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  • pbgbenpbgben Member, Host Rep

    @rm_ said:

    bizzard said: Should I be worried about. Will they consider a replacement request just because of the Power On hours?

    yomero said: bably no, but probably yes because that 3 reallocated sectors

    Look at the full smartctl -a output, not a castrated five attribute version of it, there you can kindly find the "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED", as long as that's PASSED, you have no grounds to ask for replacement, if you also don't have any operational issues with the drive. A certain number of reallocated sectors is OK for a drive. As for power on hours, kindly stop being such a self-entitled prick demanding the world and the moon for your 20 EUR. It works, it's cheap, but no, you also must have all brand new drives directly out of the factory?

    Just put the disk through a io stress test, if it passes then all good, else it will fail and get them to replace

  • bizzardbizzard Member
    edited January 2017

    rm_ said: Look at full smartctl -a output, not the castrated five attribute version of it, there you can kindly find the "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED", as long as that's PASSED, you have no grounds to ask for replacement, if you also don't have any operational issues with the drive. A certain number of reallocated sectors is OK for a drive. As for power on hours, kindly stop being such a self-entitled prick demanding the world and the moon for your 20 EUR. It works, it's cheap, but no, you also must have all brand new drives directly out of the factory?

    SMART overall-health self-assessment test result is PASSED for both disks.

    Its cheap and a great deal for the price. Planning to use in production, but haven't encountered any disks with that much Power On hours in the servers I have purchased. So, I just wanted to know whether its fine.

    I newer asked for a fresh disk. My other servers have disks with around 20000 Power On Hours and I am fine with them.

    @pbgben What tests do you recommend?

  • @bizzard said:
    I newer asked for a fresh disk. My servers have disks with around 20000 Power On Hours and I am fine with them.

    I don't find two years of service to be too much, tbh. That's what a regular HDD should survive, and even longer beyond this.

  • @Shigawire How about 6 and half years. That's what the HDD in server I purchased has as Power On Hours and I think the HDD's are of desktop grade.

  • disk in my 1tb atom box: 14572 hours on, and 12 start stops/power cycle counts :P

  • Last day to cancel your unneeded servers guys if you don't want to be billed for one more month :)

    Thanked by 1Cdoe
  • allXunderallXunder Member
    edited January 2017

    Just for statistics:

    Model Family: Seagate Constellation ES.3
    Device Model: ST1000NM0033-9ZM173
    Serial Number: Z1W20T6E
    LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 066e31b78
    Add. Product Id: DELL(tm)
    Firmware Version: GA0A
    User Capacity: 1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 TB]
    Sector Size: 512 bytes logical/physical
    Rotation Rate: 7200 rpm
    Form Factor: 3.5 inches
    Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
    ATA Version is: ACS-2 (minor revision not indicated)
    SATA Version is: SATA 3.0, 3.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s)
    Local Time is: Fri Jan 20 11:26:04 2017 CET
    SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
    SMART support is: Enabled

    SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED


  • for those worried about disk health, you can also use

    Hard Disk Sentinel Linux Edition

    has been a trustworthy app for years

    Thanked by 3Yura Rolter ehab
  • so am I the only one with a faulty server ? Didnt boot up after the install. Created a ticket, the guy asked permission to use rescue mode and no reply since then (12 hours)..

  • datanoisedatanoise Member
    edited January 2017

    @Junkless I had a faulty server too, it took around 12 hours for them (EU night time) to tell me that it was broken and that I could ask for a new one; at that point there was a button on my panel to ask for a new one, new one came in a couple of seconds.

    If the ticket is still open, they probably are working on it.

  • sinsin Member

    bizzard said: Its cheap and a great deal for the price. Planning to use in production, but haven't encountered any disks with that much Power On hours in the servers I have purchased. So, I just wanted to know whether its fine.

    You'll be fine, I have a server right now with a single disk and 5.7 years of power-on hours and it works great. I have 6 drives in my workstation at home that are a mix of brands and they have been running for over 6 years 24/7 and no issues...drives can last quite some time. Just keep good backups and if it really bothers you get another disk put in for RAID.

    Thanked by 1vimalware
  • @bizzard said:
    @Shigawire How about 6 and half years. That's what the HDD in server I purchased has as Power On Hours and I think the HDD's are of desktop grade.

    You may want to have a look at this:


  • HDDs survive much better than marriages!

  • Shigawire said: especially

    They don't take into account the brand of the hdd. In my experience hitashi drives last way longer than wd for example.

    During the Thai crisis they say they bought anything they could so well...

  • need some more help to find the right smartctl command for my Hardware raid.

    lspci show the following SATA controler
    00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller (rev 04)

  • fanfan Veteran

    Data security is certainly important, but for the dirt cheap 6.99 boxes I'm not expecting much. In my personal experience, hard drive just dies randomly.

