy cheap but old equipment (like E5 v.4 based nodes) and many follow different recipes, some put in new SSDs, some add more (meanwhile cheap) memory etc.
And it works fine. For a simple reason: 99% uptime are very easy to achieve and for 99.5% and upwards you pay more. But then, most of us can live well with our servers occasionally down for some minutes - as long as we get those servers cheaply
@FlorinMarian's old SSD are no problem. They are in a Raid mirror and if one drops dead, so what, he replaces it (takes next to no time) and usually we, the users, do not even notice it.
Simple reason: people love good deals. "60% (or whatever) off" sounds attractive and your fight against such numbers is a Don Quichote one.
What I find mean in your fight is that you are rather selective. FlorinMarian you fight but many others not - and btw. BF basically is just a Mega Tsunami of that marketing BS ... and most people LOVE it.
Can't they do that themselves? And allow me to correct your statement, it should be: "I was specifically explaining in this case why some people don't consider his, Florin Marian's services worth the money."
Did Florin Marian assert that he has the best deals? Nope, he did not.
The relevant point is a different one anyway. It is that one can buy another deal elsewhere and still stay peaceful, calm, and fair and not take a dump in his threads.
Oh, how lucky we are that you had plenty of time to take a dump all over his thread before your train left ...
CPU Model : Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX)
CPU Cores : 2 @ 2394.652 MHz
CPU Cache : 16384 KB
AES-NI : ✓ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ✗ Disabled
Total Disk : 118.2 GB (6.0 GB Used)
Total Mem : 3.8 GB (442.5 MB Used)
Total Swap : 2.0 GB (0 Used)
System uptime : 0 days, 0 hour 1 min
Load average : 1.76, 0.70, 0.25
OS : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Arch : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel : 5.15.0-89-generic
TCP CC : bbr
Virtualization : KVM
IPv4/IPv6 : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
Organization : AS57403 HFM S.R.L
Location : Bucharest / RO
Region : București
I/O Speed(1st run) : 643 MB/s
I/O Speed(2nd run) : 912 MB/s
I/O Speed(3rd run) : 799 MB/s
I/O Speed(average) : 784.7 MB/s
Node Name Upload Speed Download Speed Latency 67.90 Mbps 75.26 Mbps 46.00 ms
Los Angeles, US 71.25 Mbps 67.17 Mbps 193.20 ms
Dallas, US 68.57 Mbps 66.18 Mbps 162.92 ms
I'm was your client, but i just checked current speed and it is very bad. Will move to another provider.
Surely you did the benchmark while someone else was doing it or while the server in Germany was sending the backups to Romania.
Anyway, there is an upgrade from 1Gbps to 2Gbps from the Orange provider just to prevent such situations.
@ralf With all that talk about proper datacenter, internet, hardware, etc you would expect hxservers to be more reliable, right? Hahahahahha.
People can try to discredit Florin/ but ultimately if he isn't scamming and people want to pay for his services, just let the man live. This isnt a datacenter running the IT systems for 911 or a hospital. There really isn't much at stake besides what debt he took to run the business and whatever people are trusting a low end niche host in ROMANIA for.
To me, I like to check his posts occasionally because he basically has a nerds dream homelab. Iirc there is a separate room for the servers, some fire supression system, ups, generators, solar panel, a/c, etc. It's INTERESTING. Not supposed to be a case study of the best most perfect hosting business.
Ignored DMCA?
Hey! Torrenting is fine, spreading copyrighted files through ftp/http(s) is not
Not sure why you're aiming that question at me. If you read the threads about hxserver, I was ripping into him something chronic after he pulled his stunt cancelling a location after 3 days over a weekend. I wasn't at all surprised that it turned into a deadpool in a matter of weeks.
I'm not sure why jsg got his knickers in a twist at me specifically, because the post he was replying to was actually giving constructive criticism about why I didn't find his latest deal attractive in a thread about why people didn't think his deals we so great, and speculated reasons why others also might not, and was ultimately actionable as "work out who you want as customers, and make deals that attract them". I regret responding at all to jsg, as while I believe the points I was making are factual, it's not my intention to attack Florian, rather help him see the path to making his business into one that makes him money long term.
If you actually read the interactions I have with Florian, you should see that unlike most of the people who post negative stuff in his threads, I do actually want him to succeed. Personally, I think he's made a number of key decisions which will limit his potential to attract the customers he wants, but it sounds like he's achieved the sales he wanted over BF, so fair play to him.