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2Euro KVM in Germany - Page 12
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2Euro KVM in Germany



  • Yeah i think he meant 7am-8am because he wrote 07.00-08.00 and in germany we would say 7-8am.

  • @trexos said:
    Yeah i think he meant 7am-8am because he wrote 07.00-08.00 and in germany we would say 7-8am.

    Right, that's why you should Never use Auto correction at ios devices ;)

  • host5 is back online!

  • Nice to hear :)

    Could anybody post a dd test with the new RAID 10?

  • @ComsTownWebIT I was trying to install Debian 7 32-bit but it always hanged after I done the partition settings.

    BTW, I never receive any emails from your system. I'm using email. Is your email server being blacklisted?

  • @seikan said:
    ComsTownWebIT I was trying to install Debian 7 32-bit but it always hanged after I done the partition settings.

    BTW, I never receive any emails from your system. I'm using email. Is your email server being blacklisted?

    We are blacklisted nowhere but like 50% of all customers with live hotmail etc. aren't able to receive mails. But there are also customers at live and co who receive them. We mailed Microsoft like a billion times but no answer.

    @trexos said:
    Nice to hear :)

    Could anybody post a dd test with the new RAID 10?

    Please read the mail you received CAREFULLY: the maintenance failed. There will be another maintenance at sunday.

  • I didnt get your mail. Im with

  • I also did not get you mail.

  • I tried to install both Debian 7 32-bit and 64 bit but all failed. What's the problem?

  • @seikan said:
    I tried to install both Debian 7 32-bit and 64 bit but all failed. What's the problem?

    What is meint by failed? What exactly happened?

  • I think something is wrong with your mail server.

    1. I loaded "[EN] Debian 7 32-bit ISO"
    2. Reboot the machine and boot up from CD
    3. Setup network, dns, hostname, and password.
    4. Setup partition, and press enter.
    5. The setup stopped at blue screen forever.
  • @trexos said:
    I think something is wrong with your mail server.

    It's fine, i get his emails.

  • @trexos said:
    I think something is wrong with your mail server.

    I resent them

    @seikan said:
    1. I loaded "[EN] Debian 7 32-bit ISO"
    2. Reboot the machine and boot up from CD
    3. Setup network, dns, hostname, and password.
    4. Setup partition, and press enter.
    5. The setup stopped at blue screen forever.

    How long did you wait?

  • More than 3 hours.

  • Did you get the new hardware yet? I really need that vps by today. Also you didn't respond to my email about VAT removal.

  • Received the mail now thanks!

  • @Antonio said:
    Did you get the new hardware yet? I really need that vps by today. Also you didn't respond to my email about VAT removal.

    Chinese? I answered several days ago!

    Hardware arrived 10 Minuten ago. Now in Setup...

  • I finally able to setup the Debian. It seems like I must avoid to modify the assigned partition.

  • No, im not chinese..

  • @Antonio said:
    No, im not chinese..

    Then I did not get your mail. Would you please send it again to [email protected]?

  • Done.

  • @Antonio said:

    Thanks, I confirmed your request.

  • So we will get the server today? It would be pretty neat as it's a weekend tomorrow and I would have time to set it up.

  • @Kupol said:
    So we will get the server today? It would be pretty neat as it's a weekend tomorrow and I would have time to set it up.

    It is everytime a desease to setup the virtualization services as they don't like multi raid systems grrrr

  • the first vps on host6 (server with ssd) got delivered 2 minutes ago. the others will follow soon!

  • I got my VPS, thanks!

  • MorningIrisMorningIris Member
    edited September 2013

    @ComsTownWebIT so if I order now, am I getting it like "now"?

  • @MorningIris said:
    ComsTownWebIT so if I order now, am I getting it like "now"?

    No tomorrow...

  • wlambrechtswlambrechts Member
    edited September 2013

    I still can't get Windows 2003 installed. The Windows ISO does not recognize the harddrive and in Windows 2003 there is no way to load the Virtio IO drivers from anything but a disk drive. Anyone a solution: if not I guess the Windows ISO needs to be slipstreamed with the drivers.

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