    Now I'm more interested in what to do with these except for idling......

  • CdoeCdoe Member
    edited January 2017

    @datanoise said:

    Shigawire said: especially

    They don't take into account the brand of the hdd. In my experience hitashi drives last way longer than wd for example.

    During the Thai crisis they say they bought anything they could so well...

    Plus if that's enterprise grade HDD it has way lower failure rate than desktop drives. Personally I wouldn't care about 50k+ hours in SMART. Enterprise HDDs are supposed to have 1 million hours (over 136 years) MTBF.

    The ambient temperature has more impact on disk life than the uptime itself.

  • @Shigawire said:

    You don't need to care about the drive survivability being 50% after 6 years. What you need to care about is how fast that line is going down after said 6 years. The drive survived this long, so it's already in the 66% that survived 5 years, so in the next year 16% of the original batch will die off. This is 1/4th of the drives remaining, so there's a 25% chance your drive will die in the next year.

    That 25% is the number to worry about, not the 50% survival rate.

  • @datanoise said:
    @Junkless I had a faulty server too, it took around 12 hours for them (EU night time) to tell me that it was broken and that I could ask for a new one; at that point there was a button on my panel to ask for a new one, new one came in a couple of seconds.

    If the ticket is still open, they probably are working on it.

    Same problem here, however they closed my ticket and just send a refund because no servers were available... that was not really what I wanted!

  • teamacc said: there's a 25% chance your drive will die in the next year.

    I don't actually believe this 50% line to be true. I'd take this graph with a grain of salt.

    Anyway: keep backups, use RAID if you can't afford the downtime due to hdd crash and enjoy the new drive they'll give you if this one dies.

    But there is no way to tell that there is a 25% chance that any 6+ y.o drive will die in a year. There are too many factors to take into account. For example: was this server mostly idling for 6 years or was it used for heavy IO activities 24/7?

    Thanked by 1sin
  • datanoisedatanoise Member
    edited January 2017

    exiust said: Same problem here, however they closed my ticket and just send a refund because no servers were available... that was not really what I wanted!

    Strange! They could have given you a server with better specs or asked you to wait a bit.

    It's written in their terms that they have up to 10 days to provide you with your order why didn't they wait a bit?

    I don't think they can legally cancel it once the server they sold you is broken.

  • @datanoise said:

    teamacc said: there's a 25% chance your drive will die in the next year.

    I don't actually believe this 50% line to be true. I'd take this graph with a grain of salt.

    Anyway: keep backups, use RAID if you can't afford the downtime due to hdd crash and enjoy the new drive they'll give you if this one dies.

    But there is no way to tell that there is a 25% chance that any 6+ y.o drive will die in a year. There are too many factors to take into account. For example: was this server mostly idling for 6 years or was it used for heavy IO activities 24/7?

    True, just interpreting the data in the graph, no other factors considered.

  • @datanoise said:

    exiust said: Same problem here, however they closed my ticket and just send a refund because no servers were available... that was not really what I wanted!

    Strange! They could have given you a server with better specs or asked you to wait a bit.

    It's written in their terms that they have up to 10 days to provide you with your order why didn't they wait a bit?

    I don't think they can legally cancel it once the server they sold you is broken.

    I disputed their solution, but they refused... they'll refund me in 30 or 60 days. I think I will remain with OVH for my future dedicated servers. Their support may be non existent, but that is better than horrible support.

  • xrzxrz Member
    edited January 2017

    @exiust i had the same scenario looong time ago, they refunded after some between 35-40 days, but without the set-up fee lol even they told me they refund full amount, fkin idiots, they cant do any proper job

  • That's strange, I guess both of you had no luck :/

  • @datanoise said:
    @Junkless I had a faulty server too, it took around 12 hours for them (EU night time) to tell me that it was broken and that I could ask for a new one; at that point there was a button on my panel to ask for a new one, new one came in a couple of seconds.

    If the ticket is still open, they probably are working on it.

    I bumped the ticket after no response for 13 hours and got a reply that it is assigned to a hardware tech and he will reach me soon. Since then the server is Locked down for maintenance (in rescue mode). That was 4 hours ago.

    I guess the discs were faulty ?

  • the servers are good when they work, however there support is terrible, do not join them if you need support

    Thanked by 1inthecloudblog
  • Junkless said: I guess the discs were faulty ?

    I don't know. On mine hardware watch didn't see anything, I thought it was an issue with the HDD but online said that the server couldn't be fixed and they gave me a new one.

  • @piohost Have you had any issue with our support?

  • @bene_online said:
    @piohost Have you had any issue with our support?

    Hey, you from online ?

    Thanked by 1[Deleted User]
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