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cociu - - NETSILVANIA | Move your services!



  • @raindog308 said:

    @default said: I hereby report this post as one of the bannable actions from rules

    What rule were you thinking about? This isn't an offer thread.

    @default said: I hereby request @seriesn to have provider tag removed and be banned from LET for violating the community rules.


    @dahartigan said: Providers bashing providers is tacky and ugly IMO.

    Would you have said the same in, say, the GreenValueHost era? How about hosts that have outright scammed and been banned?

    Because HostSolutions' behavior here is approaching that level.

    • Systems offline for weeks in some cases
    • Like pulling teeth to get any kind of update and really there still hasn't been a solid explanation
    • Financial sketchiness
    • And now sending out new offers to his mailing list while tons of people (3,000 customers I think he said) are out of service

    Indeed, it's amazing how quickly he burned through many years' worth of community good will. I can think of several other providers who had significant outages with data loss for clients (including at least one provider commenting in this thread) but they handled it professionally and pretty much the complete opposite of @cociu.

    If @Francisco, @seriesn, and others had mocked some random provider's offer, that would be a different situation entirely. Have they said anything untrue or that wasn't clearly marked as logical speculation? It's not like they're spreading gossip or trying to torpedo @cociu. His behavior is beyond the pale and they're calling him out and I don't see why that's inappropriate.

    It's just my personal opinion that regardless of the situation, providers should refrain from involucrating other providers. In my opinion it's unprofessional at best..

    I think this whole thread is about an issue affecting a product line from HS, and a lack of sufficient communication, not an outright scam like you suggest.

    It's interesting to see the input from other providers in this thread, you'll quickly notice it's speculation, jabs, and some nasty moves. Nothing helpful or necessary.

    Simple experiment, look at cociu's comments. Does he attack other providers? Now look at "fran, seriesn and others" and check the same..

    @Francisco talking about shilling is hilariously ironic given his history also...

    Thanked by 1default
  • edited May 2021

    @dahartigan said:

    @raindog308 said:

    @default said: I hereby report this post as one of the bannable actions from rules

    What rule were you thinking about? This isn't an offer thread.

    @default said: I hereby request @seriesn to have provider tag removed and be banned from LET for violating the community rules.


    @dahartigan said: Providers bashing providers is tacky and ugly IMO.

    Would you have said the same in, say, the GreenValueHost era? How about hosts that have outright scammed and been banned?

    Because HostSolutions' behavior here is approaching that level.

    • Systems offline for weeks in some cases
    • Like pulling teeth to get any kind of update and really there still hasn't been a solid explanation
    • Financial sketchiness
    • And now sending out new offers to his mailing list while tons of people (3,000 customers I think he said) are out of service

    Indeed, it's amazing how quickly he burned through many years' worth of community good will. I can think of several other providers who had significant outages with data loss for clients (including at least one provider commenting in this thread) but they handled it professionally and pretty much the complete opposite of @cociu.

    If @Francisco, @seriesn, and others had mocked some random provider's offer, that would be a different situation entirely. Have they said anything untrue or that wasn't clearly marked as logical speculation? It's not like they're spreading gossip or trying to torpedo @cociu. His behavior is beyond the pale and they're calling him out and I don't see why that's inappropriate.

    It's just my personal opinion that regardless of the situation, providers should refrain from involucrating other providers. In my opinion it's unprofessional at best..

    I think this whole thread is about an issue affecting a product line from HS, and a lack of sufficient communication, not an outright scam like you suggest.

    But thats the thing. Speculation is the only thing that we have, because of the lack of communication from the provider, followed by a weird ass middle-of-2week-outage-for-3000-customers-sale 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Thanked by 1bulbasaur
  • LeviLevi Member
    edited May 2021

    @NobodyInteresting said: followed by a weird ass middle-of-2week-outage-for-3000-customers-sale

    He is trying to recuperate from involucration and gathering money for lawyers vs GTT? Without LET, his advertising capabilities is bellow zero and he lost provider tag.

    There could be possible 2 finishes: he either flip flop completely and run or he begin to actually resolve ongoing problem (new provisions, fuck the data etc.).

