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  • @awmbilisim said:

    @malignify said:

    @awmbilisim said: do not use the same service and do not make fabricated posts that we are still in the same infrastructure

    You were both in the same DC. People then suspected you both of being the same person or company. Then Repuc denied having connection with you but then later you confirm he was your ex employee and your customer. I think when that happened, Repuc pulled the plugs and moved his servers out. That's why no mails were sent. The accident was probably just a stupid fake story created to explain the absence.

    Well, you look good, you state yourself that repuc denied what you said awmbilisim confirmed what you said, and we said the same things on the first day, and we are still saying the same things, 1 of what we said was not a different speech, all the same and we stand behind what we said.

    Wtf was that. I have no idea what you just said. Lmao.

  • 0xricoard0xricoard Member
    edited December 2023

    @webi said:

    @cybertech said:
    @awmbilisim @repuc

    be careful of karma

    better drive carefully from now on

    No, Never go out of home, do the work allocating the pending virtual machines, and answer the support tickets @repuc I hope my tickets will get answered and get my VPS !

    still not reactivated yet?.

  • @repuc is a scammer, I sent him a ticket for a refund, he deleted my account and stopped my server without any response, but I didn't get my money back.

  • @lgwg5y said:
    @repuc is a scammer, I sent him a ticket for a refund, he deleted my account and stopped my server without any response, but I didn't get my money back.

    Same here ... That's not good. Why he deleted our accounts?

  • tentortentor Member, Host Rep

    @lgwg5y and @refik, @repuc already answered:

    @repuc said:

    @gbzret4d said:
    @repuc why you are still deleting tickets?

    In order to speed up transactions, we clear requests with identical content.

    So, it is time to speed up your chargeback!

  • @dev_vps said:

    @awmbilisim said:

    We met Fatihhan Durukan thanks to a friend of ours, we were looking for an employee, he suggested him and Fatihhan Durukan came and started working with us and a certain period of time passed, the person was dismissed at the end of the day due to the fact that he did not leave the habits of coming late to work and postponing the work and did not work with him again.

    @awmbilisim said:

    I guess the necessary explanations did not convince you, what kind of explanation are you still waiting for? We do not understand why our clear and transparent explanation still does not convince you, should we lie to convince you?

    Did Mr. Durukan worked for you for the duration of 2 years or more?

    if Yes, please share the duration
    if No, why his LinkedIn profile still shows your company as employer

    Are you willing to answer these questions?

  • Close your shit company and don't scam people!

  • DPDP Administrator, The Domain Guy
    edited December 2023

    Despite the ongoing discussion, @repuc remains largely uninvolved and has not shown any signs of attempting to address the issues as we're still seeing reports of services not being deployed, tickets unanswered, tickets deleted, orders and account(s) being deleted (?) etc.

    Not trying to be Judge Dredd or anything, but to be honest, I don't want to drag this any further nor do I have the time to thoroughly "investigate" these individuals and what their intentions may be, but based on what has been shared and gathered so far, a lot of it just doesn't make any sense (at least to me).

    In light of this, and in the best interest of the community, I have made the decision to prohibit both companies, @repuc and @awmbilisim, from conducting further business on this forum.

  • In @DP we trust!

    Thanked by 3remy SinV dahartigan
  • Nice.

  • Awesome

  • gbzret4dgbzret4d Member
    edited December 2023

    @DP said:
    Despite the ongoing discussion, @repuc remains largely uninvolved and has not shown any signs of attempting to address the issues as we're still seeing reports of services not being deployed, tickets unanswered, tickets deleted, orders and account(s) being deleted (?) etc.

    Not trying to be Judge Dredd or anything, but to be honest, I don't want to drag this any further nor do I have the time to thoroughly "investigate" these individuals and what their intentions may be, but based on what has been shared and gathered so far, a lot of it just doesn't make any sense (at least to me).

    In light of this, and in the best interest of the community, I have made the decision to prohibit both companies, @repuc and @awmbilisim, from conducting further business on this forum.

    @DP first words when he was born were "I AM THE LAW"

  • tentortentor Member, Host Rep

    @gbzret4d said: first words when he was born were "I AM THE LAW"

    If you are about repuc, it actually were "Repuc becomes the new Turkish provider of LowEndTalk"

  • edited December 2023

    Seriously, all this drama and noone talked about how both of these companies seem to supply the same garbage templates with memory ballooning enabled with zero (no rescue system, no VNC) sane way to install an actual clean OS? How awfully nice that you'll have to know IT voodoo to actually have your dedicated resources dedicated to you.

