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★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ $8.88/YR- 384MB ★★ $21.85/YR- 2.5GB ★ Instant ★ Japan Pre-order ★ & More - Page 88
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★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ $8.88/YR- 384MB ★★ $21.85/YR- 2.5GB ★ Instant ★ Japan Pre-order ★ & More



  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran

    @FFEE_CO said: t's really annoying to deal with them, I know.

    I expect that after a week or two they will get bored, install a VPN and things will return to normal for everybody else.

    Thanked by 2Xrmaddness FFEE_CO
  • noisycodenoisycode Member
    edited April 2022

    @alvaro said:
    Cancelation resquests for pending orders can be resquest here or by ticket?

    By ticket, of course. Posting it here won't prioritize your request.

  • @FrankZ said:

    @FFEE_CO said: t's really annoying to deal with them, I know.

    I expect that after a week or two they will get bored, install a VPN and things will return to normal for everybody else.

    And that’s when scalpers in MJJs get to work on hostloc. :D

  • baolaibaolai Member
    edited April 2022

    Move Me Out of ColoCrossing Buffalo To Anywhere Else Please I’m Begging You Literally Anywhere Is Better For Me I Regret Purchasing My Service In This Location Oh And Also I Guess Something About VirMach Being Number 3 Provider And Hopefully Number One Provider After Moving Everyone Out Of Buffalo ColoCrossing Datacenter Location Here Is My Blacklisted IP

    Location:"Seattle,WA" "San jose,CA" "Dallas,TX" ,These three centers are what I want most.
    Invoice #1295000 (I just cleaned it, can migrate without data)

    Is this a pre-sale plan or an immediate start

  • @manxsec said:
    Is this a pre-sale plan or an immediate start

    Amusing, isn't it?

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • @noisycode said:

    @manxsec said:
    Is this a pre-sale plan or an immediate start

    Amusing, isn't it?

    It's pretty good copy, actually.

  • yaoeyyaoey Member

    #Move Me Out of ColoCrossing Buffalo To Anywhere Else Please I’m Begging You Literally Anywhere Is Better For Me I Regret Purchasing My Service In This Location Oh And Also I Guess Something About VirMach Being Number 3 Provider And Hopefully Number One Provider After Moving Everyone Out Of Buffalo ColoCrossing Datacenter Location Here Is My Blacklisted IP

    invoice #1312282
    looking to relocate to tokyo.thanks.

  • what does Here Is My Blacklisted IP (none) mean...?

  • How soon is soon!?

  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire

    @JabJab said:

    How soon is soon!?


    Thanked by 1Xrmaddness
  • Virmach's soon.

    Thanked by 1karjaj
  • QuenFeaQuenFea Member
    edited April 2022

    #Move Me Out of ColoCrossing Buffalo To Anywhere Else Please I’m Begging You Literally Anywhere Is Better For Me I Regret Purchasing My Service In This Location Oh And Also I Guess Something About VirMach Being Number 3 Provider And Hopefully Number One Provider After Moving Everyone Out Of Buffalo ColoCrossing Datacenter Location Here Is My Blacklisted IP

    invoice #1294003 (I just cleaned it, can migrate without data)
    Looking to relocate to Seattle,WA" or "San jose,CA".Thanks.

  • My "when" ticket number is #500893. Please activate it.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @FrankZ said:

    @tototo said: TYOC039 is down?

    Not down, having some issues. Maybe abuse, maybe just new neighbors. Network is slower, and steal just shot up to %15+ (after averaging > %.1 today.
    I'm just going to wait a bit to see if it clears up.

    Fixing this now, it definitely looks like abuse or someone booting into a kernel panic. I'm going to have to start suspending people if they don't take it seriously. Anti-abuse script will be deployed soon when numbers are adjusted as well.

  • Please help me activate the service,thank you!!


  • @VirMach ogf sees 4096 package and not here?? I am sure it's not possible to upgrade to that 4096... sigh....

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited April 2022

    @plumberg said: @VirMach ogf sees 4096 package and not here?? I am sure it's not possible to upgrade to that 4096... sigh....

    Sorry to say that you are correct it is not possible to upgrade a pre-sale package to the 4096MB OGF package. Of course you could always buy a 4GB package and let the other idle. :)

    Thanked by 2plumberg Xrmaddness
  • @VirMach said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @tototo said: TYOC039 is down?

    Not down, having some issues. Maybe abuse, maybe just new neighbors. Network is slower, and steal just shot up to %15+ (after averaging > %.1 today.
    I'm just going to wait a bit to see if it clears up.

    Fixing this now, it definitely looks like abuse or someone booting into a kernel panic. I'm going to have to start suspending people if they don't take it seriously. Anti-abuse script will be deployed soon when numbers are adjusted as well.

    vps restarts automatically at 039, sometimes shuts down automatically and cannot be turned on

    I have installed the vpn service only and it only serves myself

    It restarted automatically, while I was sleeping...I don't use that vpn service...

    Maybe it's just the neighbours fucking his vpn and I'm out of luck........

  • @VirMach On node 40, when I did my Yabs test, the VPS crashed and shut down.

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran

    @qwerttaa said: vps restarts automatically at 039, sometimes shuts down automatically and cannot be turned on

    Note: The last node restart I see was ~20 hours ago.

  • xmd5xmd5 Member


    Please help me activate the service,thank you!!


  • @noisycode said:

    @manxsec said:
    Is this a pre-sale plan or an immediate start

    Amusing, isn't it?

    Why is the new activity started immediately, while the old order is still in the waiting state?

  • RxlRxl Member

    You should activate the server in the order of purchase time, the server has been in beta for a long time, but you have been selling new orders, and then new tickets are posted here to be activated first, then...the first purchase When will the order be completed?

    Thanked by 2Such notflycat
  • #Move Me Out of ColoCrossing Buffalo To Anywhere Else Please I’m Begging You Literally Anywhere Is Better For Me I Regret Purchasing My Service In This Location Oh And Also I Guess Something About VirMach Being Number 3 Provider And Hopefully Number One Provider After Moving Everyone Out Of Buffalo ColoCrossing Datacenter Location Here Is My Blacklisted IP

  • And I'd love to test #1398949

  • @Rxl said:
    You should activate the server in the order of purchase time, the server has been in beta for a long time, but you have been selling new orders, and then new tickets are posted here to be activated first, then...the first purchase When will the order be completed?

    I think it's still not stable enough unless you want to test too

  • @FrankZ said:

    @qwerttaa said: vps restarts automatically at 039, sometimes shuts down automatically and cannot be turned on

    Note: The last node restart I see was ~20 hours ago.

    u'r in luck

    and bad luck for me...

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran

    @manxsec said: Why is the new activity started immediately, while the old order is still in the waiting state?

    @Rxl said: You should activate the server in the order of purchase time, the server has been in beta for a long time, but you have been selling new orders, and then new tickets are posted here to be activated first, then...the first purchase When will the order be completed?

    I have not seen any new sales being activated in Tokyo.

    Thanked by 1Sahu1990
  • @VirMach

    Please help me activate the service,thank you!!
    Invoice #1397054

This discussion has been closed.