    My POV: HS is unsustainable business model, run by incompetent person who has major issues financially and legally. We can speculate the shit out of this, feeding the drama beast, but cold reality is that this venture is flopped and is beyond redemption.


    Thanked by 1TimboJones
  • @NobodyInteresting said:

    @dahartigan said:

    @raindog308 said:

    @default said: I hereby report this post as one of the bannable actions from rules

    What rule were you thinking about? This isn't an offer thread.

    @default said: I hereby request @seriesn to have provider tag removed and be banned from LET for violating the community rules.


    @dahartigan said: Providers bashing providers is tacky and ugly IMO.

    Would you have said the same in, say, the GreenValueHost era? How about hosts that have outright scammed and been banned?

    Because HostSolutions' behavior here is approaching that level.

    • Systems offline for weeks in some cases
    • Like pulling teeth to get any kind of update and really there still hasn't been a solid explanation
    • Financial sketchiness
    • And now sending out new offers to his mailing list while tons of people (3,000 customers I think he said) are out of service

    Indeed, it's amazing how quickly he burned through many years' worth of community good will. I can think of several other providers who had significant outages with data loss for clients (including at least one provider commenting in this thread) but they handled it professionally and pretty much the complete opposite of @cociu.

    If @Francisco, @seriesn, and others had mocked some random provider's offer, that would be a different situation entirely. Have they said anything untrue or that wasn't clearly marked as logical speculation? It's not like they're spreading gossip or trying to torpedo @cociu. His behavior is beyond the pale and they're calling him out and I don't see why that's inappropriate.

    It's just my personal opinion that regardless of the situation, providers should refrain from involucrating other providers. In my opinion it's unprofessional at best..

    I think this whole thread is about an issue affecting a product line from HS, and a lack of sufficient communication, not an outright scam like you suggest.

    But thats the thing. Speculation is the only thing that we have, because of the lack of communication from the provider, followed by a weird ass middle-of-2week-outage-for-3000-customers-sale 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I'm not against speculation at all, just when a provider feels they need to speculate about other providers in public as a representative of their own business, it feels tacky to me.

    I think in this case the speculation about how 400 drives became involucrated all at once is fair speculation to make, but I believe a provider should only comment if they believe it's in good professional taste for them to do so and won't come across as either "I told you so" or "cancel and move to me" - neither are helpful and both are self-serving in my view.

    It's not a big huge deal to me, just one of the nuances of this community which stands out to me like dogs balls and seems largely unaddressed by others etc.

    Thanked by 2notarobo jsg
  • FalzoFalzo Member
    edited May 2021

    @dahartigan said: It's not a big huge deal to me, just one of the nuances of this community which stands out to me like dogs balls and seems largely unaddressed by others etc.

    yeah let's not keep things unaddressed that stand out like dogs balls:

    weren't you the one shilling over the top for different providers that went AWOL later and after that even cookie stuffing your affiliate things for the next best one in this very forum?
    how is it that of all people you think you should be one to 'address' other providers behaviour like that?

  • BlaZeBlaZe Member, Host Rep

    @default said:
    I hereby report this post as one of the bannable actions from rules. Attacking other provider by offering to their customers incentive to close their services with previous provider. This is a direct offense to another provider (even though their provider tag was removed). Such behavior motivates hate and it's a direct attack to other business, without any contract or partnership or respect.

    I hereby request @seriesn to have provider tag removed and be banned from LET for violating the community rules.

  • drizbodrizbo Member

    Some providers here really have no shame :*

  • BlaZeBlaZe Member, Host Rep

    @default said:
    I hereby report this post as one of the bannable actions from rules. Attacking other provider by offering to their customers incentive to close their services with previous provider. This is a direct offense to another provider (even though their provider tag was removed). Such behavior motivates hate and it's a direct attack to other business, without any contract or partnership or respect.

    I hereby request @seriesn to have provider tag removed and be banned from LET for violating the community rules.

    Thanks for reporting. Your request is denied. Please carry on with your life.

    No one (I'm speaking of providers in this thread) is attacking @cociu given the goodwill he has gathered here over the years, in fact, most are just tolerating the BS & the lack of information that has been shared by him.