  • @totally_not_banned said:
    Seriously, all this drama and noone talked about how both of these companies seem to supply the same garbage templates with memory ballooning enabled with zero (no rescue system, no VNC) sane way to install an actual clean OS? How awfully nice that you'll have to know IT voodoo to actually have your dedicated resources dedicated to you.

    All their customers straight away put their servers to idle maybe. Or some never even got them in the first place :D

  • remyremy Member
    edited December 2023

    @totally_not_banned said:
    Seriously, all this drama and noone talked about how both of these companies seem to supply the same garbage templates with memory ballooning enabled with zero (no rescue system, no VNC) sane way to install an actual clean OS? How awfully nice that you'll have to know IT voodoo to actually have your dedicated resources dedicated to you.

    When the server is unavailable for days and the owner doesn't give a sign of life and deletes support tickets before unplugging... The priority was not to talk about vmware configuration. :p
    Memory ballooning can be removed, without the need for a custom template. Although VNC access should be provided. And a lot of templates don't work either...

    However I would like to point out that my server is back online.
    I don't dare put anything on it any more, but the services have been brought back online as announced.
    For how long, time will tell.

  • edited December 2023

    @remy said:
    Memory ballooning can be removed, without the need for a custom template.

    True but still how many aspiring admins would know how to do it? Judging by the confused posts about memory utilization not a whole lot (in another thread someone even posted a step-by-step guide on how to remove ballooning from Debian yet these posts still keep coming...) and that's what these kind of configurations try to exploit.

    Besides, would you trust a template that came with such invasive nonsense? I personally sure wouldn't.

  • remyremy Member
    edited December 2023

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @remy said:
    Memory ballooning can be removed, without the need for a custom template.

    True but still how many aspiring admins would know how to do it? Judging by the confused posts about memory utilization not a whole lot and that's what these kind of configurations try to exploit.

    Besides, would you trust a template that came with such invasive nonsense? I personally sure wouldn't.

    I was surprised at first too. I'd never seen anything like it.
    I knew the principle, but I thought it was much more transparent than that.

    Let's just say I could have lived with that for the price. A VPS on an oversold node was better than losing confidence completely. Now I know I won't be using it at all. I'm going to spend a lot of time setting it up and in a week I've no idea if it'll still be there.

    Anyway, let's move on.

  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited December 2023

    @remy said: However I would like to point out that my server is back online.
    I don't dare put anything on it any more, but the services have been brought back online as announced.

    Without need to reinstall?
    Same DC in Bursa and IP as before?

  • @Mumbly said:

    @remy said: However I would like to point out that my server is back online.
    I don't dare put anything on it any more, but the services have been brought back online as announced.

    Without need to reinstall?
    Same location and IP as before?

    I can't tell you, I had deleted my data when the VPS kept crashing a few hours before the several-day outage.
    So I clicked reinstall when I saw messages from people who had access to their servers again.
    The IP hasn't changed.
    The exact location I hadn't really checked before, so I can't compare.
    If you give me the info of where it was before I can check? PenDC?
    Support ticket not answered but server available.

  • edited December 2023

    @remy said:
    I'm going to spend a lot of time setting it up and in a week I've no idea if it'll still be there.

    If you were desperate to use it you could also just mirror the raw disk. Depending on if your disk content is rather static or dynamic either once at install time or periodically through a cron job that shuts down services, remounts / ro, dds the disk to a remote location, makes / writable again and restarts everything. For most common filesystems you could also just skip most steps and simply let the cron job dd the disk to a remote location but there is a very, very, very, very tiny chance you'll end up with a corrupted image then (at least in theory - i have never seen it happen in real life). Restoring the system on another provider is fairly easy then as long as the disk is of same or greater size.

  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited December 2023

    @remy said: If you give me the info of where it was before I can check? PenDC?

    I have no idea. People reported that Repuc use several DCs.

    With VPSes coming back it seems like they are trying. Maybe not a scam attempt but just sheer incompetence as I speculated before. But who knows... Time will tell.

  • remyremy Member
    edited December 2023

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @remy said:
    I'm going to spend a lot of time setting it up and in a week I've no idea if it'll still be there.

    If you were desperate to use it you could also just mirror the raw disk. Depending on if your disk content is rather static or dynamic either once at install time or periodically through a cron job that shuts down services, remounts / ro, dds the disk to a remote location, makes / writable again and restarts everything. For most common filesystems you could also just skip most steps and simply let the cron job dd the disk to a remote location but there is a very, very, very, very tiny chance you'll end up with a corrupted image then (at least in theory - i have never seen it happen in real life). Restoring the system on another provider is fairly easy then as long as the disk is of same or greater size.

    Yes, or promox with lxc container and regular snapshots, but it does take a little time to install correctly.

