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All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
On the topic of Frankfurt/DE - any ETA for those sweet sweet EPYC Milan deals? ;-)
Yes we will have that available in 1-2 months.
I will wait for 1 discount code for VN location. Wish VN location will get more bandwidth!!!
I recently realized your Coventry and Manchester locations route to each other through London, which doubles/triples the latency. Support simply said it was the best route you could do. That's my suggestion: improve routing between your locations
Should be available in 1-2 weeks, we are optimizing the route in HCM City now, once that's done we will have the deals live.
We are with 2 different DCs: M247 and UKservers, I will ask them to see if they can tune it.

@NDTN Any plans of adding BGP session or offer ASN Announcements
@NDTN is it possible to stack 2 times a triennal machine into one? (BudgetKVMDE-3)
Is it possible to upgrade an "EPYCSJC-3" and add more RAM? I did the triennial payment when it first launched, but I'd like a bit more RAM if possible.
Swap the zip ties for Velcro
Excuse me, will there be a large number of streaming machines in Tokyo, Japan? For example, 4-6T traffic in January
@NDTN has the storage VPS migration between DC01 and DC02 been fully completed?
Unfortunately we dont have an plans yet.
We do not support stacking now.
Could you please drop me a PM with your requirements?
Sure will do that next time
We might have something like that in April/May.
It's not done yet, it might take 5-7 days more.
Our 10Gbps nodes in Frankfurt, DE are online, started delivering BudgetKVM pre-orders there.
We have CentOS 9 and AlmaLinux 9 templates available too.
Any ETA for private networking for SG?
When we have Openstack cloud computes available there, ETA Q1/Q2 2023.
Thanks for that!
Could you also please add Rocky Linux 9 ISO as SolusVM CDRom mount option? For now AlmaLinux 8 and 9 ISOs are there, but Rocky only 8.
Frankfurt 10G with EPYC (or Ryzen) would be EPYC!
Is there some news for SJC storage BF deals?
You delieved - again!
it's also nice to see properly geolocated IPv4/IPv6.
That's nice too! (and I am not even that close to the Germany)
You can always install from the CentOS 9 iso then convert it to Rocky Linux. We have seen low demands for the Rocky Linux so we have decided to maintain CentOS Stream/ AlmaLinux only.
We will have all pre-orders delivered early next week, just doing some burning tests now.
Any plans on bringing Sofia into BudgetKVM line ?
Did Greencloud upload a special deal for me yet?
I want SG lol
Hi Greenvps,
I see your offer on lowendtalk for the VN localtion,
do u still offer it? can u save me a server? really interested in to get one.
and do u have any Christmas plan?
Vietnam bandwidth isn't a good idea for international speed. I think you guys should know it before making any purchase deal.
no more free direct admin license? @NDTN
I don't think they ever offered DA license
DA is free with their non-promo plans. Contact their sale before making purchase.
They offer free with their non-promo plans.
And you can purchase internal DA license for $5 /month.
Makes sense.
I know one can always purchase one
DA internal licenses are going away and sometime soon, if not already, should stop being offered.