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Black Friday 2022 - Storage and NVMe deals - Page 24
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Black Friday 2022 - Storage and NVMe deals



  • @SwordfishBE said:

    @cybertech said:
    promotional deals come with limited support.

    This effects al customers wanting to use it, not just that bought the BF deal.
    I use my public ip to connect. I can wait some time.

    Poor Al.

  • Hosthatch has activities at christmas?

    New Year's Day?

    Thanked by 1the_doctor
  • cybertechcybertech Member
    edited December 2022

    @haolun said:
    Hosthatch has activities at christmas?

    New Year's Day?

    support is limited on promotional plans.

    edit: my mistake misread the post

    Thanked by 1haolun
  • @haolun said:
    Hosthatch has activities at christmas?

    New Year's Day?

    you mean sales? its quite possible

    Thanked by 2haolun the_doctor
  • @plumberg said:

    @haolun said:
    Hosthatch has activities at christmas?

    New Year's Day?

    you mean sales? its quite possible

    That would be a great present. :)

    Thanked by 1haolun
  • @hosthatch is typing .............

  • missed bf storage offer. Hope Christmas+new year offer again with storage

  • @plumberg said:
    Dear Customer,

    Thank you for your order of one of our Black Friday 2022 promotions in New York.

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are revising the ETA of delivery to 21st December, 2022.

    We understand if you would like to no longer wait for your service, and we will provide a full refund if requested. Please do note however that you will not be able to reactivate a refunded order and/or order a new service with the same promotional pricing, as the promotion has already ended.

    We appreciate your patience and trust in us.

    Kindest Regards,
    Your HostHatch team

    Was your service delivered on the 21st or is it still pending?

  • @gabydup said:

    @plumberg said:
    Dear Customer,

    Thank you for your order of one of our Black Friday 2022 promotions in New York.

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are revising the ETA of delivery to 21st December, 2022.

    We understand if you would like to no longer wait for your service, and we will provide a full refund if requested. Please do note however that you will not be able to reactivate a refunded order and/or order a new service with the same promotional pricing, as the promotion has already ended.

    We appreciate your patience and trust in us.

    Kindest Regards,
    Your HostHatch team

    Was your service delivered on the 21st or is it still pending?

    Nopes. Not yet. I am in no rush.
    Plus they automatically updated the start date to the day it's deployed.

    Thanked by 1gabydup
  • @plumberg said:

    @gabydup said:

    @plumberg said:
    Dear Customer,

    Thank you for your order of one of our Black Friday 2022 promotions in New York.

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are revising the ETA of delivery to 21st December, 2022.

    We understand if you would like to no longer wait for your service, and we will provide a full refund if requested. Please do note however that you will not be able to reactivate a refunded order and/or order a new service with the same promotional pricing, as the promotion has already ended.

    We appreciate your patience and trust in us.

    Kindest Regards,
    Your HostHatch team

    Was your service delivered on the 21st or is it still pending?

    Nopes. Not yet. I am in no rush.
    Plus they automatically updated the start date to the day it's deployed.

    Did they give you a new date of delivery?

  • @gabydup said:

    @plumberg said:

    @gabydup said:

    @plumberg said:
    Dear Customer,

    Thank you for your order of one of our Black Friday 2022 promotions in New York.

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are revising the ETA of delivery to 21st December, 2022.

    We understand if you would like to no longer wait for your service, and we will provide a full refund if requested. Please do note however that you will not be able to reactivate a refunded order and/or order a new service with the same promotional pricing, as the promotion has already ended.

    We appreciate your patience and trust in us.

    Kindest Regards,
    Your HostHatch team

    Was your service delivered on the 21st or is it still pending?

    Nopes. Not yet. I am in no rush.
    Plus they automatically updated the start date to the day it's deployed.

    Did they give you a new date of delivery?

    Didn't ask/ didn't get any new notification

    Thanked by 1gabydup
  • Mahfuz_SS_EHLMahfuz_SS_EHL Host Rep, Veteran

    @hosthatch Any New Year Campaign ??

  • Dear Customer,

    You are receiving this email because you currently have a pending Black Friday 2022 order with us, in either Singapore and/or New York.

