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NetCup Adventskalender 2018 Released - Page 4
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NetCup Adventskalender 2018 Released



  • RadiRadi Host Rep, Veteran

    @Falzo Anything yet?

  • @Radi said:
    @Falzo Anything yet?

    Domain reseller level C.

  • BBTNBBTN Member
    edited December 2018

    @solaire said:
    Domain reseller level C.

    Radi was referring to the invoice for the cup. - Didn't get mine, yet.

  • @BBTN said:
    Radi was referring to the invoice for the cup. - Didn't get mine, yet.

    Aha, my apologies. I'll go hide under a stone.

  • @Radi said:
    @Falzo Anything yet?

    no, haven't heard anything about the cup yet. no invoice here either.
    I assume this will not change during the weekend anyway. may also be, that they use some external party to have the cups printed and shipped directly or something like that?

    however, I will wait patiently and report back once there are news... probably during next week ;-)

  • Ordered 3 x RS 4000 SAS, also included 30 Euro discount (I missed last time), still not yet got confirmation from them. I am not sure whether they accept more than 1 item during offer time.

    Can I connect 3 VMs with local ip inside netcup infrastructure? They seems to be selling VLAN for same, but mine is still not in production, thinking can I connect 3 VMs using local IP they provide.

  • gks said: Ordered 3 x RS 4000 SAS, also included 30 Euro discount (I missed last time), still not yet got confirmation from them. I am not sure whether they accept more than 1 item during offer time.

    usually if you can order it, that should be fine. if they apply the coupon though, I can't tell. chance are probably not so bad, as the ones you ordered are in the higher price range anyway...

    gks said: Can I connect 3 VMs with local ip inside netcup infrastructure? They seems to be selling VLAN for same, but mine is still not in production, thinking can I connect 3 VMs using local IP they provide.

    afaik there is no local IP assigned by default, so no connection by that and I can't tell if they do that outside the scope of their VLAN offers.

    however, the smallest of their VLAN package is free anyway -

    Thanked by 1mfs
  • @gks said: Ordered 3 x RS 4000 SAS, also included 30 Euro discount (I missed last time), still not yet got confirmation from them. I am not sure whether they accept more than 1 item during offer time.

    They don't say at most 1 for this product, so it should be okay to order 3, assuming that you've been a good boy in the past. :smile:

    I'm curious whether they still accept the 30€ discount.

    The specs of this VPS -- wow. Overkill for my purposes, but nice. Great price for what one gets.

  • @angstrom said:

    @gks said: Ordered 3 x RS 4000 SAS, also included 30 Euro discount (I missed last time), still not yet got confirmation from them. I am not sure whether they accept more than 1 item during offer time.

    They don't say at most 1 for this product, so it should be okay to order 3, assuming that you've been a good boy in the past. :smile:

    I'm curious whether they still accept the 30€ discount.

    The specs of this VPS -- wow. Overkill for my purposes, but nice. Great price for what one gets.

    They approved and deployed my VPSes, not asked payment yet, I am assuming, I have applied for 30 Euros and given other vendor invoice as proof, and I have VAT exception, so there might be delay in overall invoice generation.

    Thanked by 1angstrom
  • I want one. I really want one but find myself trying to work out what I will use it for.

  • @LeonDynamic said:
    I want one. I really want one but find myself trying to work out what I will use it for.

    Easy. Idling. :)

  • @LeonDynamic said:
    I want one. I really want one

    i can help you... 6 months up front is too much.... they do this commercial stuff now and then, so its not a one time opportunity No. it'll come again....

    you'll feel much better when you realize there is a difference between Want and Need ... we all want everything but only need so little. you can wait it out.

  • gksgks Member
    edited December 2018

    @ehab said:

    @LeonDynamic said:
    I want one. I really want one

    i can help you... 6 months up front is too much.... they do this commercial stuff now and then, so its not a one time opportunity No. it'll come again....

    you'll feel much better when you realize there is a difference between Want and Need ... we all want everything but only need so little. you can wait it out.

    I feel the pain of with 6 months payment, currently we pay monthly to current vendor, now moving to netcup, since current vendor report too much CPU, RAM and Disk usage. We use almost all the RAM given (40 GB+ at least) and use 90-100% of CPU whatever available due to high analytics and streaming data collection.. I am hopeful we don't have issue with netcup. To test them, I have taken one RS 2000, used at max CPU, not received any complaints from them, as they say dedicated CPU and RAM.

