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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers! - Page 496
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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers!



  • @bakageta said:

    @donli said:
    What is your best VirBot deal?

    My best virbot deal was a couple years ago, 2 vcore, 512mb, 15gb, 500gb for $3 in buffalo, currently running bedrockconnect so my nephew can play custom minecraft servers on xbox. Best deal that I use personally is 2 vcore, 2gb, 10gb, 1tb for $8.79 in los angeles. Honestly though, I haven't gotten a single virbot deal that I think beats the old OpenVZ Pro+ plan that got converted to KVM: 3 vcore, 2gb, 50gb, 2tb for 11.90 in los angeles.

    Yeah we scored with the OpenVZ to KVM lite conversions.

  • Come to think of it, I think my $3 virbot deal was originally openvz as well. I have zero complaints about that entire conversion.

  • I think my best 'value' deal is that one

    But I love other servers more - the one that serves all my images, 60GB SSD for 5.42$ for example :<

  • 496

    Thanked by 2imok FrankZ
  • @JabJab said:
    I think my best 'value' deal is that one

    But I love other servers more - the one that serves all my images, 60GB SSD for 5.42$ for example :<

    Is that from 2018? I don't remember that easter egg...

    But I think the best deal during that time was the SSD4G for $0 :lol:

  • @pullangcubo said: But I think the best deal during that time was the SSD4G for $0

    I still have it. Running on production! :D

    Thanked by 1pullangcubo
  • I also remember the SSD32G for 3 months. What a beast.

  • There was also free dedi /s

  • Actually yes, IIRC somone got a free dedi for a year.

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited December 2021

    @bakageta said: Best deal that I use personally is 2 vcore, 2gb, 10gb, 1tb for $8.79 in los angeles.

    Was that the infamous XIYAN SHITWEASEL ? I still have one of those, great deal.

    All my flash deals from VirMach are great, but the OpenVZ Pro+ plan redux
    from this past Sept (Dallas 2 core, 2GB RAM, 40GB SSD, 2TB transfer for $10.20) is near the top of the list. Not including the limited time free deals like the 2GB KVM-Lite for a year from HostedTalk last year, or the Free until we leave CC, or the Ryzen Alphas. Because you can't do better then free. I don't have any Easter egg deals, because you know, I'm slow that way.

  • After free VPSes, we need free dedis.

    Some time in the future we will need payments from Virmach 😂

  • @imok said: Some time in the future we will need payments from Virmach 😂

    Near future please.
    RTX 3060 seems like a nice payment 😂

  • @FrankZ said:

    @bakageta said: Best deal that I use personally is 2 vcore, 2gb, 10gb, 1tb for $8.79 in los angeles.

    Was that the infamous XIYAN SHITWEASEL ? I still have one of those, great deal.

    All my flash deals from VirMach are great, but the OpenVZ Pro+ plan redux
    from this past Sept (Dallas 2 core, 2GB RAM, 40GB SSD, 2TB transfer for $10.20) is near the top of the list. Not including the limited time free deals like the 2GB KVM-Lite for a year from HostedTalk last year, or the Free until we leave CC, or the Ryzen Alphas. Because you can't do better then free. I don't have any Easter egg deals, because you know, I'm slow that way.

    That sounds right, but honestly it's been long enough I forget. I feel a little better knowing I'm not the only one with no easter egg deals, I'm also slow that way.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • @FrankZ said: ( Dallas 2 core, 2GB RAM, 40GB SSD, 2TB transfer for $10.20)

    My best is that deal from a few months ago - 3c,3.75G, 84G, 8TB for $8.38 in Buffalo ... still amazed I got that one.

    Thanked by 2tototo FrankZ
  • Woah, fucking nice.

  • Yeah, f'realz ... sitting my in office and that pops up on Virbot as I happen to be looking at the screen.

  • @skorous said: My best is that deal from a few months ago - 3c,3.75G, 84G, 8TB for $8.38 in Buffalo ... still amazed I got that one.

    Yea, sweet. I was trying to buy one of those, or the 434, at a premium and got exactly zero takers. I'm really not that surprised at the lack of interest.

  • @FrankZ said:
    Not including the limited time free deals like the 2GB KVM-Lite for a year from HostedTalk last year,

    Which reminds me, that free year will end by January!

    Will we renew or not, that is the question (considering that mine was just idling the whole year!)

  • GERKVM6 - Frankfurt, DE, seems down again since about 15min ago
    (actually been quite stable for a while and didn't do this recently)

  • JabJabJabJab Member
    edited December 2021

    More than 15 minutes and this seems like upstream problem :(
    Used to work from/for some routes, now it's totally dead (this is your 15 minutes coming from ;) ).

    Uh oh, already has a ticket reply.

    Hi, Serverhub hasn't been very responsive recently, hence why we're moving away from them. I did notice that many of our other servers we moved people off are facing even stronger versions of the issue you're describing but the most I can do is move you to existing Amsterdam nodes outside of their network if you'd like that done.

    So ServerHub will fix it, maybe, one day, sooner or later? :D

    Migration? No thanks, I will wait for Ryzen in Amsterdam :cry: :P

  • and it's back @ZA_capetown

    Thanked by 1ZA_capetown
  • ZA_capetownZA_capetown Member
    edited December 2021

    If we get migrated to Ryzen I'm willing to suffer at times, until then :smiley:
    Also... would be nice if my 5GB disk could maybe get a complimentary upgrade boost ;-)

  • Ok my words weren't even cold yet and it went down again hah

  • aaaaaaaand it's back again.
    But for how long? :D

    @ZA_capetown said: If we get migrated to Ryzen I'm willing to suffer at times, until then

    I am joking here - there was never "Ryzen" migration announced for those, but I will most likely buy a Ryzen in NL to put my semi-idle stuff there and I don't really want to do migration two times :P

  • @JabJab said:
    I am joking here - there was never "Ryzen" migration announced for those

    Yes I know, but it's a brilliant suggestion, since @Virmach is known to be a nice and generous person... I'd totally forget about all our sufferings with Frankfurt after such a migration. :wink:

  • hello

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  • soy yo

  • hola imok, is it you?

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