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Please stop posting excerpts of things that are not even in the correct order to support your argument. I don't understand why this is so hard for you - there are other providers out there, this isn't personal, and I truly hope you find a provider that is good for you.
If you would really like to share, please share everything, preferably in complete screenshots so people can get the context without you editing things out and sharing them out of order.
Again, this is not personal, we just do not have the ability to serve customers like yourself with success. All the best to you.
Out of the 7 tickets and 8 emails, which one went to sales department or sales email? You might as well be honest since hosthatch can also share that piece of information.
7 tickets (AND 8 e-mails?) asking pre-sale questions?
Asking all the "wrong" questions I see "How long it will take to change IP?", "SMTP?", "production ready?" and on top of that asking about promo plans that comes "without" (let's be honest - it's random, can take days) support?
I am not shocked that they deemed you 'high risk, low reward' customer and decided to not gamble theirs profit margins. Maybe you are good customer, maybe not, you seems to raised all the red flags so they acted this way. Shit happens. At least you didn't pay so you can just continue your research quest and finding something that suits your needs better.
also wtf is "J Promo", link please
What are you even mad about?
They don’t want you, so what?
How does it affect anyone else?
Asking about ip changes on promotional plans, they just can't be bothered to deal with all the hassle for one customer, i dont blame them either. Go with azure, gcp, aws, digital ocean, vultr or linode. You'll have backups, ip changes, production ready and redundant networking, sorted.
Was never mad.. just find it bazaar that asking too many pre sales questions would be deemed a potentially bad client, Now i know. I could never understand before this but reading everyones replies i can now understand that they just don't have the budget to respond to these pre sales questions and it should be kept at a minimum or 0.
Ive never used a "budget" service provider, ive only used Vultr and dediserve to date. And before i used those providers i had a list of questions so i could be sure. I always want to be sure on what i purchase i guess that is just me. I don't plan shorter i need servers for years to come.
Just move on. There is nothing you can do. What keep touching in this subject? Move to another provider.
Try @Blazingfast_IO they seems to be a good choice for helping in pre-sales and other questions.
Other few providers that you should give a try
I asked about IP changes because i heard that sometimes u can get unlucky and the default IP provided could be black listed. My main concern is if i b ought a vps and it came with a black listed ip address out of the box.. that was all it meant.
With other providers this has happen once and they were okay to change the IP just needed to rebuild the network and reboot the vm. Not using HH before i wasn't sure about their policy, i feel bad now for asking too many questions but i guess thats just me wanting to be sure before i put all my eggs in 1 basket :')
Presale questions are important. There's no reason to keep trying with a host who's too lazy to give them.
Yes thank you for your advice. Why i am bummed out is because i did alot of planning around choosing hosthatch and now i can't so its like time wasted but oh well shit happens.
Still waiting for this answer.
I only emailed Able once and that email thread is listed in the screenshots. The other tickets were all addressed to sales only.
Once? @hosthatch mentioned 8 emails. Why do you even need to create 7 sales ticket when you can make do with 1? The problem here is not about just asking pre sales questions. It's how it's done that put you in this situation. I wouldn't be surprised if you did this same thing with other providers to end up in a similar situation.
You made this up. There's not one single indication that he's a bad customer. None.
If anything he's too persistent (which can be somewhat annoying - depend from host's customer service) to get for him crucial answers before he rent a service.
And he's correct. Presale questions are important. He was just unlucky with picking the wrong host to ask them.
@Winny no need to drag this further. Just move on. I agree with hosthatch here, there's a plenty hosts here who may be more suitable for you and who will gladly serve you.
I emailed ( 1 subject ) 8 replies total from both. I did not create 7 sales tickets in a short period of time. It was over a few months since march. I did create new tickets because i assume tickets close after a few months of no reply.
Since i am seeking for new servers i am definitely asking pre sales questions to other providers. I do not change servers often the current servers we have had been since 2014.. We need to change servers now because the hardware is getting old ( sandybridge cpu )
If same ticket is open i would always reply to that unless it is closed then i would create a new ticket.
This "situation" is new to me because ive never gone with a budget provider so i did not know too many question is a problem. Duly noted
Please post all of your tickets, in complete screenshots, along with the emails. Then let the people decide who is in the right and who is in the wrong. It's that simple.
Why don't you just re-open the same ticket if they are related to pre sales questions?
If the OP wanted to do that he would have done so in the opening post.
They were all pre sales questions, if you think they were not you can post the message here that is considered not pre sales all i ask is you redact my private information and company. I don't think there is right or wrong it just happen your business model is different than what i would normally expect.
Because i sent them from my email.. and not within the account page. At that time i did not have an account with HH yet.
I created this thread because i did not understand what went wrong. Now with everyones feedback i can better understand the situation.
This is how you waste someones time. They are your emails and your tickets. You can do it yourself.
That's funny. Since you are complaining, you have the burden of proof.
It's obvious that you are coming from a different world. All the things you asked are indeed 5 minutes searching, thus they are not presales questions here since you can do this yourself.
For having low prices in lowend, especially in special plans, it's assumed that you can do things alone.
Not being able to do your research, indicates that you will cause spam in their support, which is not justified by the price.
Hosthatch is great.
Correct. This is the best approach. You said everything.
Okay i apologize to @hosthatch for wasting your time and everyone here. I never doubt hosthatch is good, as i also said i have heard many good things about them just unfortunate things did not work out as i was looking forward to working with them.
Wasting everyone's time. Tsk tsk.
Promising future LET contributing member. He will blend in perfectly!
why appologize to them, you are free to send them a thousand emails if they dont like it it is their problem not yours man!
By not providing the service means you got your answers they aint the right host for your needs, just look around lots of hosts are more than happy to hear you out not just take people who dont question any of their actions or services