    We have to inform you that, unfortunately, these orders will be further delayed, till 17th January. Please note that your billing starts on the date your server is delivered, so you do not lose any paid time.

    Due to unforeseen delays with logistics in the past holiday season, we have been unable to set up everything to the point where we would feel comfortable setting up customers on the new equipment. We are confident that we will be able to meet the new ETA, and most likely provision much earlier.

    Should you no longer want to wait, you can request a full refund for your pending order.

    Please accept our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience.

    Kindest Regards,
    Your HostHatch team

    Thanked by 1bdl
  • Received above email few moments ago from @hosthatch

  • at least they are being upfront about it

    Thanked by 2yoursunny BBTN
  • @plumberg said:
    Please note that your billing starts on the date your server is delivered, so you do not lose any paid time.

    It's annoying to have to ticket for this instead of it being done at the time the server gets delivered. Why do we need to take the time to remind them to do what they needed to do without having to be told to do what they said they'd do? It's shit like that that makes for inefficient support ticket handling.

    Thanked by 2nick_ phiexz
  • im just waiting for the next email... Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable to provide your order..a refund will be provided then @servarica_hani sweeps up the rest with a new announcement :D

  • @TimboJones said:

    @plumberg said:
    Please note that your billing starts on the date your server is delivered, so you do not lose any paid time.

    It's annoying to have to ticket for this instead of it being done at the time the server gets delivered. Why do we need to take the time to remind them to do what they needed to do without having to be told to do what they said they'd do? It's shit like that that makes for inefficient support ticket handling.

    It has happened automatically for my delayed servers in Chicago and Lax last week

    Thanked by 1TimboJones
  • @socialzzz said:

    im just waiting for the next email... Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable to provide your order..a refund will be provided then @servarica_hani sweeps up the rest with a new announcement :D

    you won't receive anymore email from hosthatch mister,
    you have been dumped. /banned

  • @socialzzz said:
    im just waiting for the next email... Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable to provide your order..a refund will be provided then @servarica_hani sweeps up the rest with a new announcement :D

    Still butthurt?

  • lol you give so much praise to bad support

  • DPDP Administrator, The Domain Guy

    @socialzzz said:
    lol you give so much praise to bad support

    Being denied services and then refunded != "bad support".

  • @socialzzz said:
    lol you give so much praise to bad support

    not that im a huge fan of HH but you butt really sore.

  • Happy new year!

  • Quick question - but I do not see a location to put the THANKYOU code, when I am checking out with HostHatch?
    Does it exist or I just cant see it due to ad blockers, etc?


  • hosthatchhosthatch Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    @Encify said:
    Quick question - but I do not see a location to put the THANKYOU code, when I am checking out with HostHatch?
    Does it exist or I just cant see it due to ad blockers, etc?


    These offers expired a long time ago.

    Thanked by 1bdl
  • @hosthatch said:

    @Encify said:
    Quick question - but I do not see a location to put the THANKYOU code, when I am checking out with HostHatch?
    Does it exist or I just cant see it due to ad blockers, etc?


    These offers expired a long time ago.

    :) extremely fast response

  • EncifyEncify Member
    edited January 2023

    @hosthatch said:

    These offers expired a long time ago.

    Was it not part of the Black Friday 2022 blurb? Just wondering for next time
    "Existing customers get a further 5% discount. Please use the code "THANKYOU" at check out."

    Or was that something left over and needs to be removed as no longer applicable these days?

  • DPDP Administrator, The Domain Guy

    @Encify said:

    @hosthatch said:

    These offers expired a long time ago.

    Was it not part of the Black Friday 2022 blurb? Just wondering for next time
    "Existing customers get a further 5% discount. Please use the code "THANKYOU" at check out."

    Or was that something left over and needs to be removed as no longer applicable these days?

    It was, and we're now in 2023.

    Thanked by 2ariq01 bdl
  • @DP said:

    It was, and we're now in 2023.

    Thanks, was just curious as did not see a promo code field in the normal checkout process with Hosthatch
    Currently using Hosthatch at the moment since early December :smile:

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