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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers! - Page 493
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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers!



  • Why this thread does not go up in the list?

  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire

    @imok said:
    Why this thread does not go up in the list?

    So that if VirMach posted some hidden deals only us the loyal VirMach fans will got it

    Thanked by 3FrankZ Lurkrazy Ganonk
  • @FAT32 said:

    @ZA_capetown said:
    Shouldn't this thread maybe be hidden from the main index again to be VIP only? :smiley:

    Yeah you are right, let me hide it first and once the easter egg is out I will unhide it.

    Oh. Got it.

    Though, I've learned this is good for us but doesn't help for @Virnach visibility as a provider.

  • JabJabJabJab Member
    edited November 2021

    @Virnach (gj imok!) has already two threads on main page - the 2021 BF/CM and the Ryzen launch (cough). Pretty sure we don't need 3rd one and get the #RACKNERD spam jokes here (-:

  • Does anyone else like Spam fried rice? Spam, egg, green onion...

  • @VirMach are affiliate links broken? Or am I doing it wrong in my sig?

  • @fat32 signature too long! Ban @FAT32

  • Ha! CloudCone did an $ 8.88 deal (qty 1).

  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire

    @imok said:
    fat32 signature too long! Ban FAT32

    It is 2 lines on desktop though, the 2 lines rules applicable for desktop only (Mobile view is always longer)

  • Ban @donli then.

  • @FrankZ I'm curious about how those holes happened.

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited November 2021

    @imok said: @FrankZ I'm curious about how those holes happened.

    I have PM'ed you.

    Thanked by 1imok

  • Hmm, I wonder if that Phoenix deal was secret Ryzen...

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • @randomq said: Hmm, I wonder if that Phoenix deal was secret Ryzen...

    75GB NVMe?
    You crazy.

  • @FrankZ said:

    @imok said: @FrankZ I'm curious about how those holes happened.

    I have PM'ed you.

    I got some interesting stories.

    Some GTA missions were inspired on him.

  • @randomq said:
    Hmm, I wonder if that Phoenix deal was secret Ryzen...


    @VirMach said:

    @FrankZ said:

    I cannot confirm or deny these allegations.

  • I'm proud of me this year. I haven't bought any server this week.

  • @imok said:
    I'm proud of me this year. I haven't bought any server this week.

    How many idlers do you have?

  • @donli said:

    @imok said:
    I'm proud of me this year. I haven't bought any server this week.

    How many idlers do you have?

    1 Ryzen and 1 Intel. Both with @Virmach.

    I don't have a use for more VPSes. That's why I'm calm.


  • 493

    Thanked by 2FrankZ imok
  • Rio grande and rio pequeño

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider
    edited November 2021

    Alright we're going to go in turbo mode and hope it doesn't break everything.

    Timer is being reduced

    @imok said: I NEED A DEDI.

    I hope I actually do this one today for you.

    Thanked by 4imok FAT32 FrankZ randomq
  • @VirMach said:
    Alright we're going to go in turbo mode and hope it doesn't break everything.

    Timer is being reduced

    @imok said: I NEED A DEDI.

    I hope I actually do this one today for you.

    Could use one of the E3-HDL too if you can round up another in LA, I keep waffling on ordering the one in Dallas but really would rather have something close to home.

  • Mr Virmach fell asleep with the cat on top.

  • Those are the best kind of naps

    Thanked by 1imok
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    Update on Ryzen -- we're having a bug attempting to migrate people using the migration tool and have to fix it or migrate manually (which we're not set up for specifically right now.) Might be an incompatibility between node versions or perhaps something more simple but that just means there's a pause on upgrade/migrations with data. Haven't had a chance to set up Seattle 100% yet but it's basically there, just last few quality checks left over.

    We're falling behind on everything due to the number of tickets and some technical issues we had but it's honestly much better than all the previous years so we should catch up very quickly here.

    It won't be a situation like the previous years where it goes on for weeks unless I just jinxed it.

    Ryzen shipments - wasn't set out today as planned, pushed into tomorrow.

  • This thing is actually cursed, lol.

  • This BF I've grabbed more udemy courses than ever before.

    Idling courses.

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