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2Euro KVM in Germany - Page 10
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2Euro KVM in Germany



  • @ComsTownWebIT Is it possible to use my own DreamSpark license?

  • @awson said:
    ComsTownWebIT Is it possible to use my own DreamSpark license?

    Yes it is

    P.S.: all servers online again!

  • As the others said, it's really nice to see how you take about your customers :) Great work.

    Thanked by 1ErawanArifNugroho
  • @trexos said:
    As the others said, it's really nice to see how you take about your customers :) Great work.

    thanks :)

  • Anybody know where to access the control panel from? I got the email telling me my IP, root user and password, but that's all.

  • Ah - found it!

  • Okay... New problem. I've installed Ubuntu 12.04 from the control panel, but the OS is defaulted to German.

    How do I change so that the OS is in English? I tried following the instructions here - - but the reconfigure-locales application also runs in German. Any ideas?

    Could an English-language image also be included in the CP?

  • Hey, you can choose the language before you start the installation: mount the iso, boot from the iso, you will be asked for language, if not, choose from the menu "Sprache"!

  • @ComsTownWebIT said:
    Hey, you can choose the language before you start the installation: mount the iso, boot from the iso, you will be asked for language, if not, choose from the menu "Sprache"!

    So there's no way to do that from the control panel, then? I have to download the ISO to the existing installation, boot from it and then run through a new installation?

  • @MistahKoala said:
    So there's no way to do that from the control panel, then? I have to download the ISO to the existing installation, boot from it and then run through a new installation?

    I think he means opening the KVM console and change it while installing.

  • @trexos said:



  • seikanseikan Member
    edited September 2013

    Any ideas how to install Windows 2003 at this moment?

  • Christopher,

    I've tried accessing the KVM console, but I just see a small black pop-up window. I sent you an email about it on Monday?

  • @MistahKoala said:

    I've tried accessing the KVM console, but I just see a small black pop-up window. I sent you an email about it on Monday?

    You need to have Java installed to use the KVM console. Also try reconnecting and resizing. Sometimes it's a little buggy

  • @chrisp said:
    You need to have Java installed to use the KVM console. Also try reconnecting and resizing. Sometimes it's a little buggy

    Yeh, I've got Java installed. I've also tried the two (presumably) reconnect and resize buttons. Nothing, and still no reply from Christopher to my email.

  • Hey, sorry guys, it was a horrible week. I had to go to the hospital but i'm fine...
    I will collect all requests and answer everyone.

  • Wish you get well soon my friend :)

  • @ErawanArifNugroho said:
    Wish you get well soon my friend :)

    Thanks :)

  • @ComsTownWebIT: I hope all is well now...
    Is the upgrade of host5 still planed for this weekend ?

  • Hello,
    yes it is way better :P

    There will be a new offer with SSDs, which you can preorder since yesterday.

    This offer will be available from tuesday.

    There will be an update next week. You will be informed by mail this weekend!

  • @ComsTownWebIT Gute Besserung :P

    When will the service with the faster disks be ready?

  • @trexos said:
    ComsTownWebIT Gute Besserung :P

    When will the service with the faster disks be ready?

    Hehe danke :)

    UPS says Monday-Tuesday ;)

  • So I ordered vStarter 512. It says SDD/HDD 10/50GB, so do I get 60GB of space?

  • @Kupol said:
    So I ordered vStarter 512. It says SDD/HDD 10/50GB, so do I get 60GB of space?

    Hey, yes, 10GB SSD is used as the root partition for the system. The 50 GB HDD is mounted at /home

  • Woah, that's pretty neat. Can't wait for my VPS then. Thank you for the answer @ComsTownWebIT

  • can i upload my own ISO?

  • I ordered the vStarter 512 about two days ago but it still says installing, any ETA?

  • @Antonio said:
    I ordered the vStarter 512 about two days ago but it still says installing, any ETA?

    Currently it is pre-ordering. Setup will be done in 1-7 business days!

    @catding said:
    can i upload my own ISO?

    No, but you can always ask me if I would upload it: [email protected]

  • @ComsTownWebIT
    The website says 1-3 business days, but I guess I can wait. My other server is almost full so I hope it will last one more week.

  • @Kupol said:
    The website says 1-3 business days, but I guess I can wait. My other server is almost full so I hope it will last one more week.

    Eingerichtet in 1-5 Werktagen

    It means 1-5 business days ;)

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