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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers! - Page 38
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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers!



  • VirMach said: I'll see what we can do.

    Ooo that's interesting, by the way, obviously you might not say something exact but what kind of numbers are we talking when we see those special offers? How many lucky ones are normally able to grab them?

  • That’s it. I’m going to bed. Too bad I did not find my soulserver for the coming year. Maybe tomorrow or monday.

    Thanks all for the fun, the thrill and the constant nagging! Good night

  • user123user123 Member
    edited November 2018

    @emgh said:

    VirMach said: I'll see what we can do.

    Ooo that's interesting, by the way, obviously you might not say something exact but what kind of numbers are we talking when we see those special offers? How many lucky ones are normally able to grab them?

    He mentioned that one previous offer had 52 packages, thought that probably varies by offer.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider
    edited December 2019

    We verified that people did actually purchase up to the quantity placed, so there was no glitch there. Only a few are uncreated and those will be created, for those able to purchase.

    I may regret this later, but anyone who posted on this thread from page 21 until this exact post, please private message me with your VIrMach e-mail and we'll see what we can do. Please be patient though.

  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire

    Your website is bugged

  • So, we did blow up the billing server again. Do we get a cookie? :P

  • But I want Debian! This is fun ;-D

  • @tridinebandim said:

    FAT32 said: How many of you actually got it?

    none :/ checkout button cleared my cart

    If only one would take that, Virmach would take 1st place in this year's Black Friday.

    $9.50 /yr
    HDD 30GB SSD (RAID 10)

    Who's in? 300% more memory for only 1000% the price.

    Obviously a really good deal, it jsut takes you blind comparing those, they're all good compared to the other deals. Honestly whatever happends next Virmach has already won. Interesting race though, and continue for gods sake!

  • @VirMach said:
    We verified that people did actually purchase up to the quantity placed, so there was no glitch there. Only a few are uncreated and those will be created, for those able to purchase.

    I may regret this later, but anyone who posted on this thread from page 21 until this exact post, please private message me with your VIrMach e-mail and we'll see what we can do. Please be patient though.

    Thanks @VirMach!!

  • @default said:

    @tridinebandim said:

    FAT32 said: How many of you actually got it?

    none :/ checkout button cleared my cart

    If only one would take that, Virmach would take 1st place in this year's Black Friday.

    Absolutely...last year was same fun but muted overshadowed by main thread, but this year in FULL FOCUS...

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider
    edited December 2019

    @JabJab said:
    But I want Debian! This is fun ;-D

    Sorry this is an Ubuntu-sponsored deal.

  • I'ts ended :( new offer available.

  • @FAT32 said:
    Your website is bugged

    Yeah I also noted the overwhelming choice of OS.
    Hey, I mean, wasn't that what @VirMach wanted? We broke it.
    Cheers guys, good work!

    And come one, honestly: if you are sorry because of a stupid small VPS than get a life!

    IT IS FUN!
    (And I am falling asleep).

  • If you kept scrolling you got other options eventually

  • default said: If only one would take that, Virmach would take 1st place in this year's Black Friday.

    anyway, it is number one in fun :)

  • Sent you the private message, this is crazy. Nervewrecking but really fun. Did someone here get the 0,95 deal?

    Thanked by 1just4sc
  • @VirMach said:
    We verified that people did actually purchase up to the quantity placed, so there was no glitch there. Only a few are uncreated and those will be created, for those able to purchase.

    I may regret this later, but anyone who posted on this thread from page 21 until this exact post, please private message me with your VIrMach e-mail and we'll see what we can do. Please be patient though.

    Ahh man, I knew I should have posted something. I actually had one until the site said I needed to enter a hostname. Shucks.

    Thanked by 1just4sc
  • @FAT32 said:
    How many of you actually got it?

    Guess I'm the lucky one

  • Now site working ok. Looks not good DDOS protection. may be time to EU offer ?

  • emgh said: Did someone here get the 0,95 deal?

    Was no problem at all ordering it. But the site was nuts after I've paid.

    Thanked by 2emgh southy
  • Should have posted +1, was too busy refreshing the site

  • @ofit said:
    Now site working ok. Looks not good DDOS protection. may be time to EU offer ?

    It's probably not a DDoS attack, it's probably overloaded by us.

  • This was definitely under promised and over delivered.

    Thanked by 2just4sc southy
  • ofit said: may be time to EU offer ?

    yes, would be nice before we wake in 3 hours...

  • @VirMach said:
    I may regret this later, but anyone who posted on this thread from page 21 until this exact post, please private message me with your VIrMach e-mail and we'll see what we can do. Please be patient though.

    Cheap servers for everyone or what? I don't understand

  • I hope this Virmach rep is busy giving us all who sent that PM a 0,85 deal

  • @emgh said:
    I hope this Virmach rep is busy giving us all who sent that PM a 0,85 deal

    I think we'd even consider a $0.69 deal.

  • Back to regular scheduled programming - red sold out sign..

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