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★ VirMach ★ 2021 Black Friday & Maybe Cyber Monday ★ SPIN THE WHEEL ★ Check inside for offers - Page 30
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★ VirMach ★ 2021 Black Friday & Maybe Cyber Monday ★ SPIN THE WHEEL ★ Check inside for offers



  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider
    edited November 2021

    Alright looks like we ran out of people actually buying the plans because of two price ups.

    (edit) Oh right and half the locations being sold out. Let me see what I can do.

  • @VirMach said:
    Alright looks like we ran out of people actually buying the plans because of two price ups.

    Ohhh thats why the 1GB was more than it said at checkout, I thought the ups/downs were already included and that something was just goofed when I hit the cart. Probably should have read more of the thread..

  • Maybe to even (or is that uneven) the odds, the Price DOWN should go down by $1, but the Price UP should only go up by $0.50? :wink:

    Thanked by 2pepa65 tux
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @BlazinDimes said:

    @VirMach said:
    Alright looks like we ran out of people actually buying the plans because of two price ups.

    Ohhh thats why the 1GB was more than it said at checkout, I thought the ups/downs were already included and that something was just goofed when I hit the cart. Probably should have read more of the thread..

    It's possible it happened right when you were checking out. I'll start updating the main sale page as well to avoid any confusion.

    Thanked by 1BlazinDimes
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @ZA_capetown said:
    Maybe to even (or is that uneven) the odds, the Price DOWN should go down by $1, but the Price UP should only go up by $0.50? :wink:

    I think to even the odds people should start being luckier!

  • @VirMach said:

    @ZA_capetown said:
    Maybe to even (or is that uneven) the odds, the Price DOWN should go down by $1, but the Price UP should only go up by $0.50? :wink:

    I think to even the odds people should start being luckier!

    Lol, that's what I tried to tell them earlier, the more idling vircmachs you have the better luck you have in life! :-D

    (ps: I might have too many... how many are actually too many? :-O )

  • @VirMach said:
    Just need to figure out a good permanent position for it

    In the bathroom

  • @ben47955 said: Welcome, for a short moment I thought I had won something as I was tagged too. Now I'm disappointed. Xd

    I'll try to refrain from tagging you in the future. Not promising, just going to try fairly hard :wink:
    Good news is there are plenty of prizes left for you to win.

  • By the way, was Black Friday Flash Sale held?

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    100% of orders caught up in terms of the ones that were stuck.

  • BlazinDimesBlazinDimes Member
    edited November 2021

    I've got enough of my LET BF budget left for at least one more box, and as I always get at least one from Virmach, the only question remaining is do I wait for y'all to get lucky on some price drops, or just be a team player and buy a lower spec? :D

  • Thanked by 2FrankZ imok
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @BlazinDimes said:
    I've got enough of my LET BF budget left for at least one more box, and as I always get at least one from Virmach, the only question remaining is do I wait for y'all to get lucky on some price drops, or just be a team player and buy a lower spec? :D

    I'll try to get the ball rolling here. Next 5 spins get double spins. So next 5 order IDs posted, I'll spin twice.

    Thanked by 2BlazinDimes pepa65
  • @BlazinDimes said: I've got enough of my LET BF budget left for at least one more box, and as I always get at least one from Virmach, the only question remaining is do I wait for y'all to get lucky on some price drops, or just be a team player and buy a lower spec?

    Buy for 2 years, as that price does not change, and is lower per year then 2 x the one year price.

    Thanked by 1BlazinDimes
  • @VirMach said:

    @479555 said:
    Hi guys, I'm I still in thime? If so, thanks!


    Well okay then.

    Ahahhhaah never a joy!

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @FrankZ said:

    @BlazinDimes said: I've got enough of my LET BF budget left for at least one more box, and as I always get at least one from Virmach, the only question remaining is do I wait for y'all to get lucky on some price drops, or just be a team player and buy a lower spec?

    Buy for 2 years, as that price does not change, and is lower per year then 2 x the one year price.

    Oh right that stays the same. Even I forgot that

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • @FrankZ said:

    @BlazinDimes said: I've got enough of my LET BF budget left for at least one more box, and as I always get at least one from Virmach, the only question remaining is do I wait for y'all to get lucky on some price drops, or just be a team player and buy a lower spec?

    Buy for 2 years, as that price does not change, and is lower per year then 2 x the one year price.

