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Evidence that @Traffic accepts money for shills - Page 9
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Evidence that @Traffic accepts money for shills



  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    @Traffic said:
    Can you please listen?

    I'm listening to every word.

    Thanked by 1deadbeef
  • GCatGCat Member

    Thanked by 3Winne netomx ihatetonyy
  • @Traffic said:
    quadhost are you okay with our private conversations be made public?

    Fine by us, we have nothing to hide.

    However until a Mod or 3rd party confirms they match I fail to see how many will be convinced.

  • WolfWolf Member



    How will making your conversation public change anything?

    As we already noticed, you might have deleted the specific messages / conversation. Whatever you are about to 'reveal' will not change anything. lol.

  • ClouviderClouvider Member, Patron Provider

    Wolf said: As we already noticed, you might have deleted the specific messages / conversation. Whatever you are about to 'reveal' will not change anything. lol.

    You can't delete the specific message,you can delete the conversation.

    Do you really think they would make two and remove one just to make idiots of everyone ?

  • @Wolf, do you really think we would pay someone in advance to post an offer for a £2.50 a year service that had already been mailed out to our customer database? We would surely use a product with a higher markup range or his offer would be different to ours. Our NAT range has been around well before @Traffic started any of his affiliate work.

    We didn't post the offer as after we sent the e-mail the first batch of orders was in and sales was busy on the support desk. By the time our staff were free to post the offer Traffic had already shared it and we didn't see the need to put more threads up regarding it.

    Take what you want from it all, I know the screenshots are faked and as one of the first things you learn about the internet - don't believe everything you read.

  • vedranvedran Veteran

    However until a Mod or 3rd party confirms they match I fail to see how many will be convinced.

    I will confirm anything you want for $7.

  • TrafficTraffic Member
    edited March 2016


    I got an email quite a few days ago from QuadHost asking me to include their NAT range in my website.

    They offered me commission in those sales (since thosee would be the ones my visitors would order most). It took me a while to reply. I only reply to providers I think are a good fit to my visitors and provide a good service.

    A few days later, I received an offer on my inbox from Quadhost. It was cool.

    And I thought about reposting it to LET, and added my affiliate link in case anyone wanted to use it

    AFTER doing so, I PMd him asking about the referral rate. I had had 2 SALES and the earnings were 0, so there was something wrong with the tracking.

    In the same PM I asked him about the RAID setup as it was the only thing remaining for publishing the offer on

  • RizRiz Member

    @WHT go back to WHT.

    There is something wrong with this. It's one thing to be honest and share an offer that other users would purchase too. This is not the case.

    When money is the motivation behind posts @Traffic makes, then it's corruption. You're nothing more then a sales rep at that point, and misleading users users for your profit.

    Looking back, @Traffic whined when cloud shards didn't utilize his referral program. He is only here to profit himself.

    The post ends with this from @AnthonySmith, in July 2015. I really think this should be implemented.

    The net result of this thread will probably be a new rule that explicitly bans selling your signature including affiliate marketing.

    I believe this should be revisited.

    Thanked by 3Wolf deadbeef roykem
  • @Riz said:
    Looking back, Traffic whined when cloud shards didn't utilize his referral program. He is only here to profit himself.

    That was because they published an affiliate program (promising money in exchange of clients) when in effect there was none. They were technically scamming affiliates out of sales.

  • ClouviderClouvider Member, Patron Provider

    Does me telling my friends about Uber and asking them to sign up with my ref code makes me a sales rep of Uber? I don't think so.

  • quadhostquadhost Member
    edited March 2016

    Riz said: You're nothing more then a sales rep at that point, and misleading users users for your profit.

    @Traffic is certainly not a sales rep for us, this and @i83 are our only official accounts.

    What is the issue with someone reposting an e-mail? He didn't "mask" his affiliate link - it was clearly a seperate option.

  • WinneWinne Member

    @Clouvider said:
    Does me telling my friends about Uber and asking them to sign up with my ref code makes me a sales rep of Uber? I don't think so.

    Wait, Traffic is our friend telling us about awesome offers ?

    Thanked by 1Riz
  • @Traffic - LET is a cool place but some members are too quick at burning the witch. I hope admins are able to come up with something that favors you.

    Thanked by 3ricardo jvnadr Ole_Juul
  • @quadhost @traffic damn it goes down in the DM.

  • ricardoricardo Member
    edited March 2016

    badpatrick said: @Traffic - LET is a cool place but some members are too quick at burning the witch. I hope admins are able to come up with something that favors you.

    There's a fair bit of truth to that. I believe there's an idealism about everything being free and capitalism/money/etc are evil. In the real world, the motivation for people posting about products is to make money, to feed families etc. I don't think the problem will ever be solved, it's up to people themselves to have a realistic outlook on things.

    Saying that, there does seem to be friendships that extend beyond this board. Again, it's your own judgement about who/why....

  • ClouviderClouvider Member, Patron Provider

    Winne said: Wait, Traffic is our friend telling us about awesome offers ?

    Well, it's a community after all, which we are all members in, and yes, I think what QuadHost offers is pretty damn awesome.

