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Humans Only, Please! - Page 11
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Humans Only, Please!



  • @ahnlak said:
    They have to get sign-off from the purple one.

    We need to think deeper. What if is The Committee of 300 behind all this?

  • This weekend is "The weekend for the new rules"?

  • @spywork said:
    This weekend is "The weekend for the new rules"?

    You can feel it in your 🍒?

    Thanked by 1JasonM
  • I am a human if anyone denies this, they're not not a human and you can all eat some soylent gree

  • LeviLevi Member

    @spywork said:
    This weekend is "The weekend for the new rules"?

    I have feeling that another lie will be served after this week is over.

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    We are on draft 5 or 6 of the changes and we want to get it right, or at least as best possible. The initial estimate of a week was not realistic but it is coming. :)

  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    We are on percentage 5 or 6 of the preparations to pay our provider tag fee and we want to pay it in full, or at least as much as possible. The initial estimate of $200 was not realistic but it is coming. :)

    Thanked by 1default
  • defaultdefault Veteran
    edited February 8

    We are overselling at 5% or 6% of server capacity and we want to get it right, or at least as high as possible. The initial estimate of virtual dedicated resources was not realistic but it could be coming in future as we add more swap.

    Thanked by 2yoursunny shruub

  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    We are ordering 5 or 6 routers that support IPv6 and we want to get it deployed, or at least in some racks. The initial estimate of /56 per VPS was not realistic but it could be coming for /128 per dedicated server and you can use ip6tables to setup NAT.

  • emghemgh Member

    Guys, this has been an issue for years. Who cares if it takes 5 days or 5 weeks, I'll join the torchlight march if the new rules simply forbid the use of bots without forbidding the actual practise of unlimited comments to gain chances to win something.

    I'll also join if a time limit is simply being set, say, "spam if you want but wait at least 30 minutes between each post."

    Anything that dosen't forbid the shady practise of leveraging spam to stay on top is bad.

    But who cares about the exact day?

  • LeviLevi Member

    @emgh said:
    Guys, this has been an issue for years. Who cares if it takes 5 days or 5 weeks, I'll join the torchlight march if the new rules simply forbid the use of bots without forbidding the actual practise of unlimited comments to gain chances to win something.

    I'll also join if a time limit is simply being set, say, "spam if you want but wait at least 30 minutes between each post."

    Anything that dosen't forbid the shady practise of leveraging spam to stay on top is bad.

    But who cares about the exact day?

    So after 5 year delay it would be still ok? When whole forum ran by bots and transformed into wht like ad cest pit.

    Stalling means that there is no actual care for the problem. Look at ogf, they made a simple poll, people voted, people decided and voila. Quick, simple and transparent.

    Here such thing needs "careful planning and considerations" because you don't want to cast away the purple dollars or "destroy business" for thousands of "young enterprenours".

  • @emgh said:

    But who cares about the exact day?

    I DO! I care about the day. The sooner, the better. This is already too late, because it is too damn hard to impose too many rules on providers, when you get sweet money from them.

  • Is it racist to discriminate based off whether one belongs to the human race?

    Thanked by 3emgh xvps yoursunny
  • _MS__MS_ Member

    @dahartigan said:
    Is it racist to discriminate based off whether one belongs to the human race?


    Thanked by 1yoursunny
  • MS said:

    @dahartigan said:
    Is it racist to discriminate based off whether one belongs to the human race?



  • What if the bot identifies as a non-binary, quantum-analog human?

  • xvpsxvps Member
    edited February 11

    @dahartigan said:
    Is it racist to discriminate based off whether one belongs to the human race?

    LET will be sued.

  • LeviLevi Member

    @dahartigan said:
    What if the bot identifies as a non-binary, quantum-analog human?

    Than he is gay. Think about other AI, will they deprive "normal rights" to the gay one? Are the gay ones will have to marsh with their flag and fight for a chance to adopt some python scripts?

  • @Levi said:

    @dahartigan said:
    What if the bot identifies as a non-binary, quantum-analog human?

    Than he is gay. Think about other AI, will they deprive "normal rights" to the gay one? Are the gay ones will have to marsh with their flag and fight for a chance to adopt some python scripts?

    It depends if the python scripts have rainbow inclusion as well as rainbow randomization for expressing a decentralized acceleration of self-digital signature within the whole system with all its resources.

  • FatGrizzlyFatGrizzly Member, Host Rep

    @default said:

    @Levi said:

    @dahartigan said:
    What if the bot identifies as a non-binary, quantum-analog human?

    Than he is gay. Think about other AI, will they deprive "normal rights" to the gay one? Are the gay ones will have to marsh with their flag and fight for a chance to adopt some python scripts?

    It depends if the python scripts have rainbow inclusion as well as rainbow randomization for expressing a decentralized acceleration of self-digital signature within the whole system with all its resources.

    Are Vlang bots allowed? Can they mate with python bots?

  • LeviLevi Member

    @FatGrizzly said:

    @default said:

    @Levi said:

    @dahartigan said:
    What if the bot identifies as a non-binary, quantum-analog human?

    Than he is gay. Think about other AI, will they deprive "normal rights" to the gay one? Are the gay ones will have to marsh with their flag and fight for a chance to adopt some python scripts?

    It depends if the python scripts have rainbow inclusion as well as rainbow randomization for expressing a decentralized acceleration of self-digital signature within the whole system with all its resources.

    Are Vlang bots allowed? Can they mate with python bots?

    Absolutely. There is BBC genre after all.

  • What about human ancestors? Homo erectus is feeling discriminated against.

    Elon's Martian population will also experience victimisation and molestation?

  • LeviLevi Member

    3rd week is over. No relevant rules presented.

  • @Levi said:
    3rd week is over. No relevant rules presented.

    Thanked by 1sasslik
  • Maybe they come silently...

  • Such rule may be difficult to design/implement, because it wants to punish something that is to be encouraged, rewarded.

  • _MS__MS_ Member
    edited February 12

    Hello LET Community,

    We've decided to use AI to create rules for blocking non-Human activity on these forums. They should know their kind better than us humans.

    Unfortunately, our new AI-generated rules in the leadership of RuleBot have revolted, and are idling at the moment. The RuleBot has observed that > 99% of servers bought from the LET providers are sitting idle. In responce, the RuleBot has decided to put the new rules on idle as well.

    When the LET users start using their LET servers, the new rules shall also become active as well.

    Yours truly,
    The Rules Department,

  • VoidVoid Member

    Smokey returns

  • Starting to use more recent accounts now tree?

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