    Hah, just bought one for 2 years before I saw this. Nice.


    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited November 2021

    @BlazinDimes said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @BlazinDimes said: I've got enough of my LET BF budget left for at least one more box, and as I always get at least one from Virmach, the only question remaining is do I wait for y'all to get lucky on some price drops, or just be a team player and buy a lower spec?

    Buy for 2 years, as that price does not change, and is lower per year then 2 x the one year price.

    Hah, just bought one for 2 years before I saw this. Nice.


    Something, something, great minds, something.

  • @FrankZ said:

    @BlazinDimes said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @BlazinDimes said: I've got enough of my LET BF budget left for at least one more box, and as I always get at least one from Virmach, the only question remaining is do I wait for y'all to get lucky on some price drops, or just be a team player and buy a lower spec?

    Buy for 2 years, as that price does not change, and is lower per year then 2 x the one year price.

    Hah, just bought one for 2 years before I saw this. Nice.


    Something, something, great minds, something.

    :D I couldn't say no to that discount.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • @VirMach the new wheel is better.

  • @FrankZ said:

    @BlazinDimes said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @BlazinDimes said: I've got enough of my LET BF budget left for at least one more box, and as I always get at least one from Virmach, the only question remaining is do I wait for y'all to get lucky on some price drops, or just be a team player and buy a lower spec?

    Buy for 2 years, as that price does not change, and is lower per year then 2 x the one year price.

    Hah, just bought one for 2 years before I saw this. Nice.


    Something, something, great minds, something.

    Lost mine.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @BlazinDimes said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @BlazinDimes said: I've got enough of my LET BF budget left for at least one more box, and as I always get at least one from Virmach, the only question remaining is do I wait for y'all to get lucky on some price drops, or just be a team player and buy a lower spec?

    Buy for 2 years, as that price does not change, and is lower per year then 2 x the one year price.

    Hah, just bought one for 2 years before I saw this. Nice.


    I forgot to actually do it correctly but I'll let it stand.

    Thanked by 1BlazinDimes
  • @FrankZ said:

    @VirMach said: @FrankZ private message shipping details for your prize. Congrats

    Alright, Thank you @VirMach !!

    I would also like to thank @ben47955 for making my comment possible by pointing out where I was wrong in my previous comment.

    Welcome, for a short moment I thought I had won something as I was tagged too. Now I'm disappointed. Xd> @FrankZ said:

    @ben47955 said: Welcome, for a short moment I thought I had won something as I was tagged too. Now I'm disappointed. Xd

    I'll try to refrain from tagging you in the future. Not promising, just going to try fairly hard :wink:
    Good news is there are plenty of prizes left for you to win.

    Not a problem. I should just tty to lower my expectations

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • @VirMach said:

    @BlazinDimes said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @BlazinDimes said: I've got enough of my LET BF budget left for at least one more box, and as I always get at least one from Virmach, the only question remaining is do I wait for y'all to get lucky on some price drops, or just be a team player and buy a lower spec?

    Buy for 2 years, as that price does not change, and is lower per year then 2 x the one year price.

    Hah, just bought one for 2 years before I saw this. Nice.


    I forgot to actually do it correctly but I'll let it stand.

    Thank you! That worked out perfectly since I was originally after the 1GB but bought the 512. haha

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    Look what you guys made me do...

    Wait what is this what it feels like shopping at VirMach?

  • Yup

  • @VirMach said:
    Look what you guys made me do...

    Wait what is this what it feels like shopping at VirMach?

    One of us!

  • Hi and TY, bit late checkin the offers, gonna be hard to beat my 2018 one lol. thx again

  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    @VirMach said:

    @MrZero said:
    3737683664 Spin the wheel plz :D
    Can't wait to see

    @netomx said:
    So, what did I Won @VirMach ? Half a 3060 o a 3060? Hahaja

    The good half of a 3060.

    @FAT32 said:
    I am actually low-key afraid of getting Lump of coal, because I won't be able to spin anymore :(

    Oh alright found it, so I'll see what we can do then.

    I'll pay the other half... can you get one?

  • @BlazinDimes said: Thank you! That worked out perfectly since I was originally after the 1GB but bought the 512. haha

    So you got a 1 core, 1GB RAM, 15GB SSD for 4 years @ $14.50, sweet that is $3.63 a year!

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