    On the contrary, @seriesn is rescuing a sinking boat, you should be thankful to him. He isn't trashing @cociu nor is he spreading any lies/hate towards HS.

    It is business after all. Survival of the fittest.

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @dahartigan said: @Francisco talking about shilling is hilariously ironic given his history also...

    Are you really trying to.... shill shame me?

    You're aware my motto on this site is that "I'm here to shit post and sell my wares", right?

    Your shilling is different, you'll jump in any bed that gives you free service.

    I'm fairly sure that's why you got banned too.

    Right now you're trying to defend a host that claims 3,000 customers are affected by an outage, refuses to provide anyone an update that isn't utter bullshit, and then takes the time to rack new Ryzen servers and email blasts.

    I think people would still feed bad for him if he didn't send the sales posting. Now that he did, gloves off.


  • drizbodrizbo Member

    I wished cociuo the best, but this is just stupid at this point :D

  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    so, summary? in less than 2 words, please

  • Thanked by 1niknar1900
  • msattmsatt Member

    A provider is a person and can have personal views as well as company views.
    Your interpretation is that a provider is trying to get more business at the expense of another. While that may be true (unlikely), a provider may also want to help anyone in trouble (human nature).
    @seriesn and @Francisco are acting (to me) as humans and should be respected for this instead of the mindless drama / popcorn / bashing.

    Thanked by 1nonissue
  • netomx said:
    so, summary? in less than 2 words, please

    Quality drama

  • FFS, I was thinking you all are a bit harsh towards cociu because his norms could be a bit different but hot damn. Sending out a promotional email blast when your clients are suffering from a major outage without any proper updates from the provider is a big no no.

    At least now we know that his emailing system is working but only for promotional emails.

    Thanked by 1vimalware
  • just came back and saw this thread. oof.

    I’ve never had any services with HS (history doesn’t repeat itself blah — I wasn’t about to store data on a dirt cheap box with absolutely no guarantees, no matter how cheap), so I can’t say much about service reliability.

    However, I do wish (errr) HS customers the best!

    @Francisco said:
    enact your disaster recovery plan


  • @seriesn said:
    Alright guys. I am going to do Popcorn giveaways. If you switch over from this mess and take advantage of our switcher offer (as long as you are eligible),

    You will receive free popcorn within 72 hours (applies to US and UK only for the time being unless I can figure out Amazon properly. )

    Before you ask, we do not ignore DMCA and don’t condone to torrent.

    does this work for my plan?

    my server 193.148.70.* is down too

  • @Falzo said:

    @dahartigan said: It's not a big huge deal to me, just one of the nuances of this community which stands out to me like dogs balls and seems largely unaddressed by others etc.

    yeah let's not keep things unaddressed that stand out like dogs balls:

    weren't you the one shilling over the top for different providers that went AWOL later and after that even cookie stuffing your affiliate things for the next best one in this very forum?
    how is it that of all people you think you should be one to 'address' other providers behaviour like that?

    I'm not a provider, and don't need to be professional, which is what my point was. I'm just a guy who shitposts and tries to help where I can. Sorry (not sorry) if you don't like me lol

    @Francisco said:

    @dahartigan said: @Francisco talking about shilling is hilariously ironic given his history also...

    Are you really trying to.... shill shame me?

    You're aware my motto on this site is that "I'm here to shit post and sell my wares", right?

    Your shilling is different, you'll jump in any bed that gives you free service.

    I'm fairly sure that's why you got banned too.

    Right now you're trying to defend a host that claims 3,000 customers are affected by an outage, refuses to provide anyone an update that isn't utter bullshit, and then takes the time to rack new Ryzen servers and email blasts.

    I think people would still feed bad for him if he didn't send the sales posting. Now that he did, gloves off.


    I should clarify - I'm not saying you are a shill, I was squarely referring to your history of engaging shills to shill for your operation.

    Ad hominem much?

    Thanked by 1default
  • @msatt said:
    @seriesn and @Francisco are acting (to me) as humans and should be respected for this instead of the mindless drama / popcorn / bashing.