  • gks said: Ordered 3 x RS 4000 SAS

    gks said: We use almost all the RAM given (40 GB+ at least) and use 90-100% of CPU whatever available due to high analytics and streaming data collection..

    Congrats, anyway I was wondering: did you consider to get some dedis @ Hetzner at some point? You can also make use of vSwitches on Hetzner, which fits your VLAN requirements.
    Do you use (or intend to use) docker/KVM/LXC on these boxes?

  • @mfs said:

    gks said: Ordered 3 x RS 4000 SAS

    gks said: We use almost all the RAM given (40 GB+ at least) and use 90-100% of CPU whatever available due to high analytics and streaming data collection..

    Congrats, anyway I was wondering: did you consider to get some dedis @ Hetzner at some point? You can also make use of vSwitches on Hetzner, which fits your VLAN requirements.
    Do you use (or intend to use) docker/KVM/LXC on these boxes?

    I had dedis with Hetzner, , got 2 of them 21 Euros each in October (excluding VAT) 32 GB RAM DDR III, 2 x 1 TB boxes, 4 core/8vCPU i7, not sure about limited bandwidth that time, (we don't use more bandwidth at this moment). I found them are fine, but slower HDD compared to netcup SAS (is SAS runs with 10000 RPM, instead of dedi's 7200 RPM?), also had difficulties with server hangs 2 times, then I need to take help from support personal for manual restart, I was not prepared for the additional trouble with dedicated server after that. I use dockers heavily with netcup, I don't find any problem with Ubuntu 18.04 host. We found that faster RAM (DDR 4) with netcup complete the job faster than DDR III and Dedi.

    Thanked by 3mfs Falzo angstrom
  • Everyone dream about their bottle opener? :smiley:

  • Bottle opener is still available!

    Thanked by 2eol ehab
  • Any ideas what's the shipping price (to Poland)?

  • Netcup has some trust issues with Google atm ;P

    Just so you know:

    Google translate it or wait for @Falzo or me to sum it up :D

  • @Ympker said:
    Netcup has some trust issues with Google atm ;P

    Just so you know:

    Google translate it or wait for @Falzo or me to sum it up :D

    It seems okay now.

    Thanked by 1Ympker

    4 vCores, 8 GB RAM, 750 GB SSD-Performance (Cached with Optane™)

  • I’m sure this was the offer before BF. 1 month contract with 3 month billing. Wonder what the performance is like on those Optane drives

  • @LeonDynamic said:
    I’m sure this was the offer before BF. 1 month contract with 3 month billing. Wonder what the performance is like on those Optane drives

    Yeah, you're right, it's the same as one of the offers before BF. Go to

    and scroll down to "VPS 1000 G8 Plus". It links to the same page.

    Thanked by 1LeonDynamic
  • @angstrom this time I am late to the party, did you take one?

    Thanked by 1angstrom
  • Anyone who can provide a Geekbench on this one?
    A lot of people would be interested, I guess.

  • available right now. snagged one.

    @neik as provisioning usually takes a moment I'd suspect a benchmark not to be available before the out of stock again, sorry.

  • @Falzo said:
    @angstrom this time I am late to the party, did you take one?

    Yeah, I was there, I could have bought one, but it was late and I didn't want to make an impulse purchase with a tired head! :smiley:

    I wonder whether they're still available ... it's a good deal ... but I really shouldn't ... but maybe ... but better not ...

    Thanked by 1mfs
  • @angstrom said:

    @Falzo said:
    @angstrom this time I am late to the party, did you take one?

    Yeah, I was there, I could have bought one, but it was late and I didn't want to make an impulse purchase with a tired head! :smiley:

    I wonder whether they're still available ... it's a good deal ... but I really shouldn't ... but maybe ... but better not ...

    Well, it's sold out at this time. I wonder whether they will restock later in the day ...

  • @angstrom said:

    Well, it's sold out at this time. I wonder whether they will restock later in the day ...

    I'd check at around 12 and 15, they probably will do... also again they announced restock on their twitter this morning, so might be worth to keep an eye on there, if you decide to finally get one :-P

    it says prepayment 3 month but contract term only 1 month, so at least no real long term commitment needed ;-)

    Thanked by 1angstrom
  • beaglebeagle Member
    edited December 2018

    I had it in my cart when it showed up on the calendar but I decided to stick to last year's BF 8core/8G/320GB. Although the faster 750GB looks very appealing for the price I decided to stick to more cores, as offers with that many cores don't come very often. Would the offer have been the same specs on a RS I wouldn't have thought twice.

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