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • quadhostquadhost Member
    edited March 2016

    @Winne said:
    Wait, Traffic is our friend telling us about awesome offers ?

    If you had an account with us the "awesome offers" would have landed direct in your inbox just like they did for the hundreds of other people.

    Or you could check lowendbox - (same offer again) - Thanks @Ishaq!

  • RizRiz Member

    @Clouvider said:
    Does me telling my friends about Uber and asking them to sign up with my ref code makes me a sales rep of Uber? I don't think so.

    How is this even relevent? I would expect much more from a you as this is pathetic comparison. Would you tell your friends to take an uber if you had a horrible experience just to profit? I don't think so.

    @quadhost - I don't agree with the second scandal, I hope you the best for you.

    @Traffic - Thanks for pointing out you're all about the money.

  • @Riz said:

    Everything is about money what country you live in. Don't people work to get $$$$$$$$$$$$?

    Thanked by 1zafouhar
  • TrafficTraffic Member
    edited March 2016

    I do not promote anything I do not deem trustable or worthy.

    And in the cases I've been wrong and the company ended up going downhill, I have also been scammed out of my affiliate commission. I am not flawless but I try to be picky on what companies I promote. I do not promote just about any great offer. I try to make sure it is really trustworthy and of good value.

  • ClouviderClouvider Member, Patron Provider
    edited March 2016

    @Riz did @Traffic had a horrible experience with @QuadHost ? After all, did anyone had? I couldn't find anything.

    AFAIK he didn't posted any review with this offer, merely shared it. Hard to call this a shill, even if it would be paid for, which I don't believe it is - simply as it wouldn't be economically viable on such a cheap offer in my opinion.

    Thanked by 2quadhost coreflux
  • @Clouvider said:
    Riz did Traffic had a horrible experience with QuadHost ? After all, did anyone had? I couldn't find anything.

    AFAIK he didn't posted any review with this offer, merely shared it. Hard to call this a shill.

    And in the cases I reviewed or commented on any company, I actually had a VPS with them.

    My site itself is hosted on one of the offers I promote. And yes, I paid for the VPS. And it works great.

  • @Traffic, I'm being nosy. Do you have a day job separate to any commissions you make in aff programs?

  • RizRiz Member

    @Clouvider said:
    Riz did Traffic had a horrible experience with QuadHost ? After all, did anyone had? I couldn't find anything.

    I have nothing against Quadhost, my post was made to represent transparency.

    @Nooblette - Yes, we all have to make money. LET is a great community, with A LOT of connections and money. I believe Traffic isn't about helping others, but merely about his own profit which will mislead many users.

  • @ricardo said:
    Traffic, I'm being nosy. Do you have a day job separate to any commissions you make in aff programs?

    I am a freelance web developer. I also develop sites on my own (not for hire) and sell them later, to free up time for more projects.

    I really like the sysadmin world so I thought of making a VPS comparison site. I do not plan on selling that site - I have received several offers but I ignore them all, it's my hobby.

    Thanked by 1ricardo
  • ricardoricardo Member
    edited March 2016

    Cool. fwiw I'm pretty indifferent to the thread. I wouldn't take personal recommendations from anyone here, bar a handful of people who I trust just by gut instinct. Products that come to light here are obviously not all 100% altruisic for the benefit of the community, unfortunately in this case, you're singled out. Total non-event aside from the whipped up storm.

    As someone said earlier, I hope a fair outcome is reached. Have a good one.

    Thanked by 1Ole_Juul
  • jvnadrjvnadr Member
    edited March 2016

    So, a person that signs here just yesterday, @tnkr, accuses @traffic for bribe. He posts a pm to him and some email conversations. Traffic, a very experienced member, probably saw that this newcomer in LET is giving false details about the company he represents and clearly is trying to phish him. Traffic gives false "real" name to him and continues the conversation to see what's about.
    But when another newcomer publish his first post in LET "revealing" the bribe to @traffic, tons of members here (a lot of them minors without any real experience in the real world) are believing the new member, @rkd, with just 1 post (!) and saying that @traffic fell into a trap that it was clear that it was false!
    So, two things can be happening here: either @traffic is completely idiot, or this is a bad joke (?) from @tnkr / @rkd. And I beleive @traffic is not idiot, something anyone can realise just by reading his posts from his long presence in LET.

    Username tnkr Joined March 4 Visits 0 Last Active 2:38AM Roles Member Thanked 0

    Username rkd Joined 2:12AM Visits 2 Last Active 5:54PM Roles Member Thanked 10

    (I was ready to post a name about those who rushed thanking @rkd, but I wont...)

  • raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

    ricardo said: I wouldn't take personal recommendations from anyone here

    Me either, but sometimes they're starting points. Most of the hosts I use now came from LET recommendations over a long period.

    Regardless, it's always caveat emptor.

  • rkdrkd Member
    edited March 2016

    Traffic said: I do not promote anything I do not deem trustable or worthy.

    They specifically used maxided as they knew maxided stole LeaseWeb's logo and sell questionable services like spoofing, etc.

    Stop with the bullshit because you got found out.

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