    Doing popcorn giveaways to burden more isn't a thing that a provider should do when a lot of people lost their data and don't have any actual information.

  • bdlbdl Member

    @netomx said:
    so, summary? in less than 2 words, please

    Dropped pizza

    Thanked by 1LowLowLow
  • LeeLee Veteran

    @dahartigan said: I'm sooooooo very close to adding every provider in this thread to my personal shit list.

    To be honest I think they would thank you for it.

  • doghouchdoghouch Member
    edited May 2021

    @Lee said:

    @dahartigan said: I'm sooooooo very close to adding every provider in this thread to my personal shit list.

    To be honest I think they would thank you for it.

    Calls Fran out for being a shill while offering some… uhm… reassuring words:

    Just be patient, I assume they do things a little differently in cociu's village :-)

    I have a server with cociu which has been running "perfectly well" since I got it in Jan. No scam if there's no scam, right?

    Normally I wouldn’t give a crap, but given his past history, I really, really, really find it hard to believe that he has some image of HS in his mind where they’re actually dependable.

    Ad hominem much?


    You were probably a very disobedient child


    Thanked by 2corbpie nonissue
  • sgno1sgno1 Member
    edited May 2021

    Got this last night, any ideas?

  • LeeLee Veteran
    edited May 2021

    @alexvolk said: Doing popcorn giveaways to burden more isn't a thing that a provider should do when a lot of people lost their data and don't have any actual information.

    It's not like anyone who uses HS can say they are surprised by this can they?

    Someone even commented earlier in this thread that things like 2 weeks of downtime are 'built into the price'.

    You really can't try and take the moral high ground after the point in which the provider in question finds the time to throw out an email to all clients advertising a new product but stays silent towards everyone who has a downed service and potentially lost data.

    Thanked by 2William bulbasaur
  • @Lee said:

    @dahartigan said: I'm sooooooo very close to adding every provider in this thread to my personal shit list.

    To be honest I think they would thank you for it.

    That would be rather unprofessional, so I agree with that.

    @doghouch said:
    Normally I wouldn’t give a crap, but given his past history, I really, really, really find it hard to believe that he has some image of HS in his mind where they’re actually dependable.

    First, let me make it clear - nobody expects reliability from cociu. I buy from him because I use his servers for torrents and it's cheap. When it goes down, it really doesn't affect me at all. Not in the slightest.

    Secondly, I couldn't give a shit what you believe/think/feel/say about me. Coming from you it has no effect on me, but the fact you took the time to dig through my comments history to find something to quote I thought I could at least give you an explanation for your bothers :-)

  • dahartigan said:
    nobody expects reliability from cociu.

    Based on the post here, I guess not everybody.

  • @Lee said:
    It's not like anyone who uses HS can say they are surprised by this can they?

    Someone even commented earlier in this thread that things like 2 weeks of downtime are 'built into the price'.

    You really can't try and take the moral high ground after the point in which the provider in question finds the time to throw out an email to all clients advertising a new product but stays silent towards everyone who has a downed service and potentially lost data.

    If one provider doing shit, it doesn't mean another one can come and be on the same level.

    Does it make sense now?

  • LESLES Member

    Whats's next?

    Thanked by 3bjo raindog308 webcraft
  • defaultdefault Veteran
    edited May 2021

    This thread opened up something new.

    • It is allowed for a provider make opinions and speculations about other providers or other business, without respect.

    • It is allowed for a provider to make attacking offers towards another provider; like in this case: create conditions that customers should leave a specific provider, in order to benefit the offer of a different provider.

    This is very important history being created. If @cociu will get the provider tag back, I strongly hope he will create conditional offers like these. Maybe other providers will do this too. It seems it's allowed.

    I call this: involucrating another provider. This definition seems legit.

  • edited May 2021

    @Francisco said:
    The admins can rightfully yeet my ass out the door at any time and I'll lose exactly 0 business. I'm here to shit post, post my wares once a year, and help people I like.


    Understood Sir, you pick up most of your new business elsewhere. Please may I inquire at which sites you see most of your new business come from? I'm guessing Reddit/Webhosting as I see "BuyVM" recommended often there.

This discussion has been closed.