    @Mumbly said:

    @remy said: If you give me the info of where it was before I can check? PenDC?

    I have no idea. People reported that Repuc use several DCs.

    With VPSes coming back it seems like they are trying. Maybe not a scam attempt but just sheer incompetence as I speculated before. But who knows... Time will tell.

    It doesn't look like the server has moved. Based on latency with awmbilisim's test IP.
    But then, latency measurements aren't necessarily very accurate. If there's another DC 5 miles away... it could have moved without being noticeable

  • @remy said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @remy said:
    I'm going to spend a lot of time setting it up and in a week I've no idea if it'll still be there.

    If you were desperate to use it you could also just mirror the raw disk. Depending on if your disk content is rather static or dynamic either once at install time or periodically through a cron job that shuts down services, remounts / ro, dds the disk to a remote location, makes / writable again and restarts everything. For most common filesystems you could also just skip most steps and simply let the cron job dd the disk to a remote location but there is a very, very, very, very tiny chance you'll end up with a corrupted image then (at least in theory - i have never seen it happen in real life). Restoring the system on another provider is fairly easy then as long as the disk is of same or greater size.

    Yes, or promox with lxc container and regular snapshots, but it does take a little time to install correctly.

    Yeah, that's why i prefer dd. It's dumb and simple (obviously doing it right as in remounting / ro first is a little more tricky but it's not that bad either if one really feels the need for protection from the 1:10^21 chance). I have a system that was cloned around so much i am not even sure where it was originally installed :D

    Thanked by 1remy
  • @tentor said:

    @gbzret4d said: first words when he was born were "I AM THE LAW"

    If you are about repuc, it actually were "Repuc becomes the new Turkish provider of LowEndTalk"

    im talking about @DP

  • @DP said:
    Despite the ongoing discussion, @repuc remains largely uninvolved and has not shown any signs of attempting to address the issues as we're still seeing reports of services not being deployed, tickets unanswered, tickets deleted, orders and account(s) being deleted (?) etc.

    Not trying to be Judge Dredd or anything, but to be honest, I don't want to drag this any further nor do I have the time to thoroughly "investigate" these individuals and what their intentions may be, but based on what has been shared and gathered so far, a lot of it just doesn't make any sense (at least to me).

    In light of this, and in the best interest of the community, I have made the decision to prohibit both companies, @repuc and @awmbilisim, from conducting further business on this forum.

    There is not even 1 complaint opened to our company name and I do not think that it is proceeding equally and correctly, the other company may have caused victimisation, this is not a situation for us, we have provided our services perfectly and correctly, and whatever we said on the first day, we still state the same things about the other company, we do not speak differently 1 day different 1 day differently, we need to be in front of you with problems that have caused victimisation and still have problems for you to block us, but not even 1 of them has happened.

  • @awmbilisim said:

    @DP said:
    Despite the ongoing discussion, @repuc remains largely uninvolved and has not shown any signs of attempting to address the issues as we're still seeing reports of services not being deployed, tickets unanswered, tickets deleted, orders and account(s) being deleted (?) etc.

    Not trying to be Judge Dredd or anything, but to be honest, I don't want to drag this any further nor do I have the time to thoroughly "investigate" these individuals and what their intentions may be, but based on what has been shared and gathered so far, a lot of it just doesn't make any sense (at least to me).

    In light of this, and in the best interest of the community, I have made the decision to prohibit both companies, @repuc and @awmbilisim, from conducting further business on this forum.

    There is not even 1 complaint opened to our company name and I do not think that it is proceeding equally and correctly, the other company may have caused victimisation, this is not a situation for us, we have provided our services perfectly and correctly, and whatever we said on the first day, we still state the same things about the other company, we do not speak differently 1 day different 1 day differently, we need to be in front of you with problems that have caused victimisation and still have problems for you to block us, but not even 1 of them has happened.

    I have been wanting to ask this. Is @repuc still your customer at your Data Center?

  • They do not receive service from us, we have made the necessary explanations in the upper sections, the company received their devices and stopped receiving service from us.

  • remyremy Member
    edited December 2023

    @awmbilisim said:
    They do not receive service from us, we have made the necessary explanations in the upper sections, the company received their devices and stopped receiving service from us.

    Isn't this your network?
    Traceroute from repuc server

    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
    1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms []
    2    11 ms    20 ms     7 ms
    3    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
    4     8 ms     7 ms     6 ms
    5    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms []

    I did this traceroute yesterday when my server was available.

    Otherwise I'd like to point out that my repuc server is offline again and no longer appears in the panel.
    As I expected, it didn't last long.

    Thanked by 1SinV
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